Dan Wynes Fitness

Dan Wynes Fitness

Here at Dan Wynes Fitness we help people look and feel their best through online coaching. https://dan666302.typeform.com/to/yQxUsFlu

To enquire about our services click here:


Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 05/12/2022

Sorry I dropped this 👑

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 21/08/2022

Joes just wrapped up the first 90 days of his online coaching and is primed for his second phase now…

Take a second to consider what you could achieve in 180 days with the right guidance, accountability and support.


📣Diet update

⚖️ Sitting at 82kg currently from a highest of 91 in May.

🍽2500 calories each day with protein at 160g

🚶🏻10000 steps per day

🏋🏻3x per week resistance training (ppl split)

4 week goals:
Hit 80kg body weight
40kg Incline db press
250kg leg press
50kg shoulder press

I’ll continue progressively overloading each exercises of course, the above are just some little milestones to aim for

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 11/08/2022

Do you struggle to commit to things long term? Are you the type of person that’s always looking for the next new way to speed up your progress?

I get it, achieving a goal feels incredible. The feel good factor as well as the self esteem boost when you tick that off is huge and shouldn’t be disregarded.

The truth is when it comes to your fitness you should be making a lifelong commitment to yourself. The human body is a magnificent thing and should be cherished. We get one body and if your health suffers I can guarantee you everything else will as a byproduct.

Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? The hare doesn’t win, the tortoise does because he makes the long term commitment to keep moving towards his goal consistently.

You are no different, I promise if you dedicate a year to your fitness even with sun optimal training and nutrition your life will change.

I want you to think, what could you do if you were fitter, healthier, had more muscle, had less fat. What would that mean to you?

Would you run around with your kids or do things that you wouldn’t have the confidence for without your new routine? Command more respect, walk confidently down the beach. The possibilities are endless…

For you, spoil yourself by focusing on yourself for the next 12 months and see what happens

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 04/08/2022

Are you a busy professional who has let themselves go over the last few years? Do you feel like the best years of your physically? It doesn’t have to be that way. What if you could feel better than you have in the last 10 years all for the price of a coffee at costa.

I know that it can feel like an uphill battle with commitments and work taking up the priority. Plus add to that all the contradictory advice from the gym bros and magazines that you get it’s all a little overwhelming.

Bruno was 41 when he came to see me looking to challenge himself to get into the best shape of his life. He wanted to get cover model abs and step on stage to compete. All this while working full time in an office and building his own online coaching business. We managed to implement a program that fit into his schedule and achieved the end goal. There was no bland food plan, no foods that were restricted and the training was fit for purpose and realistic.

In doing this Bruno managed to lose 10kg in the 8 weeks between these photos. Not only this but Bruno’s mindset stepped up a notch and he went on to complete a few unbelievable challenges and raising lots of money for charity.

“From our first call to the moment I walked on stage, Dan was an amazing coach, the nutrition and workout plans were done in detail and the check-in process and feedback made things so simple. I would highly recommend Dan as without his coaching and backing I wouldn't be able to achieve the transformation I needed to become stage ready in 8 weeks.”

If you would like to get into the shape of your life for less than a coffee a day, then you can enquire by sending me a message or by clicking the link in my bio to fill out a pre-contact form and book a complimentary call to discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them.

Remember it’s never too late to focus on yourself and the next best time to start is now


When was the last time you prioritised yourself and developed who you were?

You've started a healthy regime more times than you can count. You've joined every diet club and tried every diet out there. Perhaps you've even got close to where you wanted before only to slip back into old ways. The truth is you just can't seem to get the weight off and keep it off.

You probably feel disappointed with your lack of ability to control your life or your body. Theres always a barrier in the way and no matter what you do, it won't work.

What i want you to do is focus on your end goal, the feeling it gives you being able to walk confidently down the beach or wear that new outfit. Compare that feeling to how you feel currently about yourself.

Only you are in the way of feeling the way you want. The cost here of inaction is the pain of staying the same. You will pay this cost each month you continue to remain the same.

