Nan Akasha

Nan Akasha

Coach, Author, Speaker | Visit for tools, tips and resources to accelerate your success!

LightBody Healer, Spiritual Teacher & Retreat Leader, Speaker, #1 Best Selling Author


Infinite Conversation with Maria Wheatley, June 12, 2024 5pm UK Time Live Stream, 11:00AM CDT

Watch it here:

Join me and my fascinating guest Maria Wheatley, frequent Gaia TV guest, Master Lineage Dowser and stone circle, earth energy expert for the ancient people and stones of the UK. Today she will be sharing secrets hardly anyone knows about the healing sites, chakra alignments and many sacred earth gateways and geospirals in the Avebury area (the largest stone circle in Britain and part of an enormous ceremonial landscape connected and carefully constructed by the ancients to be a powerful vortex for transformation, time travel, communicating with the stars and other realms.
She will be my guest expert LIVE in the UK in October (link for retreat below) joining us at the PART 3 Avebury Stargate Experience in October. We wil be staying in the stones and Maria will be showing us the sacred way to enter Avebury, find the cleansing stones, discover the Divine Feminine Energies & in this Full Moon energy she will take us to the sacred area of Silbury Hill, and toning and doing sacred earth magic in the ancient West Kennett Long Barrow.


Celtic Ancient Magic & Goddess Pilgrimages

TODAY, June 11, Tuesday at 11AM CDT:

Today we will explore the ancient divine practice of pilgrimages and go in a sacred way to the Celtic Magical Goddess Realm of Avalon, Glastonbury. Entering and circling 7x and making your temple, grove, cave, or faerie forest the "center". This practice, from all cultures and all eras is so powerful, and you will learn how to make your sacred place the "center" by walking around like the sun (clockwise) and then entering layer by layer into the inner sanctum of the goddesses womb.

Be sure to join me on the Ancient Mysteries of Ancient Avalon Sacred Feminine Magic Retreat, an Immersive Soul Quest Live Oct 7 in Glastonbury and Avebury England.


Dragons and new Sacred Feminine Shaman! Check out this “Dare to Dream” podcast I did with Debbi Dachingeer.

Watch it here:

Join me as I channel powerful messages from dragons, revealing their significance for our lives today.

Discover the profound journey of birthing the new Sacred Feminine Shaman and awaken your own magical powers.

Experience a deep connection to sacred sites and uncover the mysteries they hold for your spiritual growth. In this video, you'll discover:
1) The profound messages Nan channels from dragons.
2) How to embark on the journey to birth the new Sacred Feminine Shaman.
3) Techniques to awaken your magical powers.
4) The significance of connecting deeply with sacred sites.


Watch the NEW MOON VENUS LOVE GODDESS RITUAL - New Moon on June 6, 2024 at 16 degrees of Gemini at 16 degrees of Gemini. Venus brings goddess magic and compassion, love from divine to romantic, and infused the heart - mind connection through the air sign of Gemini.

Watch it here:

An opportunity for understanding, deeper love bonds light up at the midpoint of the Dragon year, this New Moon in Gemini (Air, communication, social) is a turning or resolution point to shift what you may feel done with (this year has been big shedding) and infuse your soul seeds you wish to plant in the new moon magic with intentions for WAVING to your WISHES and creating a loving communication and connection to them. Venus is bringing love, and heart mind connection.

All the focus now is on communication and INPUT, so bring in the love and heart vibes to help you be discerning with the excess of information out there and the increase in hacking that. has been going on for 3 weeks. Remember you have spiritual tools to listen within and turn down the volume on everyone else's story. Tune into your own inner authority radio and talk to your guides, the moon, nature and even the Asteroid Goddess Juno (Hera) who was the supreme feminine archetype of partnership (traditionally called marriage) and no it can be updated with current day themes.


Watch the
Spiritual Weather Report: Royal Silver Stargate here:

This wood energies begin a very important energy for the year Jupiter in Gemini! Also explore the silver Stargate Aldebaron Royal Star Guardian energies.

and the ease of Jupiter trine Pluto. Important energies are assisting you with all the opportunities opening on your path!


