Heidi's Homesteading Journey Videos

Videos by Heidi's Homesteading Journey. Hello! I'm on a homesteading journey. I'll be tracking our progress here.

As always, have ta snap pics of wild flowers. They're the same but I just love them.
Oh - a sorta sad story. The lady we bought the property from decided to put up an electric fence to keep her animals in her pastures.
The bottom line was pretty low and it was a turtle crossing. Three got caught and were zapped. I picked up the shell of one and I may paint it and put in my yard some place. 😢

Other Heidi's Homesteading Journey videos

As always, have ta snap pics of wild flowers. They're the same but I just love them. Oh - a sorta sad story. The lady we bought the property from decided to put up an electric fence to keep her animals in her pastures. The bottom line was pretty low and it was a turtle crossing. Three got caught and were zapped. I picked up the shell of one and I may paint it and put in my yard some place. 😢

Always checking out the pond. It hasn't rained in a while so level dropped. It did rain a little while I was there. Even tho the water ain't so purty, the rain was cool looking. Still trying to figure out how to clean up the water. Dreamscape: lovely blue, crystal clear pond water. 🫰👍👌

Video of the water, electric layout. Vid is a bit jumpy. Hey! I'm trying to walk on uneven dirt, video and not fall. What's a girl to do!

We are putting insulation down before the cement floor. Last Tuesday (7/16) they delivered to the property. We were concerned that the driver would have trouble driving it (a semi) down the 1000 ft driveway, turn around and get out. No worries! The driver, Troy, was a hoot. We met him at the top of the drive and he got out of the cab, walked over and the first thing he said was, "Where the hell is this place?" (his words!) We died laughing. He said he would not have found it without gps. Anyway, he was confident of his skills - I can turn on a dime and gestured to the field in front of us and indicated that's all he needed. Thank you God for a fab driver! He later said that many drivers return product b/c they don't know how to do it. I always make this declaration: Thank you God for divinely ordained appointments and connections. This was one of those for sure. And he did exactly what he said he could do. I'll show the video below and the next post will have pictures. Enjoy and be amazed at his skills!

The guys hauling in our garage pieces parts. A breezy but beautiful day! It took some maneuvering to be able to unload.

Sniff, sniff - what's that sweet scent that wafts through the air? I found some honeysuckle on the fence line! There's also bridle wreath that I think has a pleasant fragrance. I had to add all my other flowers - A photo person always says they are di🤪fferent, right? Come on, now!

Turn Lemons into Lemonade!
Sometimes the journey slows down more than what I think should be the pace! Am learning for house building (and for life), I can't always pick the pace. Sigh... So what to do? Take lemons and turn them into lemonade. Had fun with this!

I'm sitting on the pipe that's going to be cut in half and dug in for water drain off.

A while ago, I created a video that was intended to be encouraging and what may appear to be a negative is really God giving us a challenge to learn and grow from. I found it helpful as I'm starting this new homesteading journey.

Part of my homesteading journey is including really cool conversations. It is extremely important to me to journal how God's hand is in everything I do (and we, as God's children). What better place than here to document it. One such convo happened last night. Our good friend (and recent friend that we bought the property from - I'll call her Ms. I.), stopped by last night to return our bank check. What??? She didn't want it? Not exactly. So here's how the story started... and there's 2 sides.... Our side: Hubs and I had been looking for land to buy off and on for about 6 months. How did we happen upon this property? God Sighting #1: Gus mentioned to a friend that we were looking for land and the friend recommended a real estate lady who might know of said property. So we called and she took us to the land we ultimately purchased. We oohed and awed as we drove there, a very good sign! And then we saw the property and we were all in. You see, I had made a declaration many years ago about what I wanted: *** 10 + acres - we purchased 26. Check! *** A creek running through. Check! *** Trees - lots of them. Check! *** Beautiful land with no brambles. Check! aka nasty vines with prickers all over it and a place for my Flower Field of Dreams. Believe me, we walked thru some of that. So we went through the paperwork process at our bank for the 26 acres. Because it would be more troublesome with that size, Ms. I. said she would 'fund' the 6 acres from her. We had the closing. Did I mention that it was the longest wait for a closing in history. Well... a slight exaggeration. 🫢😬🤥 But it did take 4 monts. The agreement with Ms. I. was that once our bank loan was secured, a year from then we would start making monthly payments - so Oct. 2024. God Sighting #2: At that time I made a declaration that this loan would be paid off by the end of 2024. I kept reading in Proverbs about owing no man aka woman. Grrr! No idea where the funds would come from. (I also decl

We're finding out it's taking a lot more dirt to level our property for the house than we originally thought. Still working on it!

Checked out the creek after the rain. It turns wet or dry depending on the weather. Sure love the sound!

Tree down!


Rolling the soil and removing weeds
The area where the house is going has to be leveled so instead of cutting all the weeds down, he rolled the top soil off, taking care of 2 things at once.

Decision made as you probably figured out from the last post. Yippee! Work began this past Thursday. Roadwork started. Part of the roadwork involved removing a pretty big tree. I video'd the process and it didn't take long. Pretty impressive. It now feels like we've started moving along. We spent a lot of time on house plans and resourcing but here's where the rubber meets the road. Literally.