Sarah Jamieson

Sarah Jamieson

Sarah Jamieson a corrective movement coach, owner of Moveolution Inc, and the Durability Master Coach at The Onnit Academy.


Movement Wind Down: Ground Based Decompression

To continue to perform optimally, we need to remain balanced. And we need to retain adequate elasticity of our tissues and joints.

Your body is a fluid system, constantly adjusting and adapting to internal and external stimuli. Over the course of our day our body can become compressed through both training and life.

Taking time every day to decompress, unwind and restore alignment can improve health and prevent injury.

Using ground based movement offers you the advantage of less compressive gravity, as well less energy so you can focus more on the slow movements designed to segmentally release tension.

Perform 1 min of each exercise slowly connecting your movement with the breath. Repeat 2-3 sets

A1: Cats Flow
A2: Child's Rock - Scapular/Arm Line Rotations
A3. Quadruped Thoracic Rotations
A4: Quadruped Arm Circles to Thread the Needle
A5: Kneeling Waving Dog

Posted by Sarah Jamieson

Muscles of the Foot Part 1 - 3D Anatomy Tutorial 04/06/2017

Guess whose taking over Onnit Academy Instagram tomorrow! That's right our very own Sarah Jamieson!

Tomorrow's theme will be the FEET and the importance of building from the ground up. You get to see a sneak peek at my Foot Routine!

To get the party started, let's do a little anatomy session, brought to you by AnatomyZone! Their 3D animation of moving parts is fan-foot-tabulous.

I'll be online all day tomorrow, so please ask questions!

Part 1: Muscles of the Foot - Dorsal Group -
Part 2: Muscles of the Foot - Plantar Group -

Muscles of the Foot Part 1 - 3D Anatomy Tutorial 3D anatomy tutorial on the intrinsic muscles of the foot using the Zygote Body Browser ( This is the fi...

Timeline photos 09/04/2017

What tests should you consider for preconception and TTC?

Many people have contacted me asking what tests they should consider for TTC (trying to conceive)? Often when we start to consider a family, we don’t realize how much of a science experiment it actually is.

So many stars need to align for both partners to achieve this great blessing. It's funny, most of us in our early 20s work hard to not get pregnant, and then into our 30s we have to work even harder to actually "get pregnant."

That's why doing a little pre screening can actually help you achieve this goal when you and your partner are ready. On average it takes a couple a year to have a successful pregnancy.
If you are considering starting a family, I recommend these tests within the first 3 months of TTC:

1. Preventative & Functional Blood Panels
2. AMH (Anti Mullerian Hormone) Blood Test
3. Genetic Testing (Diet and Methylation tests)

Over the next few days I will be posting on each one of these. Keep an eye on The M Word for more details. First up is Blood Testing.

Timeline photos 29/01/2017

The Onnit Academy Foundations Certification is coming to VANCOUVER - May 27 & 28, 2017, hosted by one of VanCity's finest Engineered Bodies Strength & Conditioning​!

Registration will open soon,

CONTACT me to secure your spot with the early bird rate and discount.

This course is the foundational basis upon which all other courses in the Onnit Academy Longevity & Performance System are created. It has been designed to provide attendees an introduction to multi-planar movement through positionally strong and structurally integrated application. Developing not only enhanced access to stability, strength and increased range of motion, but doing so in a way that provides therapeutic benefit for pain free and injury resistant training.

At this course, you will have an opportunity to learn how to use many of the Onnit Academy implements - Steel Club, Steel Mace, Suspension Trainer, Kettlebells, Battle Ropes and more.

For more information on the course please visit -

For trainers and companies who also wish to...
PURCHASE THE TOOLS Onnit Academy will have a special opportunity for you do so, which will save you TONS on duty etc.

Contact me to find out more information.

Timeline photos 17/01/2017

A powerful and profound reflection from Tim Kennedy It takes a certain kind of athlete to get in the ring, to train day in and day out, and to maintain that level of athleticism over time and Tim has had skin in the game for nearly 20 years.

What I feel is most profound is that his drive, dedication and perseverance to human potential is beyond most of the populations capacity. to endure. That takes a special kind of person, one who sees the larger picture - the vision of who they could become, not just who they are today. He truly is someone who lives that path 24/7/365.