Join me for a fascinating show exploring the earth divination magic that can locate, and align with hidden energies. At my Avalon/Glastonbury Mysteries of Avalon Sacred Feminine Earth Magic Retreat in October, we will be immersed in the magic, legend and power of the mystical.

The Mary & Micheal dragon lines, sacred feline/masculine key lines, run to here and up the Tor. The power in the earth here can heal, awaken, shapeshift and prosper you.

We will be spending a day with an amazing woman who has deep secrets and wisdom about this land and energies. I’ve met a true soul sister in Maria and I know you will be delighted and empowered by this hour with her.
She is a 2nd generation master dowser and has vast knowledge about ancient stones and structures and temples and medieval churches that all carry specific codes and secrets.

Maria Wheatley is a Druid and her heart lies with her Celtic past and heritage. She has recently discovered the Multiple-Geospiral energy pattern (which indicates sacred water), a yin earth energy system and how the planets enhance their energies.

Maria has spoken on numerous radio shows, podcasts and has appeared on the BBC, History Channel and GaiaTV.

Maria is also a qualified past life regression therapist, tarot card reader and specialises in past life astrological readings and runs the Esoteric College.
This promises to be a fun and enlightening experience to open our wisdom to the ancient, the earth energies and show us our truth!


Full Moon Sagittarius Prosperity Magic, Divining the Truth of your Power in the illumination of the good fortune and happiness of this moon. This Full Moon harmonizes you with your intuitive skills that are ready to die to the limits you have put on them and expand past your boundaries of comfort (Neptune and Pluto). More good luck from our wishes and wants with the Sun and Venus aligning with Jupiter, the expander, and you will have waves of inspiration and the power and determination to see things through!

Let's go on a magical adventure as we communicate (Gemini), clearly now what has been building inside of you. The energy of the cosmos illuminates this (think twins) 2 sides that appear as a conflict between your burgeoning intuition and your limited logical mind.

Mysteries of Avalon Mystical Soul Quest Retreat October 2024


The lady of the lake is a sacred feminine guide of great powers and mysteries and gatekeeper of Avalon, the Otherworld, land of the goddess. She calls you to live your truth and honor your soul purpose, like she asked Arthur when she empowered him to step into his power and rule Camelot. The lady the lake is asking what do you stand for? Do you stand in your truth or try to live the destiny others tell you to? Only the Pure of Heart and Intent may gain entry to these sacred realms... she will help you cleanse the heart and listen to your own beat. She cannot gift you the sword of your power, until you accept you must live your own destiny. Like when the goddess manifested the sword Excalibur for Arthur, which represents taking your personal power and committing to your soul quest.

In this beautiful channeled experience, we will go with her into her misty, magical realm and step into your personal power and feel your true strength, hidden from lifetimes of false beliefs of your weakness and lack of value. We will receive light downloads, and healing that will align with the full moon energies.


Alchemy, Earth Magic Journey. Alchemy of the old, sacred science for soul renewal

Ancient Avalon, time of earth magic, alchemy, Camelot, Holy Grail Chalice, and the Lady of the lake... Merlin is the most famous and favorite wizard and the nature alchemy, abilities to communicate with nature spirits and co-crate with elements.

He worked with Gaia energies and helped train the priestesses in the balance of sacred masculine and sacred feminine wisdom and nature wisdom.
Learn to alchemize your challenged into opportunities and your fears into soul gold.


This week we continue with the new moon energies of self care and nourishing with all the planets in Ta**us. Mercury has fully returned to leading our communication forward and Jupiter community Uranus is the BIG ENERGY asking you for expansion and change.

Get ready for FREEDOM and many opportunities to think, act, choose and seek in a NEW way. Remember, Uranus requires awakening, change, newness, innovation, and the more you look for that and cooperate with that the more things in your life will unfold, reveal themselves, and change. It’s going to require you stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing your patterns so you can interrupt them.join us for this information and a nice meditation to help you with the change and stepping into freedom.


