Temple Rosa

Temple Rosa

Vanessa is a certified Reiki Master, yoga teacher, Ayurvedic student & myrrhophore offering Holistic Healing sessions, Women's Circles and Rites of Passage.

I’m a certified Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga teacher and Lithotherapist, offering in-person and distant reiki sessions, reiki training, women’s circles, spiritual readings, crystal therapy, and soul mending sessions. All healing comes through you. With compassion and intuitive attention, I’m here to guide you through your own healing journey, helping you restore your body’s natural state of balance and your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.


If you like mantra meditation as much as I do, here’s a tip:

Saying the 108 repetitions on the day of an eclipse is the equivalent of saying 10,000 of them.

You're welcome. 😉

📸 Chelsea Shapouri

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 05/04/2024

Move. Pause. Breathe. Repeat.

Thanks to the crazy weather that we’re experiencing in Eastern Canada, Kapha (moist, humid, heavy) and Vata (dry, cold, windy) energies have been duking it out for a few weeks.

At times I’ve been feeling light, even jubilant, at others heavy and deeply fatigued. Inspiration up and down like a yoyo.

Time to get back to the yoga mat.

It was maybe half an hour, but focusing on my physical body brought me back INTO my body. Focusing on my breath brought CALMNESS. And that brought the MOTIVATION.


P.S. Listen to birdsong too, it alleviates feelings of anxiety and lifts the mood.


Happy Easter to all those celebrating. 🌷

Whether or not you believe in the resurrection story, it’s difficult to deny the intense energies surrounding us at this time.

A falling away of the old and a rebirthing of the new, on a personal level as well as a global one. Things are shifting.

I know I have never been this deep in the underworld during the past 5 months.

And coming out now, I’ve never felt this positive, this vibrant before.

Doing the work is often difficult. But the rewards are myriad.


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 28/03/2024

My favourite part of Ayurveda has to be how all of the elements are involved in the creation of life. (My inner witch gets pretty excited, lol.)

Earth - grounding, stability, the foundation

Air - subtle movement, allows thought

Fire - the light, allows movement

Water - flowing motion, allows for life

Ether - the original element from which all things come. The connection between ALL things.

📸 Gabriel Jiminez, Marek Piwnicki, Joshua Newton, Mourad Saadi,

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 26/03/2024

The healing powers of the breath.

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 22/03/2024

Happy anniversary, Temple Rosa! 🌹🌹🌹

A year ago I created a sacred space and practice devoted to the wisdom of the Rose, and to mark the occasion, I wanted to share what ignited this flame within me.

During a healing session about three years ago, I was on Zoom sending distance Reiki to a lovely woman.

Maybe halfway through the session I became aware of a presence next to me. I somehow ‘knew’ it was Mother Mary.

It made sense, as this session was to heal deep trauma, and she is said to be the protecter of women and children.

Nevertheless, I was stunned. But grateful to have someone else there, helping this woman through a difficult time.

When the session was over, the client came on and said to me, “It was the funniest thing. After about 30 minutes, I suddenly smelled roses! I can still smell them. There aren’t any flowers here.”

Mary has been associated with roses since the 1st century.

And so began my journey into the way of the Rose.

The petals are forever unfolding, and I will share more in this new year.

Have you ever had a personal experience similar to this?


📸 The Soul of the Rose by John William Waterhouse



Our next Circle is a big one…

And the day before a total solar eclipse… 🌝🌞

Harnessing these energies, we’ll drop into the sacred space of sisterhood and release the old, receive the new, and revive our most sacred temples—OURSELVES.

We’ll connect with the Hindu goddess Durga and learn about the divinity of our emotions, how to set boundaries and how to transmute emotion into action. Time to let your soul roar!

DURGA MA ~ The Power Temple

Date: Sunday April 7th, 2023
Time: 2-4PM
Location: 10 rue des pins ouest
Investment: $33 early bird until March 30th/$44 regular fee via e-transfer

Sign up via www.templerosa.com/events

Be bold.
Be fearless.
Be shameless.
Be the heroine of your life.

