



Judges without gavels.. but be careful cause when the gavel comes down, you’ll all get a venereal disease


You’ve heard of elf on a shelf, now there’s my natural two tone top that says a smurf and an ewok fu**ed and yes they are my parents thanks


Day before whatever today is:
Sleep 3am > 6pm > don’t sleep all night

This morning:

Like Beeettcchhh… it’s good you’re out of the house and all, but jiminey crickets your routine be broken.




I really am far too old to still be playing the d***y t***k act I’ve been at for long enough to now be that t***k’s daddy

I’m also aware this won’t change a thing

Good or bad, it is what it is 👀🫠😋

#45 ***kgay


It’s been a few years since I quoted John Waters, instead of just straight out plagiarising him with no credit, to dish out such wisdom on the joy of reading.

I think it’s just starting to kick in, this week feels like a good week for a book or two.

What u reading bro?


Weekend Planning Tips

7.30am: wake up gay with no plan for the day

2pm: look naked on a gay boat party motorboating .. obvs

Gay Agenda Realness 🌈🥳


I was just telling my mate Cookie how full of bounce and fun Fair Day was, except the part where I’ve become that homo who almost bursts into tears in the middle of a crowd because they’re on the edge of a mini freak out. (and the bit where I still look tired lols)

Thank f**k for the old 3 count trick and reminding myself it was the end of a loooong rollercoaster day to pull that medieval horse up at the gates.

So anyway that’s fun..

if I minus the work fail and the glitch Fair Day was all loads of wonderful!

Damn shame fkn Boopy Smurf wouldn’t let me stay though 👀


Is your Fair Day as cultured as mine?

Photos from CraigOnToast's post 22/01/2022

Hey Beach 🙋🏼‍♂️



💯not mad about my last shift becoming an afternoon of play at instead of work.

The super public holiday rates are lit, but the dancefloor was fire.

*don’t covid @ me..

Adam Mosseri 😷 on Twitter 12/10/2021

I maybe a little slow on this one, but did we all get the memo from Adam Mosseri that Instagram is on a gradual transition away from photos and the grid to be more Reels first and TikTok like...

This has massive implications on how brands, creators, influencers and everyone else’s uses Insta.

The TikTok transition also creates a competitive gap we haven’t had since IG dropped around a decade ago,

*Wonders which photo apps will emerge as the replacement for Insta, and when they’ll surface..

Instagram might see their future tiking in, but that conflicts with users calling this a destruction of the IG experience they want, and one more competitively desperate tok on the deathly instaclock

Adam Mosseri 😷 on Twitter “Changes are coming to video on Instagram 📺 At Instagram we’re always trying to build new features that help you get the most out of your experience. Right now we’re focused on four key areas: Creators, Video, Shopping and Messaging.”

I Believe in the Power of a Conversation 08/09/2021

As R U OK Day rolls in tomorrow, we've always said it, but its never been more obvious than now...

R U OK Day may only be once a year, but every day is a great day to have a conversation that lighten the load, brighten the day, and change a life.

We know a lot / most / all of us aren't at out best right now. Our mental health is like a long, twisty, unpredictable emotional rollercoaster - going up, down and round the twist. Even people who've never strapped in for a ride before have a seat of their own now, and a better understanding of what some of us know well.

This year R U OK? is less about the question ( because we know the answer) and more about the conversations we all need... how to have them, how valuable they are, what to do when we're not ok, and - as you're not a mental health professional ( unless you are) - the best things we can do to support each other, and ourselves..

The Power of these Conversations can be difficult to explain, understand or quantify, but this video - one of my R U OK? favourites - highlights their value and meaning better than I ever could.

I Believe in the Power of a Conversation We believe that conversations can make a difference, change our world and relieve us from some of the stress, exhaustion and pain we might be feeling. Show A...


When you can go singing in the rain, why wish it away?
And when the good times gives us no challenge, why wish them to stay?

