Darkling Designs

Darkling Designs

Darkling Designs is a small homebrew company specializing in the modification of guitar equipment an

Windows 10 Installing old AMD Radeon Drivers - Darkling Designs 13/11/2022

Windows 10 Installing old AMD Radeon Drivers For several years now I’ve been periodically battling an issue on my work laptop. This machine runs an AMD Ryzen 5 CPU with an NVIDIA dedicated GPU. This setup allows the system to run in “hybrid” mode, which basically means it will switch between the dedicated graphics card when performance is needed and the integrated Radeon graphics on the CPU for general use....

Windows 10 Installing old AMD Radeon Drivers - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. Windows 10 Installing old AMD Radeon Drivers. Fixes to avoid and a better way to resolve the issue.

Ibanez RG530 Roadstar II Rebuild Project - Darkling Designs 06/11/2022

Ibanez RG530 Roadstar II Rebuild Project This is a compiled project portfolio originally found on GideonD's private blog. In this project we took an old Ibanez RG530 Roadstar II and upgraded the guts of it while leaving the aged ascetics alone. Enjoy! Introduction I stumbled across this bad boy on Ebay late one night when I shouldn't have been up spending money....

Ibanez RG530 Roadstar II Rebuild Project - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This project covers the rebuilt and upgrade of an Ibanez RG530 Roadstar II Guitar.

Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification - Darkling Designs 31/10/2022

This project file covers the rebuild and modification of an old Ibanez RG470 Guitar. This was a mediocre guitar that we heavily upgraded into something a fair bit nicer. The full project details can be found at:

Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This project covers the restoration and upgrade of an Ibanez RG470 Guitar, including wiring.

Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification - Darkling Designs 31/10/2022

Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification This post is a compiled version of the original 5 part Ibanez RG470 project portfolio found on GideonD's personal blog. It has been slightly edited and improved, but remains broken into phases just like the original was. Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification - Phase 1 Some Background Orion ordered this Ibanez RG470 guitar back in 2000 or 2001....

Ibanez RG470 Rebuild and Modification - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This project covers the restoration and upgrade of an Ibanez RG470 Guitar, including wiring.

Ibanez RX170 Project - Darkling Designs 27/10/2022

Ibanez RX170 Rebuild Project This project files covers restoring and upgrading an Ibanez RX170 guitar. This is a very basic guitar that was turned into something much nicer by throwing way too much money at it. The full project details can be viewed at:

Ibanez RX170 Project - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This project file covers the restoration and upgrade of an Ibanez RX170 Guitar.

Ibanez RX170 Project - Darkling Designs 27/10/2022

Ibanez RX170 Rebuild Project Some Background This Ibanez RX170 is another guitar a friend of mine wants worked on. (Same friend that owns the RG470) This is a real low quality guitar from Ibanez's Korean made RX series back in the 90s. This is an Ibanez RX 170, featuring an all maple neck and plywood body. It's not a very well built guitar, but he likes the way it plays and he loves the look of it....

Ibanez RX170 Project - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This project file covers the restoration and upgrade of an Ibanez RX170 Guitar.

Painting a Metal Roof - Darkling Designs 20/10/2022

Project - Painting a Metal Roof This article covers the inst and out of painting a metal roof. This included identifying the type of metal roof, proper preparation, product selection, and proper application. The full project can be found at: For more in depth product information please contact us at the paint company website:

Painting a Metal Roof - Darkling Designs Darkling Design DIY. This article covers the ins and outs of painting a metal roof, from identifying the substrate to product selection.

Project - Instrument Cables - Darkling Designs 19/10/2022

Project - Instrument Cables We have added a new project portfolio covering the process of creating your own instrument cables from high quality materials. In addition to instrument cables, this guide can also be used to make patch cables for pedal boards. You can view the full portfolio here:

Project - Instrument Cables - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. Project - Instrument Cables has been added to our website. This covers constructing your own cables.

Making Your Own Instrument Cables - Darkling Designs 19/10/2022

Overview This project is a continuation of the Homemade Pedal Board project. Once a pedal board is constructed you need good quality patch cables to hook all of your pedals together with. You can buy these pre-made, but finding good quality cables can be tricky. To avoid this I decided to make my own with components I knew were of good quality....

Making Your Own Instrument Cables - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This project covers how to construct your own instrument cables and patch cables.

Cleanup Tools for Windows OS - Darkling Designs 17/10/2022

Here is an updated list of cleanup tools I use pretty frequently on Windows based computers. Infection Cleanup Tools RKill: This program is downloadable as 4 different file types. Some malware keeps cleanup tools from running correctly so if the standard program doesn't work you can try one of the other links. This tool looks for actively running infections and attempts to kill the process running them....

Cleanup Tools for Windows OS - Darkling Designs Welcome to Darkling Design. This is a compiled list of tools I use to cleanup and maintain Windows based PCs.

Painting a Metal Roof - Darkling Designs 14/10/2022

Painting a Metal Roof Introduction This article is meant to clarify the answers to some of the most common questions our customers have about painting a metal roof. This information is aimed at the residential customer, but can easily pertain to a commercial application as well. However, commercial facilities will have other more industrial product selections such as epoxy and aliphatic urethane coatings to choose from that are less common in a residential environment....

Painting a Metal Roof - Darkling Designs Darkling Design DIY. This article covers the ins and outs of painting a metal roof, from identifying the substrate to product selection.


Our hosting company, Hostgator, has had massive issues lately so the website has been offline for a while. Currently, I've moved hosting over to Siteground, but the Darkling subdomain has been a problematic transplant. It will remain offline for the time being until I decide how to proceed with a rebuild.