I have had the honour to meet Tim on many occasions, hear him speak at the TSAC NSCA Conference and see him high five him in passing while at Onnit Academy HQ Gym and this eloquently written reflection of his life's work in the UFC and as a Ranger - but more importantly as a human - is one of much respect, of strength in vulnerability and potentlly realistic of the evolutionary path must all walk.

He is a premier human through and through and thank him not only for the strength and humanity he brings to the UFC, but for his service to his country, and for having the balls to share his journey with us. It is an inspiration to all - fighter or spectator.

Sitting in the ER at Saint Michael’s hospital in Toronto, Canada after my fight, I looked up at my buddy Nick Palmisciano who had ridden in the ambulance with me. He is a friend I didn't deserve and guy that stood with me from the beginning. Fighting is a lonely thing. You train with your team. You bleed with them. You trust your coaches but ultimately you are in the cage alone. This wasn’t our first time in this situation and thankful I had someone by my side. We had been here a few times in our past decade together. Sometimes for wins and sometimes for losses. The end result always looked the same: Nick carrying five bags that should have been split among three corners and me and my face are bleeding and swollen. “That’s it man,” I said. “We’re all done.”
We had talked about it a lot over the past few years. I’d spoken to Nick, to my wife Ginger, and to Greg Jackson and Brandon Gibson ad nauseam about the coming end. No matter how hard I trained, I knew this ride wouldn’t last forever. But saying it out loud definitely brought me both sadness that this chapter was complete and overwhelming relief that it’s a decision I could make without worrying about taking care of my family.

I had just lost to Kelvin Gastelum, a really respectful and hard-working young fighter who went out and did all the things I consider myself good at, but did them better. He actually reminded me of me when I was younger, except I was kind of a jerk back then. As losses go, I was kind of happy I lost to a guy like him.
A lot of my coaches, friends and fans immediately tried to build me up again. “Kelvin has the right skillset to beat you and it was your first fight back.” “You had ring rust.” “You’re still a top 10 middleweight.” I appreciated their comments and I don’t think they are wrong. I know I am still a good fighter. I know I was away a while. But they didn’t feel what I felt, and that’s being 37. I felt like I was in slow motion the entire match. I felt tired for the first time ever in a fight. I’m the guy that once graduated Ranger School – a place that starves you and denies you sleep for over two months – and took a fight six days later in the IFL and won. I’m the guy that is always in shape. And I was for this fight. I worked harder than I ever have before for this fight. But I wasn’t me anymore. My brain knew what to do but my body did not respond. I’ve watched other fighters arrive here. I’ve watched other fighters pretend they weren’t here. I will not be one of them.

I want to thank the military community for their support. I’ll never be able to explain how much you motivated me and how much I always tried to make you proud. I’ve been a professional fighter for two decades, but there was no greater moment for me than winning the main event of Fight for the Troops 3. You made me invincible that night. I will keep fighting for you all until the day I die.
I want to thank all of my coaches, from the old days working with John Hackleman and Chuck Liddell, to all my military buddies who trained with me while I was on active duty, to Greg Jackson, Mike Winkeljohn, and Brandon Gibson now. That you all thought me worthy of the investment of your time means more than you will ever know.

I want to thank all of my opponents. Iron sharpens iron and every great victory or crushing defeat occurred because there was someone who trained hard and had the courage to meet me across the cage. I want to call a few guys out in particular. To Luke Rockhold and Jacare: you guys gave me two grinding fights that asked for everything I had. You both made me better and I hope I did the same for you. I hope the two of you keep that Strikeforce chip on your shoulders and get back on top. To Robbie Lawler: you hit me harder than anyone ever has. Seriously, that really hurt. To Roger Gracie: My training for your fight reminded me that I love the gi. Thank you for that. To Rafael Natal: It took tremendous guts to take the Fight for the Troops fight. I will always appreciate you for that and cheer for you every time you fight. To Michael Bisping: I’ve never wanted to beat anyone more than I wanted to beat you, and that motivated me to provide the best version of myself. Best of luck to you going forward, Champ.

Finally to my wife: I don’t deserve you and you don’t deserve what I’ve put you through. I could lie to you and tell you it’s all over, but we both know I have already moved onto another super dangerous thing to fill my time, so I’m going to leave it just at “thank you and sorry” for now.
So with that, to all of you fighters out there, I am not going anywhere. I love fighting and will always have the heart of a figher. I am committed to growing our sport and taking care of those who are a part of it. As sad as it is for me to walk away, the only thing sadder would be for me to stay because I had no other choice in order to feed my family. Someday the Kelvin Gastelum’s and the Yair Rodriguez's and the Paige VanZant’s will be sitting in their respective emergency rooms with their respective Nick’s talking about it being over. And when that day comes, I want to make sure their future is secure.