Online Coaching is powerful. It enables us to work together without collaborating diaries multiple times per week. Structure is one of the most important determining factors as is accountability and support. We address these by implementing our system to help you get lean, eat the foods you want and not spend more than 3 hours in the gym each week.

In order to be the new you that you want to be you're going to have to do something you've never done before. Make a choice and pursue the new outcome with me by your side.

If that sounds like something you could get behind click the Enquiry button in my bio to book a free Discovery Call and we will make sure you have everything you need to succeed.


Do you chase the pain from the workout? Do you start to change things up regularly when that starts to decrease?

You may have heard, "I mixed my workout up as my body adapted to it." This statement is true. The body has adapted to the workout resulting in decreasing muscle soreness. Muscle soreness (DOMS) is not an indicator of a good workout. It signals performing something new.

Let's discuss what happens during the first 4-weeks of resistance training. Any movement is controlled by motor neurons which synapse with multiple muscle fibres.

The spinal cord sends messages to the muscle to perform 'x' movement. The first 4-weeks of your training, the rapid improvements you achieve are down to increase in efficiency of this process rather than muscle hypertrophy.

Motor units take about 4-weeks to become efficient. If you're constantly changing the workout each month you're minimising the impact the workouts have on building muscle.

The message here is we get better at what we practice regularly. Don't change your workouts too often, my clients work in blocks of 12 weeks before making adjustments. We don't rotate exercises that often to allow maximum growth. Allow yourself the time to work on muscle strength and endurance. It's not glamorous or exciting but this is the reality of progress. This is the same as most tasks that require skill acquisition.

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 01/08/2022

Do you feel like you couldn't reach your desired goal, Is there something telling you that you can't because of 'x' or 'y' reason?

The truth is you are often the biggest barrier to your goals. Often a limited belief system or a lack of knowledge conflate this so our expectations don't align with the chosen goal.

What i want you to do is focus on a world where those limitations don't exist. How does it feel to get where you want? How does it feel to meet your firends in that new outfit that oozes the fresh confidence from your achievement?

The reason why i ask this is because your expectations often don't meet the reality.

For example, Edit told me on our first call that she'd "never look toned, defined and have abs because she's a mother, shift worker and has busy home life."

270 days on and she's miles from that mindset. Edit was bought to tears when she saw how she looked on her last photoshoot and is in the process of preparing for her second shoot.

Having an online coach isn't simply about the training and nutrition, it's about removing any limited beliefs. Then providing you with a framework with what can happen when everything moves swimmingly. Then holding you accountable to the process.

If you'd like to work on your limited beliefs and get into the best shape of your life and maintain it send me a message "Limited beliefs". Or click the Online Coaching enquiry in my bio.


Mini diet update:

⚖️ Lost 5kg so far
🏋️‍♂️ Training 3x per week
🚶‍♂️ 10000 steps per day
🥗 2500 calories per day
🏔 1x 30 minute stair master

Another 6 weeks is going to be interesting…

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 29/07/2022

What’s better a rigid meal plan or flexible dieting?

There isn’t any difference when dieting. It’s after the fact that the differences will be seen. I spoke the other day about foods being put on the pedestal and this study reiterated that exact fact.

Flexible dieting teaches you applicable skills that you can use post dieting. Rigid meal plans do not.

If you want to learn more about flexible dieting send me a message and I’ll happily talk you through it.


For years people have been told they can’t eat “x food” due to it being “bad” for them. The truth is nutrition isn’t that simple. Even from a performance standpoint the topic is a lot more nuanced than this food is good and this food is bad.

Of course, the argument can be had for optimal but in reality, the body will digest food into what that food contains macronutrients and micronutrients. To then be used for bodily functions and energy.

The truth is we often get wrapped up in more is better, often this is further from the truth as it makes it harder to maintain. In the story of the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise wins because he makes consistent progress.

Perhaps you can relate to the hare who goes all out and needs to have a rest after a while. This sounds similar to your fat loss journey, always restarting an extreme diet or training program only to give up after a few weeks

The key to nutrition is to allow all foods and factor them into your total calories. I like to use a 90/10 rule with my clients allowing them 10% of their calories each day to have whatever takes their fancy.

