

​Suis un voilier monocoque ketch AMEL-Santorin mis à l'eau en 1995 et depuis 2017 vogueons ensemble !


We are at Kauehi's island at the Toamoutu archipelago in the French Polynesia since a week ago...on a mooring ball with concrete bottom buried with chains into the white sand reefs and attached to my bow with 6 lines! It has been rough dealing with 20-30 knts non-stop, but the lagon is safer, as the waves breaking at reef are 6MN away. My buddies keeping an eye watch regularly and we are not alone...there are 2 other sailboats.

We experienced some boat movement, shaking, light rain, strong sunlight & wonderful sky during the nights, sofar well protected & safe.
Lots of happy & caring sharing with all around!

All is well & just hope weather conditions gets better to cast-off again to Tahiti 🙏

Photos from Arantelle's post 27/06/2024

Toamoutu ⚓️ bouy @ Kauehi 🏝
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Great drone shots taken by a solo sailor's friend ! Blue, turquoise waters with some spuds!!
Thanks a bunch


Leg: 505MN Marquises ⛵️ Toamoutu ⚓️ bouy @ Kauehi 🏝
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Safely arrived after 3days sailing just like a postcard place!

Photos from Arantelle's post 13/06/2024

PACIfic2024 ⛵️Marquises : Hakaetau early morning sailing to TAIOhae
Tikkis & lots of fish!
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple


PACIfic2024 ⛵️Marquises : Hatiheu Bay
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Day 15: Nuku Hiva, France 31/05/2024

PACIfic2024 ⛵️Marquises : ⚓️HO Oumi bay
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Day 15: Nuku Hiva, France Enfin, une nuit depuis 15J au

Day 12: Ua Pou, France 31/05/2024

PACIfic2024 ⛵️Marquises : Hakaetau
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Day 12: Ua Pou, France Rosamaria Marc's visit to Ua Pou in France

Day 8: Ua Pou, France 31/05/2024

PACIfic2024 ⛵️Marquises : ⚓️ Ua Po/Naku Iva🏝
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Day 8: Ua Pou, France Le JOie de retrouver ICI noz'amis rencontres au Jamaica!

Day 6: Tahuata, France 31/05/2024

PACIfic2024 ⛵️Marquises : TAHUATA
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Day 6: Tahuata, France Apres, avoir passe une semaine au mouillage dans la baie d'Atuona et parcouru l'ile de Hiva Oa, nous avons recupere 16kg de linge propre et plie..puis quelques courses, les produits frais sont tres rares, puis le ravitaillement d'eau remplissant nos bidons de 20lt a la source, se trouvant a environ....


Leg Marquises : Hiva Oa with a reaching sailing ⛵️ to Nuku Iva
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

It's been 15 days now since our TRANSpac2024 arrival to HIVa Oa in the Marquises, we have been visiting small villages, chatting with locals, eating fresh food, discovering, trecking, walking, swimming, enjoying, anchoring & coastal sailing at Hiva Oa.

Last 3 🏝 Tahuata, Ua Pou & Hakaetau and we finally found a nice ⚓️ in a quite & well protected small bay "paradise" ! HO Oumi...

Will keep on ⛵️ smoothly around...before next long crossing.

Happy to shared our lives adventures with you all, we keep being POSITIVE about our sailing around.

Thanks a bunch for following us & received your heartly messages with great vibes!
⛵️ 🌞💯🫶💪🧜‍♂️🚶🚣‍♀️🏊‍♂️🧘‍♀️🙏

Un jour j irai a Tahiti 22/05/2024

Un jour j irai a Tahiti Apres 3 transat 1 transpac en vue

Day 60: South Pacific Ocean, None 13/05/2024

Leg Galapagos ⛵️Marquises
PACific Ocean
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple
Lots of adrenaline on board & it's contagious ... 150MN to GOooo...
We expect to arrive 14/05 in the evening. Let's just 🙏so as to keep us all safe till Hiva Oa🏝

Day 60: South Pacific Ocean, None Un merveilleux lever soleil, ce matin ou compte a rebours de milles nautiques restant a commencer, l'ecran affiche 165,6 MN soit environ 24 h et sommes tres excites. We are approaching ⛵️HIVA Oa 🏝! Yeahhhhhh En attendant donc nous vaquons a la mise en place de drapeaux, un peu de bricolage, l...

Day 59: South Pacific Ocean, None 12/05/2024

Leg: Galapagos to Marquises
PACific Ocean

Getting CLOser, saling happily downwinds since 2 days ago.
Amel Santorin 115 Year 1995
Crew: 2 French & Guatemala❤️ couple

Day 59: South Pacific Ocean, None La nuit derniere, j'etais aux aguets pour voir les Aurores Boreales annoncées, il y a des milliards d' etoiles, une belle voie lactee et la Waxing lune continue son ascension illuminant et envoyant ses rayons blancs sur la mer a 23%. Vers 4am dans cette latitude du PACIfique Sud, j'ai seulement ape...

