12H Dance

12H Dance

12H Dance it's a company based in Berlin, funded by Moonsuk Choi and Yamila Khodr.


Toi toi toi for the last Woyzeck tonight!
These beautiful artists brought this piece to life, Alessia, Marie Hanna, Fernando and Robin 😍💪❤️

Empfehlung des Nienburger Theaterteams❗️
Woyzeck – Tanztheater
Explosiv und ausdrucksstark!!

Heute Abend, 7. Juni 2024 * 20 Uhr
Onlinetickets www.theater.nienburg.de
Abendkasse ab 19 Uhr , T. 05021 87 560

Freiwilliges Eintrittsgeld in den Zylinder 🎩, um euch als neues Publikum für dieses Format zu begeistern.
Also: Bitte weitersagen … und zahlreich kommen 😍

Alle guten Dinge sind drei! Die positiven Erfahrungen der ersten beiden Versuche dieses ungewöhnlichen Formats ("Wenn ich König wär', 26.3.2024 sowie die Märchenoper Dornröschen, 27.2.2024) und die jeweils tolle und harmonische Stimmung im Saal, haben uns ermutigt, diese Aktion ein weiteres Mal durchzuführen. Wir danken allen (!) Besucherinnen und Besuchern, insbesondere denjenigen, die regulär Tickets erworben haben, dass sie sich auf die Aktion einlassen. Dieses Mal erleben Sie das selten erlebbare Format Moderner Tanz.

Einführung ab 19.30 Uhr im Theatersaal

Georg Büchners Woyzeck nimmt zahlreiche Demütigungen auf sich, um seiner Familie trotz widriger Umstände ein gutes Leben zu ermöglichen. Durch seine Eifersucht aber verliert er alles und begeht im Wahn eine unaussprechliche Tat. Dabei bleiben unzählige Fragen offen, die sich den Zuschauer*innen auch in heutigen Kontexten aufdrängen: Wie viel Willkür und Erniedrigung erträgt ein Mensch? Wem schenken wir unser Mitgefühl? Wie spiegelt sich ein politisches System im alltäglichen Leben und Denken wider? Der zeitlose Klassiker „Woyzeck“ ist im Nienburger Theater in dieser Saison als Teil einer Trilogie zu erleben. Das tfn widmet sich diesem packenden Stoff auch im Musical und im Schauspiel. Woyzeck ist Pflichtlektüre im Fach Deutsch für den niedersächsischen Abiturjahrgang 2024.

In Zusammenarbeit mit der 12 H Dance Company und Yamilla Khodr


After an effusive five times curtain call in the last performance, we are looking forward to encountering the audience in our show tonight!


Tanztheater von Yamila Khodr
nach Georg Büchner
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem 12H Dance

so, 21.1.24

yamila khodr

albrecht ziepert

beata kornatowska

alona rudnev

choreografische assistenz
meritxell aumedes

Mit alessia ruffolo, marie hanna klemm, fernando balsera und robin rohrmann

Tickets unter www.mein-theater.live, unter 05121 1693 1693 oder im service_center in der Theaterstraße.

Photos from 12H Dance's post 31/01/2024

Premiered 21.01.24 at Thetaer für Niedersachsen
Here are some impressions captured by the great .de

Special thanks to this wonderful artist and collaborators. It was a precious time creating this dance theater piece with them 🙌❤️‍🔥

Big thanks to the creative team
Albrecht Ziepert with music, Alona Rudnev with costumes , .korna with the stage
And my friend and supporter in the choreographic (and psicological 😅) assistance.

AND to the close collaborators at the Theater Leon Batran dramaturg, regie assistance, stage manager Mic !
The departments of technik, light, costumes, make up, Ausstattung and PR.
Thank you all for the support and collaboration!
Much love


2nd. show tonight!
7.30pm at Theater für Niedersachsen -Big House, Hildesheim. Introduction at 6.50pm

Dance theater by Yamila Khodr based on Georg Büchner

Take the chance to be taken away by this outstanding cast

Music by Albrecht Ziepert
Stage by .korna
Costumes Alona Rudnev

Photo by .de

Next shows
25.02 2pm
01.03 7.20pm
10.03 7pm


Woyzeck premiere 21.01


12H Dance wishes you a holiday season surrounded by the people you care and love.

