Kambo Restore

Kambo Restore

LA based IAKP Certified Kambo Practitioner � Honoring & sharing this deeply cleansing ‘Medicina da floresta’ with respect & love for the frogs & tribes.

Western Doctor to Kambo Practitioner – a Journey into the Green Light 06/12/2019

Western Doctor to Kambo Practitioner – a Journey into the Green Light What would cause a young medic to ditch her stethoscope for a purgative Amazonian folk medicine?

How Kambo’s Physical and Spiritual Properties Reduce Pain and Treat Addiction 26/11/2019

How Kambo’s Physical and Spiritual Properties Reduce Pain and Treat Addiction Kambo medicine works on both a physical and an energetic level to treat pain, kick addiction, and reduce dependency on medications like opioids.

Timeline photos 21/11/2019

As with the physical manifestations of pain and discomfort.. We need to feel the sensations of emotional pain, in order to be able to locate the source of our dis-ease. The less we try to think about it and the more we tune in and feel, the more easily and intuitively we can feel into the best way to release.
The physical body is all knowing, and, works together with our mental, emotional and esthetic bodies. If we turn the blaring voice of our mind of and allow ourselves to simply begin to breath and move. We can begin to move the energy of pain through us, feeling in order to heal.
This is how we can move stagnant energies, this is how we can release blockages and old patterns. This is how Kambô works with the body, mind and spirit.
Kambô can be an intense experience, but it’s how we use that intensity, how we sit with it.. That gives us all the information for our next steps. Kambô shows is the way and clears some hurdles. But we must each take those steps ourselves along our path. Sometimes skipping, sometimes crawling. That’s the work.

Timeline photos 19/11/2019

Kambô (medicina da floresta) is a natural and profound way to detoxify and cleanse the bodys’ vital organs, whilst also clearing energetic blockages, dis-ease, and, helping to return us to a state of homeostasis and our heartfelt, authentic selves..
Kambô has been traditionally used by the native tribes in the Amazon for decades to treat such things as - Panema ( bad luck), malaria, infections, laziness, snake bites, yellow fever and many other diseases and infections.
It is considered one of the most powerful ways to strengthen the immune system, and has strong anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-microbial, and antibiotic properties. Kambo has been found to be highly effective against candida, fungal infections, herpes and other viruses. It has successfully treated illnesses such as arthritis, thyroid conditions, addictions, lyme’s disease, parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, high blood pressure.
Kambô has helped people with anxiety and depression, PTSD, cancers, fertility problems, those with HIV, chronic pain, and much more.

Timeline photos 15/11/2019

Get a head start on the new year, by breaking through mental/emotional blockages, releasing toxin, heavy metals and stagnant energies, and managing chronic pain.
Join us every Sunday at 11am at our space in Woodland Hills.
Energy exchange is $120
Bring a large towel, a gallon of water, and your highest intentions for your self care.
Please do your research as Kambô is not for everyone.
Read through the process and contraindications on the website (link in bio)
DM or Email [email protected] for more info or to register your space.

Timeline photos 14/11/2019

Sacral and root chakra treatment for this courageous warrior sister for deep grounding, emotional stability, creativity and security. An intention of clearing and cleansing so that a new path might begin to become clear and unravel... Not an easy session, but borne with so much grace and surrender. Aho sister. I am in awe of you.

Timeline photos 12/11/2019

Aho the that! What will you do to save yourself today?

Timeline photos 11/11/2019

When we ‘burn the skin’ to make gates for Kambô to enter the lymphatic system... This is how it looks. We touch the shouldering tip of a thin stick or a fragrance free incense stick to the skin only for the briefest of moments. Enough to caugh the very top layer of skin to blister so that we can wipe it off easily with a paper tissue. No blood, no permanent scarring (in some cases they fade away to barely noticeable but do not disappear completely), no big wounds. Just enough to allow the lymphatic fluid to transport powerfull Kambô bio peptides into the body where they will be taken in and accepted at a cellular level and start their job of cleaning and cleansing the blood and organs, providing relief for chronic pain, and restoring the body to homeostasis (it’s preferred state of being).
These burns are less deep than a blister on your foot!
This beautiful brother sat with 7 points of kambô as part of his self care and personal monthly maintenance as he moves into new phases of his life.

