Daina Kahu

Daina Kahu

I introduce you to the intricacies of your Lymphatic System, the major Lymph highway


Some people don’t know what the view is like from your side of the room, especially when there isn’t an invitation to find out.

Since the English language has never been taken away from the people wanting to take Te Reo Māori (the Māori language) away from an entire nation, they will never understand the catastrophic impact eliminating Te Reo Māori (and all things established for Māori for that matter) will have, not just on Māori people but on the nation as a whole.

So, rather than cancel them, as they are trying to do to Māori, invite them for a cuppa and a kōrero (chat).

Show them your side of the room.

I have struggled with my identity all my life. Having been brought up to live the “white” way, to believe that all things Māori is for “dumbasses!”, I’ve never felt white enough to be white, nor have I felt brown enough to be Māori.

It took my white friend’s enthusiasm to give me the courage to go into a bilingual unit at school to learn my ancestors language, be it a very basic level.

Learning through my timeline, the stories of my great/grandparents, not being aloud to speak their native tongue in public,

Learning of their names being changed because other people couldn’t pronounce them,

Our last name being cut short because our ancestors did not want us to be known as slaves,

To hear of my aunties being told by their grand/parents to learn any other language accept their own so that they could leave New Zealand for a “better life” elsewhere,

To watch my parents struggle with accepting who they are as Māori, torn between what they were conditioned to believe was right for them and what they felt deep in their bones was right for them,

To then go home last Christmas and witness the advancement in cultural integration in New Zealand was heart warming to say the least.

To see the power of two peoples, coming together as a united force, emanate through other corners of the globe, is a proud moment each time I land in different countries.

I really do wish that the people supporting the removal of New Zealand’s progress take the time to check out the view on our side of the room.

I also hope that Māori, and tangata Tiriti, save a seat at their table, boil the jug and have a cuppa ready to seek understanding.

The sooner we can all understand that “one language” and “one way of living” does not equal “one nation” or “equality” the sooner we can get back to being the most United New Zealand has ever been, which is arguably the most United a nation has ever been in history.

Kōrero pono,
Nga mihi ❤️


If you wore or cells outside your body and on your face, you would be more inclined to look after them daily.

I get it.

It’s easy to neglect them.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Thing is, you are your cells.

So, it makes sense to get to know what they need.

Like you, your cells require:

❤️ Oxygen
🧡 Nutrients
💛 Hydration
💚 Purpose
💙 Waste management
💜 Frequency and Connection
🖤 Communication and Comprehension
🤍 Healthy environment
🤎 Vibration and Movement

What are you choosing to work on today?


🔥 Men-o-pause seems a hot topic right now, and so does lymph.

What's so great about this is that they both go hand in hand.

To the ladies experiencing hot flushes, bloating or swelling through menopause, did you know that menopause can have an impact on your lymphatic system?

You bet it's true.

As your hormones change, your lymphatic vessels become less efficient at getting rid of excess fluids, which can lead to swelling and bloating, especially in your legs and feet.

But here's the good news: 👏🏽 working your lymphatic system can help minimise some of the symptoms of menopause, like hot flushes and mood swings. When your lymphatic system works correctly, it can help remove excess fluid and waste from your body, improving circulation and reducing inflammation.

It's also important to acknowledge that menopause can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. You might feel like you no longer recognise your own body, which can be a source of depression and anxiety.

If you're struggling with these feelings, you are not alone, and it doesn't have to be this way.

➡️ My KAHU Method: Fluid Flow Program (https://www.dainakahu.com/yourlymphmatters) is designed to help women optimise their lymphatic system during menopause and beyond.

The program provides a variety of tools and techniques to improve lymphatic flow and reduce symptoms like bloating, hot flashes, and mood swings.

There is also an opportunity to unpack and rewire old thoughts and behaviours that keep you hating your body.

👩‍💻 Use the code “MyLymphMatters” for 100AUD off as a gift from me.

In addition to joining my next intake, taking care of your body with self-care can also help you feel better during this time.

Here are a few tips:

🤸‍♀️ Get moving: Regular exercise can help improve circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity, like walking, bodyweight movements or yoga, most days of the week.