Imagine how easy you don't would become if nothing was off limits...

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 26/07/2022

You've started the gym more times than you would like to admit. You've done the workouts you can find in the magazines and online. Perhaps you've seen some good results before but slipped into your old ways. The truth is you can't build that muscle you want.

You probably feel annoyed you can't seem to keep up the discipline needed. There's always a barrier in the way nothing seems to work.

Imagine for a second your ideal end goal, the feeling you have, the respect you attract, the confidence you feel. Now compare it to your current feelings about yourself.

The cost of inaction is the feelings that you have towards yourself.

Let me ask you this if you could change it, would you?

Online coaching provides a solution to all of the barriers you have faced previously. Take James here as an example, despite being incredibly busy. He works very long hours within his business and had limited knowledge of efficiently building muscle. Together we created a routine that fit his schedule, that he enjoyed and got him great results.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

If you're ready to make a change click the client enquiry button in my bio to book a call and we can discuss a plan of action to help you get the results you want.


Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Like you have no time and just can’t get everything done you want? Trust me I get you, life is fast now and it’s hard to not get stuck in the mindset that more is better.

Over the couple of weeks I’ve prioritised myself again. Got my training back on track, been doing my steps, started journalling regularly and being much more present.

Previously to this work was crazy and I was working crazy hours. This is always difficult for me because I genuinely love what I do helping people.

What’s changed over the last few weeks was I took on board some advice I received that I would have told my clients. Prioritise yourself, this meant I’ve had to look hard at my business and analyse what I can improve, what can be sped up, what systems I’m using to be more efficient and deliver even more value.

I’ve now managed to scrape back a few valuable hours each day in order to make sure I can get my non-negotiable’s in each week. The beautiful thing about prioritising yourself is you can’t help others with an empty cup, if you fill your cup up first then you have plenty to give others.

Let me ask you, are you focusing on filling your cup up?

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 22/07/2022

This weeks client of the week is .xx and she is crushing her goals of building her legs and glutes


You've started a healthy regime more times than you can count. You've joined every diet club and tried every diet out there. Perhaps you've even got close to where you wanted before only to slip back into old ways. The truth is you just can't seem to get the weight off and keep it off.

You probably feel disappointed with your lack of ability to control your life or your body. Theres always a barrier in the way and no matter what you do, it won't work.

What i want you to do is focus on your end goal, the feeling it gives you being able to walk confidently down the beach or wear that new outfit. Compare that feeling to how you feel currently about yourself.

Only you are in the way of feeling the way you want. The cost here of inaction is the pain of staying the same. You will pay this cost each month you continue to remain the same.

Online Coaching is powerful. It enables us to work together without collaborating diaries multiple times per week. Structure is one of the most important determining factors as is accountability and support. We address these by implementing our system to help you get lean, eat the foods you want and not spend more than 3 hours in the gym each week.

In order to be the new you that you want to be you're going to have to do something you've never done before. Make a choice and pursue the new outcome with me by your side.

If that sounds like something you could get behind click the Enquiry button in my bio to book a free Discovery Call and we will make sure you have everything you need to succeed.


Do you use the 1.25kg weight plates?

I know this is clickbait AF but I wanted to talk about progressive overload.

Without going all nuanced the premise of getting stronger and building muscle in the gym is progressive overload. This means you need to continually lift heavier within a rep range or complete more repetitions than you have previously. For this post let’s focus purely on the first mechanism of lifting heavier for the same rep range.

The biggest barrier I come across in the gym is seeing people not wanting to use the 2.5 or 1.25kg weight plates. Only sticking to the 5kg plates for progression (which is a 10kg jump).

This means you are stalling your progress by making huge jumps as you have to allow for the adaption to reach the higher rep range you usually train in.

Let’s say you bench 60 and to increase you go up to 70 or even 75 that’s a huge increase in percent and closer to your max. This jump could decrease your reps from 10 to 5-6. The problem now Is the weeks your stuck on the same load trying to build up to 10 reps isn’t the most productive use of your time.

Training like this will mean you’ll be having to train to absolute failure to increase those reps each week which will impact your bodies ability to recover which means you’re actually not going to progress as much as you think.