Timeline photos 08/11/2019

Join us as we circle and call in the spirit of this powerfully cleansing Frog ‘Medicina’ from the Amazon every Sunday at 11am to let go of all that does not serve your evolution and authentic expression of self.
Contact [email protected] for more info or to RSVP.
A gallon of water, warm blanket, towel.
Energy exchange:
•Small Group $120
•3 for $300 throughout Nov/Dec

Timeline photos 07/11/2019

Three Kambô points or ‘gates’ on the root chakra along with two on liver points to release anger and ground into Mother Earth for this warrior sister. A second session and an exercise in surrendering fear and breathing through the egoic mind. Fear is not a negative response, it gives us a frame of reference based on last experience and it’s job is to keep us safe. Often fear and sadness are what lies beneath anger. And when those come up.. It can be hard to allow ourselves to feel into those sensations. It can feel overwhelming. And it is. It can be terrifying to delve into those parts of ourselves and allow ourselves to settle into and transmute those energies. So the ego tells us we cannot do it. That we should not do it. And you know what? That’s ok too. If we are not ready to release something yet, but we take a step toward it.. That’s the medicine. The intention. The willingness. The showing up. If we can show up.. We are already in the right path. Aho!

Timeline photos 06/11/2019

Come and join us for a deeply cleansing, profoundly shifting and self-healing Kambo Ceremony at our Woodland Hills home every Sunday. This Sunday we have small group at 11am

Release trauma, negative energies, bad luck and gain awareness of destructive patterns and behaviors... All while deeply cleansing your body. In the Jungle Kambo is used for a deep warrior cleanse that increases strength and stamina, focuses the mind, and clears Panema (bad luck). Bring a yoga mat (or large towel) a gallon of water and anything you need to be cosy and warm after (blanket/hoody etc).

Energy exchange is $120
3 sessions in a lunar cycle are recommended to connect deeply with the ‘Medicina’.

Please let us know if you are any and all
Medications and supplements you may be taking, and also any current or prior health issues and surgeries.

RSVP: [email protected]

Timeline photos 05/11/2019

7 points for this sweet warrior sisters’ third session. Every time we sit with Kambô, it is different.. Because WE are different. This time for her, it was hard, it didn’t feel good.. or at least as good as her previous sessions. She sat with her discomfort, surrendered to it,and was able to move through it. Sometimes the work is simply in finding a way to be curious about the sensations (physical or otherwise), rather than staying in fear. Navigating it, and finding what lies on the other side. It’s not always easy, it’s not always clear. But discomfort doesn’t have to be suffering, like all pain; its really just information.

Timeline photos 04/11/2019
Timeline photos 01/11/2019

A little self treatment before a 🌱 ceremony this evening. As many times as I’ve sat with this powerful ‘medicina da floresta’ and as many self treatments as I’ve had over the years.. I was so anxious, I almost phoned a friend to come serve me so I would go through with it! The reason being, that I had not stuck to my pre ceremony diet as well as I had wanted, and I thought the Frog would come tap dance on me in steel clogs 😱. I hear this from clients a lot: ‘Can I reschedule because I want to eat clean for a week beforehand, and I cheated’.. The answer is yes, if you’re not ready, but no, if it’s just your fear in your way. Usually, for me it’s ego, or fear.. and the fear is always my ego ‘What if..What If...’ 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️
Well, whatever the process is, it is exactly what it’s going to be. So I set up my space, complete with navigating my new rescue dog, who of course just wanted to climb on my lap the whole time, and sniff around the Kambô.. In the end I put her in her crate and she gave me Side-eye and farted. Which was fair under the circumstances🤣. She hates being shut in. I know how she feels.
So how was it? Intense, quick, beautiful and at points almost blissful. A reminder that the frog has no malice or intention other than to teach and to heal. It does not DO anything to us. Rather allows us to simply BE with it. I could feel the Kambô scanning my body as the initial warmth enveloped my body (I always love that part), then the heart racing, the pressure in my head.. And then the purging in and off for 10minutes.. And then I was done! I lay with the Kambô in for another 15minutes or so.. Just incase that Pizza from last week wanted to make an appearance.. But nope. I was done. All that build up in my head, and for what?! Nothing.. This is how we create, and this is how we can self-destruct. If in doubt, the lesson for me is always the same: TRUST THE MEDICINE. Aho!!

