ACMR American Christian Music Review

ACMR American Christian Music Review

THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!! Former home for The American Christian Music Review/ACMR
United Stations Radio Networks.

Last air date 09/23/23




Well, friends! That is a wrap! It has been our pleasure to bring you some of the best music ever recorded every weekend for the last ALMOST 30 years! Some of you have been with us since the beginning and some just may have found us last week.

It is our prayer that your local stations replace us with a show that will offer you the same hope we tried to bring to you every week. In the meantime, we have posted links to places where you can find this music and listen to whenver you want.

Thanks so much from Terry & Sally Wright and myself, Linda O'Brian for making us a part of your weekends and sending us off with such encouraging messages. Till we see you again down the road, please be good to each other, share the love of Jesus with everyone you know and more than anything, know that you are loved. We leave you with the lyrics to the last song we played today and thought it was a fitting way to say, not goodbye, but we will see you later down the road!
When you feel forgotten
When you feel your all alone
When you feel like givin up
When you feel discouraged
and everything's uncertain
When you feel your just not good enough
When it's slippin through your hands
and you've done all you can
and there's still so much more to do
it's easy to forget in time like this

Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you and he cares about everything you're going through
your name is engraved on the palm of his hands and that's a promise you can hold on too its easy to forget in times like this Jesus loves you.
when the funeral is over
the casseroles is gone
and your about as broken as can be
when the sun ain't shinin
the night's are just too long
and the weight of it all
drives you to your knees
I've been where you are
when God just seems so far
and I needed to be reminded too
its easy to forget in times like this

Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you and he cares about everything you're going through
your name is engraved on the palm of his hands and that's a promise you can hold on too its easy to forget in times like this...
that your name is engraved on the palm of his hands and that's a promise you can hold on too its easy to forget in times like this Jesus Loves You...


Just a reminder-- Next week's show will be our final show. But we want you to know, you can find this music anytime online!

If you are looking for places to hear uplifting Christian/Country music all the time, we are including some links that will be helpful. Here are some of my favorites!
Christian podcasts--
Places to stream Christian/Country music—


So many times people have asked us if there was a place to hear this music anytime they wanted? Very good question and we have the answer!

If you are looking for places to hear uplifting Christian/Country music all the time, we are including some links that will be helpful. Here are some of my favorites!
Christian podcasts--
Places to stream Christian/Country music—


IF you were an current affiliate of ACMR, first THANK YOU for being a part of our broadcast journey! Also, we would like to make the transition as easy as possible. Please PM us for information that will help and give us a chance to thank you in person! I will also be listing what we think are the best alterntaives out there. See below and please tell them Linda sent me!

We are so thankful for letting us share this great music and positive message of God's love to your listeners. We hope the show has been a blessing and that your stations will continue to be blessed in the future! Lots of love and big hugs- Linda O'Brian

Rise Up Country hosted by John Ritter
Call --Chuck Mann
Affiliate Relations Manager
[email protected]

Hosted by Robby Lynn
[email protected]


ATTN: PROGRAMMING NOTE-- The FINAL ACMR WILL BE AIRING THE WEEKEND OF SEPT 23/24-- Here's a word from our show creator...
Well folks, it's been a wonderful time, and the Seed that God has planted in so many hearts over the past 30 years, no doubt has grown into many flourishing, dedicated Christians - what greater degree of success could we hope for?! And the countless letters and messages of Hope found in Jesus Christ, and prayer requests that have come to Linda are all "gold, silver, and precious stones!" For the rest of us...sister Linda and these unique songs of worship (with a nice country feel) have become a personal tradition as we get ready for church. My wife, Sally (Co-Creator) and I listen with you on KKYN-FM in Plainview, TX every Sunday morning! All of our love for all of you have certainly gone into every show, thank you for listening.