Instead take the slower road, increase by 2.5kg max and you’ll be able to perform 8 reps and then wait until you can do 10 before increasing another 2.5. The end result is I can guarantee you’ll be benching more reps quicker using the small plates.

Let me know how quick this improves your bench…


Naughty little Tricep pump today… Session 1 completed in the mini prep 👌

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 19/07/2022

You’ve tried every fad diet that’s come along. You’ve started and stopped a dozen fitness exercise programs. Perhaps joined several different gyms. But the truth is you just can’t seem to take the weight off or keep it off

Perhaps you’re even feeling disappointed with yourself at your inability to control your eating or you weight. You feel like no matter what you try it’s not going to work

What I want you to do is write down what your current thoughts about your body are. Then write down how you’d like to feel about your body.

The real cost here is for every day, week, or month the cost of inaction is you not being able to fully thrive in life

Kerry is a great example of an action taker.

He’s been crazy busy building his businesses over the last 30+ years, taking exams and balancing his personal life.

This meant his fitness dropped down his priority list and he was going through the motions.

But in 16 weeks he trusted the process and he lost 15kg, got stronger and was able to focus even more on the other areas if his life.

This is all through the power of online coaching.

We don’t need to coordinate diaries, you get the expertise with the convenience of training when it best suits you.

A structured approach to food to help get you lean, stay lean and enjoy foods all while getting in better shape each week.

Guidance and support to implement the habits and changes to your life efficiently and effectively.

So here we are, you’re at the point of decision you can either continue down the path of least resistance.

The path of least resistance will result in you getting the same outcome you’ve always received.

You’re going to have to do something different, make a new choice and pursue your new outcome.

Click the Client enquiry button in my bio to book a call and we will make sure you have everything you need to make this change.


It’s been a while since I was last shredded… let’s see how lean I can get in 7 weeks.

I’m using this as an opportunity to get back into training and nutrition religiously. No excuses, simply making a plan and following it.

I’ll likely do a photoshoot to document the end condition and showcase along the way how you can do this flexibly without eating chicken and dry rice all the time 🤢

I’ll be using the principles I use to coach my clients. I’ll be tracking my macros, performance, sleep, steps and checking in once per week. Tomorrow morning I’ll do a starting video and I’ll do that once per week until the shoot

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 27/06/2022

Photo dump from the birthday trip 🇬🇧

Lots of Harry Potter but the last one is my favourite. What do you think?


Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 22/06/2022

Photo dump from my first trip to Kerala. “Gods own Country” certainly lived up to its name

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 14/06/2022

Do you prefer a meal plan or flexible eating? Answer below with why

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 07/06/2022

A study found that increasing cardio didn’t correlate to the amount of weight lost Broskey et al. (2021)

The study took 200 people and split them into 3 separate groups over 24 weeks:

• Group 1 was sent healthy living advice guidance twice a week via text and email.
• Group 2 was prescribed low-dose exercise completing 8 kcals per kg of body weight per week 3-5 times per week.
• Group 3 was the high-dose exercise group completing 20 kcals per kg of bodyweight again 3-5 times per week.

They found no significant changes in any metric of energy expenditure (total calories burned) were observed in the control group (Group 1) or the low-dose group. Importantly the low dose group did not significantly increase their total daily energy expenditure despite the 8kcal/kg/week aerobic exercise protocol and subsequently lose body fat or weight.

The high-dose exercise group significantly increased daily energy expenditure by 4% due to the protocol. Despite losing 2kg, greater than the other 2 groups, the loss was 50% of what was predicted. The 24-hour energy expenditure in the metabolic chamber dropped from baseline by 4%. This drop is most likely down to reductions in spontaneous physical activity, this dropped by 2.3% in the high-dose group. This was significantly more than the observed in the low-dose group.

If you simply maintain your normal eating habits without tracking, start doing cardio to lose weight, expect to lose 20-50% of what you’d predict from exercise energy expenditure. Most subconsciously eat more and move less when exercising more. If you are willing to track and restrict calories in addition to doing cardio, you will lose substantially more body fat. I’d add to that you’d likely lose more by doing resistance training in addition to those points.