💧 Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help keep your lymphatic system functioning properly.

🥗 Eat a health-centred diet: Focus on nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains to support your overall health.

♾ Activating lymphatic flow using The KAHU Method - Fluid Flow techniques to help stimulate the lymphatic system and reduce swelling.

"Menopause can affect the lymphatic system in a number of ways, including reducing lymph flow and increasing lymphatic congestion. This can lead to a range of symptoms such as swelling, bloating, and joint pain. By improving lymphatic function, women can help to alleviate these symptoms and improve their overall health and wellbeing." - Dr. Anna Cabeca, OB/GYN

Remember, you're not alone in this, and menopause does not need to feel like a life sentence!

We are in this together, ladies!

Yours in flow ❤️


One-use items are so last month!

DROP buying one-use items that don’t contribute to your health, wealth or the planet.

SWAP the one-use behaviour around clothes.

👗 Wear that expensive dress for more events than one party.

🎅Wear your Christmas pj’s throughout the entire year.

ADD moments that encourage you to declutter and downsize the “stuff” you have on, in and around you.

DROP SWAP ADD your way to declutter your environment.

Your body and mind will love you for it 🥰

Photos from Daina Kahu's post 24/01/2023

H3alth. It's not rocket science, yet, we are made to believe it is.

Feeling like 💩 for a long time is not a card hand you are “dealt.”

Your organs don’t “break down” for s**ts and giggles.

It’s not “bad” luck.

We are taught the disease symptoms but not the cause.

When we search for the cause it leads to “There is no known cause…”

When we search for a solution, medicine and surgery is the preferred options shared.

What if the answers can be found inside the body?

What if you can participate in your body’s h3aling?

What if it could be simple?

Would you be willing?

Would your relationship with your body change?

Are you ready to accept your role?


To everyone trying to get into the Fluid Flow Portal...

Thank you for your patience as we navigate through an unresolved incident: Isolated disruption in the AWS cloud data services.

I have been assured that this issue will be resolved soon.

I can blame the moon, rain, stars, mercury retrograde but reality is, this is technology.

If you are like me and technology issues have been known to spike your heart rate and blood pressure, please know that this too shall pass.

Before throwing your device out the window, go for a walk and keep practicing your BIG 7 and/or Awareness Assessment.

Email me if you have questions around Fluid Flow (reply an email I have sent through this week).

I am sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Yours in flow,
Daina x


The power of calm 🌻

In a world fuelled by chaos, calm seems to be along forgotten feeling.

One we ache for but seems so out of reach.

Calm is often pushed aside as the bright shiny lights of instant gratification and over-stimulation hypnotise us.

💜 Seek to understand the self

💛 Stay willing to listen to the body

💙 Be open to declutter the mind

💚 Activate your body’s fluid flow

Clarity parts the dark stormy clouds of chaos and shines the warm light of calm.

Calm helps you witness the thousands upon thousands of thoughts floating through time and space, while safely unaffected at a distance.

Touch keeps you grounded,
present in the moment,

“𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘐'𝘮 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦” ~ 𝘓𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘒 - 𝘍𝘭𝘶𝘪𝘥 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘸 𝘈𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳

Self love has you honour your journey

Deep understanding has you honour the journey of others

Calm gives you the power to be you,
in this moment,
right now ❤️

Photos from Daina Kahu's post 22/08/2022

Fluid Flow: Creating Clarity where there is Chaos


Did you know that it’s ok to feel [insert emotion here]?

You are not obligated to be in joy fuelled with gratefulness every moment of your day.

Just like your body is not obligated to feel healthy and vibrant all the time.

Sometimes we will be in ease and flow

Other times we may crash and burn

Mostly, we will be ebbing and flowing in between

If you find yourself angry… it’s ok

If you wake up grumpy and tired… that’s ok too





They are all you

Colourful you

Human you



You know you are doing something right when you receive messages asking “So where to now? Just want to set me up and do the best for my mind and body.”

Lymphatic drainage is the key to unlock your body’s potential.

The best thing about it is that you can do it for yourself at home.

You can amplify your current lymphatic routine you have with your lymphatic massage therapist and,

Doing your home lymphatic work is complementary to your current health routines.

