Somatic Justice

Somatic Justice

Restoring wholeness through embodied liberation. We shed light on these old wounds, lend context and compassion, and work to rewrite our narratives.

Integrating psychotherapy and physical therapies for holistic healing.

Somatic psychotherapy enlists the innate intelligence of the body as a catalyst for health. Because mind-body disconnect is often related to our deepest emotional wounds, attunement to our body’s responses to stressors is essential to healing. By bringing awareness to how our emotions, sensations,

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 19/06/2024

🟣 Where your boundaries at? What parts of you deserve slowness rn? 🐌


New page officially born today



The first creative task is to free the body to experience the power of being.

This is both where we must begin and what is fundamental. Your body is the ground metaphor of your life, the expression of your existence. It is your Bible, your encyclopedia, your life story.

Everything that happens to you is stored and reflected in your body. Your body knows; your body tells. The relationship of your self to your body is indivisible, inescapable, unavoidable. In the marriage of flesh and spirit, divorce is impossible.

-Gabrielle Roth

Clip from DANCER IN THE DARK ( #323/365)

Filmed in the gallery of the PCC, a beloved local building currently in limbo…
✨See link in comments ✨


Science shows that our senses offer the fastest way to calm our body's stress response. T/F?


"There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination? If you are, it will deliver you unto the self you have always dreamed you could be. This is a promise."
– Gabrielle Roth


Photos from Somatic Justice's post 16/01/2024

Did you know we can learn to access 4 different types of perception?!? 🤯🤩

Grow capacity for neuroception & interoception in *Somatic Tools for Anxiety* Feb 3rd virtual workshop 🌱

1st 📸 by Magdalena Weinstein

Registration link in comments 💕

Somatic Tools for Anxiety ✧ A Polyvagal-informed Workshop


By bringing awareness to how our emotions, sensations, thoughts, images and memories interconnect and influence each other, somatic psychology brings us home to ourselves.

Somatic Tools for Anxiety ✧ A Polyvagal-informed Workshop
✦ Sat, Feb. 3rd - 11am-2pm ✦

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 22/12/2023

New workshop Feb 3rd



Somatic practice allows a return to the senses, integrating our inner and outer worlds. When interoception grows, obstacles to health begin to shift.

Register NOW to save the date…
*Feb 3rd, 11am-2pm* ❥❥❥

Somatic Tools for Anxiety ✧ A Polyvagal-informed Workshop

We will learn together about neuroception, intuitive movement, body and psyche. Join us for this virtual session!

Clients, clinicians and anyone curious about somatic work is welcome.

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 07/12/2023

I love creating a nurturing space that fosters self-awareness, expression and emotional resiliency. As a body-centered psychotherapist, I aim to reunite the intelligence of the mind with the innate wisdom of the body.

Good news! The first official Somatic Justice workshop is this February! Check it out...
Somatic Tools for Anxiety ✧ A Polyvagal-informed Workshop

Save the date & register now (link in comments).


New Somatic Tools workshop coming soon! 👀

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 22/09/2023

“This type of therapeutic work is not just purely about the mind, or our thoughts, or our feelings, or our behaviors, or about ‘labels’, ‘diagnoses’, or ‘pathologies’, but it is about something that is deeply rooted and felt within us, in our bodies, in our feelings, and also (sometimes) in our spirits. Unlike traditional ‘talk therapy’ or ‘cognitive therapy’ or other ‘labelled’ psychotherapies, Somatic Psychology (or Body Psychotherapy) tends to be much more experiential and existential and attempts to work much more at an authentic or ‘felt’ level, working with the person and their ‘felt sense’ of Self.”

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 24/07/2023

Grief shapes.


As we become more resourced through body-centered therapy, we have space to discover the stuck points, the exiled parts, the pressurized moments that have shaped how we relate to others…how we are in the world. We shed light on these old wounds, lend context and compassion, and work to rewrite our narratives. With body, voice, breath, brain and heart.


Gentle yet energizing, multicultural and multi-genre, engaging a common heartbeat. These sounds are life-giving, soul-soothing as we dance with Source energy, moving stagnancy into fluidity.

Join us tomorrow *JUNE 10th*
Moving Source ⌲ Monthly Practice

live mix from last month's sweet event ♡



Curious humans generating energy exchange in service to collective liberation, with body as the doorway.

Saturday morning, June 10th...GET SOURCED.

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 25/05/2023

☆ June 10th ☆ Source energy.
Moving intuitively, we hone the natural intelligence of the body. This practice taps into that mysterious force that gives rise to something needed in ourselves and in the world.

Link in comments.


Inviting you to sip from the well of Source
⌲ This Saturday, May 13th ♡


Heeding skyward reminders to keep shifting.
Presence in the going.
Valuing still times.
Queen Darkness presiding,
Simple pleasure.
Asking for help when life is too heavy.
Crying as much as I need.
And loving.
Loving myself and those closest radically.
Giving up mind control, ebbing, repeatedly, back to heart.


Holy Rage 05/08/2022

Wholly YES, Holy Rage

Holy Rage Growler invokes the Divine Feminine Shadow as catharsis for all women who are afraid to walk their streets.


Evoking. Bodily expression. Healing through emoting.

Sophie Strand-flavored somatics.


…on the nature of and how, when we begin processing a difficult experience or getting to know an exiled part of ourselves, it can feel worse for a while before it gets better and that this is a sign of positive change as we build cerebrospinal capacity, grow our ability to be with different sensations/emotions/memories in the body, identify needs and take right action.

Nature of the path to becoming a more integrated human. Wholeness, remembered.


Image by Kenyan visual artist Wanghechi Mutu

Photos from Somatic Justice's post 17/01/2022

My folks! Good news . . .

★ I have ONE bi-monthly slot open in my private practice! ★ If you want support moving stagnation, setting healthy boundaries and connecting your thoughts, emotions and sensations, somatic sessions might be for you.

Check it out ::

"Recognizing body impulses as intelligence allows our psyches to heal. By acknowledging our learned responses to stressors, we gain a clearer view of our patterning. This clarity reveals pathways to balance and relatedness."

About this Practice

"There is a dance only you can do, that exists only in you, here and now, always changing, always true. Are you willing to listen with fascination? If you are, it will deliver you unto the self you have always dreamed you could be. This is a promise."
- Gabrielle Roth

How often do you reach a state of true presence? A state in which you are fully connected to yourself and all that is?

When we allow time and space to breathe, move and express, we can shift into a healthier way of thinking and being. We all need support in finding our voice, feeling our feelings and releasing unhealthy patterns. Movement is the KEY to our aliveness!

Breathe deep, tune in, let it flow.

Videos (show all)

Clip from #moveintuiteveryday DANCER IN THE DARK (#323/365)
