Insaf TV - Voice of PTI

Insaf TV - Voice of PTI

Insaf TV - Striving to become the hub for PTI videos, TV talk shows featuring PTI leaders, Newspaper coverage of PTI etc. No?

We live in Zardari/Sharif/Chaudhry/Altaf/FazluRehman/Asfandyar’s Pakistan. Do we want our kids to live in Bilawal/Maryam/Moonis/Musa Gilani’s Pakistan? and indeed No. Then lets join hands with PTI & Imran Khan. To build a Pakistan free from the corrupt & blood sucking Status Quo. Insaf TV is a humble effort by PTI-FATA volunteers; a tiny droplet for Insaf’s Tsunami. Insaf TV - Striving to become the hub for PTI videos, TV talk shows featuring PTI leaders, Newspaper coverage of PTI etc
