Megumi Ogita Gallery

Megumi Ogita Gallery

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Megumi Ogita Gallery, Art Gallery, .

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 25/06/2024

*Online sale begin this evening.

JPY 385,000.-

Online Sales
June 25, 2024 (Japan time)

Sales page
On the day of the sale, HxS Instagram account () will make an announcement.

Purchasers of this work can buy tickets to the exhibition.

Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2024 “Thunderbolt”
July 25-28, 2024
B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

超獣合金メカゴリラ獣3号 “サンダーボルト”

2024年6月25日(火)(日本時間 )



ソフトビニールの怪獣展 2024 “サンダーボルト”
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1


A solo exhibition by , considered a genealogy of neo-expressionism due to the coloured radiograph-like paintings and splattered ink, the images of guns that dominated the inside of the artist, and the various behaviours to cultivate his own mythology. The exhibition will feature nine paintings made in 2018 and 2019 as a memorial to Martinez.

Requiem for a Dream
June 21-July 20, 2024
Closed on Sunday and Monday

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan
✉️ [email protected]


Requiem for a Dream
日曜・月曜 休廊
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1
✉️ [email protected]

Homemade Machine gun, 2018, 53.5 x 83.5 cm, Acrylic on collage paper

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 06/06/2024

Closing this Saturday

As a Species
May 17-June 8, 2024

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

#田中福男 個展
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

1. Branch Lappet, 2024, 5.3 x 3.35 x 2.15 cm, Borosilicate glass, gold, silver
2. Sequence Ray, 2024, 4.25 x 3.7 x 2.1 cm, Borosilicate glass, gold, silver
3. Fragrance, 2024, 3.5 x 3 x 1.8 cm, Borosilicate glass, gold
4. Overlap Glass 4層, 2023, 5.2 x 3 x 1.9 cm, Borosilicate glass, silver
5. Topnoch, 2024, 3.3 x 2.8 x 1.7 cm, Borosilicate glass, gold, silver

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 05/06/2024

In 2023, a picture book “Meteo” (Kyuryudo Art Publishing) with my illustrations was published on a story written by dyeing and weaving artist and essayist Fukumi Shimura. The story was based on her dream, and the characters appeared there one after another. I had not created many motifs of people in the past, but “imagining the human figure” was an experience that made me feel the fundamental joy of creation. Even after making the picture book, fragments of the story kept floating in and out of my mind. I turned some of them into works for my solo exhibition this time.

Animals and Humans
May 17-June 8, 2024

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

Photo: Yukihiro Sugimori

2023年、染織家・随筆家の志村ふくみ先生の書いた物語に挿絵をつけ絵本を上梓いたしました。(『メテオ 詩人が育てた動物(いきもの)の話』求龍堂)夢がもとになった物語で、人物が次々と登場します。私はこれまであまり人物のモチーフを作ってきませんでしたが、「人の姿を想像する」ということは、根源的な創作の喜びを感じる体験でした。絵本づくりが終わった後も、頭の中では物語が断片的に浮かんでは消えていきます。そのいくつかを、個展のための作品にしました。

土屋仁応 個展
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 30/05/2024

, who has studied glass for many years, uses an advanced technique known as “inside-out” to create dainty, delicate works at will. Pieces of glass, struck in dots, are heated on the outside of a test tube shaped glass with a burner, and they transform into various patterns as they melt, creating a microcosm whilst shaping the whole. The production environment, in which the glass is heated to nearly 1000°C, is extremely harsh, and not a small number of works break under the strain of the process. The unique colours are created by heating a variety of coloured glass and vaporised metals such as gold and silver, and combining them by chemical reaction. The works are reminiscent of natural beauty, such as leaf veins and snow crystals, which exist in the world according to certain laws without human hands.

