April Northrup, BRSSD Trustee

April Northrup, BRSSD Trustee

This is the official page of April Northrup, Trustee for BRSSD. Views are my own.


BRSSD is moving to Trustee Area elections, starting with the November 2024 election. We are considering draft maps at the Board Meeting tonight at 6:15PM, at Sandpiper School.

Five draft maps (Draft Map A, Draft Map B, Draft Map C, Draft Map D, Draft Map E) are now posted on our website
https://www.brssd.org/cvra-by-trustee-area under the drop down menu "DRAFT MAPS".

Any feedback on the maps? Please attend the meeting tonight, and/or you can submit feedback here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JdQBYSvckNs3LfND2NIbb3tE2rkxOXC31K6qv5fOGXw/viewform?ts=6441aa54Nl0GzFspd1LGxIOgjrnshQ/edit&edit_requested=true

Transition to By-Trustee Area Elections - Draft Maps Posted

In response to the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA), BRSSD continues to prepare to transition from electing Board members “at-large” (all Board members are elected by all voters throughout the entire school district) to “by-trustee area” Board elections (where each Board member must reside within the designated trustee area boundary, and is elected only by the voters in that trustee area).

Five draft maps (Draft Map A, Draft Map B, Draft Map C, Draft Map D, Draft Map E) are now posted on our website (https://www.brssd.org/cvra-by-trustee-area) under the drop down menu "DRAFT MAPS". BRSSD will facilitate a second map consideration Public Hearing on October 19, 2023 at 6:15pm at Sandpiper School.

CVRA - Transition to By-District Trustee Elections — Belmont-Redwood Shores School District 16/05/2023

BRSSD is moving to Trustee-Area elections. Please consider joining the Board meeting in person this Thursday at 5PM, to hear more about the process, and to share any feedback you might have on the composition of Potential Trustee Voting Areas.

May 18, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting - Pre-Map Public Hearing #1; also, selection of district demographer
Location: Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Office

June 15, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting - Pre-Map Public Hearing #2
Location Change: Sandpiper School (Redwood Shores)

CVRA - Transition to By-District Trustee Elections — Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Board members in the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District are currently elected in “at-large” elections, where all board members are elected by voters throughout the entire school district. On April 20, 2023, the Board adopted Resolution #19, in response to the California Voting Rights Act (CV...


Thanks Assemblymember Marc Berman for meeting with School Board members from San Mateo County and Santa Clara County school districts. During California School Boards Association Legislative Action Week, we’re letting our Sacramento representatives know how they can support public schools and the students they serve.


So honored to join the BRSSD Board as a trustee, and to be sworn in by my daughter. Grateful to all my supporters who helped make this day possible. ❤️
Thankful to my new colleagues for voting me in as Vice President! I look forward to working with them and our Superintendent to set the direction for our wonderful school district.


There are many votes left to count, but the early results look awesome! I am so grateful for everyone’s support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Today is the last day to vote April in November! Please turn in your ballot or vote in person before 8PM tonight at:

1. 101 Twin Dolphin Drive in Redwood Shores (SMC Office of Education)
2. 1550 Ralston Ave in Belmont (Taube Center at Notre Dame de Namur University)

I am so grateful for everyone's support!

Photos from April Northrup, BRSSD Trustee's post 07/11/2022

Please drop off your ballot at a ballot drop box by 8PM tomorrow! I am the only candidate who has been a public school teacher, and if elected, I will be the only woman on the board. Vote April on November 7th or November 8th!


It's time to vote!
You can drop off your ballot at ballot drop boxes before 8PM on Tuesday
1. outside Belmont City Hall
2. outside Belmont Public Library and
3. inside 101 Twin Dolphin Drive in Redwood Shores (SMC Office of Education)

You can vote in person, Saturday through Tuesday at 8PM at
1. 101 Twin Dolphin Drive in Redwood Shores (SMC Office of Education)
2. 1550 Ralston Ave in Belmont (Taube Center at Notre Dame de Namur University)

You can drop your ballot in any mailbox before that mailbox's pick up time, or at the post office, before 5PM on Tuesday. Mailed ballots must be postmarked Nov. 8th or earlier to be counted.