That said, after 30 years of writing, hosting, and producing The American Christian Music Review, our distribution source has terminated our relationship as of September 24th. YOUR STATION is the angel in this scenario! They are the ones who've labored to get the show to you every Sunday, and make it sound so good, be sure and let them know you are grateful. This is just the nature of business, and we know WHO ultimately calls all the shots, so we say, "Thank You, LORD for 30 wonderful years letting us use the airwaves to glorify Your Holy Child, Jesus, and for making so many friends along the way." And to all of you faithful listeners, "We dearly love you and pray that you grow closer and closer to Christ our LORD, every, minute of every day.

And finally, to those of you still struggling to find your way, those with broken hearts, and those listening from within prison walls, real or emotional...remember: "Jesus Loves You!" That's the message. He loves You and in Him is a New Life with all the Peace, Love & Joy you've been seeking all your life. Jeff & Sherri Easter will say it far more beautifully as they close our finale', Sunday morning, September 24th.

And remember, if you're already a's never goodbye, but see ya later! We'll see all y'all at the House!"

Co-Creator & Producer,

Terry Wright


Terry, of Sally & Terry Wright
Proverbs 3:5-6


Great story about prayer!
Click on story!


Always include him morning, day, and night.


If God turns off one faucet of supply in your life, he can easily turn on another. Read more about worrying less and trusting God more for your finances in today’s devotional.


“Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven.” —Matthew 10:32–33

Have you ever been in one of those situations where it almost seemed as though God had set the scene for you to speak up for Him? Everything fell into place. You knew what you needed to say. You knew the right thing to say. But you didn’t say it. You were paralyzed by fear. And you serio usly regretted it afterward.

Even Peter had a lapse in which he denied the Lord—not once, not twice, but three times. That same Peter went out afterward and wept bitterly. And then he changed. According to church tradition, Peter was put to death on a cross as he hung upside down. He asked to be crucified that way because he said he wasn’t worthy to die in the same manner that his Lord did.

Peter wasn’t happy in the state he was in, and God changed him.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Actually, I feel a bit ashamed. I haven’t been speaking up for the Lord. I haven’t been confessing Him. I must not be a believer because I have denied Him.”

We’ve all had our moments of doubt. And we’ve all had our lapses in which we’ve denied Him.

But you can make a change today. You can begin confessing Him as a follower of Jesus.

Do people know you’re a Christian? Do your coworkers and your family members know that you’re a follower of Jesus Christ? We need to speak up for the Lord. Our lifestyle, the way that we live, should be evidence of our faith in Christ. Are you speaking up for Him?

To read more of today's devotion, go to


"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Luke 19:10 ESV

Check out the September Live It Challenge! ⬇️



The Pastor and Prayer – 6 Principles to Keep in Mind 27/08/2023

The Pastor and Prayer – 6 Principles to Keep in Mind If we are going to experience church revitalization, it must start with a renewed emphasis on prayer.


When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. Psalm 8:3-5 ESV


David passionately desired to know God above all else; he used words like longing, yearning, thirsting, hungering. He craved God. Intimate friendship with God is a choice, not an accident. You must intentionally seek it.

Learn More:




The Word for Today
Psalm 145:18


God’s grace is available to you no matter what—despite your secret sins, your faults, and your weaknesses. Read more in today’s devotional.


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hewbrews 10:23 NIV


Happy Sunday, Y'all! Thanks for carving out a little time to listen to our little show! We have been so blessed to bring this show to you for now almost 30 years!??! How it that possible!?! God is so good. THAT'S how it's possible! Thanks for always being so encouraging to us. We get the greatest and sweetest messages from you all week. Please let us know how we can pray for you today!

Our Story

We love playing songs that remind you that God LOVES you! So much! Whether you are listening while you are getting ready to go to church or maybe because of your work, you can’t go to a service, we want to share with you songs that we know will lift your spirit and this page is dedicated to stories we hope will encourage you in your walk with Jesus. Would you like to hear The American Christian Music Review at YOUR local country station? Find out how! Call United Stations Radio Networks at 212.869.1111 x 0, or visit! THANKS!

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