We need to keep moving while we expanding our awareness about what it is the meaning and purpose of the work and effort we dedicate to our craft.

Our sensitive bodies serve as a channel of outlet to the collective turmoil of emotions provoked from so much violence, injustices, cynicism, and hypocrisy in the world.
We dance, we create, we connect.

It might seem we exist at the edge of it all, jet we belong to it. We can provoke change. Even if it seems minimal. It's not. Our bodies are capable of creating waves of a creating force. That, which connects, multiplies, shelters and strengthens. Not the one of destructive energy that overthrows, degenerates, interferes and desintegrates.

We wish that in 2024 we'll be able to get closer towards a broader recognition of the value of our artform. Our contributions to society are essential when it comes to building and developing its grid.

We will keep on creating
We will keep dancing

Photo: the wonderful cast of dancers and creators of Woyzeck, commissioned by Theater für Niedersachsen. Premiere 21.01.2024

Photos from 12H Dance's post 16/12/2023

This was Grenz.land Daegu, for the Daegu City Dance Company in South Korea.

• • • • • •
대구시립무용단 제84회 정기공연

대구문화예술회관 팔공홀
ⓒ 사진 김정환(한필름)
#대구시립무용단 #대구문화예술회관 #현대무용 #대구무용 #무용공연 #대구공연 #현대무용공연 #정기공연 #몸 #도시 #경계


🍂 12H Dance's fall in South Korea!

From October 11th. to 15th. We will be attending the Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS). Supported by Kreativ-Transfer, with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
As well as attending the Busan Performing Arts Market.

We will be staging our multimedia performance Grenz.land for the company of 30 dancers at the Daegu City Dance Company.
The premiere will be on the 1st of December with a following show on the 2nd. of December at the Daegu Culture and Arts Center.

We wish to meet you around!

📸by .gugg from the production 360°


Grenz.land by 12H Dance, Tzavara & Ziepert
A very gratifying project premiered originally in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. In the following years, it developed into different versions for different cities and countries.
Soon, we will be able to share more news about it.
Something is cooking...

Photo Grenz.land extended


Happy International Dance Day!

want to celebrate with you. Humans simply love dance. DANCE brings us together.
Let's celebrate the world of dance together today.

Photos from 12H Dance's post 26/04/2023


Moonsuk Choi, co-founder of 12H Dance, is the newly appointed Artistic Director of Daegu City Dance Company in South Korea.

This enables us to further strengthen our bilateral relations between Korea and Germany while continuing with the activities in both countries.
The team wishes all the best on this new achievement!

Moonsuk Choi, Mitbegründer von 12H Dance, ist der neu ernannte künstlerische Leiter der Daegu City Dance Company in Südkorea.

Dies ermöglicht es uns, unsere bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen Korea und Deutschland weiter zu stärken und gleichzeitig die Aktivitäten im beiden Ländern fortzusetzen.
Das Team von wünscht viel Erfolg!

Moonsuk Choi, cofundador de 12H Dance, es el nuevo director artístico de Daegu City Dance Company en Corea del Sur.

Esto nos permite fortalecer aún más nuestras relaciones bilaterales entre Corea y Alemania mientras continuamos con las actividades en ambos países.¡El equipo de le desea a todo lo mejor en este nuevo logro!

12H 댄스의 공동창립자인 최문석은 한국 대구시립무용단의 신임 예술감독으로 임명됐다.

이를 통해 양국에서의 활동을 지속하면서 한국과 독일 간의 관계를 더욱 강화할것입니다

Photos from 12H Dance's post 03/02/2023

Last two shows of Hamlet!
--->03.02.23 , 19.30hs Lessingtheater, Wolfenbüttel
--------->13.03.23, 19.30
Theater für Niedersachsen, Hildesheim

by 12H Dance commissioned by Theater für Niedersachsen

.nt.crta & David Pallant

Fotos .de


King Claudius (David Pallant) and Queen Gertrude ( ) having an intimate and sensual duet in
Last shows, tonight and on 3. February at 7.30pm at

Photo .de


• • • • • •
»Nur fünf Tänzer braucht die Choreografin Yamila Khodr für ihre »Hamlet«-Phantasie, zwei davon sind die beiden Seelen in der Brust des Dänenprinzen. Getanztes Rätsel mit wunderbarem Spannungsbogen: »Wer und wie symphatisch ist Hamlet?« – Oper & Tanz

Am Samstag, 7. Januar, ist die Tanztheaterproduktion »Hamlet« in Zusammenarbeit mit dem 12H Dance Collective wieder bei uns in Hildesheim zu erleben! Karten gibt es unter 05121 16931693 oder über unsere Website www.mein-theater.live.