~ Acharya Shunya


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 06/02/2024

Last week was the final temple in the Rosa Mystica program that I’ve been studying for a year.

Not just learning about but experiencing the healing powers of these anointing oils has been magical. They have changed my life, forever. ✨

But magical doesn’t mean easy, lol.

They open your heart, increase your intuition and awaken your soul voice. They raise your vibration significantly, and you may find you can no longer tolerate things that you easily did before. Anything out of alignment must go.

This can be a painful process. Physically, mentally, emotionally… Shedding, releasing, letting go. Anything from a pattern of behaviour to something tangible, like a job or an office.

But the rewards are 100% worth it. I feel a new phase beginning, one where abundance, health and joy will reign. I’m excited to see where my soul leads me!

I already use essential oils in my women’s circles and I will be integrating them into my new work, which includes Rites of Passage. 🌹

(If you’d like to know what they are, check the link in bio or for my website and sign up to my newsletter.)


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 22/01/2024

Why I’m studying Ayurveda, in a nutshell.

📸 Lisa Hobbs

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 12/12/2023

Out of the darkness… Into the Light. ✨

Our ancestors knew the power of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. They lived in tune with their cycles.

As we draw ever closer to the winter solstice, I find myself continuing to recognize and release old patterns and energies that no longer serve me.

This year, as part of the Rosa Mystica program I am in, we set the purpose to become aware of what was hidden from us, so that we could heal. The power of intention combined with the support of essential oils never ceases to amaze me. 🙌🏼

Let’s continue this work together!

For our last ceremony of 2023, we’ll learn the history of ancient solstice celebrations and honour this darkness, reviewing and releasing the past 12 months.

With yoga, essential oils, flower elixirs and journeying, we’ll deepen into our visions for the new year and welcome back the light. 🌟

Date: SUNDAY December 17th, 2023
Time: 3-5PM
Location: , 10 rue des pins ouest
Investment: $33-44 (sliding scale)

Register: [email protected]

Let’s gather in sacred space to let go of the old and begin 2024 anew.

📸 sixteen miles out, Laura Nyhuis


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 05/12/2023


Aligning with the Winter Solstice is empowering and attunes our bodies more fully to the Earth. 🌿🍒

And celebrating in sisterhood with energetic practices adds to the magic… 🌟

For our last Circle of 2023, we'll learn the history of ancient solstice celebrations and honour the darkest time of the year, reviewing and releasing the past 12 months and inviting in renewal.

With yoga, activations and journeying, we'll deepen into our visions for the new year and welcome back the light—and our own power.

Date: SUNDAY December 17th, 2023
Time: 3-5PM
Location: , 10 rue des pins ouest
Investment: $33-44 (sliding scale)

Register: email [email protected]

Treats & elixirs will also be served. Let’s gather together in sacred space to let go of 2023 and envision 2024. ✨

📸 sixteen miles out, Laura Nyhuis


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 28/11/2023


I’m very excited to share that my next event will be a beautiful collaboration with Susan Homa, skilled sound practitioner and owner of Welmä Studio in Westmount.

We’ll gather in Montreal’s only salt studio for deep nourishment and relaxation before the holidays.

I’ll be leading you through a restorative crystal therapy session while Susan takes you on a sacred sound journey.

Then we’ll pull cards to see what the energy of 2024 holds for us.

A beautiful evening of balance, renewal, and high vibes! ✨

Date: Wednesday December 13th, 2023
Time: 7-8:30PM
Location: Welmä Studio, 4891 Sherbrooke W.
Investment: $44

Register via Welmä Studio: https://www.welmalifestyle.ca/service-page/crystal-lithotherapy-tarot-sound-12-13?referral=service_list_widget

📸 Content pixie, Edz Norton, Esther Verdu


Women’s health and well-being.

This is my passion. This is what I’ll be focusing on moving forward.