I stumbled on this many years ago, and ever since.. all I ever do for myself and others - even when the struggle is really real-
is to wish you enough…

'Cat and mouse': How incels and pro-N**is have co-opted Gotye to evade TikTok’s auto-moderators 25/08/2021

Two fascinating's and a gross disappointment coming from TikTok thanks to the freshly pressed Hatescape report..

"techniques to side step content moderation include making use of the app's "Stitch" or "Duet" feature which combined banned and N**i material with other videos, which appeared enough in some cases to avoid censorship."

"The song of choice for fringe groups, according to Mr O'Connor, was MGMT's Little Dark Age. Also featured prominently in ISD's sample were Gotye's Somebody That I Used to Know and Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill. None of these songs contain any extremist connotations."

"The "Hatescape" report, the result of three months of research, found some of its leading racist or terroristic content was driven by or pertained to Australians."

'Cat and mouse': How incels and pro-N**is have co-opted Gotye to evade TikTok’s auto-moderators The largest independent study of hate on TikTok finds anti-Asian and pro-N**i videos are racking up millions of views, often using pop songs to evade the platform's auto-moderators.

We Need to Talk I R U OK? 24/08/2021

Sometime in the apocalypse I was interviewed for the We Need to Talk Podcast, a collab between R U OK Day x JOY 94.9 talking mental health and our rainbowphabet world.

It's a short and sweet little series of 3 x 1/2hr eps and there's a lot of love, life, learning and joy in the stories. All the guests shared valuable experiences, perspectives and expertise that's worthwhile dialling up ... bc we can never have enough of those right now.

We Need to Talk covers a lot of ground:
- A bit of expertise on the power of connection from Kamal Sarma
- A bit of rainbowphabet community health from Amelia Arnold Thorne Harbour Health
- A bit of insight to the psychology and signs of mental health distress from suicidologist Ann-Maree Fardell Hartley
- A bit of the joy and power in living like you mean it with Sara Scarlet Strawn and Rachel Kohler.
- A bit of looking after yourself and those around you living the everyday mental health life with Quinton Vea-Vea and me.
slay the day with some wisdom and love from R U OK?

We Need to Talk I R U OK? We Need to Talk is a podcast of stories and life changing conversations from the LGBTIQA+ community by su***de prevention charity R U OK? Noticing the signs of struggle and mental health distress, and showing care when it's needed most starts with 3 little words " R U OK?

Digital Accessibility and Inclusive Design Best Practice — craigontoast 15/08/2021

For many brands designing for digital accessibility is still an afterthought, if a thought at all, but as diversity and inclusion are becoming embedded into brand values and practices, digital accessibility design should be embedding with it.

Morally and ethically, making digital platforms, content, products and services equally accessible to people living with disability as they are to everyone else is just the right thing to do. With 4.4M Australians living with disability, the community also offers a large, diverse, virtually untapped new audience to engage.

To begin a digital accessibility design transformation, start with the basic principles creating more inclusive online experiences.

Digital Accessibility and Inclusive Design Best Practice — craigontoast Around 4.4M Australians (18%) live with a physical and/or neurological disability and although they have wants, needs, interests and the same rights to information, products and services as all consumers, their unique needs to access them online are typically overlooked by brands.

Facetime just isn't the same as face time ( Raising The Bar 2021) — craigontoast 04/06/2021

At the end of April I spoke at the awesome Raising the Bar Event, a diverse series of free talks by really interesting and diverse group of innovators, thinkers, leaders and creatives hosted by City of Sydney and University of Sydney

I took over Downstairs @ Belvoir St Theatre to take on some "not-as-simple-as-they-sound" questions at the intersection of technology, connection and humanity to understand why, when we have the world literally at our fingertips in our hand, connecting us to everyone and everything we didn't even know we needed, are more and more of us experiencing feeling of disconnection, and loneliness...

"We may live by the wifi, but is it really our strongest connection?"