To optimise this process, start by tracking your calories and steps. By collecting this data, you can see if they are being affected by any increase in activity


You’ve tried to change the shape of your physique, but don’t seem to be getting anywhere...

You’ve had marginal success with programmes and coaches, but nothing has taken you all the way to happiness in your own skin...

What would it feel like to look in the mirror 180 days from now, excited to put on the swimwear you haven’t worn in years to the beach or pool? 🏖️

Or to head into work beaming with confidence in the way you look, instead of feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable? 🦸‍♂️

Over the last 10 years, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women realise their true potential through our Online coaching...

But something new is here... 👀

Introducing, the 180 day Online Coaching program 🎉

The goal is simple. To get you the best results imaginable with the most in-depth and detailed programme we can offer.

If you’re interested in grabbing one of the slots and want to:

🔥 Drop 15-30lbs of body fat
💪🏼 Completely change your shape and body composition
👩‍💻Learn all the skills needed to never need a coach again...

Without having to:

🏃‍♀️ Do hours of boring cardio 😓
🥦 Eat bland, boring meals
🥂Give up your entire social life this summer ☀️

Just drop me a DM with the word ‘180’ and I’ll get you all the details, or complete the application form linked in my bio today 🎯

‘The best time to plant the tree was 10 years ago, the second best time is right now’

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 31/05/2022

Eating more often to get better results. Let’s put this myth to bed now…

Photos from Dan Wynes Fitness's post 30/05/2022

Are you the type of person that is driven with work and prides themselves on the quality of their work?

Are you desperate to get back into shape but just don’t know where to start? The problem is with people is they have an all or nothing approach when it comes to fitness. This means there is a high dropout rate from their fitness goals. Just think back to the new year, how long did your training and diet last? It doesn’t have to be that way.

So if you’re ready to conquer another area of your life and drop some weight over the next 180 days then you need to check out my online coaching. You can replicate the results here as Karl who dropped 18kg in bodyweight and 58cm across his body. All this while increasing his strength and carrying on with his work responsibilities unimpaired.

If you want to join my coaching program now you can enquire by clicking the link In my bio, filling out the client enquiry form and booking a call to discuss your goals and how we can achieve them together. Let’s get that ball rolling…

Dan’s Story

I’ve made it my mission to help people in any way I can. To help to increase confidence in themselves, to push their limitations and to achieve what they want. I hope to do this through my Online coaching or indirectly through my own adventures in business or life. I want to end the epidemic of lack of self belief, confidence and self restricting beliefs.

I have been on an incredible journey with my own growth over the last 8 years and I want to be able to share how fitness has developed my mindset and body with as many people as possible.

Working as an Online coach requires a lot of communication, often speaking daily with many of my clients via whatsapp. Speaking Weekly on Video/ voice calls, this all helps me to understand my clients mindset and what they need from me on an individual basis.

Currently I'm in India working with Bodypower as their Head trainer for all their gym’s and educational seminars.

Videos (show all)

Are you struggling to stick to your diet?Let’s take a second to look at Aesop’s Fable of the tortoise and the hare,“A Ha...
You’ve got to that point yet again, it’s the end of Feb and your fitness has fallen down your priority list and the good...
In Episode 19 I discussed with @itsamymillie tools to be seen, heard and to have a healthy mind.Here are 5 of the thinki...
You’ve got to that point yet again. It’s the new year and you haven’t quite reached the point you wanted to. You’re want...
Are you guilty of chasing perfection?Episode 30 - the importance of mentors with @olliecarson__ is live on my channel an...
Lessons from episode 20 of the podcast with @deanstm available on all platforms. Details in my bio or search Dan Wynes F...
Lessons from episode 20 of the podcast with @deanstm available on all platforms. Details in my bio or search Dan Wynes F...
Three diet tips to get you shredded
Always get back up 👊
The price of inaction is great, one year from now you could be looking back and wishing you had started today.
Are you looking to lose weight in 2023? If so and you want to cut through all the BS you may be hearing this time of yea...
The best time to start was yesterday then next best time is today