Holistic healing. Harmony of the body, mind and higher self.

What will that look like in my practice? It’s already begun!

Continuing with sacred Women’s Circles, with new variations on the horizon. 💫

I’ve been integrating bits of Ayurvedic wisdom into my Blossoming Path journey that just finished yesterday (a dedicated group of women coming together for deeper healing), and will hold space for a new group in 2024.

Soon I’ll be creating workshops on herbs, essential oils, sound therapy, and so much more.

And finally, making these offerings available online. 💻

If there’s anything else you’d like me to add to my repertoire, put it in the comments below!

📸 Sam McNamara



It’s with an immensely grateful heart that I’ll be closing my Reiki practice at the end of the month.

I’ve been getting crystal clear signals that it’s time to move onto the next chapter of my work. Part of which includes Ayurvedic training, which I’m very excited about!

Ayurveda is Sanskrit for the “knowledge of life”, and will bring together everything that I’ve studied about the body, mind and spirit in a new and holistic way. (Will explain more in future posts. 😊)

But Reiki will always be a part of my journey. It’s what got me this far in my own healing, and is a powerful catalyst in my women’s circles and spiritual practice.

I have one in-person spot left next Tuesday at 3pm, www.templerosa.com/services to grab it!


Reiki is a gift.

One of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. 🙌🏼

It’s helped me change my life, heal deep wounds and allows me to step more fully into my authentic self.

On the anniversary of my entry into this world (lol) I want to share this gift with you!

For the month of November only enjoy 20% off all Reiki services. (In-person & online.)

P.S. Sign up to my newsletter to be the first to hear about these types of offers. (Last one went out 2 weeks ago.) 😉

Vanessa xo


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 24/10/2023

Full moon eclipse. 🌕

Nearing the end of this eclipse season, the doors of transformation are wide open. How do we drop in and receive the wisdom that is ready to be shared?

We are always connected to those who came before us…

Join our next Circle as we drop into sacred space and remember a gift that has been passed down through generations, as well as release a familial pattern that no longer serves us moving forward.

LINEAGE ~ The Ancestral Circle

Date: Sunday October 29th, 2023
Time: 1-3PM
Location: 10 rue des pins o.
Investment: $35 via e-transfer

Sign up via www.templerosa.com/events

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 17/10/2023

LINEAGE ~ The Ancestral Circle ✨

We are always connected to those who came before us…

At this potent time when the veils between the worlds are thin, we'll tune into the legacy of our ancestors and heal a wound around the time of our birth.

In the support of sisterhood we'll connect deeply with the land, our intuition and each other. With essential oils, embodiment practice and a unique Reiki meditation as catalysts, we’ll share wisdom and ritual to bring healing to the past and make space for the next turn of the Wheel.

Reclaim your heritage and stand on the shoulders of your elders.

Date: Sunday October 29th, 2023
Time: 1-3PM (please note earlier time!)
Investment: $35

Sign up via [email protected].

📸 Marcos Paulo Prado

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 04/10/2023

It’s magical when things come full circle. (Pun intended.)

I received the inspiration for The Blossoming Path over two years ago. Before I’d worked through the personal healing required to show others the way. Before I’d manifested the changes in my life that I desired. When the thought of offering women’s circles terrified me.

That time has arrived.

The Blossoming Path is a six-week healing and manifestation journey for women looking for more. For healing. For joy. To feel alive and connected to the Earth.

We’ll dive deep into the wisdom of the rose and the divine feminine with the support of energy healing and sisterhood. Mythology, archetypal energies, Reiki, Rose mysteries, crystal healing, and more will be part of the path.

Date: Wednesdays from Oct. 18th to Nov. 22nd, 2023
Time: 7-8:45PM
Location: Studio 414, 10 rue des pins ouest
Investment: $275, 50$ deposit via e-transfer to reserve your space

Only 3 spots left. 🌹🌹🌹

Sign up via my website: www.templerosa.com.