Timeline photos 28/10/2019

A powerful first session for this strong, heart opened warrior woman. When she arrived, she said ‘I think my heart chakra is closed’. I felt so much HEART coming from her! As with most things in life.. It was the ‘THINK’ part that needed the work..
We are always connected to our hearts. If only we can quieten the voices in our head long enough to FEEL it. Five gates to allow this transformative Kambô secretion into her lymphatic system, clearing away toxins, and allowing space for some clarity. It is in the clarity that we can begin to glimpse what is possible. The moment between the trigger and the reaction. And begin to work with our patterns to consciously create our behavior rather than simply allowing it to happen to us. When we react in an emotional state, we fling our trauma responses onto others, usually those closest to us. The thing we desire the most, connection, becomes the very thing that we destroy. Like the act of reaching for it is what pushes it further away. The difference is in connecting with a fist or an open hand. The difference is obvious but really very subtle.
Kindness and compassion to others, starts with kindness and compassion to ourselves. Honor your inner child, the emotions that come up. But express those emotions in a way that is safe.. Whether it’s screaming in your car, or sobbing into a bucket.. Maybe it’s throwing pillows at a wall, or punching a bag. Once we can safely feel our emotions and move through them, we can begin to mitigate their intensity..and return to a place of logic, mindfulness and conscious creation.

Timeline photos 26/10/2019

Join us this Sunday 11am at our peaceful Woodland Hills location: Be the change energy center, as we hold a safe, supportive and nurturing space for self growth and healing with this powerfully cleansing ‘Medicina’ from the Amazon. Kambo has been used traditionally for thousands of years by indigenous Amazonian tribes to clear bad luck, negative energies, parasites, dis-ease and chronic pain.. Kambo has been the subject of scientific and academic study for over 30’s years (currently over 70 patents pending) and important discoveries have been observed within the study of Kambo and Cancer, HIV, Fertility, Auto immune issues and many more. That said, Kambo is not a miracle cure and is not for everyone. If you feel called to work with Kambo for your self healing, please do your own research and feel free to email me with any further questions! [email protected]
From our hearts to yours ❤️🙏🏽🐸

Timeline photos 25/10/2019

The throat chakra: This energy center is associated with your voice. It relates to your ability to speak your truth, express ideas clearly, truthfully, and gracefully, and become harmoniously attuned to both inner and outer vibrations.

A misaligned throat, chakra can result in a sore throat, thyroid problems and neck and shoulder pain, issues with hearing, jaw pain, or TMJ.

When the throat chakra is out of alignment, you may feel like you don’t know how to ask for what you need and feel unable to shape the world you want to create.

In Kambô we work with chakras to help focus intention and work on specific blockages. Always, the Kambô knows where to go. But in this we we are aware of where it is working, and mindfully open the gates in these areas to allow this powerfully transformative secretion to work more deeply with us.

Timeline photos 23/10/2019

In order to change anything, we must first want to change, and willing to do what is necessary to make those changes.

Timeline photos 22/10/2019

Be a nice human. The most important relationship of your life, is the one you have with yourself. How do you talk to yourself? How do you nourish your vessel? How do you connect and engage with the world around you? Self care is health care. Anything you do for your greater good, for your heart, for your mental health.. Can only impact your world and the people around you positively in the end. The exploration of Self growth, self awareness, emotional intelligence and expanding a connection to the earth and all those souls on it.. That’s why I’m here. That’s what lights my fire. And yes, there are days that I forget that, days I wilfully ignore it... And on those day, I find my greatest teachers (Gracias Kambô 🐸). I’ve never been good at asking for help, or allowing others to guide me. I’ve always had my own stubborn ideas about the world and my place in it. But the more I open up. The more I allow others in (while also respecting my own boundaries), and practice humility and compassion.. The happier I feel, and the nicer I am as a human. Be a nice human... But more importantly, strive to be a good person, to yourself first.

Timeline photos 21/10/2019

Each individual is called to work with Kambo for different reasons that can be physical, mental or spiritual.
The one common thread is simply the desire to heal and the courage to begin the journey.
Courage is when the heart walks bravely into the unknown, even when fear is present. The Kambo process brings us into our soft, vulnerable heart spaces, here we can objectively view ourselves, our patterns and the workings of those around us, more clearly. 🐸❤️🙏🏽

Timeline photos 19/10/2019

Another intense and powerful session for this warrior brother!
Clearing stagnant energies, detoxing the body and focusing the mind. Aho!!
Join us tomorrow at our energetically charged space in Woodland Hills for our Kambô small group ceremony. 11am

Timeline photos 17/10/2019

Evolve and level up!!

Timeline photos 15/10/2019

6 Kambô Portals for this uber creatively talented soul sister. Clearing stagnant energies and blockages, cleansing her body and aiding in mental clarity. She sat with the intensity of Kambô with such surrender, acceptance and grace. Viva sister!!