If you're interested in taking a dive through the devices we use, their influence on our behaviours and the future of technology, seeing a bit of social media for good - because it's not all bad... and understanding the value and meaning in the friendships and connections we build- and what happens when we don't have or feel them.... and understand how they intersect to both enrich and connect us, and harm and disconnect us......

I've finally written up my talk.. so dive on in if you like... ( it's a little longer than you're average post though.. grab a coffee and seat for this one ;)

You can also listen to the podcast of my talk (1hr) >>>>

Raising the Bar is an international event that began in New York and there are some really interesting talks from events around the world worth exploring here

Facetime just isn't the same as face time ( Raising The Bar 2021) — craigontoast Thanks to technology and our devices we're more connected with each other and the world around us - and the wifi 5g's - than we've ever been.. this should be making us feel closer and more connected, but it's leaving more and more of us feeling more disconnected, lonely, and craving human connection

We Need to Talk I R U OK? 26/05/2021

I recorded an ep of R U OK Day's We Need to Talk Podcast with Joy FMs wonderful Ruby Mountford just before Mardi Gras, but I hadn't listed to the series until this week ('s all about when doing the things when you need them right?...)

For only 3 x 1/2 eps there's a lot of love, life, and joy... 3 things I need more of right now...

Good chat, very like, much listen.

A bit of expertise on the power of connection from Kamal Sarma

A bit of rainbowphabet community health from Amelia Arnold Thorne Harbour Healthour Health

A bit of insight to the psychology and signs of mental health distress from suicidologist Ann-Maree Fardell Hartley

A bit of joy from the power of living like you mean it with Sara Scarlet Strawn and Rachel Kohler.

A bit of looking after yourself and those around you living the everyday mental health life with Quinton Vea-Vea and me.

We Need to Talk I R U OK? An R U OK? su***de prevention podcast about when and how to ask "are you OK?" for LGBTIQA+ communities and anyone who wants to lend support to the people facing struggle and mental health distress in their world.

Lego - Everything IS Awesome — craigontoast 25/05/2021

Unsurprisingly LEGO caused quite a stir this when it dropped the news of its first set recognising .

It's been interesting watching people trying to use Lego's values against them to validate their criticism / concern at "the set" ( one value being that they will not create sets and products related to political issues).

Just as impressive is that Lego see's no crisis to manage in this criticism.

Lego's responses to people on social media reflect that they knew this set would be controversial, and that there would be a social media storm as a result, but they are clear and strong in their position, confident that there is no risk to the brand, we're planned and prepared for the noise... and this therefore does not concern them.

It seems that this is how you say "actually, we're not the problem here." in Lego

I think their no apology, no engagement in the values argument, no fence sitting, no PR spin so busy trying to be inoffensive, vague and people pleasing that it says a meaningless nothing - just a very polite, clear, strong, but playfully Lego - no. "thank you, next"

It's a great example of a brand meaning what they say, and acting like it in situations like this.

Lego - Everything IS Awesome — craigontoast Lego caused quite a stir yesterday when it dropped the news of its first ever set recognising Pride Month.

Welcome to CraigOnToast

I’m a social media and content strategist, LGBTQIA Advocate and blogger, model, influencer, speaker and mental health advocate

Sydney, Australia is home.

As well as having a passion for creative, audience focussed, unique, social media and content I love helping others grow. That’s why I volunteer as part of the TEDxSydney social media team and as the Social Media Strategist for LGBT Youth Charity The Pinnacle Foundation . Having lived with depression for most of my life I believe in raising awareness and educating people on the challenges of mental health, and am an Ambassador for su***de prevention charity R U OK Day ( my secret drag queen, gogo dancer, performing club host talents come out every now and then too)

I also talk ( and talk and talk) on the topics of:
Social Media – from strategy to community and everything in between.
R U OK, Su***de Prevention & Mental Health Advocacy,
LGBT Advocacy

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