Fitness By Cheryl

Fitness By Cheryl

I help people become fitter, stronger, and healthier than ever through an online nutrition and fitness coaching program. No more being lazy.

This program is not a diet, quick fix or a meal plan. It's a habit-based approach to a life-long transformation. My passion is helping people reach their fitness and health goals the natural way. My style of coaching is to teach you why and how to exercise and eat properly so you can make informed lifestyle decisions. Being armed with this knowledge allows you to live life mind-fully. Currently, I

[Infographic] Why you can’t stop overeating junk food. Plus 7 ways to get control. 21/08/2018

It's not your fault you feel the need to eat junk food! Food labels like organic, vegan, low-fat, high fiber, cauliflower crust, etc, make us *think* it's a healthy food. But you may still be being tricked!! Here's a great info-graph (lots of pics and little reading) to help you get in control!

[Infographic] Why you can’t stop overeating junk food. Plus 7 ways to get control. Can’t resist the chips… the cookies… the ice cream? Actually, it’s normal to feel like you can’t stop overeating certain types of foods. Processed foods, in particular, are explicitly designed to be hyperpalatable and irresistible. Here’s how it works — and what to do about it.

Can food have negative calories? 21/03/2018

Can food have negative calories? ‘Negative calorie’ foods are foods that have fewer calories than what it takes for your body to digest them. Do they exist?

9 Reasons Nutrition Can Feel So Confusing. (Plus Strategies To Make Sense Of It All.) 06/03/2018

WHY is nutrition SO confusing, and what to do about it. Check out the video in this link!

9 Reasons Nutrition Can Feel So Confusing. (Plus Strategies To Make Sense Of It All.) Why is it so hard to understand the nutrition headlines — let alone figure out what the best diet is? In this short video, Dr. John Berardi explains why nutrition science is so confusing, and offers solid strategies for making sense of it all.

Ranking Sugars, From Best to Worst 14/01/2018

Pros and cons on various sugar varieties. Be sure to read through to the bottom!

Ranking Sugars, From Best to Worst We asked a fitness and nutrition coach to assess the situation.


Why get fit *this* year, when you can stay fit and healthy *forever* with online nutrition and fitness coaching!!! I'm looking for a few more people, especially males, who want to kick nasty cravings goodbye, learn how to navigate emotional/stress eating, lose weight and keep it off, and stop dieting once and for all! I'm a fitness trainer and nutrition coach of 11 years, bringing my expertise online! This isn't a diet, meal plan, or quick fix. This is a habit-based approach to lifestyle change. Commit to your *forever*, now!

Hurry! I'm offering 20% off until Sunday 1/7!



I am excited to announce my ONLINE NUTRITION AND FITNESS COACHING PROGRAM! I’m currently looking for 5 women and 5 men to kick-off this results-driven program. If you are frustrated with the scale, confused by all the media hype, and want to see lasting results, let’s make 2018 your healthiest and fittest year yet! I’m only accepting a few people at the start of January, at a heavily discounted price! Registration closes January 2nd! Are you, or someone you know, ready to commit to your health, for life? PM me, or comment below and I'll reach out to you!


Anyone else thinking about their protein shakes here?? No? Just me?

How much fat do I need to absorb vitamin D? 07/02/2017

Do you take a multi-vitamin or vitamin D supplement? Did you know vitamin D is fat-soluble (as are A, K, E), meaning it needs the presence of fat to be absorbed? Do you take your multi on an empty stomach? You may be missing out of 15-30%. How much fat do you really need for optimal absorption? Check out this article! Hint, it's not a reason to have a bacon or cheese-laden meal every day. :-)

How much fat do I need to absorb vitamin D? How much fat do I need to absorb vitamin D?


