The Stress Buster Coach

The Stress Buster Coach

Daily tips for Christians to overcome stress and experience more victory in life.


Welcome to the world Illyana. Grandma loves you so much already!

Photos from The Stress Buster Coach's post 15/06/2022

If you feel like you have been doing everything you should in your Christian walk and still not experiencing joy and you are balancing between disappointment and hopelessness, here's 6 things to help bring joy into your life.

Get all the details in my bio if you want a 20+ page FREE download of 50 Kingdom Principles to Bust Free from the Stress of Finances.


When your sleep rhythm is thrown off, sleep disturbances can occur. Restoring it may lead to better sleep as well as improved mood and cognitive function. It can promote restful sleep without leaving you feeling groggy the next day.

Ashwagandha appears to work by moderating the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which plays a significant role in the body's reaction to stressors. Supplementing with ashwagandha may support healthy sleep by promoting relaxation.

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It plays a role in sleep regulation by moderating central nervous system excitability. Supplementing with magnesium can promote healthy sleep patterns, potentially helping you fall and stay asleep. Magnesium may also support the body during stressful times.

Valerian is a herb with a long history of use for rest and relaxation. It has sleep-promoting effects, possibly because it increases the activity of the calming neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain.

Thanks to its sedative and relaxing effects, it may be useful for those whose nervousness and restlessness keep them awake.

Have you tried any of these and experienced a difference?

Photos from The Stress Buster Coach's post 08/06/2022

I love me a good list to unload my mind and ensure I don’t forget anything. Do you prefer paper or digital?

Photos from The Stress Buster Coach's post 01/06/2022

Get ready to straighten your crown and reign in life! 👑 You were destined to reign!
When I discovered that I was supposed to reigning in life and not always being beaten down by life, I took notice. I not only thought, "I want that!" I thought, "If Jesus is telling me that is what I'm suppose to be doing, I'm going to learn all about that and do it!"
I had enough of stress and was ready to learn about my authority. I learned I was supposed to be changing any atmosphere I walked into for God, pushing back darkness and bringing His life!
Stress can happen when you feel that all this life stuff is just happening to you and there is nothing you can do about it. But when you put on your crown and reign, you are doing something about it.
Did you know as a Christian you are supposed to be reigning? Has anyone ever told you this? I want to know. Tell me in the comments if this is what you've been taught.


Get ready to straighten your crown and reign in life! 👑 You were destined to reign!
When I discovered that I was supposed to be reigning in life and not always being beaten down by life, I took notice. I not only thought, "I want that!" I thought, "If Jesus is telling me that is what I'm suppose to be doing, I'm going to learn all about that and do it!"
I had enough of stress and was ready to learn about my authority. I learned I was supposed to be changing any atmosphere I walked into for God, pushing back darkness and bringing His life!
Stress can happen when you feel that all this life stuff is just happening to you and there is nothing you can do about it. But when you put on your crown and reign, you are doing something about it.
Did you know as a Christian you are supposed to be reigning? Has anyone ever told you this? I want to know. Tell me in the comments if this is what you've been taught.


What a privilege to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave! I remember all who gave their life for me to live this blessed life today. So grateful!
Praying God's blessing to heal our land today.🙏


God has stress busting gifts that we can only receive in His presence.

Well, this makes us wonder:
🎁 How do I get in His presence?
🎁 How do I stay there?
🎁 How deep can I go?
🎁 How do I receive the gifts once I'm there?

All these things and more are answered in this video.


God has things He wants us to receive in His presence. Things like joy, rest and peace.

Most of us have only touched the outer edges of His presence.

There is no end to God or His goodness.

Come expecting!


Our imaginations are powerful, aren't they? They can run away with us imagining all the "what ifs" and worst scenarios of life.

The only way to have peace in your life instead of stress is to keep your imaginations on God.

Imagine His love for you, His promises coming true, His presence being with you, His power being available to you, His character becoming your own, Jesus' life becoming yours, the resources of your home land where you are a citizen (Heaven) being available to you as an ambassador, the exchange Jesus made at the cross for you to have life, His coming return, and on and on we could go.

Fix your mind's eye (your imagination) on these things. Don't just think them either, imagine them in vivid detail to wash away the stress and receive His perfect peace.

This is how things work in the Kindgom. They are done in relationship, vision and imagination. Let's use these God-given abilities in the way they were intended.

Operation Total Peace - so you won't accept or settle for a lesser thing.


Satan was defeated but sometimes we forget. Listen in and find out how the chain keeping you in bo***ge can be broken today.


If life has become small and you feel you have no control over your situation, this one is for you...

You can pull on the chain of bo***ge ONE MORE TIME and instead of getting the same results you always got, you can live light and free!


If this doesn’t describe you, I can help. With the most complete and Biblically based method out there, the 90 Day Stress Detox will help you start to exhibit all these symptoms! 😊


Magnify the Lord - make Him bigger in your eyes.