Please message me if you have any questions.


Honored to support, and have the support of Gina Latimerlo for Belmont City Council 2022. Gina is a Planning Commissioner, small business owner, and mom. She has been deeply involved in the community for 25 years, and has a proven track record of collaborating to get results to keep Belmont a great community. Please vote for Gina for Belmont City Council, District 1!


Honored to support, and have the support of, Julia Mates for Belmont Mayor. Julia has been a proactive Mayor and City Councilmember, taking the time to engage with the community and work collaboratively to make sure Belmont is a wonderful place to live. Please join me in voting for Julia Mates for Belmont Mayor!


Honored to support, and have the support of Suvarna Bhopale, BRSSD Trustee and Candidate for SUHSD. Over the past 9 years, Suvarna has been committed to ensuring BRSSD is a great school district. As a Carlmont parent, Suvarna will bring that same commitment to Sequoia Union High School District. Suvarna will make sure that Carlmont students and all Sequoia Union students have access to an excellent education. Please vote for Suvarna for SUHSD School Board!

Photos from April Northrup, BRSSD Trustee's post 31/10/2022

You know what’s scary? When you almost can’t find your own name on the ballot! Please look on the back of Card A and vote April Northrup for School Board! If BRSSD Governing Board is in a different place on your ballot, please comment below! Happy Halloween, and Happy Voting!


This postcard will be in the mail tomorrow, if we can raise $1,000 in the next 12 hours!

I'm so grateful for everyone's support! If you haven't had a chance to donate, could you please donate $100? If you've already contributed, thank you! Would you be able to chip in an additional $50?

Special thanks to Amy Mehdizadeh for designing the post card!

Thank you so much for your support!


Honored to support, and have the support of, Charles Stone for San Mateo County Supervisor 2022. Charles is a passionate advocate for working families and public schools. He has a strong track record of getting results county-wide. Please join me in voting for Charles for County Supervisor!


As a teacher, I am honored to receive the endorsement of the Belmont-Redwood Shores Faculty Association. Our teachers have an amazing depth and breadth of experience, which they utilize daily in providing a great education to our students.

April Northrup 19/10/2022

Why I'm Running for School Board
When I was growing up, my parents did not have a lot of money. They did not go to college. But they made sure I did my homework, and when I brought home the Scholastic book order form each month, they let me pick out a book to order. My teachers were amazing, and they helped me love learning. A great public school education allowed me to go to Harvard.

I’m running for Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board because I want to make sure every child in our community benefits from a great public school education, and has the opportunities I had.

I would love to bring my experience as a teacher to help the school district provide an excellent education for all our students. I have a teaching credential in Social Studies, and I am in my second year of a Master’s degree program in Education at San Francisco State. I have been a public school teacher in Los Angeles, Massachusetts, and Belmont-Redwood Shores.

I am committed to our schools and our community. For the past five years, I have been an advocate for public education in Belmont-Redwood Shores. I was the Co-Chair of the Yes on Measure K campaign in 2018, and Fundraising Chair for Yes on Measure C earlier this year. Both ballot measures were approved by voters, resulting in additional funding for our schools with Measure K, and then maintaining that funding with Measure C. As Chair of the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee, I have worked together with parents, teachers, and community members to review the district’s expenditures and ensure that parcel tax funds are being spent appropriately.

As a volunteer board member, I have helped to build community connections while supporting our schools. I was a School Chair for SchoolForce, and later became PTA President at Cipriani Elementary. I am a board member for Belmont Water Dog Run, and serve as Belmont Rotary Club’s representative to Interact Club at Carlmont High School.