How many times a day do you bend down? Do you ever bend down to pick something up off the floor? Or put something down on the ground? A baby? Boxes? Trash bag? Do you bend down to take your shoes on/off? Pet the dog? Wash your feet? Grab a product from the lowest shelf at the store? Garden? Shovel? Pick up your kids' toys? Hand them their backpack? Grab produce from the bottom shelf in the refrigerator? I bet if we counted how many times a day we bent down, we'd be astonished!! Does your back ever go out? Is it ever sore after a lot of "moving things around" or cleaning? This video is important for everyone, not just exercisers!

Tight Hamstrings Stretching Routine for Posterior Chain 08/07/2016

Do you sit all day? Do your hips and back feel tight? These three stretches will help lengthen the hamstrings, give you more flexibility, and help to reduce pain.

For those of you who have trained with me before, he even uses the lacrosse ball! Now you know it's good stuff! Cheryl-Approved 😊

Tight Hamstrings Stretching Routine for Posterior Chain YOUTUBE CHANNEL: WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/FUNCTIONALPATTERNSTight Hamstrings Stretching Routine for Posterior ChainBy popular demand, I decided to put up a hamstring stretching routine! The hamstrings are an extremely important muscle to develope if you're looking to get better at movements in reality. I lik...

Treat Not Cheat 20/05/2016

Do you allow yourself cheat days? Why is it a cheat if you allow yourself to do it? Or do you sneak a cheat bc you don't allow it?
Reframing "cheat" to "treat" can help you better stay on track, not self-sabotage when you do decide to indulge, and actually enjoy what you (tr)eat.

Treat Not Cheat The term "cheat day" is common, but is it the right way to describe indulging every so often? Reframing "cheating" as "treating" can be a better approach—here are some tips to treating yourself while you pursue your health and fitness goals.

Squat Without Knee and Lower Back Pain (VIDEO) 10/05/2016

Do squats cause you knee or back pain? A few tweaks to your form can turn a problematic exercise into a beneficial exercise.

Squat Without Knee and Lower Back Pain (VIDEO) Squat Without Knee and Lower Back PainHere is a video of me showing you some techniques to improve the efficiency of a functional squat. Here are some things to consider about squats before attempting squats. Squats are very popular and they are almost like a religion for people,

The Massive Fitness Trend That's Not Actually Healthy at All 06/05/2016

So true! "Being chronically exhausted is not the key" to your health, mental and fitness success! Even the best thelete knows the importance of proper rest and recovery.

The Massive Fitness Trend That's Not Actually Healthy at All Exhaustion has become a status symbol in our culture. And that’s a problem. Here's a better approach to feeling healthy and happy for the long haul.

No equipment? No time? How to get a great workout with no excuses! | Precision Nutrition 01/05/2016

Pressed for time, especially if you're a new parent? Here's a great workout to get it done with the baby at your side (or in hand).

No equipment? No time? How to get a great workout with no excuses! | Precision Nutrition More than 200,000 people agree: Precision Nutrition is different. Our world-class experts have spent the last 15 years working 1-on1 with thousands of nutrition coaching and certification clients. With this research and experience, we've uncovered an exact formula for getting results.

Timeline photos 30/04/2016

Some Saturday morning motivation ☺️

ACE - ProSource: April 2016 - The Newest Index on the Block: The Hydration Index  20/04/2016

Think sports drinks are the best for rehydration? You may be switching up your drink of choice after reading this article!

ACE - ProSource: April 2016 - The Newest Index on the Block: The Hydration Index  ProSource: April 2016 - The Newest Index on the Block: The Hydration Index 


Which should we do in class this week? :-)

Timeline photos 03/09/2015

Thanks to today's donation, I'm now half way to my goal!! I have a few more weeks left until sign-ups begin for Level 2 -- a year-long Mentorship. If you learned anything from any of my nutrition posts, or if you want to learn more about nutrition, please help me out! Just some spare change is all I ask.