As a Species
May 17-June 8, 2024
Closed on Sunday and Monday

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

Photo: Yukihiro Sugimori

長年ガラスの研究を続けた #田中福男 は、「インサイドアウト」と呼ばれる高度な技法を用いて、自由自在に可憐で繊細な作品を生み出します。試験管状のガラスの外側に、点で打った別のガラスをバーナーで熱し、それが溶けて内側に入っていく過程で様々な模様に変化、全体の成形と同時に小宇宙を創造します。ガラスを1000度近くまで熱する制作環境は過酷を極め、その過程で負荷がかかり割れてしまう作品も少なくありません。独特の色彩は、多彩な色ガラスや気化蒸着させた純金、純銀などの金属を加熱し、化学反応で生まれた色を組み合わせて作られます。その作品は葉脈や雪の結晶など、人間の手が加わることなく、ある法則によってこの世に存在する自然的な美を彷彿とさせます。

田中福男 個展
日曜・月曜 休廊
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 29/05/2024

When I look at the figures of defensive creatures such as turtles, armadillos and ankylosauruses, I imagine that they must be patient and gentle. Pangolins are an endangered species whose scales are believed to be medicinal and are constantly poached. I felt sorry for them when I learnt that they were one of the animals suspected to have been the source of COVID-19. I looked up its name in English and found that it is called “pangolin”. The name sounds approachable to me, like a pumpkin turned into a monster. On its back is a defenceless, anxious person, but they would be safe with the pangolin, which is used to enduring misfortune.

Animals and Humans
May 17-June 8, 2024
Closed on Sunday and Monday

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan


土屋仁応 個展
日曜・月曜 休廊
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

1. Pangolin A 2/30, 2024, 15.5 x 38.5 x 10.5 cm Painted resin, Edition of 30
2. Pangolin A 3/30, 2024, 15.5 x 38.5 x 10.5 cm Painted resin, Edition of 30
3. Pangolin A 1/30, 2024, 15.5 x 38.5 x 10.5 cm Painted resin, Edition of 30

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 24/05/2024

works with highly transparent, heat-resistant borosilicate glass. After graduating from a glass art school, he has shown the work under his own brand “Topnoch”. He is in charge of the glass eyes of ’s wood carvings, expressing the white, iris and pupil, and he has also created glass parts other than the eyes for the first time for Tsuchiya’s solo exhibition “Animals and Humans”, which has been held here at the same time.

As a Species
May 17-June 8, 2024
Closed on Sunday and Monday

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

Photo: Yukihiro Sugimori

#田中福男 は、透明度の高い耐熱性の理化学ガラスを使って制作します。ガラスアートの専門学校を卒業後、“Topnoch” というブランド名で作品を発表してきました。弊廊にて同時開催中の #土屋仁応 個展「動物と人」では、木彫のガラスの玉眼を担当し、白眼・虹彩・瞳孔を表現、さらに今回初めて目以外のガラス部分も制作しています。

田中福男 個展
日曜・月曜 休廊
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 22/05/2024

Animals and Humans

As a Species

May 17-June 8, 2024
Closed on Sunday and Monday

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

Inquiries about works
✉️ [email protected]

#土屋仁応 個展

#田中福男 個展

日曜・月曜 休廊
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

✉️ [email protected]

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 09/05/2024

An ego as a species sprouts, and from there it goes in the direction indicated. Like a flower blooming, the new glass works by Fukuo Tanaka (), which respond, branch and evolve, will be on display.

As a Species
May 17-June 8, 2024
Closed on Sunday and Monday

B1 2-16-12 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan

Opening Reception
May 17, 6-8pm
Artist to be present

Inquiries about works
✉️[email protected]

Selfish-09【As a Species】, 2024, 32 x 12 x 12 cm, Borosilicate glass, gold, beeswax on camphor wood


日曜・月曜 休廊
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座2-16-12 B1

5月17日(金) 18:00-20:00

✉️[email protected]

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 04/04/2023

アオフ・スミス / Aof Smith
日・月・祝 休廊

過去から現代に受け継がれてきた遺産、時にそれは暴力の残余であり、新たな始まりです。 物が意味を持たなくなった日に、人間が起こした戦争は終わりました。時を旅する者にとって、物質には価値がありません。そこではふわふわのウサギの耳を持つ、ファーリーという名の犬のような生き物が、新しい価値観を見つけて楽しんでいます。
- アオフ・スミス