I love you all. Thanks for listening. And thank you most of all for giving me the opportunity to do what I love for all these years.

What is the Onnit Academy Durability Certification? 10/01/2017

3 weeks away from our first Durability Certification of the year! Feb 4/5 in Austin TX, Onnit Academy.

Want to know more about the Durability Certification check out our video here -

Navigating the plethora of tissue and joint health doesn't have to be difficult. We focus on a holistic systemic approach that combines cutting edge research on training the fascia, priming the tissues and joints for both performance and longevity.

PLUS, you receive online video materials to help prepare for the course and support you in program design afterwards.

Interested in registering? Please DM me for a discount code or register right now -

What is the Onnit Academy Durability Certification? This is "What is the Onnit Academy Durability Certification?" by Onnit Academy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Considerations for Physiological Monitoring of Tactical Personnel 24/10/2016

Great article: The following are concerns that Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitators should consider prior to collecting physiological data from tactical athletes.

Considerations for Physiological Monitoring of Tactical Personnel Collecting data can be trial and error, but by building a solid foundation prior to data collection and putting the appropriate people and procedures in place, the tactical facilitator can minimize errors while optimizing effort, money, and time.

FrontBack_StandingSpineRoll 20/10/2016

Standing Spinal Rolls:

This drill can be used first thing in the morning and post workout/end of day to decompress the spine.

One of the largest benefits to this drill is learning how to articulate the spine. Moving segmentally with slow, connected movement to the breath can improve spinal range of motion, as well as increases the viscosity of the tissue to nourish the spine.


Soft knees
Neutral Pelvis
Let the arm and head be heavy
Stack joints on your way back up.

Repetitions: 5-10
Video Link Here:

FrontBack_StandingSpineRoll This video is about FrontBack_StandingSpineRoll

Do Our Bones Influence Our Minds? - The New Yorker 27/09/2016

Much like everything in the body, there is a connection to everything. Bones are meant to float in the body, held together by a sophisticated pulley system of our tissues, but if we look closer we can see a two way communication path of what protein in the bones tells our brain. How cool!

Do Our Bones Influence Our Minds? - The New Yorker Osteocalcin is a messenger, sent by bone to regulate crucial processes all over the body…


Women are strong. Women are fierce. Women are powerful.

Every day we have a choice. Every day we stare the will to act in the face. Everyday there will be road blocks and detours, do not let those small moments take you away from your larger goal. Eye on the prize.


Lower body segmental mobility sessions prior to our Durability Master Coach's lift session. In this quick video we feature a short sequence designed to release pockets of tension around the ankles, knees, hips and spine. Starting with our waving kneeling dog to promote articulation in the spine and lumbo pelvic rhythm adding in shoulder stabilization with bear squats to downdog. This equally primes the posterior lines.

Rotation offers the opportunity to improve circulation to the major joints at the hip and knee, with our no hands pigeon to shinbox extensions to half kneeling to introduce stability. Lastly, the feet, working the stability in heels up knee drops encourages the base of the foot and toes to connect with the ground, feeding that closed biofeedback loop. Happy lifting!

Sarah Jamieson | Durability Training On Demand 06/08/2016

Working on my Onnit On Demand September & October 4 week programs.

Sneak peak at what's coming down the pipeline:
October: "Put Your Back Into it"

In this month we ask you to take the time to feel each segment of your spine, keeping in mind what you already know of anatomy and physiology. Keep the joint by joint sequencing as reminders in your minds eye:

Here we slow things down to also integrate the use of breath and breath-control. This helps to ensure 2 key factors in improving movement:

Protect & Correct.

Protective measures keep you from getting worse; it offers you a window of opportunity to learn your neural boundaries, but may not make you better. It just offers you that gentle nudge.

Corrective measures work toward helping you foster or start the reset process yourself by showcasing you where you may compensate through the use of biofeedback and slow, progressive movement – with intention.

Check out my channel here -

Sarah Jamieson | Durability Training On Demand Join Sarah Jamieson, Durability Master Coach for the Onnit Academy, as she teaches you how to incorporate effective Recovery into your training. In depth tutorials, follow alongs, monthly programming and more!