✔️ Fasting

✔️ Feasting

✔️ Bodywork

✔️ Recovery

✔️ Supplementation

✔️ Meditation

✔️ Activation

Whatever you are doing, Lymphatic Drainage supports and amplifies the outcome.

Once your lymph fluid is flowing, you want to find more flow in your life.

Want to learn how to do lymphatic drainage at home? July registrations for Fluid Flow are open now.

DM me for details x


When we focus on health,

specifically the efficient flow of the body’s fluids,

To allow nutrients to reach the cells, and

Allow the cells waste to exit the body,

We lose unwanted weight.

What makes the body hold the unwanted “weight” in the first place?


🔥 Enter in-FLAME-ation

What the body can’t eliminate becomes toxic.

Let me type that again.

➡️ What the body can’t eliminate becomes toxic.


Which causes you to become in-FLAME-d


The body’s genius is to protect you with water aka Swelling.

Or, bubble wrap aka body fat.

And, if it starts to affect the pH of your blood,

The body will buffer/Neutralise it with Bicarb and other processes (I think I’ll share more on this in another post)

One way to help the body put out the 🔥 is not to “diet” or “exercise like crazy!”

Nor is to fast on juice and water only to go back to your normal habits again.

One of the best ways to help is to open up the body’s channels of elimination and to encourage the flow of fluids through movement and touch.

Birgith has been working on her Fluid Flow for a number of months now,

Not only has she reconnected with her inner child and healed old wounds,

She has started to lose that which was weighing her down.

The weight of:

❌ Toxic thoughts

❌ Toxic behaviour

❌ Toxic waste

Now, I’m not saying that the number on the scale will be drastically different,

I am saying that the way you carry yourself and feel in your body will be light, strong and free.

And that trumps the number on the scales.

Trust me on this 🙏🏽

When you wake up and feel like something has left your body and you feel thin, you know it’s for good.

Birgith is not the only one 😉


Let the body make the decisions

Free the mind to acquire knowledge

Allow the heart to feel the experience

Photos from Daina Kahu's post 20/06/2022

Your blood, lymph and nerves are constantly communicating to you.

When we take the time to listen, magic happens.

Pain is your body telling you that something needs to be changed.

Invest time to connect to your lymphatics and learn more about what your body needs physically and emotionally.

Years of symptoms and unanswered questions can be frustrating and leave you disheartened.

You don’t have to keep feeling this way.

Be like Joanna [swipe left]

Join Fluid Flow (next intake starts July 17th) and be relentless with consistent action towards unlocking your lymphatic system, calming your nervous system and leaning into the sensations you feel in your body.

Fluid Flow is subtle yet profound.

Available to every human.

Link in my bio 👆🏽

Yours in flow,
Daina x

Photos from Daina Kahu's post 14/06/2022

Stagnant energy is the cause of dysfunction, disharmony and dis-ease in the body.

Stagnant energy from thoughts, feelings, emotions, trauma and memories provoke sensations in the body, be they big or small.

When we take time to notice these sensations and use the energy to fuel full expression, we set the stagnant energy into motion.

Emotion = Energy in Motion

Motion = Expression

Healing = Release

Working with the body’s organs opens you up to a world of emotional healing, should you choose to lean into it and follow the body’s lead.

Performing a Liver Pump not only assists liver detox processes, it helps unlock frustration, anger and rage that have been shoved down in the “I don’t want to be hurt” cave.

What we don’t realise is that shoving the energy down in the cave is the very thing that hurts us the most.

Fluid Flow protocols gives you the tools to unlock your organs, set your energy in motion and heal your whole being.

If you ever get stuck on wether physical/visceral work or emotional work is the best for healing, look to the body for clues.

“Together we are better” whispered the body

The next Fluid Flow intake is open for registrations.

DM me for details.


“Tender lumps and bumps along the centre of the head are gone!” Kay, Fluid Flow Activator.

Real world results are the best.