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 28/09/2023

Day 7, the final full day in Avalon.

It’s taken a while to get here, hasn’t it? Truthfully, I’m STILL integrating the healing journey that took place. Only feeling like ‘myself’ this past week or two.

But changed, of course. You don’t go through an initiation like that and come out the same. 🔥

We went to the Chalice Well once more, early morning before the crowds arrived. Having peaceful time by the well is deeply moving.

Our co-leaders led us through a beautiful ceremony that I don’t really remember—because I was busy receiving transmissions from the bees. They wouldn’t stop buzzing around my head, and I was exasperated.

What are you trying to tell me??

When I stood up to leave, a sister pointed out that I had this orange ‘stuff’ all over my skirt. It looked like pollen, tons of pollen all over my white skirt.

Suddenly I got the message.

That entire week I’d been visited by many insects: butterflies (August 25th post), ladybugs and you guessed it, bees. All of them in various states of life and death.

Avalon and ancient Greece used to be home to the Melissae, priestesses that worked in harmony with hives, studying their ways, tasting honey to absorb the wisdom of the flowers.

It was the ultimate anointing.

On our way up the Tor, a bright green caterpillar crossed my path and I knew it was a symbol of my rebirth. That’s exactly how I felt leaving the centre - brand new, close to the earth yet extremely vulnerable.

It was the voice of the divine feminine speaking loud and (finally, haha) clear.

She got my attention. I’m listening.


Photos from Temple Rosa's post 20/09/2023

Next weekend I’ll have the honour of initiating another group of Reiki students to Level 2. 🙌🏼

This class upgrades your Reiki energy and activates the three Usui symbols. You’ll learn to send Reiki by distance (through time and space!), use the power symbol and the mental/emotional symbol.

This certified 8-hour Level 2 course includes:

▽ History of Holy Fire Reiki
▽ Usui Reiki symbols - their uses, meanings and practice
▽ Level II Reiki Placement
▽ Enkaku chiryo - sending Reiki by distance
▽ Koki-ho - sending Reiki with the breath
▽ Gyoshi-ho - sending Reiki with the eyes
▽ Lots of practice
And much more…

Date: Sunday October 1st, 2023
Time: 10am-6pm
Investment: $200 / $50 deposit (non-refundable) to reserve your spot.

3 spots left!

I LOVE teaching this level—the look on my students’ faces when they use the symbols is absolute magic.

This will be my last time teaching Reiki in a group format for at least a year, so if you’ve been wanting to study it with me, now’s your chance! 😊

Email [email protected] to register.

📸 Dev Benjamin

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 14/09/2023

Day 6 was the day I’d been waiting for for over a year: Our visit to the sacred sites of Avebury.

Avebury is a vast Neolithic henge monument containing three stone circles, and is part of a grouping of ceremonial sites in the area that includes West Kennet Long Barrow and Silbury Hill.

Like the vibrant lands around EarthSpirit centre, there’s a unique energy here.

The people who built this henge, which is older and larger than Stonehenge, kept the natural shapes of the stones. No carving or shaping whatsoever. So the images within them are entirely natural.

Many have seats and hand holds. The pilgrims to these sites would have been encouraged to touch them and visit with them.

This isn’t a hands-off place! Even today it’s free to visit and everyone can touch the stones.

We started at the entrance to one of the smaller circles. It was guarded by a well-rounded Mother stone and a tall, linear Father stone.

Our guides encouraged us to touch them and feel their energies.

The words that I received from the Mother stone were:“Come to me. Let me hold you.”

And the Father stone’s message was: “Be still. Be here now.”

Like the land of Avalon, the stones of Avebury are alive. But size doesn’t matter. Location doesn’t matter. ALL land is alive. ALL stones are alive. They have consciousness as much as we do, on a different level.

They have witnessed the journey of the Earth since time immemorial. And each stone has its own message to share.