Review: Onnit Academy Durability On Demand 24/07/2016

A Review: Onnit Academy Durability On Demand

For those of you who want to know more about the Durability stream at Onnit Academy OR who want to know more about the Onnit On Demand Channel we launched a couple months ago... here you go.
The streams of Vinyasa Yoga is one of the many tools we integrate into the Onnit Academy Durability Certification.

The use of breath with dynamic and purposeful movement is key to unlocking the fascia's potential to elastically move which directly affects it's pliability!

I invite you to take the 4 week challenge.

Review: Onnit Academy Durability On Demand A comprehensive library of tools for joint and tissue health at your fingertips 24/7! There are so many online programs these days for every niche in the health


In next month's Onnit Academy On Demand, I talk about this ideology.

Your body is the ONLY vehicle you get - therefore, it makes sense to treat it with respect and keep it maintained throughout your life. Recovery and maintenance are two key ingredients towards ensuring longevity and performance for the long haul.

Check it out here:

Timeline photos 11/07/2016

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

RUN4MOM: WONDER WOMAN RUN CanadaHelps 01/07/2016

Today would have been my mom's 65th birthday. Happy Birthday Mom, I wish you all the love and peace in your place of resting. You are never far away, always in my heart.

At the end of this month it will be the 8th anniversary of her passing on July 31. I will be running the The SF Marathon First Half, and it will alos be my last memorial run in San Fran.

This run aims to build an inclusive community where people can learn, live, work, share and be active to help achieve great feats and to help them realize the power of their resiliency without the experience of mental illness or their history of violence being a barrier to pursing greatness.

Please consider supporting and raise awareness for Mental Health and prevention of su***de. Please consider donating, all proceeds go directly to the "STEPS" Program at NorthShore CMHA to help youth and families through the power of sport.

Donate here:

RUN4MOM: WONDER WOMAN RUN CanadaHelps July 31st, 2016 marks the 8th anniversary of my mom's passing. The RUN4MOM:WONDER WOMAN run is a memorial run to honour the courage and strength of all women and girls struggling with significant life challenges; like mental illness, addiction and violence.

Half Kneeling KB Carry and Lunge 24/05/2016

KB carry variations are a great way to work time under tension to refine movement capacity.

This drill is designed to prime the hips and trunk with static stabilization working time under tension. The one arm KB rack offers you an advantage to further promote shoulder stability while feeding the trunk and hips stability under load.

This drill is also an effective transitional exercise moving from half kneeing to standing to prime the split stance position.


Half Kneeling KB Carry and Lunge From the lab (Movement)Rx This drill is designed to prime the hips and trunk with static stabilization working time under tension. The one arm KB rack offers...

Bridge Series One 22/05/2016

Closed chain mobility/stability allows us the opportunity to close that feedback loop by using ground base movement. In the bridge series we focus on starting to master our own bodyweight with the static bridge, refining our control under tension. Leading into the Kettlebell Arm Bar Bridge March we aim to challenge the body to control rotation at the hip, trunk and shoulder by off setting the load. This can be a great corrective drill to improve lumbo pelvic control, as well as a strengthening exercise.

Inspired by Marcus Martinez our Kettlebell Master Coach at Onnit Academy.

Bridge Series One From the lab (Movement)Rx Bridge Series One: This series is designed to improve spinal health, hip mobility and shoulder stability. Static Bridge: You must m...


We had a great time in Seattle this past weekend!

Onnit Foundations Certification day 1 at Fuel house in Seattle. The Durability Certification stream is the sister course to Foundations in the Onnit Academy streams. Featured here is working on the vertical squat using activating exercises to stabilize and release with the lateral monkey walks.


Part of understanding performance is understanding durability of tissue and joints. Part of building the "foundation" is ensuring efficient load through stacking the structure.

As seen here with the battle ropes. talking about direct lines of tension and force. Major joint structures have specific functions and therefore predictable levels of compensation. The key to challenging but still successful ex*****on of any drill is understanding these principles.

Anatomy Art Series #1: Adductor Magnus 04/05/2016

Highly recommend Tom Meyers weekly blog emails -- for those who haven't, enjoy his musings on the Adductor Magnus! A great look at the fascia side of sport, movement and pain management!