Today while taking my Fluid Flow group through protocols to drain the brain, Kay tells me that since doing Fluid Flow (this is her 2nd time through) that she has noticed:

1. Her and her friends have had tender lumps on their heads for YEARS. (Kay emphasised that her and her friends were of the “older generation”) So much so they don’t think about them anymore.

2. Kay has just noticed that she no longer has them. “They are gone!” she said with a bewildered look on her face.

During the call today, she realised that the line the lumps were on was the same line the lymphatics drained from the brain.

Other things Kay has experienced is YEARS of neck pain, to the point she relied on pain medication. She also had tenderness on the distal end of her collarbones.

Since Fluid Flow, working on the deep fluid highway, and opening the gateways so the lymphatics can flow freely, the pain in her neck has gone.

No more reaching for the pain meds!!

And, the tenderness of the collarbones has almost disappeared too.

And to think, the brain drains into the Cervical Lymphatics as well as the Lumbar Lymphatics.

Everything affects everything as it’s all connected.

“Together we are better” whispered the body.

New intake open now.

Program starts July 17th (16th for the northern hemisphere)

See link in bio


Ya gotta ❤️ the human experience!

I am continuing to fumble forward along my timeline.

Moments of synchronicity and the unbinding of old patterns are making me fall in love with being human even more 🥰

The idea that we hold our experiences (and those of our ancestors) in our body and have the ability to unbind ourselves from those experiences, at will, continue to seriously blow my brain 🤯

Now, I accept that anything and everything can happen.

We are an extremely unique squishy ball of fabulous mess with unlimited potential.

Rewind a few days…

On Thursday I had a Network Chiropractic session, online.

To say that it created some shifts in my stuckness is an understatement.

Tuning into the energy flowing through my body unraveled the rope bound so tight around my heart, allowing an opening to release the sound of my souls secrets of the past sure does leave a mark.

Friday I do a liver flush. It was a great experience (it’s my 8th one). Had a moment… flashback of getting so frustrated at my dad for not understanding me and trying to tell me what I’m thinking or doing, and then pointing out all the things that I do wrong 😢

Then, I had a cry, and dropped more stones! 😆

It was a short moment. I used to have stupidly cold, sore, rage fuelled experiences but now I am having more calm, flowing, easy experiences.

On Sunday I have a moment of full self judgement, shame and disappointment. Not a long moment, but a moment that reminded me of my insatiable need to be perfect, in control and constantly balancing the energy of others so that I can feel safe.

I have been irritable and snappy.

Then Monday, I do Qi Gong with my friend and her group of lovely humans. I don’t remember the moves exactly but, one was something to do with embracing a mountain and another was something to do with the earth and parting the clouds. Anyway, I had to sit down, I’m feeling emotional, light headed, if I stayed standing I felt I would pass out.

After the class, I am transported to the time I was in the Navy, on parade, in the hot sun. Delegates were talking s**t for too long. People were “dismissing” themselves from the parade as they were about to faint.

Yeah, not stubborn ass me!! I take the hit. Faint. Hit the deck!! (Ground)

I am praised. I was the only one to stay. You know, you have to die before you leave the parade ground if not dismissed by the parade commander.

Anyway, I am reminded of how I used to be. Staunch. Compliant. Competitive. Afraid of feeling shamed for quitting. Of not being strong. Of not being perfect.

On Monday, I chose to sit down. Allow. Receive. Feel the feels in front of people I knew and people I didn’t know too. To cry (sob) in the arms of a friend I’ve only just gotten to know.

I had a realisation that my friend taking Qi Gong was the same woman who helped me when I landed in Bali after my world in Brisbane collapsed (5-6 years ago)

I was heart broken. My body decided to stop me in my tracks. She gave me oils and her dome tent to help open my airways. I was congested and run down AF!

But, stubborn ass me wanted to climb a mountain. So I did. So many blessons came from the climb though 😆

One blesson showed up when the clouds parted for a brief moment, like gods hands moved through the clouds to give me a glimpse of the sunrise.

Everyone climbing was complaining that it was raining and that they won’t see a sunrise.

I was the only one that paid attention to this happening. The hundreds of other people were too focused at reaching the top. Then, when they didn’t see the sun they all turned around to go home.