この度メグミオギタギャラリーでは、アオフ・スミスの日本初個展 ‘HERITAGE’ を開催致します。スミスは2013年にタイのモンクット王工科大学ラートクラバン校ビジュアルアーツ修士課程を修了し、以後バンコクを拠点に活動しています。2017年にSAC Gallery(バンコク)にて個展 ‘SILENT RAVAGE’ を開催し、アメリカのポップシュルレアリスムやローブローアートを独自に解釈した世界観で作品のテーマと表現の新和性を高め、夢の世界を称賛する新進気鋭の若手作家として一躍脚光を浴びました。グループ展では、大学院在学中より精力的にタイ、アメリカ、中国、シンガポールなどで展示を行い、国際的な知名度を高めてきました。2022年には、Thinkspace Projects(カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス)にてアメリカ初個展 ‘Irrepressible Summer Melody’ を開催しました。


#アオフスミス #メグミオギタギャラリー

アオフ・スミス / Aof Smith
Power Finder
85 x 100 cm
Oil on linen

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 04/04/2023

ご来廊ありがとうございました 🙏

ソフトビニールの怪獣展 2023


Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 04/04/2023

Thank you all for visiting 🙌

Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2023
March 11-18, 2023



Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2023
March 11-18, 2023
Closed on March 13
*Admission by advance tickets only (Sold out)

- Resale or transferred tickets are not accepted.
- Visitors are required to present an email confirmation of admission ticket, photo ID, such as a passport, and own Instagram account with them on the day of the event.
- If a purchaser cancels the visit, no refund is made.
- Please wear a mask and disinfect your hands.
- Please leave space between other visitors.
- Please refrain from coming to the venue if you are unwell, such as fever, cold, taste disorder and otherwise. On the day of the event, we will take your temperature and those with a fever of 37.5°C or higher will not be allowed to enter.
- Please refrain from coming to the exhibition if you know someone at home, work or school who is infected with COVID-19.

ソフトビニールの怪獣展 2023



Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 14/02/2023

廣江友和 / Tomokazu Hiroe
Lonely park Ⅱ

この度メグミオギタギャラリーでは、Artsyにて廣江友和の個展 “Lonely park Ⅱ” をオンライン限定開催致します。廣江は、ルーベンスと同じ絵画の古典技法「第二フランドル技法」で丹念に下地を作り、明るい灰色や黄土色の地塗りの上にモチーフを描きます。キャンプファイヤーを囲うぬいぐるみの動物、炎の輪を飛び越えるライオンなど、一見悲壮感のある場面の連続ですが、見方によってはただ配置されているだけの静物画としての一面も持っています。多数の文脈を秘めた作品には、緊張感溢れる赤で描かれた線や文様と、身近に溢れるおもちゃが立体的に描かれています。



  #廣江友和  #メグミオギタギャラリー  #オンライン限定

廣江友和 / Tomokazu Hiroe
House in the Forest
72.5 × 91 cm
Oil, plastic on canvas mounted on panel

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 14/02/2023

Tomokazu Hiroe
Lonely park Ⅱ
Artsy exclusive

MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY is pleased to announce Tomokazu Hiroe’s online exclusive solo exhibition “Lonely park Ⅱ” on Artsy. Hiroe painstakingly prepares the groundwork using the second Flanders painting technique in the 17th century, the same as Peter Paul Rubens, and paints motifs on the coat of light grey and yellow ochre. The scenes of works are seemingly tragic - stuffed animals around a campfire, a lion leaping over rings of flames - but depending on how you look at it, it also has the aspect of still life painting that is simply arranged. They have multitude of contexts with lines and patterns drawn in tense red and depictions of familiar toys.

The works are finished by covering them with industrial vinyl instead of varnish, which gives them a uniform photographic sheen and suggests new form of expression, as well as relationships between art and readymade that continues from Marcel Duchamp. The use of chemical reaction between vinyl and chalk ground, as harmony of old and new, nature and chemistry, is extremely modern and original.

In this exhibition, Hiroe demonstrates a contemporary view of Japan through the sophisticated forms and flames of "Hell Scroll" (12th century), which have conveyed beauty as well as fear. In today's society, various stresses and anxieties cover our lives. His works lightly depict such negative emotions that everyone has, and give hope to the viewers. He believes that symbiosis, rather than hostility or division between different cultures, is a new possibility.

