Diamondback Terrapin Working Group

Diamondback Terrapin Working Group

Dedicated to terrapin research, management, conservation, and education. Visit us at: http://www.dtwg.org


DTWG Members - check your inbox for the latest issue of our "Terrapin Times" member newsletter! Read about our new at-large board members, regional updates, recent publications, and more. Not a member? Join now at www.dtwg.org to support terrapin research, education, and conservation.


MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife staff will present final rules for diamondback terrapin protection on December 16, 2021. The new rules will prohibit the collection of diamondback terrapins and require excluder devices on all recreational blue crab traps.

Public comments can be submitted before December 10, 2021. The full details on the final rules are available here: https://myfwc.com/about/commission/commission-meetings/december-2021/

Photo credit: George Heinrich


DTWG members are playing a key role in the development of a conservation plan for terrapins in the Gulf Region!

The Nature Conservancy in Mississippi is leading the effort with funding from the Gulf of Mexico Alliance.


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is asking for public input on proposed changes to diamondback terrapin conservation rules. If approved, the rules will affect take, possession, transport, and sale of terrapins in Florida. The public comment period is open through September 13. A webinar is also scheduled for this Friday, September 3 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm Eastern. More info at: https://myfwc.com/news/all-news/terrapin-821/
MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife
(Photo: Britt Brown)


Robby Brannum is our second Diamondback Terrapin Working Group awards grant recipient for 2021. Robby is a graduate student in the Wibbels Lab at UAB - The University of Alabama at Birmingham investigating a novel technique to determine the s*x of juvenile diamondback terrapins.


Each year, the Diamondback Terrapin Working Group awards grants to support research, education, and conservation work rangewide. Jason Alstad is one of this year's grant recipients. Jason is working to track habitat use by female terrapins in Skidaway, Georgia. This work will help guide management and protection measures in the region.


DTWG Members - check your inbox for the latest issue of our "Terrapin Times" member newsletter! Read about our newest grant recipients, regional updates, recent publications, and more. Not a member? Join now at www.dtwg.org to support terrapin research, education, and conservation.


Terrapin excluder devices are a simple and effective way to protect terrapins!

If you use crab traps, you can help protect diamondback terrapins. Terrapins are small turtles that live in salt marshes along the entire Gulf Coast. One of their biggest threats is drowning inside blue crab traps. A cheap and simple “terrapin excluder device” placed on the crab trap funnel keeps terrapins out and can increase your crab catch. A win-win! Terrapin excluder devices are often available free of charge; ask for details when you purchase a crab fishing license. Sponsored by Shell and Clean Gulf Associates. Photo Credit: Tom Mohrman