Day 57: South Pacific Ocean, None 10/05/2024

Great time came back & here we are with the PACific Tradewinds pronostics untill our approaching The Marquises.
Our "Butterfly" is happy leading us

Day 57: South Pacific Ocean, None Note: il n'y a pas d'accents pour French...& desolee pour toutes les fautes gramaticales et/ou de quand j'accouche ca va vite🤣 09/05 Enfin, ous avons trouve les fameuses Alyzees du Sud!!! La mer s'etait adouc et les ventsvont diminue, cette fois-ci les Gribs coincident avec les previ...

Day 47: South Pacific Ocean, None 30/04/2024

Leg: Galapagos to Marquises
After one week, first flash passing (flying!!) boat in the middle of this PACIfique ocean...

Day 47: South Pacific Ocean, None On croyait un bateau fantome, puis il s'approchait vite... le temps de nous faire un coucou via VHF et disparu! C'etait des Franchutes, alias speedy Gonzalez...

Day 34: Puerto Ayora, Ecuador 17/04/2024

Leg2: Malpelo-Santa Cruz/Galapagos 5D1/2 non-stop Just safely arrived! 🙏
Thanks to all for being with us...😘
Will see now administration to obtain permit 🤞....

Day 34: Puerto Ayora, Ecuador Leg2 : Malpelo-Santa Cruz 594MN 5 Days 1/2 non-stop all OK!!


Yes we just sailed through it: The Equateur: It's significant because it divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The equator is also important for navigation. This line sits at 0° latitude, making it the reference point for travelers sailing Nord to South!

Day 29: North Pacific Ocean, None 12/04/2024

Leg 🏝 Malpelo to Galapagos
After spending 4 days protected by the huge birds' rock in the middle of the ocean, we left it early today and decided to keep our sailing track south, to catch trade winds to the French Polynesia.
Sofar, the Pacific is good with us & we are sailing windwards between 70&90°, good current, just waves coming lightly in front of us...
Sending hugs to all !

Day 29: North Pacific Ocean, None Here we go cast-off early this morning !!! Leg 600MN= 5days non-stop Malpelo to Galapagos next stop🙏 All OK on board, just need to re-adjust our evey 3h shifts surveillance/monitoring/sailing/eating/sleeping


Here we go!!!! 3822MN (direct) NON-STOP ⛵️...but might be more or less
Leg: Panama to French Polinesia
See U in 4 weeks

Transpac2024 @Arantelle 01/04/2024

we need badly to hear from you all to fill-up our ♥️🧜‍♀️🇬🇹💙🧜‍♂️🇫🇷
Now on live! Track-us if clear sky on our path..
Sailing and Cruising Sailing

Transpac2024 @Arantelle Welcome to follow-us for our new ⛵️lap 🇵🇦 Atlantic to the Pacific 🌎!


Notre Panama Canal crossing team!

Day 4: Ancón, Panama 24/03/2024

23march : 43MN 12h Crossing the Panama Canal 🇵🇦
We did it!
Such an incredible experience being in the center of 2 other sailing boats and leading the paths all the way through, lots of stress as lots of responsibilities. Thanks to our Panamanian guide Francisco's help & guidance all the way!


Day 4: Ancón, Panama Rosamaria Marc's visit to Ancón in Panama


Countdown ON, less than 24h to cross the Panama Canal.
The team is almost ready, after spending a couple of days visiting 2 out of 365 islands in San Blas archipel.


TRANSPAC2024 S1/2/3/4
We are sharing our sailing compilation from JAN till FEB 2024
Total leg crossing 1500MN

Rio Dulce Izabal, Lívingston, Izabal, Guatemala ⛵ Utila, Islas De La Bahia, Honduras ⛵ Roatán, Islas De La Bahia, Honduras ⛵ Isla Providencia, Colombia⛵ Linton Bay, Panama & Linton Bay Marina

All is "almost" ready on board, love my whole refit (well part of it😅) & my buddies "start being relaxed" & in great shape !🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️💪🚴‍♂️🤣💙🥰
So now, just eagerly waiting here the arrival next week of 3 Frenchies, who are coming to help us out & enjoyed some days on board.

Next destination: San Blas Islands, then our appointment on 23/03 to cross through the Panama Canal!!! 🙏

If anyone feels to join us, please don't hesitate!!!