Shadow Work is powerful and my Guest Neil Gaur of Portal to Ascension and I will dive into the power, the process and the payoff. We will also discuss the Sacred masculine and feminine balance and sacred polarity. How this affects your health, trauma, challenges as well as heal for more love, success and purpose.


Enter the mist of Avalon… The other world. The magic and mystery through time of Avalon or Glastonbury. England is an enchanting and Cal-ling place.

People are drawn here in the physical world and into and through the veil. The goddess and the lady of the lake, Morgana and King Arthur, the holy Grail and Merlin, the Druids and the stone circles, the sacred Wells , and the magic fairy kingdom.

Avalon and the mists that keep it hidden from us are powerful for us to remember our true power, our spiritual purpose, and our psychic senses.

Elemental, magic and earth, wisdom, reconnecting to the truth of the earth and the energy lines flowing through you and the planet is part of the mission. Join me as we enter the sacred Isle of Avalon and journey into the mists and into the other world.our guides will include all those listed above as well as the red and white dragons.

Time to awaken the mystical in your blood and the mystery of your soul.

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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Time to infuse your new creative vision for manifesting a life of magic and wonder!
Energize your New Moon wishes with the silent fire of your soul and plant them in the earth energies of Ta**us to align with more comfort, money, earthly manifestations and a sense of foundation.

This New Moon aligns with the awakener Uranus who has a surprise change for you in your money, income, home or sense of security.

A rare harmony is adding a cherry on top of this dark moon phase with Saturn, the strict karma and task master. It’s a very special chance to get structure and support for change in your foundation.


New Moon Money Manifesting today! Happy new moon, more than half of the planets are in Ta**us and that means that we’re going to be very supported and manifesting comfort, possessions, physical manifestations of joy, wealth, and healing. Join me for the Spiritual weather report where we’re going to do some money manifesting magic.

Just go here:


Dragon power, magic, creativity, and energy is becoming more and more palpable as we get deeper into the year of the greenwood dragon. We are in a time where the veil is thinning and are Intuition and Powers are, waking up and dragon spirit wants to talk to us.

This will be the first in a series of calls where we will get together and channel the dragon spirit guides that want to speak to us as guides for this year.

Remember, this is a year of great prosperity and opportunity, and yet the energy is so big and so powerful that you may be overwhelmed with opportunities or you may feel not powerful enough to take the opportunities. dragons spirit medicine is here to help us understand how to receive it how to use it and how to stay safe with the big magic energy that’s available.

Also, the green wood dragon is about growth of something new and being creative with this powerful magic energy.

Come find out more about how to tap into this energy, speak to the dragon spirits and see what energies what guidance and what healing they have available for you.

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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Join the joy, freedom and fun of the CELTIC GODDESS FESTIVAL of BELTANE on May Day! Beltane is an important seasonal holiday that is celebrated with bonfires, flower crowns and dancing in nature. Beltane is the Gaelic May Day festival to honor the beginning of summer. It is energetically powerful and full of creativity as we are halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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Live Celtic Goddess Festival Online for Beltane on May Day tomorrow at 1pm central.

The warmth and prosperity of the summer goddess is calling to you.

Breathe and feel within your sacred center... you can feel the stirring of the life changes within in Gaia, within your body, within your sacral soul crystal in your sacral center and womb.

A great celebration is taking shape and you are invited!
Wednesday is May day, Beltane and it’s a powerful and beautiful day where the ancients celebrated this moment between the equinox and the solstice.

We will gather as the rainbow tribe, calling in the goddess of fire, rebirth, new life and the great mother.

Come join the flow of prosperity and magic with me on May Day, Beltane, May 1 at 1 PM central.

Just go here:


Gaia has called us again, to enter her crystal cave and listen with our hearts. We enter in a sacred way and I attune to her through this navel womb alignment and initiation I received. Then I channel what she wishes to share. I am a trained priestess, shaman, seer, oracle, energy healer, and clear channel for the sacred wisdom that is optimal for our highest soul good at this time.