  #廣江友和  #メグミオギタギャラリー  #オンライン限定

Tomokazu Hiroe
Fire Ring
89.5 x 145.5 cm
Oil, plastic on canvas mounted on panel


Aya Cagiu
Group Exhibition Tour
Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu, Japan
February 11-April 9, 2023

We are pleased to announce that Aya Cagiu will be exhibiting in group exhibitions at museums in Japan. The tour will focus on new works by contemporary artists exploring new areas of expression with a variety of materials, including embroidery, metal, wood, ceramics, lacquer and glass, and will feature the ever-evolving world of superb craftsmanship. Today's artists, who practice daily training in a solitary environment that puts incredible strain on themselves, will inherit the DNA of Meiji era (1868-1912) and become the future of crafts.

超絶技巧、未来へ !明治工芸とそのDNA

この度蝸牛あやは、巡回グループ展「超絶技巧、未来へ !明治工芸とそのDNA」に出品致します。今展では刺繍、金属、木、陶磁、漆、ガラスなど様々な素材により、新たな表現領域を探求する現代作家の新作を中心に展示、進化し続ける超絶技巧の世界に迫ります。孤独な環境の中で、自らに信じられないほどの負荷をかける鍛錬を日々実践している現代作家たちは、明治工芸のDNAを受け継ぎ、未来を担う存在となるでしょう。
cagiu #蝸牛あや #岐阜県現代陶芸美術館

鳳凰 / Phoenix
100 × 80 × 2.7 cm
Silk embroidery on silk cloth

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 08/02/2023

Satoru KOIZUMI Meets Taiwan — Disney’s Mickey Collection World Debut✨
📍1/F, Far Eastern Department Store Xinyi A13, Taipei, Taiwan
Invitation only: February 10, 2023
Open to Public: February 11-March 12, 2023

Following the opening of the first flagship project in Macau last year, Artelli (.official), the multi-dimensional art space will be setting foot in Taiwan for the first time to launch the “Artelli exclusively presents: Satoru KOIZUMI () Meets Taiwan — Disney’s Mickey Collection World Debut”. Taiwan fans can experience the charms of world’s first Satoru KOIZUMI x Disney Collection in person!

The Macau exhibition to be extended
Satoru KOIZUMI Disney Collection Exhibition Debut in Macau
📍L01A, L02 The Showroom, City of Dreams, Macau
October 28, 2022 - February 27, 2023

Online Shop

Curated by 



          #小泉悟  #ディズニー  #台湾 #メグミオギタギャラリー


The second sales of HxS admission tickets will start on January 31, and HxS will guide you to the purchase page via the Instagram account on the day. Due to a number of incorrect ticket purchases, please make sure to read the following notes in advance.

- If you already have a ticket and purchase for the second time, they will be ALL CANCELLED.
- Only 1 ticket is available per person.
- Please purchase a ticket with credit card in the purchaser’s name.
- All of multiple purchases made with the same credit card or deemed to be by the same person are cancelled, and handling charges are deducted.
- The purchaser's own Instagram account is required. Private or irrelevant accounts may result in cancellation of ticket purchase.
- Resale or transferred tickets are not accepted.
- Visitors are required to present an email confirmation of admission ticket, photo ID, such as a passport, and own Instagram account with them on the day of the event.
- If a purchaser cancels the visit, no refund is made.

Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2023
March 11-18, 2023
Closed on March 13
*Admission by advance ticket only



ソフトビニールの怪獣展 2023



Softvinyl Kaiju Exhibition 2023
March 11-18, 2023
Closed on March 13

*Admission by advance ticket only
The first ticket sales will start on January 17, and HxS will guide you to the purchase page via the Instagram account on the day. Please make sure to read the following notes before purchasing tickets.

- Only 1 ticket is available per person.
- Please purchase a ticket with credit card in the purchaser’s name.
- All of multiple purchases made with the same credit card or deemed to be by the same person are cancelled, and handling charges are deducted.
- The purchaser's Instagram account is required.
- Resale or transferred tickets are not accepted.
- Visitors are required to bring an email confirmation of admission ticket and photo ID, such as a passport, with them on the day of the event.
- If a purchaser cancels the visit, no refund is made.