Foto: Tim Müller

Do you know what happened in 2022? 👀 22/12/2022

2022 is almost over and we wish to share with you our most important experiences so far...

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a more loving and compassionate start in 2023. May the (creative) Force be with you!
with love, Moonsuk Choi Yamila Khodr

Do you know what happened in 2022? 👀 2022 is almost over and we wish to share with you our most important experiences so far.We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a more loving and compassionate start in 2023. May the (creative) Force be with you!


Did you take a look to our new branding? We have worked very closely with our designer to make a beautiful browsing experience for you.
You can visit our website in german, englisch, spanish and korean!
(link in bio)

We want to thank for the support and for making this possible!!!🙌


5 times courtain call for Hamlet premiere! Thank you Hildesheim for the warm applause.
Bravo to the Hamlet team of 12H Dance and all the team of it was a beautiful show.


Toi toi toi tonight!
HAMLET "the rest is silence"
premiere at

direction and choreography

choreographic assistance

albrecht ziepert

stage and costumes
anna siegrot

dancers and co creators
.nt.crta david pallant

Foto .de


• • • • • •
TOI TOI TOI! Heute feiert das Tanztheater »Hamlet« von Yamila Khodr in Zusammenarbeit mit dem 12H Dance Collective im Premiere. Ab Sonntag, 18.9., ist der dritte Teil unserer Trilogie dann auch in Hildesheim zu sehen.

Fotos: Tim Müllerde

Photos from 12H Dance's post 01/09/2022

We are ready for stage rehearsals at !

Dance theater by Yamila Khodr in collaboration with the 12H Dance ensemble.
sa, 10.9.22, theater auf dem hornwerk nienburg
so, 18.9.22, großes haus hildesheim

For more dates and tickets check TFN 's website.

Yamila Khodr

Choreografic assistance
Moonsuk Choi

Albrecht Ziepert

Stage and costumes
Anna Siegrot

With and by Antonio Carta, Sami Similä (Hamlet), David Pallant (Claudius), Camille Jackson (Gertrude), Maria Pasadaki (Ophelia)

Fotos by .de

Photos from 12H Dance's post 07/07/2022

Our Southkorean tour came to an end. It was a month full of adventures and gatherings with wonderful people.
Big thanks to the participants that made this adaptation possible. Their generous contribution to our piece is invaluable! They managed to touch the audience with their wonderful stories.❤

It was a great International collaboration between the 12H Dance team members with video designer , sound designer Albrecht Ziepert and the local teams on each site.

Special shout out to co-director, choreographer and producer for being the connector/translator/mediator and much more between the teams.

Thank you very much for inviting us in the first place to
As well as and

This tour was possible thanks to our founders in Germany

And 🙌

Well done everybody!!!!

Videos (show all)

Friday is premiere day at Daegu City Dance company in South Korea!!!Our piece Grenz.land Daegu is coming to life.Join us...
Grenz.land Daegu by DCDCGrenz.land goes places. Borders have conjuncture.On this occasion, we are proud to be staging Gr...
5 times courtain call for Hamlet premiere! Thank you Hildesheim for the warm applause. Bravo to the Hamlet team of 12H D...
GRENZ.LAND - Korea performance at Arko Theater invited by MODAFE festival 202211 June 7pmWe are looking forward to see y...
Grenz.land - Korea  by 12H Dance,  Tzavara & ZiepertComing soon...Link in bio for more infoDancer @tsharlyyp
Grenz.land Korea by 12H Dance, Tzavara & Ziepert On 11.06.2022 Arko Theater main Hall.7.pmGRENZ.LAND deals with the phen...
@12h_dance, Tzavara & ZiepertBackstage of Grenz.land-Berlin 2022 Funded by @nationalesperformancenetz#steppingout geförd...
Wismar is on!The dance performance starts at 7.30Looking forward to meet you here!#multimedia installation#Wismar