I kept going up, slowly slowly (I was breathing through a pinched straw 😆)

Myself and 2 other people stayed at the top. Cold. Raining. We waited. Then…

Heat on our backs, light beaming through the shed, we go outside and where the sun and the mountains greeted us. The clouds had parted long enough for us to take in the magic of their presence.

My body got warm and my heart was full.

I found it synchronistic for my friend to deliver movements that took me straight to that moment.

⛰ Mountain and parting clouds.

I’m not trying to makes sense of anything here. Just sharing what’s showing up.

Yesterday, I didn’t know if I was feeling a lot of energy stirring up and I don’t know what to do with it, or that I was feeling depleted.

I’ve been in that space before but I can’t remember when to understand why I am feeling what I’m feeling.

Today, I have had a walk around the ricefields, in the sun while chatting to a friend, and I am feeling content.

No moment of elation or arrival. Just sitting with being in awe of the experience. Privileged to be alive.

Just thought I’d share.

Thank you for listening (reading) 🙏🏽


I am shifting between two states right now.

State #1 - Shame

State #2 - Humbled

Bouncing between them like a Federer vs Nadal tennis rally.

I did something today that I didn’t believe I did a good job at doing. It involves other people so the shame is accompanied by excruciating disappointment in self.

Thankfully my partner helped stop me from spiralling down the slippery slope of self bashing!

Phillip told me, “If you have made it all about you then you are stuck in your ego. Get out of there and get back to what it’s all about. The people you are speaking to.”

Yep, no fluff. Straight up what I needed.

So, im sitting here humbled.

Why I do what I do even when I’m fumbling forward doing it:

There is room for more love, adventure and fun in our life when we are not consumed by calories, weight scales or ongoing chronic pathology.

So, providing an opportunity for deeper connections and conversations to help decipher the body’s signals is what I choose to focus on delivering.

Helping humans have a greater understanding of their body in all its glory, so they can live their life to the fullest, without the distractions of dis-ease, pain and swelling.

Working with the body, not against it.

Living with appreciation and love for their body, in awe of its magnificence.

Thanks handsome 🙏🏽 I needed that pep talk ❤️



Calling all introverts,

like me,



hellbent on doing everything alone,

wishing telepathy was a language,

flatlining is your default setting,

saying "no" to someone and "yes" to yourself are both foreign ideas,

not answering someone is your answer,

hiding away in a cave is your sanctuary,

yeah, you,

I love you.

Be you.

There is nothing wrong with you!


Know that when you need to heal the body,

the body does not heal well alone.

saying "no" to someone and "yes" to yourself is liquid medicine,

Forming words and sounding them out aloud is movement nutrition,

Connecting with humans in the flesh is sunshine,

Asking for help is oxygen for your cells,

sharing your experience with someone else is nutrition for the soul.

You don't have to go through it alone.

You don’t have to change the essence of who you are either.

I understand that your uniqueness and body needs can be two different things.

If you’ve tried everything you can, but there is still some healing you want to work through, and jumping on a call or signing up for a course is way out of your comfort bubble (I struggled to jump on discovery calls), then DM me and let’s start up a written conversation there.

No judgement,

No expectations,

Just an honest connection x



Looking at feet is a great way to see the differences between normal and natural.

Well, it works for me.

Normal is what we are used to seeing and feeling.

Natural is what is optimal for the body to function at its best.

Normal is forcing something to happen

Natural is allowing something to happen

Normal is staying inside the box

Natural has no boundaries

Normal is understood

Natural is under no obligation to make sense

Normal is limiting

Natural is limitless

This is not just about feet either 😉

Want to optimise your physical and emotional experience on earth?

Look to your feet for clues 👣

Image copied from


Energy is our most valuable currency. Yet, unlike money, we spend it without a second thought.

We do an Oprah, standing tall and proud of our intensions to give our all, “You get my energy, you get my every, that “thing” gets my energy, everything gets my energy!!”

Where, if we had our best interest front of mind, we would do a Robert Kiyosaki and ensure that we diversified the way in which we spent and invested our energy.

Employee = sacrificing energy for needs

Self Employed = potential for fair exchange of energy as you can choose who to give it to. Still may need to sacrifice energy but ultimately, you have a choice.