ソフトビニールの怪獣展 2023




Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 09/12/2022

Fukuo Tanaka solo exhibition “Conveyance to Branches”
Closing tomorrow

田中福男 個展「枝に伝える」

#田中福男 #メグミオギタギャラリー

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 09/12/2022

Yoshimasa Tsuchiya solo exhibition “Phylogenesis”
Closing tomorrow

Yoshimasa Tsuchiya () has established a unique painting method, in which light colours appear faintly inside from the white surface of wood carving. He also uses a technique used in Buddhist statues, whereby the head is split open and stone or glass eyes are inserted, to create works with a mysterious look. The glass eye is produced by artist Fukuo Tanaka (). At first glance, the works are instantly recognisable as Tsuchiya's, and can be described as "modern classics" with timeless originality and the power to appeal to both the present and the future.

Tsuchiya's motifs are animals as symbols, which embody intangible ideas in the shape of living creatures. The images of animals that appear in myths and tales are the origin of his ideas, and the creatures born from them have repeatedly mutated and cross-bred, taking the inspiration from improved garden plants and ornamental fish, and have developed into a variety of forms. 

土屋仁応 個展「進化論」



📷 Yukihiro Sugimori

#土屋仁応 #メグミオギタギャラリー #進化論

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 08/12/2022

White Rhino by Satoru Koizumi – an edition of 25 sculptures, illuminated in white Statuario marble.
Available now, by enquiry only. Few remaining.

小泉悟 "White rhino"

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 07/12/2022

Yoshimasa Tsuchiya's () new resin “Rabbit A” and “Turtle A” available from bio 🔗

土屋仁応のレジン新作 “Rabbit A” , “Turtle A” は、プロフィールのリンク先よりご購入頂けます。

#土屋仁応 #メグミオギタギャラリー #進化論


"Fox" Sculpture by Yoshimasa Tsuchiya ()
Available on

Size: 30cm(H)
Material: Resin
Signed COA
Limited Edition of 188

Start from November 14, 2022
All winner will receive order confirmation by the end of November

APPortfolioウェブサイトにて、土屋仁応 限定彫刻 "Fox" が発売されます。

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 11/11/2022

田中福男 / Fukuo Tanaka
枝に伝える / Conveyance to Branches
November 18 - December 10, 2022

We are pleased to announce Fukuo Tanaka‘s () solo exhibition "Conveyance to Branches" at . Tanaka, who creates works using heat-resistant glass with high transparency called borosilicate glass, studied at an art school and now presents works under his own brand "Topnoch". He is in charge of creating staring glass eyes with the white, irises and pupils for Yoshimasa Tsuchiya’s () wood carvings, as we saw at Tsuchiya’s exhibition "Chimera" in March 2021.

Tanaka, who has pursued the characteristics of borosilicate glass, freely creates dainty and delicate works with the distinctive technique called "inside out". He uses a burner to heat another glass, that is dotted on the outside of glass rod, and change it into various patterns as it melts and goes inside. Then he creates what he imagines and shapes the whole at the same time. The unique colours are created by intricate layers of various glass and vaporised metals such as pure gold and silver. The works are reminiscent of natural and universal beauty, such as snow crystals, web veins, shell spirals and honeycomb structures, which exist in the world according to certain rules without human hands.

この度メグミオギタギャラリーでは、田中福男個展「枝に伝える」を開催致します。ボロシリケイトガラスという透明度の高い耐熱性のガラスを使用して制作する田中は、ガラス工芸の専門学校で学んだ後、現在は “Topnoch”(トップノッチ)というブランド名で作品を発表しています。2021年3月に弊廊にて開催した土屋仁応彫刻展「キメラ」では、木彫作品のガラスの玉眼を担当し、白眼・虹彩・瞳孔によって見つめる瞳を表現しました。


#田中福男 #メグミオギタギャラリー

田中福男 / Fukuo Tanaka
Borosilicate glass

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 11/11/2022

2022.11.18(金) - 12.10(土)

