Church behind bars

Church behind bars

right now,we meet,seven men,on tuesday night and friday night for two english bible studies and two spanish studies.


I had a jail ministry at CCDC for 13 years and me and other men did much damage to the devil’s
plan. It as such a rewarding assignment from God.Many,many lives were changed for the Glory of God.But Covid 19 came into the scene and I had to turn it over to another man. But the work did not end just because I was not involved.It is still changing lives.


The previous post,although scary at the time,taught me many things. #1,rely on your training. #2,do your job. #3, fear is an enemy just as real as any other enemy. You gotta beat that enemy.


There was a typhoon brewing in the South China Sea when we were tied up in Guam in the summer of 1960. Most of the 7th Fleet was there. We received orders to pull out to avoid damage to the ship. As we were pulling out of Guam,the radar and sonar picked up a "blip" on the screen. A submarine. The Destroyers and Destroyer Escorts went into General Quarters. Battle mode. Everything hangs on protecting the carrier. The DD and DE loaded the depth charges ready to send the sub to kingdom com if it did not identify itself. Tense moments for a while.Iy managed to skulk away. The ,"pitbulls of the sea" are no one to monkey with. Protect Big Momma at all costs.i aged one year in the space of three hours. This little mexican boy thought that was the of the road.