What images do you receive from these stones? 🗿

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 13/09/2023

Finding balance means letting go of what doesn’t serve you and embracing what does. Pausing. Resting. Listening.

It’s allowing the inner feminine, the receptive, intuitive parts of ourselves, to come forward and be heard, while embracing the inner masculine that is ready to take soul-inspired action.

It’s about discovering what truly motivates you and acting from there.

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐮𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ~ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐱 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞 💫

Connect with your intuition and set the stage for the coming season.

Date: Saturday September 23rd, 2023
Time: 2-4PM
Investment: $35

Sign up via www.templerosa.com 🍃🍃🍃

📸 Jonathan Borba

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 08/09/2023

BALANCE ~ The Equinox Circle 🍃🍂

𝘾𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙛 𝙛𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡…

At this time of equal night and day, we'll use the potency of the equinox to take stock of where we are, let go of what no longer serves us, and reclaim our equilibrium.

In sacred space we'll connect deeply with the land, our intuition and each other. With essential oils, embodiment practice and a unique Reiki meditation as catalysts, we’ll share wisdom and ritual to balance our inner feminine and masculine and make space for the coming season.

Step into clarity, alignment and flow. ✨

Date: Saturday September 23rd, 2023
Time: 2-4PM
Investment: $35

Sign up via link in bio !

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 06/09/2023

The Baptism.

If the morning of Day 5 was amazing (it was), the afternoon took things to a whole new level.

It was time to visit the White Spring. The day before, we’d visited the Chalice Well, a.k.a. the Red Spring, consecrating our chrism and activating our inner chalice.

This trip to the White Spring would not only help to integrate the masculine and feminine energies within us, it was our chance to create a vow to ourselves on what we wanted to do and be moving forward.

I was excited but also dreading it. Having visited pre-retreat, I knew that it was cool and damp inside and that the water of the deep basin was clap cold. 🥶

One of our mentors encouraged me: “When you’re receiving the transmission, you won’t even notice it.”


So we arrive at the spring, and after divine intervention gets us inside (story for another time), I’m feeling quite nervous for my dip in the pool.

But then the baptisms begin. I cheer my sisters on as one by one they step into the pool, receive the chalice from one of our co-leaders, make a vow (or several) for all to hear, and then dips the cup into the cold water and baptizes herself. Some drop fully underwater.

It’s magnificent.

I hang back but eventually I feel it’s time. I cling to the arm of another sister who’s as worried as I am (you know who you are—thank you!) We move into the line and before I can blink it’s my turn.

Another sister helps me into the pool so that I don’t fall. I reach for the chalice and start speaking. At first I’m calm but by the end I’m nearly yelling with the power of the activation.

And sure enough, I don’t feel a thing. I get out of the pool feeling like I’m lit from within. 🔥

Then we’re anointed with our chrism by the other co-leader and I make a different vow, a quiet one that’s for our ears only.

It’s the most transcendent day of my life.


On our third day we take our oil work to the next level.

Using special blends for each chakra, we learned how to anoint another for the purpose of spiritual healing. The oils bring to the surface that which is ready to be healed.

Our co-leader, a master aromatherapist and priestess doing this work for over 40 years, says that normally her sessions with clients are gentle and bring about a steady change that opens the channels for awakening.

But as I mentioned earlier, this is taking place in Avalon. Where the land is alive. In a consecrated room where 30 women are ready to go the distance.

I cannot go further into the details, as these sessions were intense, deeply moving and highly personal. But I will say that for myself, I found a new level of consciousness. I brought back ancient parts of my soul. This is the most powerful healing work that I’ve ever experienced.

I left that table a different person. 🦋


Linden Blossom.

Every time I smell this essential oil, my heart opens and I feel this lightening of spirit, a rising up. Bliss.

Linden is my temple keeper oil. So what is that?

Your temple keeper oil is the oil that has the most to teach you and to awaken within you. Each oil has different properties and offers unique wisdom.

Using your oil on a daily basis opens you up for healing, while allowing you to receive the gifts of any other oils you use with greater effect.