Timeline photos 14/10/2019

What if we lived our lives so mindfully that our every step was made to improve the ones that came after? This is the real world, and responsibilities and obligations can feel like the heaviest of weights. Sometimes it’s as much as we can do to keep trudging forward bearing the weight of our worlds on our shoulders, just trying to keep it all up spinning on those plates.
So find one thing, just one thing.. That you can do today to improve your tomorrow. Whether it’s for your physical health (walk somewhere instead of driving, pick the healthy option), your mental health (say no, meditate, do yoga), or your spiritual well-being (go out into nature, lay on the grass, connect with your inner child)...
Find a moment for you. Connect. Make that call, send that email, take that time to do absolutely nothing.. We are none of us stuck, except by our own choosing. We may feel stuck because there is so much to be moved in order for us to move.. So let’s start with one Brock, rock, pebble or grain of sand at a time.

Timeline photos 13/10/2019

New Kambô assistant starts today.. Wish her (and me 😬) luck!!

Timeline photos 12/10/2019

Join us this Tomorrow, 11am at our peaceful Woodland Hills location: Be the change energy center, as we hold a safe, supportive and nurturing space for self growth and healing with this powerfully cleansing ‘Medicina’ from the Amazon.
Kambo has been used traditionally for thousands of years by indigenous Amazonian tribes to clear bad luck, negative energies, parasites, dis-ease and chronic pain..
Kambo has been the subject of scientific and academic study for over 30’s years (currently over 70 patents pending) and important discoveries have been observed within the study of Kambo and Cancer, HIV, Fertility, Auto immune issues and many more.
That said, Kambo is not a miracle cure and is not for everyone. If you feel called to work with Kambo for your self healing, please do your own research and feel free to email me with any further questions
You will need to bring a gallon of regular water and a large towel.
Please dm or email to confirm [email protected]
From our hearts to yours ❤️🙏🏽🐸

Timeline photos 11/10/2019

Happy to see this beauty go to a soul brother 🐉 Thank you For being an awesome co-practitioner and supporter of my functional art 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽

Timeline photos 10/10/2019

Join us for this powerfully transformative ceremony with the Warrior cleanse direct from the Frog to you.
Kambô brings you back balance with your body, connects you with your soul essence, clears emotional blockages and moves stagnant energies.
The bio-peptides in Kambô have been studied for over 30 years and currently have over 70 medical patents pending for interactions with everything from pre cancerous cells, HIV, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and more.
We use this powerfully transformative secretion in a traditional way, that honours the indigenous tribes, but also understand that we live in a western world which has its own set and setting. Our bodies, mindsets and needs may be a little different. Your safely and support through this process is our priority. You process, care and growth.. Is YOURS.
Email [email protected] or DM for more details :)

Timeline photos 09/10/2019

An intense but beautifully transformative experience for this earth connected sister. I love when people by so awestruck (after a session) by just how deeply and consciously this ‘medicina da floresta’ works on body, mind and spirit.. She felt the Kambô scanning her body and moving exactly where it needed to go. She said the thought she knew what to expect (while trying not to have expectations 😄), but actually received so more more. I have so much respect and admiration for anyone brave enough to invest in their self care, and walk into a space where they open to their own healing and growth. Viva Kambô!!

Timeline photos 08/10/2019

Whether the pain is physical, mental or emotional... It is both sensation and information. Once we become curious about what is causing the sensation, the root cause. We have our information and can begin to work on healing the pain at that level. A lot of western pharmaceuticals deal with pain (physical and emotional: depression, anxiety) by masking or dulling the symptoms. Everything is connected. If a physical pain is from an emotional source, no amount of pain medication can ‘fix’ it. Different body organs hold different emotions. The liver, for example is the seat of anger. Hence the link between deep anger and Alcoholism. But beneath the anger, there is nearly always sadness. Whatever your pain, seek to make it your ally and discover what it wants to teach you. ❤️🙏🏽🐸

Videos (show all)

Thank you my fearless warrior brother 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽#Repost @parker.young with @make_repost・・・No poisonous tree frogs were harme...
Thank you Sister! It was a privilege to hold space for you. Your were fearless and ready.🙏🏽❤️🙌🏽#Repost @tanyaseesyou wit...
Last few spaces for our Ojai Kambo Ceremony! 🐸❤️ Tomorrow 9am down town Ojai. Reset your body, detox your organs and rel...
“That which is to give light must endure burning” - I’ll just be over here taking it literally 💁🏻‍♀️🔥🐸 #Kambo #Fire #Bur...