Send a message to learn more


Mil gracias a todos por su eficaz ayuda,
asistencia chequeo salida portuaria y migracion con Raul Morales de Servimar y Hector Milan & Familia por sacarnos casi acostados de Lívingston, Izabal, Guatemala
Hasta la proxima


J+2 What's-up??? Caramba que pasa en el muelle?? Quel bazar!!
There was a big fuzz around the marina since my buddies' arrived.
It's really crazy as they emptied most of the sailing materiel from the hatches all over the dock... sorted it out, washed, rubbed, cleaned. We are all happy as my motor runs back again..but still lots to do !
Now waiting to choose best quotation, so as to haul me out in January for full inspection.
Just relax as it's X'mas season

Photos from Arantelle's post 18/12/2023

My buddies left me here Dulce for 9 long months & they just arrived.
Lots of surprises on board despite Angel's cleaning & washing me regularly, but I'm suffering from all this extreme humidity, there are black stains all over, every single rope is black/green with mold everywhere, batteries are out, so no way to check motor, chains look rusted, wires inside motor splitted out, my interior smells so bad !! Hope that they won't find worst around...
Ayayyyyy caramba... la lista sera larga para limpiar, arreglar, joder todo esta verde/negro con tanta humedad!!
Well there must be a lot to do for them, so as to repair/prepare/pamper and be ready before casting-off to Panama early next year!!!!
In the meantime seems we are all happy to be together again!!


Un día 22 de agosto de 1968, Bernard Moitesier, compitiendo en los primeros puestos en la Golden Globe Challenge, tras virar el cabo de Hornos, renunció a subir el Atlántico para completar la circunnavegación y se dirigió hacia el Índico por segunda vez para seguir navegando, a pesar de ir primero
y con bastante ventaja, Bernard puso rumbo hacia Tahití.

Arrojó un mensaje a la cubierta de un carguero que pasaba: "..........Sigo, sin hacer escalas, hacia las islas del Pacífico, porque soy feliz en el mar y quizás..... para salvar mi alma....."

Con ello renunciaba a todo lo que el triunfar podía brindarle y cambiaba por completo su destino para siempre.
Moitessier cuenta esta historia en su libro "El largo viaje", en el que se refiere así al temible cabo: "La pequeña nube sobre la luna se movió hacia la derecha. Miré. Allí está, tan cerca, a no más de 10 millas de distancia y justo bajo la Luna.
Y no hay nada más excepto el cielo y la luna jugando con el cabo de Hornos. Miré. Apenas podía creerlo. Tan pequeña y tan grande. Una colina, pálida y gentil; una roca colosal, dura como el diamante".

Por la paz eterna de este gran navegante!!!
La motivación de su elección, en «Tamata y la Alianza», casi un testamento espiritual suyo en algunos pasajes, vuelve a tomar su decisión y la motiva: «La meta original está casi al final del bauprés, pero todo se desvanecería si estuviera satisfecho.
La verdad que busco inconscientemente se irá revelando poco a poco y ahora sé que me llama infinitamente más lejos.
Regresar ahora equivaldría a no haberse marchado nunca. Sería la aceptación tácita de las reglas del viejo juego impuestas por otros.
Sería traicionarme a mí mismo....

Photos from Arantelle's post 02/04/2023

48D 😎⛵🇬🇹
It's been a while since we arrived in Guatemala and left our lady Arantelle on great hands at dock Happy Iguana Marina
Just backed again to the city after being on board just for a couple of days, checking out that all was ok. We arranged to left her for a long term season. Thanks a bunch to all staff for your understanding.
In the meantime, let's just pray so as to still find Mamina alive back to France.
Will keep you posted...

Guatemalteca atravesó el Océano Atlántico en velero junto a su esposo 17/02/2023

En Guatemala publican una nota de nuestra aventura Travesia Atlantico en 128 dias!!! ⛵
muchas gracias!!!!!
Olalala on parle de nous dans la presse digitale!!!
OMG my Firstmate is becoming a "star" at her birthplace!


Guatemalteca atravesó el Océano Atlántico en velero junto a su esposo

Videos (show all)

PACIfic2024 Leg Marquises : Hiva Oa with a reaching sailing ⛵️ to Nuku IvaAmel Santorin 115 Year 1995Crew: 2 French & Gu...
Transpac2024 Yes we just sailed through it: The Equateur: It's significant because it divides the Earth into the Norther...
Transpac2024 Here we go!!!! 3822MN (direct) NON-STOP ⛵️...but might be more or lessLeg: Panama to French Polinesia See U...
We are happy to share with all our new #sailing  #adventures  nforv2024. We finally casted off from Happy Iguana Marina ...
Mil gracias a todos por su eficaz ayuda, asistencia chequeo salida portuaria y migracion con Raul Morales de Servimar y ...
J+2 What's-up??? Caramba que pasa en el muelle?? Quel bazar!!There was a big fuzz around the marina since my buddies' ar...
EASTTOWEST S18FEB23Kingston-Jamaica⛵ Livingston-Guatemala Long non-stop lap 700MN to go!!!!Aqui vamos ya!!No mas interne...
EASTTOWEST S16-17 JAN23We keep on sailing, despite the daily crazy  changing weather forecasts, as we experienced a very...
EASTTOWEST S13/14/15We are sharing our sailing compilation from Dec24th2022 till Jan20th 2023Le Marin/Martinique ⛵Iles d...