If elected to School Board, I will utilize my experience as a teacher, advocate, and mom, to promote educational excellence for all students, build community connections, and ensure fiscal sustainability. My children are in 4th grade at Cipriani, 7th grade at Ralston, and 10th grade at Carlmont. I am grateful for the wonderful education they have received in the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District, and I am committed to the continued success of all students in the district.

I would be honored to have your vote.

April Northrup For Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board


Honored to be the only candidate for BRSSD School Board to be endorsed by the San Mateo County Democratic Party.


Ballots are in the mail (or your mailbox)! I would be honored to receive your vote. BRRSD School Board is on the back of Page 1 of your ballot. Special thanks to Amy Mehdizadeh for button design! Comment below if you'd like a button, car magnet, tote bag, and/or yard sign.:-) Vote April in November (or October)!


Honored to have earned the support of the San Mateo County Stonewall Democrats. Today on National Coming Out Day, and every day, I am committed to being a strong ally to the LGBTQ+ community. As a School Board member, I will advocate to make sure the needs of LGBTQ+ students are being met.


It's time to knock on doors! Excited to team up with Sarah Fields for San Mateo City Council, District 3 to share our messages with voters in Laurie Meadows: a great San Mateo neighborhood that is actually part of the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District! Sign up here for coffee, treats, and canvassing! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/FieldsandNorthrup


Register now for the Belmont Water Dog Run this Saturday! Spaces are filling fast! www.belmontwaterdogrun.com
Not a runner? Neither am I! That's why I'm volunteering! Sign up to volunteer along the course, and enjoy the Pancake Breakfast after the race, provided by the Rotary Club of Belmont & Redwood Shores! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0f4ea4ad28a1fc1-race3


So great to see everyone on Saturday! Thanks for coming out to chat with me, Suvarna Bhopale, BRSSD Trustee and Candidate for SUHSD and Gopal for Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board. Heartfelt thanks to Liz Coffey (look at that banner!) and Amy Mehdizadeh for hosting!

Koss, Northrup and Ratnam for BRWS schools 23/09/2022

I have been endorsed by the San Mateo Daily Journal ! Having a vibrant local newspaper is so important for helping people stay informed about issues in the community, and I'm grateful the Daily Journal is that newspaper. So thankful for the support!

Koss, Northrup and Ratnam for BRWS schools There are three seats available on the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District Board of Trustees and four high-quality candidates running.

The PILOT: September 2022 | RSCA 13/09/2022

Hope to see you tonight at the Meet the Candidates Forum at the Sandpiper Community Center (797 Redwood Shores Parkway), 6PM-8PM. Thanks to the Redwood Shores Community Association for sponsoring this great opportunity!

The PILOT: September 2022 | RSCA The PILOT: September 2022 Posted on September 7, 2022 by RSCA Below is this month’s issue of The PILOT, published in its entirety on the RSCA website. To get a complete view of this month’s issue that is easy to read on your screen, please choose the “Fullscreen” option at the top of the vie...


Thanks to everyone who joined me to pick up a Yard Sign! It wasn’t great lighting, but it was a great time! Special thanks to Charles Stone for San Mateo County Supervisor 2022 and Samuel Leinbach for their heartfelt support and remarks. Thanks also to Gina Latimerlo for Belmont City Council 2022.
But more will arrive next week! Sign up here under “Yard Signs” to get on the list:


Yard Signs are here! Sign up now to get your Yard Sign and let everyone know you support April Northrup for School Board!


It’s official! I have filed to run for Belmont-Redwood Shores School Board! As a mom, teacher, and advocate for our public schools, I am committed to helping BRSSD provide an excellent education to all of our students.


So grateful for everyone who came to my birthday party and showed their support as I run for School Board! So honored to have the support of Mayor Giselle Hale, and so excited to vote for her for Assembly!


Introducing my new logo! Special thanks to Colleen Gleeson Greshock and Lightsource Creative Communications, Inc. for the fabulous design!

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Vote April Northrup!