The Courtney Bock

The Courtney Bock

Daughter of the King
Speaking the TRUTH in Love
Toxin Free Living Tips


The day you accept Jesus into your life is the BEGINNING of your life as a new creation, but it isn’t immediate.

⭐️ You ARE brand NEW!!!! ⭐️

Think about stinky dirty clothes vs clean clothes.

At the end of a long hardworking day, you just want to be washed clean right? So you remove the dirt stained clothes that stink, get washed clean in the shower, and then put on nice clean fresh smelling clothes. It’s pretty gross to pull out dirty clothes to put on right? 🤢

This is what its like when we’ve been made new and try to return to old stinky habits. Its like putting those dirty clothes on your freshly washed body. It’s not what Jesus intends for us to do.

Unfortunately some people we had in our old life will not be a part of our journey either so it may feel like rejection. It’s not. Once you have healed you can come back and lift them out of the pit they’re in too! 🙌🏻 ❤️


This little light ☀️ of mine…

I am going to let shine ✨

Church, be the light this dark world needs!


I pray God gives you a fresh anointing. New, creative ideas, to bless you, your family, the church, your community, and the Nation! 🙌🏻




Organic baby potatoes!!! 🥔 What are you growing?


😂 Be safe out there! 🪴


🙏🏻 ❤️


Here’s your reminder to wash the curtains in your home? 🧺

Did you know they should be washed every 3-6 months?

Be sure to check the fabric label for how to wash them properly so they don’t shrink and/or become discolored.

A set of ours will have to be replaced thanks to cat’s claws … 😒 😂

Happy Spring Cleaning! 💦


“If it’s God’s will, it’s God’s bill…Heaven is not broke.”

He WILL fund the vision He gave you.


Here’s what to plant in April if you’re in Florida!

April is normally a dry month, so keep an eye on the soil moisture for young seedlings and transplants.

Here's what to put in the ground now: achira, aibika, arrowroot, basil, beans, boniato, cassava, chaya, chayote, corn, cranberry hibiscus, ginger, jicama, katuk, longevity spinach, luffa, malanga, mitsuba, molokhia, moringa, Okinawa spinach, okra, southern peas, papalo, peanut, quilquina, rice, roselle, ruby hibiscus, Seminole pumpkins, sissoo, squash, sugar cane, sunchokes, sweet potatoes, taro/dasheen, tindora, Everglades tomatoes, turmeric, water chestnuts and yams.

In North Florida, you can still put in cantaloupe, cucumbers, tomatoes and watermelon.

In South Florida, delete corn, and squash from the list.

Follow this page for regular updates on what to plant and harvest each month, as well as growing tips all month long!


Quite interesting…. 🤨


Too much sugar yesterday? 😣

These oils are the perfect solution to rub on your tummy to get rid of a stomach ache.

Digize Vitality for the Adults can be rolled on and/or ingested.

Tummygize for the Kids can be rolled on.


Happy Easter!!!! May you remember the real reason we celebrate! 🎉 Jesus paid for our sins and now He is asking you to accept Him into your life so that you can experience a FULL abundant life. 🙌🏻


Egg 🥚 Shells

I keep a Ziploc in my freezer for rinsed off egg shells. Once I have a full bag then I’ll crush them down to use in the garden. 🪴

Egg Shells contain calcium that many plants need. Just sprinkle around your plant as fertilizer.

Egg Shells can also be added to your dog’s 🐶 food as an all natural supplement.

Save those egg shells!




Save this recipe!!!! 🍋 Lemon Parmesan Chicken

Super easy and delicious 😋

For my gf, df friends:
🍝 Use Jovial gf spaghetti. Its the only brand that stores well as leftovers.
🧀 Follow Your Heart Dairy Free Parmesan is a great substitute
👩‍🍳 Bobs Red Mill GF One to One Flour is my go to

Recipe in the comments 🔽


"Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway." Mary Kay Ash 🐝

Babies are born with their giftings already instilled in them, their purpose on this Earth is hidden in their heart, and then they begin to learn from those around them.

As Adults, we have to let go of the lies that were spoken to or over us. Instead we must seek God’s truth about us.

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise 🙌🏻 you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.“ ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭139‬:‭13‬-‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Just as the bee 🐝 listen ONLY to your Heavenly Father and allow Jesus to guide your steps into what you were called to do no matter how impossible people say it is! 👏🏻


My new goal ⏬ Who will join me!? 🙋🏻‍♀️


Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Photos from The Courtney Bock's post 24/03/2024

This weekend was a blast!!!

Celebrated Morgan Bock ‘s Birthday 🥳

We have certainly entered into a new stage of life. One kid raised into adulthood and one quickly following. It’s wonderful getting some time to ourselves yet strange realizing my life is no longer about chasing after little ones.

I am thankful to be doing this life with my love 😍 & I think we need more fun weekends in our future!

Side note: Morgan went through a Bronco phase & I hated them. Watching the drag races, that Bronco was pretty sweeeeet!!! 😂

Photos from The Courtney Bock's post 24/03/2024

🌴 🫏 👑 ⚔️


This Palm Sunday may we reflect and rejoice!!!

Hosanna in the Highest! King 👑 Jesus 🙌🏻


Guess what I brought with me on our camping 🏕️ trip!?


Here’s why you need to cut the dyes out of your diet.

Videos (show all)

Silly Saturday with our spoiled rotten lil old lady, Chi Chi! ❤️ 🐾
Teflon kills
PSA 👏 If you want to truly learn how to take care of your family holistically you need to join this 🆓 FB group. An herba...
How to Create a Loyalty Order
🪴 This miracle dirt aka Alpha Bios has 60 minerals & trace elements in it to go straight into your bloodstream to detox ...
Cooking Hack! ⏰ 💵 👩🏻
If you accidentally put VANILLA 🤦🏻‍♀️ in your Chicken Pot Pie!!!! 🥧 Add salt & lemon 🍋 juice to counteract the sweetness...