Business = delegation of daily energy draining tasks.

Investment = energy used generates exponential increase of energy in return.

To see where you are spending your energy, write down everything that requires your time, thoughts, and attention.

Use the following categories to help build your list:

Day dreaming
Past memories
Taking care of children
All things food
All things clothes
Body image
Commuting (driving/passenger)
Conversations (wanted or not)
Fawning (walking on eggshells)
Social media

Once you have your list, see where they fit in the quadrant.

Then, see where you can minimise the amount of energy spent, or maximise the energy invested.

It does not have to be “big” changes made.

It can be as simple as subscribing to a program where food recipes and shopping lists are given to you each week. This is to minimise the amount of energy going into thinking about food, wondering what to eat, cook or buy.

If cooking and food isn’t your gig, (it’s definitely not mine) then this could be the best energy business you have invested in.

Here’s to becoming energy wealthy.


A leopard doesn’t change its spots… he evolves with them.

I had someone pull me up for something I did years ago.

They proceeded to tell me, “a leopard doesn’t change its spots!” which meant that in their eyes, I will never change therefore, they cannot ever trust me.

When we are labelled, then held by that label every single day of our lives, there is no room for change.

We will end up destined to continue making decisions that brought about undesired outcomes.

Instead, seek to understand, give space, model the desired behaviour, and be open to receiving that which you think we cannot give.

Humans are a mixed bag of goodies. A product of their environment. A series of trigger mechanisms and learned behaviours. We are extremely unique squishy balls of fabulous cells, designed to reach the highest potential of all things glorious.

We can be anything and everything.

But, once a label is applied and they are constantly reminded of said label, you can be certain that that human will be stuck playing small, trying to keep you happy.

If you ever reach that point with someone, you both lose out.

We are capable of evolving, extracting wisdom from our “spots” to direct us forward into the future and helping us be content in the NOW.

So, when you see someone’s spots, don’t judge them, understand them. Don’t label them, extract the wisdom from them.

Don’t shun them to the dark, shine a light on them.


Pic credit: Unknown


It is not “normal” to be dealing with unrelieved swelling and bloating or constant aches and pains.

Don’t take “Your tests have come back normal. Take these pills…” or “Well, these are normal signs of ageing. Take these pills…” as gospel!

Take ownership of your health by taking a deep dive into the body systems and start connecting the dots.

The system that makes all the difference is your Lymphatic system, yet, it’s the least talked about system!

If this interests you, comment with “Fluid Flow” so we can connect to chat about you, your body and how we can create balance using Fluid Flow.

Daina x


NOTE TO SELF: Be mindful of where you focus your energy, always.


I was watching a video about an event that happened in NZ. An event that was in one way uplifting, inspiring and hope-filled. In another way it was heartbreaking and disgusting as it unfortunately ended abruptly.

While watching this video I felt feelings of pride mixed with sadness. Then, as the video went on, my sadness turned to frustration, anger and rage!!

I wanted nothing more that to scream profanities 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 at the people that allowed this all to unfold.

I could feel my face and body tighten up, shut down, build up defences and charge my fists and jaw ready to use in an instant.

There was another video to watch, but thankfully, I had a client call to facilitate that I didn’t get watch it.

I am grateful that my clients are wonderful and working with them is a blessing.

All the anger I felt is not as charged as it was when I was watching the video.

My focus was on my client and she was continuously winning with what we were going through.

I feel happy, content and proud of her progress.

Which reminded me that the more we dive down the dark rabbit holes of dispair from worldly events, the more we lose sight of what we really want to get out of our lives and present moment.

Don’t be that guy, always diving deep into the dark without balancing it out with some light.

And don’t be that gal that is always happy happy joy joy, blinded by the illusion that its unhealthy to ever feel frustration or anger.

Be the human who is fluid, moving between emotions, free from expectations and judgement.


Image credit:


Videos (show all)

Ladies, menopause can affect your lymphatic system, making symptoms like bloating and swelling worse. But don’t worry, w...
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To everyone trying to get into the Fluid Flow Portal...Thank you for your patience as we navigate through an unresolved ...
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