Jane Finch - Removals Consultant

Jane Finch - Removals Consultant

30+ years working in the Removals and Storage industry.

Currently director of Chrysalis Connect Ltd and Chrysalis Move Management Ltd, consultant at Removals Consultancy, plus advisor and "McKenzie Friend" at NGRS Litigation Victim's Fund.

Chrysalis Move Management is Launched! 11/03/2024

I'm delighted to announce that our new Chrysalis Move Management website is now up and running. Please take a few moments to have a look, and if you're working in a removal or transport company, please contact us via the "Work with Us" contact form.

We'll then send you our Expression of Interest form to complete so we can add you to our list of approved partners.

Chrysalis Move Management is Launched! We are delighted to announce that our new Chrysalis Move Management service is launched! Over the coming weeks we'll be giving hints and tips on how be...


What's Chrysalis Connect all about? You'll have to wait and see once the new website is launched!



The Chrysalis Move Management website will be up and running soon.


NGRS Litigation Victim's Fund - Understanding the guild lawsuit "disputes" 27/02/2024

Are you a guild member or ex guild member? Find out what's happened over the last few years with the lawsuits by the NGRS.

NGRS Litigation Victim's Fund - Understanding the guild lawsuit "disputes" Understanding the guild lawsuit "disputes". NGRS Litigation Victim's Fund

Removals Consultancy - Why? 27/02/2024

Want to know more about why I do what I do, and why I care so much about the removals industry? Check out the "Why" page on Removals Consultancy.

Removals Consultancy - Why? Why?. Removals Consultancy

Jane Finch - Chrysalis Move Management Ltd | LinkedIn 27/02/2024

Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Jane Finch - Chrysalis Move Management Ltd | LinkedIn 30+ years experience in the removals and storage industry. Currently:* Director of Chrysalis Move Management Ltd (December 2023 - Present)* Director of Chrysalis Connect Ltd (November 2023 - Present)* Senior Consultant at the Removals Consultancy (June 2023 - Present)...


http://www.ngrs-victims.com/, http://www.chrysalis-connect.com/, http://www.chry