Join me in this Infinity Light Healing Temple and be a powerful participant in our divinely guided, timelessly powerful journey together.

what we do, what she shares, varies as I am the clear channel and it is up to her and the other spirit guides that wish to join us at this powerful and challenging time. They are here to uplift, infuse with love, open your eyes and free your shackles. This is a powerful experience (see the past ones here, some are crazy deep and deeply powerful that you emerge transmuted). Shapeshifting is common in my world. We are here to receive such sweet guidance, healing and illumination from Gaia. We will create more moon-earth-star magic in the glow of the Full Moon and the Buddha's birth, death & Enlightenment celebration, Wesak - pouring rainbow blessings all over the world at this time.

Come be blessed, strengthened and support me by stepping into a real circle of power and be one of the circle of light who travels with me into the crystal heart of Gaia. Calling awakening Creators who are ready to be-come. Come practice your powers and be revealed and healed,. This an advanced experience of interdimensional travel, shamanic journeying, communication with spirits and nature realms and lightbody mysteries and magic. You come to witness and together we transform and offer our experience into the Akasha for everyone to access when ready for an upleveling of their wisdom. Be the creator, step out of watching and join the circle of Gaia's Crystal Cave as we travel into the heart

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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Gaia has called us again, to enter her crystal cave and listen with our hearts. We enter in a sacred way and I attune to her through this navel womb alignment and initiation I received. Then I channel what she wishes to share. I am a trained priestess, shaman, seer, oracle, energy healer, and clear channel for the sacred wisdom that is optimal for our highest soul good at this time.
Join me in this Infinity Light Healing Temple and be a powerful participant in our divinely guided, timelessly powerful journey together.
This is a sacred space between the worlds and what we do, what Gaia and other spirit guides share, varies.
I enter the circle center and you become one with the circle.
I am the clear channel and it is up to “what is optimal for the highest good at this time” and Gaia and the other spirit guides that wish to join us.
Your intention to be one with this golden circle of light at this powerful and challenging time will open a door to your healing and realignment with a soul power!
This is freedom from your deepest fears, in the Scorpio full moon. Our sacred spirit guides are here to uplift, infuse with love, open your eyes and free your shackles.

Merlin asks you to enter this crystal cave and allow him and the crystal kingdom to free you from the shackles of using your elemental magic again. Your powers of alchemy are ready to be unleashed.
This is a powerful experience (see the past ones here, some are crazy deep and deeply powerful that you emerge transmuted).
Shapeshifting is common in my world. We are here to receive such sweet guidance, healing and illumination from Gaia. We will create more moon-earth-star magic in the glow of the Full Moon and the Buddha's birth, death & Enlightenment celebration, Wesak - pouring rainbow blessings all over the world at this time.

Gaia's Crystal Cave, April 25, Thursday at 10:00AM CDT
Just go here:


Join me to celebrate the full moon and all the magic that's happening

The Return of the Dragon: Rise of the Sacred Feminine LifeforceTour in Greece May 2024 with Akasha

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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Scorpio Full Moon is April 23, so we will dive into these energies, that are ripe for transformation.

Power of this Moon: Yes, more shedding with Scorpio's help, and more deep intuitive feminine energies of the full moon to help us go deep and leave the chaos behind.

Scorpio reminds me of the Goddess Brigid (The British Isles we named for her) and the deep still well water that is part of her element. GO deep, be still, be in the dark with your own power.

That deep still watery world of emotion, darkness, and buried wisdom is the realm we will explore in the PINK or BUDDHA full moon.

The struggle you may feel is the tension between the Moon's unable to express its FULLNESS, to be seen, expressed, and illuminated... yet the death/rebirth transformative energies of Scorpio make it the powerful time of renewal.

Pink Full Moon Magic, April 23, Tuesday at NOON CDT
See you soon:


We got into today's show and it became a different show and it is all about the next step and walking through the eclipse portal. We moved into the next stage of what we began yesterday (the sacred circle, space, and guides that gathered are still with us) and the portal is still open.

We're still changing. We're still shifting. We're still moving through. Come get the guidance and see the actually doors that opened us to the rainbow realm.