In what way might you need to magnify Him today?
✅ Your thoughts?
✅ Your expectations?
✅ Your prayer requests?

Stress busters remind themselves often of just how big and good their God is and their troubles become so much smaller.


I have this printed out and hanging right near my desk so I can see it everyday...

Matthew 6:25 (AMP) "Stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life." I refuse the pressure and stress. I choose instead to enter His rest. Don't let it in!

If God tells us to stop it, that means we CAN stop it! 😀

God has shown me how to do it and now my calling in life is to help YOU live light and free! 🎈


Today's Stress Buster move is to Magnify the Lord - what does that mean and how does it help stress? Find out in today's video.


3 mindsets that will bring life to the barren / stressful areas of our life


What do you think?


When life tries to keep you down, just refuse and arise again!


When working on reducing stress in your life, you will need to be intentional. It's not going to just happen like a ripe cherry falling from a tree and bonking you in the head.

The easiest way to live light and free is making God your whole life...not a part of it. Being intentional to live a life that glorifies Him in all you do and say.

When you live to glorify Him, He sees that and honors that and rewards that.

"Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness—trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no, never].

He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation." Psalm 91:14-16


What kind of work makes you come alive?


I woke up the other day thinking, "Boy this sleeping thing is really weird."

It's like we are a tool that needs plugged in for several hours every day to get recharged.

That's kind of weird, isn't it?

But God in His infinite wisdom knows that we need it.

A series of changes happen in your body while you sleep that that enable the rest that is vital to your overall health. Your brain and body slow down and engage in processes of recovery, promoting better physical and mental performance the next day and over the long-term.


What would be more stress busting to you?


Even if stress, worry and fear have been a long time giant in your life, it's not too late and it's not too hard to slay it NOW!


Why do some people who are praying for healing get healed and others do not? This causes a lot of confusion in our mind. It rocks our world and makes us wonder what we can really believe.

We had a guest speaker at my church yesterday that did an outstanding job of explaining this and everything he said lines up with what I believe and what I've been teaching you over the past four years as The Stress Buster Coach but more importantly it lines up with God's Word.

If you are stressed about healing for yourself or a loved one, this is a must listen to teaching. The teaching starts at the 40:40 minute mark.

Jeremy Gall Ministries

Timeline photos 04/06/2021

Have you ever tried to be more positive? By sheer will power you try to to bring joy to your life by acting as if problems don't exist and that everything is just fine.

My guest today, my good friend Laurie Fratarcangeli, describes the difference between being positive and having a positive mental attitude.

We all wish that the stressful things we are going through would just hurry up and get done so we could move on to better times, but Laurie says that it is in this life journey, in this process, that we find ultimate joy.

Laurie shares how when she hit rock bottom... her dad was diagnosed with cancer, she was believing for her miracle pregnancy, and then the life threatening medical issues of her daughter happened...when all she could do was have utter dependence on God and zero when she finally came alive as if for the first time.

You won't want to miss a second of this insightful conversation.


I was reminded of my own teaching today! 😂 I caught myself with a wrong perspective and the steps I share here helped me change things around fast! So I dug this out of the archives to share with you.

My Story

I was only 24 years old when I sat on the side of the bed and asked my husband if he would care if I just didn’t wake up in the morning. I wasn’t going to kill myself but I also didn’t care if I died in my sleep. We were broke, I’d lost my job, and it didn’t seem like life was going anywhere. I knew Heaven was going to be a great place but life here on earth was no fun.

I was a Christian since the age of 4 and raised in the church but I seemed to be just as broke, just as sick and had just as many relationship problems as the girl in the next cubicle over that wasn’t a Christian. I thought, “There’s got to be more to life than this!”

Throughout the years God was faithful to show me more and more about Himself and what He wanted my life to be like while still here on earth. He showed me what Jesus died to give me and it wasn’t just my sins forgiven and Heaven as my home some day. It was so much more and it was for here and now!

As I learned what He taught me, I stopped having so many problems and the ones I did have I knew how to handle differently. I learned how to start having my prayers answered and how to have joy and peace in the midst of the troubles of life. I learned what it meant to be a child of God and to have His victory working for me.

Videos (show all)

Melatonin: When your sleep rhythm is thrown off, sleep disturbances can occur. Restoring it may lead to better sleep as ...
God has stress busting gifts that we can only receive in His presence.  Well, this makes us wonder:🎁 How do I get in His...
Our imaginations are powerful, aren't they?  They can run away with us imagining all the "what ifs" and worst scenarios ...
Try One More Time
Magnify the Lord
Overcoming Stress in the Barren Places of Our Life
If not now, when?
I was reminded of my own teaching today! 😂 I caught myself with a wrong perspective and the steps I share here helped me...
A Lifestyle of Love
Responding With Worship, Not Reacting With Worry
How to Get Rid of the Spirit of Heaviness
5 Ways to Help Your Child Bust Through Stress - Part One