- 土屋仁応


#土屋仁応 #メグミオギタギャラリー #進化論 #ユニコーン

土屋仁応 / Yoshimasa Tsuchiya
Unicorn A 2/30
46 x 30 x 18 cm
Painted resin
Edition of 30

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 11/11/2022

Yoshimasa Tsuchiya
November 18 - December 10, 2022

Living creatures have always produced a number of variations that humans could never conceive of, and have continued to live on and on. As the environment constantly changes, it is not always clear what the answer is. Rather than a straight path towards the correctness, we have been in a situation whether it is failure or waste, shortcut or diversion, and while creating different species, we have connected lives as a whole. Such a way of life is the cornerstone of my works development.
- Yoshimasa Tsuchiya

We are pleased to present Yoshimasa Tsuchiya’s () solo exhibition "Phylogenesis" at . In this exhibition, the wood carving of "Archaeopteryx", which symbolises change, evolution and the yearning for flight, will be on display. The graceful and refined shapes, which Tsuchiya have cultivated over the years, are also utilised in the new resin sculptures. As reproduction art, Tsuchiya has been experimenting with techniques and materials that can be done within his own studio, rather than outsourcing. He has arrived at a method that the original wood carving is moulded directly or indirectly with silicone, replicated in resin and hand-painted. Tsuchiya has restrained the use of colour in his wood carvings in order to highlight the texture, meanwhile the resin works are made of a white, uniform base, which allows for good colouration and the feeling of painting on a three-dimensional canvas. We hope you look forward to the new works, in which the artist has aimed at breaking away from his own framework.

#土屋仁応 #メグミオギタギャラリー #進化論 #始祖鳥

土屋仁応 / Yoshimasa Tsuchiya
始祖鳥 / Archaeopteryx
51 x 72 x 68 cm
Painted camphor wood, borosilicate glass by Fukuo Tanaka

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 05/11/2022

Satoru KOIZUMI () limited edition resin sculpture available now on .official 🌈
🔗 From bio


#1, 2
Disney Collection by Satoru KOIZUMI - Lotso
13.8cm(L) x 12.8cm(W) x 31cm(H)
Edition of 300

#3, 4
Disney Collection by Satoru KOIZUMI - Alien
15cm(L) x 12cm(W) x 32.9cm(H)
Edition of 300

Photos from Megumi Ogita Gallery's post 29/10/2022

Satoru Koizumi Solo Exhibition🎉
VIP: October 29-31, 2022
Open to Public: November 1-December 31, 2022
📍L01A, L02 The Showroom, City of Dreams, Macau

, the curator, has reproduced Satoru KOIZUMI's () studio for the fascinating exhibition space. Creation videos meticulously filmed provide an opportunity to engage with his artistic practice and creative process.

Artelli (.official) is the world’s first immersive multi-dimensional art space, situated in the heart of Cotai Strip Macau - “The Showroom” at the City of Dreams Macau with 600 square meters art space in harmony with lifestyle and digital art.

Edition artworks and merchandise will be available at the venue.




#小泉悟 #ディズニー #メグミオギタギャラリー

Videos (show all)

It is not something totally imaginary or conceptual thought up only in our mind, but that gives the touch of daily life....
We are pleased to present @aya.cagiu's solo exhibition "Embroidering the Light” @megumiogitagallery. She graduated from ...
360° online viewing of @hebrubrantley's exhibition "Mythos Opus Pt. 1” is open from bio."Mythos Opus Pt. 1”@megumi_ogita...
The interviews with @yoshimasa_tsuchiya_info and @fukuotanaka_topnoch are available, many thanks indeed to @nosy_japan.h...
The official online shop of @MEGUMI OGITA GALLERY is now open. We hope you visit there from bio.
We hope you have a look at all the works on display for @sakisaki_art’s solo exhibition "Metamorphosis" from bio.咲 / Sak...
We hope you have a look at all the works on display for @sakisaki_art’s solo exhibition "Metamorphosis" from bio.咲 / Sak...
360° online viewing of the special exhibition “Portraits” @megumi_ogita_gallery is available from bio.. 特別展 “Portraits” ...
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#ryansu #ライアンスー #夜的時代 #timesofnight #megumiogitagallery #メグミオギタギャラリー