I share some very enlightening and powerful photos of the eclipse and the eclipse doors and portals and dimensions opening.
Enjoy the replay here:


The Return of the Dragon: Rise of the Sacred Feminine LifeforceTour in Greece May 2024 with Akasha

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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Photos from Nan Akasha's post 08/04/2024

minutes before the totality of the eclipse, dimensional doorways open up!

Please enjoy the replay and use it as often as you like, because we are continuously in integrating and moving through this.

Today was the peak and yet we’ve been feeling it for a long time and it will continue to unfold.

It was very beautiful to create an open sacred space with you, to call in all of the directions, all of the elementals and all of the sacred guides that were here to go with us.


ECLIPSE PORTAL MAGICAL JOURNEY - come on a powerful expereince and reconect to your Sacred feiminine powers, you are NOW in the process of moving to a new "Room" or reality for you. Be in this sacred Community of Goddess empowerment and be supported and loved as you move through the portal and into your Sacred Feminine Freedom

The Return of the Dragon: Rise of the Sacred Feminine LifeforceTour in Greece May 2024 with Akasha

Monthly Community
Sacred Spirit Guide Circle Community Join now!

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

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ECLIPSE PORTAL MAGICAL JOURNEY - come on a powerful expereince and reconect to your Sacred feiminine powers, you are NOW in the process of moving to a new "Room" or reality for you. Be in this sacred Community of Goddess empowerment and be supported and loved as you move through the portal and into your Sacred Feminine Freedom

April 8, Monday at NOON CDT Just go here:


The Return of the Dragon: Rise of the Sacred Feminine LifeforceTour in Greece May 2024 with Akasha

Monthly Community
Sacred Spirit Guide Circle Community Join now!

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

Join the Infinite Self Newsletter and stay up to date:

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So much has happened since I left for my retreats, not only am I transformed and in the process of a mega, amazing magnificent metamorphosis…
We are now entering a true momentous experience.

Get illuminated with the full moon and let’s see what the energies have to say they guide us into our new world.

The Return of the Dragon: Rise of the Sacred Feminine LifeforceTour in Greece May 2024 with Akasha

Monthly Community
Sacred Spirit Guide Circle Community Join now!

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

Join the Infinite Self Newsletter and stay up to date:

Be sure to Subscribe and Click Notifications to know when we go live!

New Moon Dreaming & Healing 11/03/2024

Blessings on the new moon, Lets look at the Spiritual Weather Report and what these new moon energies are gifting us, are they challenging us, and had to step in and use them, especially for the next two weeks. This is the opening of the eclipse season new moons are new beginnings and you will end on an eclipse on the full.

Watch the full video here:

New Moon Dreaming & Healing blessings on the new moon, lets look at the Spiritual Weather Report and what these new moon energies are gifting us, are they challenging us and had to step...


The Return of the Dragon: Rise of the Sacred Feminine LifeforceTour in Greece May 2024 with Akasha

Dolphin Healing & Mayan Magic Retreats - join us in March 2024:

Monthly Community
Sacred Spirit Guide Circle Community Join now!

Soul Readings, Retrieval’s and LightBody Healing, Meditations, Free goodies for your Soul, Past Life Evolutions and more... check out the private sessions and meditations, and classes in the Akasha Shop:

Join the Infinite Self Newsletter and stay up to date:

Be sure to Subscribe and Click Notifications to know when we go live!

Videos (show all)

Full Moon Sagittarius Prosperity Magic, Divining the Truth of your Power
Dowsing, Ley Lines, Earth Energies, Glastonbury Dowsing Day
Lady of the Lake Speaks Sword Of Truth
Merlin Speaks Alchemy & Magic
Spiritual Weather Report: Freedom & Change & Nourishment
Infinite Conversation with Neil Gaur, Shadow Work & Sacred Polarity
Spiritual Weather Report: New Moon Unexpected Abundance
Celtic Goddess Festival Beltane May Day
Enter the Mists of Avalon, the Otherworld,
Dragon Spirit Prosperity Medicine
Gaia's Crystal Cave,
Pink Full Moon Magic