Timeline photos 27/08/2015

Here are the answer's from Tuesday's Nutrition Quiz about McDonald's Fruit & Yogurt Parfait. While, at 150 calories, it is seems like a healthy choice for breakfast on the go, a closer look reveals otherwise. Even a Snicker's bar has less sugar that this! 25/08/2015

Nutrition Quiz of the Day:
McDonald's Fruit & Yogurt Parfait looks like a healthy on-the-go choice. Leave your answers below. No cheating!!
Q 1: How many actual ingredients are there?
Q 2: How many forms of sugar does it have?
Q 3: How many grams of protein?

Timeline photos 21/07/2015

It's been a challenging 18 weeks, but it's all worth it in the end! I learned so much phenomenal information, the science behind how the body works and how to apply that knowledge. I'm proud of myself for actually understanding it all. Also, wine helps.
Precision Nutrition Level 1 !!!

Here's What's Actually Happening To Your Body When You Get A Sunburn 20/07/2015

Here's What's Actually Happening To Your Body When You Get A Sunburn Here's what's actually going on in your body when you get a sunburn.


If a food label needs to make health claims, there is a good chance that it is not actually good for you.

5 Myths About Sugar That Everyone Needs To Stop Believing 13/07/2015

If you use a lot of artificial sweeteners or think fruits aren't healthy, you should def watch this

5 Myths About Sugar That Everyone Needs To Stop Believing Every day we're fed new and often conflicting information on our health and diets; what's good for you, what's bad, what to eat in moderation and what to avoid completely. As a result of poor education coupled with laziness, obesity rates are rising like never before. Obesity has doubled since 1980,…

Timeline photos 30/06/2015

The amazing way to get instant 6- pack abs!

Soluzioni per gli addominali...


Nutrition Lesson For Today:
Low-calorie food plans can be a healthy way to lose body fat. When calorie burn is greater than calorie intake, weight and fat loss will result. However, the problem lies when we create our own low cal diet by not eating certain meals or limiting certain foods and food groups. If used improperly or for a long period of time, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies, a slower metabolism (hello weight gain), muscle loss, and bone loss. A low calorie diet plan should be intelligently designed by a proper professional, and followed for no longer than 3-4 months at a time, in which the client is then returned to a more neutral calorie balance.

Multiply your weight by 10. If you are consuming around this # calories or less per day, you may be consuming too few calories for your body.

Why Knee Push Ups Won't Make You Any Stronger 25/06/2015

YES!!! For all my clients who "ugh" and roll their eyes when I won't let them do pushups on their knees! I'm not just trying to be mean! :-)

Why Knee Push Ups Won't Make You Any Stronger Stop doing the modified push up where your knees are on the floor. They're probably doing more harm than good.


Nutrition Lesson of the Day:
Research has shown regular exercise and improved nutrition to offer comparable, and even superior, effects to antidepressant medication.

On a personal note, I suffer from depression. I never understood where the sadness and anger inside me came from. I started taking antidepressant medication many years ago, and coined it my "happy pill" because it took the edge off. However, while it took the anger edge off, it also took the happy edge off and I became cold and apathetic.

A few years ago I changed how I was eating. I always ate healthy, but I changed how I paired my foods. One day, I forgot to take my meds. I forgot again the next day, and then the next. Usually, I would go through withdrawal by the 3rd day. However, this time I felt fine, so I didn't take it the 4th day, and the 5th day... It's now been 3 years med free and I couldn't be happier.

Don't underestimate the power of your food. Just because it's edible doesn't mean it does your body good. Orange juice is a liquid just like gasoline-- that doesn't mean it'll make your car run. The same applies for the foods we put into our body. :-)

This is What 200 Calories Worth Of Different Foods Looks Like 16/06/2015

This is What 200 Calories Worth Of Different Foods Looks Like I know what you’re thinking: A 200-Calorie portion of food doesn’t sound substantial. However, according to the US Department of Agriculture, the average adult needs to consume about 2,000–2,500 Calories to maintain their weight.

Videos (show all)

Fitness By Cheryl: 365 Days of Transformation
Fitness By Cheryl: About Coaching Program
Fitness By Cheryl: Transformations