On day two of the retreat, we were all given our oils and learned what their properties were.

Linden has many, but my favourite is that it helps to awaken and connect you to soulful wisdom, while lifting you into euphoric states of consciousness.

No wonder I feel blissful whenever I smell it!!

Then we created what’s called a chrism, which is a blend of anointing oils. Each of us placed an intuitive amount of our personal oil into one jar, where they blended together and created a unique oil that held our intentions and the medicine of the oils.

We worked with this beautiful chrism the rest of the week, in every ceremony and at every sacred site.

And we were gifted with a small amount to take home so that we could return to this space any time that we need. ✨

📸 Megumi Nachev

Photos from Temple Rosa's post 09/08/2023

EarthSpirit Centre couldn’t be more aptly named.

By the time I arrived there I’d already had a taste of the land in Glastonbury, from the nurturing energies of the White Spring to the powerful charge of the Tor.

Nevertheless, I didn’t realize that I’d be saying goodbye to a restful night’s sleep for the next week.

Here too, the ley lines/Michael & Mary lines criss cross along the rolling landscape. The land feels alive. Its spirit is tangible. You understand why they are also called dragon lines. 🐉

This retreat centre is booked solid years ahead because this aliveness is a catalyst for healing.

So here we are. 30 women. 22 pilgrims, six mentors and two leaders. We’re here to experience Avalon and Avebury through this lensing.

We share our first dinner. Then we sit in Temple. This is a potent form of circle with ceremony and dropping in (stillness). We place our intentions into the healing container that we’ve created.

We’re paired up in a witnessing exercise, and as I gaze across the room at my partner, her face changes. I see her younger, then older. Then more masculine. The most vivid image comes as a beautiful Indigenous American woman with a long black braid over her shoulder.

It was a beautiful beginning.


The Gathering ~ A Free Women’s Circle 🌻🌻🌻

Happy Lammas!

At this time of first harvest, we appreciate the gifts and bounty of Mother Nature. But what about the gifts we hold within? Do we give from our authentic self? Do we open to receive?

We'll connect deeply with the Land, our intuition and each other.

Essential oils, Reiki and Yoga (gentle) will be our sacred tools to embodiment practice.

***Bring a yoga mat, water bottle and a friend!

Date: Sunday August 6th, 2023
Time: 10am-12pm (I'll be there at 9:30am. We begin at 10!)
Location: Jeanne Mance Park, north corner of Duluth at Park avenue by the picnic tables
Investment: FREE

Email me [email protected] to sign up.

I’m back from pilgrimage with much to share. Looking forward to seeing you!

For women of all ages, non-binary, and those who identify as female.

📸 Omar Lopez

Videos (show all)

~ RAGE & GRIEF ~Our next Circle is a big one… And the day before a total solar eclipse… 🌝🌞Harnessing these energies, we’...
Confession time. By the time we arrived at EarthSpirit I’d already been working with several of the essential oils we us...
#raiseyourvibration #positivethoughts #goodvibes #higherfrequency #soulwork #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening
Happy Mother’s Day to all and to the Great Mother with whom we are all connected. 🌎
There is a reason you are here. Right here, where you are now. In this very moment. The world needs you in it. Weed out ...
Prayer is powerful. I had a dream last night about the power of bringing our hands together, not just for prayer, but fo...
How I nip allergies in the bud.Though this year they’re the lightest they’ve ever been. Barely noticeable.Energy healing...
Are you evaluating your life? Looking for something new, something different. Something you can’t name. Something more.I...
COMPLETE SURRENDER. This time last year I was already falling into a deep, dark space. It was incredibly difficult. I ju...
THE DECENT…Life moves in a cycle of life, death, stillness and rebirth. We in the West are taught to fear death, to fear...
THE EARTH IS CALLING US TO SLOW DOWN… To reflect, gather and rest. We were not meant to live the way we do. Don’t try to...