(To subscribe to his newsletters and get notice of product releases, sales, and Tom's latest blogs and practitioner tips, as well as 10% your first order from our store, click here:

Anatomy Art Series #1: Adductor Magnus My favorite anatomy pictures series #1: Adductor Magnus (to see a fascial release technique for this complex muscle, click here) Anatomy nerds like me reve

The Science of Movement Part 1: Primal Patterns 24/04/2016

Part 1: Primal Patterns

"As adults and as we age, we are asked to re-earn our mobility. The number one prerequisite for sensory pathways and learning new skills —proprioceptors and neurological connection—is appropriate mobility."

The Science of Movement Part 1: Primal Patterns Primal Patterns: Each of us is born into this world free of restriction with the blueprint to move. As infants, we are asked to earn our stability in the

Tactical pistol movement - Repeatability (Part 4 of 4) 15/04/2016

Love prepping for presentations, it always allows me the opportunity to re connect with some amazing people and leaders in their fields.

(In this video) is Matt Powell of The Pramek System showing tactical positioning for fi****ms control.

One of the key points on my up coming presentation focuses on the occupational requirements of the uniform. Over time the durability of tissue and joints can become compromised. One of the key compensations we see in officers is reduced mobility and rotational range in the hips, thoracic spine and neck.

How does this affect marksmanship?

Dynamic postural stabilization and rotation are key to transitioning in multiple shooter positions, especially those officers may not be prepared for - such as ground transitioning or exiting a vehicle. Tissue and joint health have a direct relationship with reaction time and reflexive control.

Tactical pistol movement - Repeatability (Part 4 of 4) Learn more at In part 4 of the 4 part series on tactical movement transitions, Matt works with Dr. John Landry on t...


This is baller!

Marcus Martinez's KB programs are rock solid. As a certified kettle bell coach I admire the strength and movement competency great KB coaches have. Marcus's work set's and educational instruction ensures that every movement, no matter how technical can be broken down for the novice or ramped up for the advanced.

I use this program with many of my clients in conjunction with the Durability Channel! They love it!

Lack of exposure to natural light in the workspace is associated with physiological, sleep and... 12/04/2016

Lack of exposure to natural light in the workspace is associated with physiological, sleep and... Chronobiol Int. 2015 Apr;32(3):368-75. doi: 10.3109/07420528.2014.982757. Epub 2014 Nov 26. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

Timeline photos 11/04/2016

Onnit Academy Foundations Course is coming to Seattle this May 7 & 8th with John Wolf and Shane Heins.

This course is the foundational basis upon which all other courses in the Onnit Academy Longevity & Performance System are created. It has been designed to provide attendees an introduction to multi-planar movement through positionally strong and structurally integrated application.

Developing not only enhanced access to stability, strength and increased range of motion, but doing so in a way that provides therapeutic benefit for pain free and injury resistant training.

Even if you are familiar with movement theory, a vet in the industry or starting out, paving your way - this course will challenge you to further understand alignment, rotation, range, load under tension with multiple implements and tools.

For those of you who have been interested in learning more about Steel Clubs, Steel Maces, Sandbags, Suspension, Kettlebell and Durability - this course gives you an overall perspective of the many tools you can use to diversify your training platform bridging the gap between high quality primary movement integration to capacity broadening movement sophistication.

Let me know if you are interested and DM me for details on how to register - or hop on it and see the link below.

Carli Lloyd: Why I’m Fighting for Equal Pay 11/04/2016

A fantastic article! No matter what sport, women are still underpaid. Sport has the power to change the world, it has the power to unite. In this day and age, to be still fighting this battle is atrocious. Women should not have to battle for equal pay on any field - in sport or in life.

This is a great thing to see, good on ya Carli keep fighting the good fight.

Carli Lloyd: Why I’m Fighting for Equal Pay A co-captain of the United States women’s national team writes about why she and four teammates filed a wage-discrimination complaint against U.S. Soccer.

Sync Your Brain with Binaural Beats 10/04/2016

I've used binaural beats for years! Ambient sounds like water, bowls or nature combined with delta or theta waves (two of my fav) are fan static additions to your meditation, morning movement or evening decompression.

Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory impulses, originating in opposite ears, below 1000 Hz and which differ in frequency between one and 30 Hz (Oster, 1973).

Aubrey Marcus - thank you for this post!

Sync Your Brain with Binaural Beats