

yoga Hatha Vinyasa Yoga classes. Simone puts sequences together to align with the seasons and modifies the postures for each individual.

She teaches a flowing form of yoga with focus on posture alignment, working with the breath, and relaxation so that you connect with your body at the deepest level allowing organic transformation of your body, mind and soul. Inspire the ultimate potential of the self. Suitable for beginner to advanced.

Photos from Yoga&Youcentralcoast's post 17/09/2020

To keep the essence of ‘student’ is always a good idea, but for a teacher it’s essential. For me it’s a corner stone of my practice.
The physical yoga practice trains me to keep the line of inquiry open. Where is the resistance? Is it physical, mental or emotional? How can I look at it differently, soften, and surrender? Changing daily
My physical practice is but a small part to the larger life version. What are my triggers? What beliefs am I holding to that prevent me from opening to more? More love, connection, expansion and experience?
I invite you to try.
Classes Wednesday 9:30am, Thursday 6:30pm


I invite you to the paradox of experiencing the stillness of the present moment with your unlimited and eternal Self.

Just as we use our peripheral vision to take in our wider environment use your inner senses to experience Self through all directions of time and space. In this way you create a unified field to your full presence.


Virabhadrasana 2. (Warrior2).
One of the first postures you might learn in yoga, and nothing fancy about it, but it holds so much gold and it’s one of my favourite.
It holds a beautiful balance of all the paradoxes found in yoga and as we yoke together these polarities we come into wholeness.
For me these past two years have been about finding my own balance as I embrace more of my own shadow aspects. This pose has been a wonderful reflection for that inner work.
In it you will find:
- grounding and anchoring down through the feet and legs to balance with opening and lightness in the chest and arms,
- effort to balance with ease,
- left to balance with right,
- front to balance with back,
- activation to balance with stillness,
- simple to balance with complexity.

Rather than focusing on one or the other I look to hold all of it. It is here we find the present and honest moment, and here we come to know the self.


Join me for my first class of 2020 Monday 27/1 6:30pm. All proceeds from this class will go to WWF Australia in response to the fires.
Once school starts I feel we are off and running ‘til the end of term. You might even find your schedule discludes regular yoga. This class just might get you started on the right foundation.


Classes are back for the last term of the year. Monday 6:30 pm, Wednesday 9:30am and 6:30pm


Book your space on our next workshop with Senior Ashtanga teacher Jenni Olsen. Contact Alyson 0415 763 250 or email [email protected]

Different Types Of Meditation Change Different Areas Of The Brain, Study Finds 11/09/2019

Who else meditates regularly?

Different Types Of Meditation Change Different Areas Of The Brain, Study Finds A new study provides compelling evidence that different forms of meditation can change the brain in measurable ways.

The what of RFB (Resonance Frequency Breathing) | Noah McKenna 30/07/2019

How to incorporate your breath more mindfully into your practice, and why you should do it.

The what of RFB (Resonance Frequency Breathing) | Noah McKenna The what of RFB (Resonance Frequency Breathing) 12.6.2019 0 0 Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Yoga The First Thing: The first thing to understand is that this type of resonance is not an audible thing so you can’t hear it. It’s really an energy pattern within the enclosed space of your body and its so su...

How Yoga Heals So Much More Than Just Your Body 11/07/2019

How Yoga Heals So Much More Than Just Your Body Internationally known yoga master B.S.K Iyengar says health goes beyond the physical to the moral, intellectual, and spiritual


Sunday 18th August
10am to 12noon
2hr workshop with Senior Ashtanga Yoga Teacher J E N N I ~ O L S E N.
$60 pp
Spaces limited. Booking essential.

Book by DM or email
Alyson Van Dam
[email protected]

Jenni Olsen



just in case you were wondering....

Practicing Yoga And Meditation Reverses The DNA Damage That Makes Us Sick And Depressed 26/06/2019

Practicing Yoga And Meditation Reverses The DNA Damage That Makes Us Sick And Depressed By Expand Your Consciousness The journal  Frontiers in Immunology , reviewed over ten years of  studies analyzing how our genes are affected by different practices such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and tai chi and found that they:  “don’t simply r


Can you sit with whatever comes up and allow it to be? To breathe with it and feel it on all levels, physical, mental and emotional and release the resistance?
This is your practice!

Photo credit Lisa Haymes

Pictures of the brain's activity during Yoga Nidra - Haa International Retreat Center 23/06/2019

Pictures of the brain's activity during Yoga Nidra - Haa International Retreat Center Pictures of the brain’s activity during Yoga Nidraby Robert Nilsson“We had not expected the meditators to be able to control their consciousness to such an extent.“ (Brain researcher Troels Kjær, The Kennedy Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)Preparation for the scanning at The State University H...

Practicing Yoga And Meditation Reverses The DNA Damage That Makes Us Sick And Depressed 27/05/2019

Practicing Yoga And Meditation Reverses The DNA Damage That Makes Us Sick And Depressed By Expand Your Consciousness The journal  Frontiers in Immunology , reviewed over ten years of  studies analyzing how our genes are affected by different practices such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and tai chi and found that they:  “don’t simply r

The Science behind Yoga and Stress 19/02/2019

The Science behind Yoga and Stress This is what bending your body into yoga poses does to your brain chemistry and nerve connections.


A thoughtful guide and journal to practicing GRATITUDE. This journal is for young people (10-17years). Practicing gratitude has so many wonderful benefits including better mental health and happier disposition.
Message me to purchase your copy.


Yoga classes are back to normal schedule:
Monday 6:30pm
Wednesday 9:30 am, 6:30pm
All levels welcome


Yoga starts back Monday 7th January 6:30pm


Opening Hours

Monday 18:30 - 19:45
Wednesday 09:30 - 11:00
18:45 - 20:00