Archie's March

Archie's March

To celebrate all of Archie's warriors who tirelessly fund raise and work so hard to achieve a world where Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy no longer exists

Our Story

22nd August was the day our world catastrophically and irreversibly changed, it was the day that robbed our little boy of his future, it was the day we learnt Archie had Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. And it was also the day we learnt that Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a devastating, life limiting, muscle wasting condition which currently has no cure.

However since that dark day an army of Archie’s warriors has stepped up and gone to huge lengths in order to raise money for both Archie’s future personal needs as well as for Archie’s March- a fund within Duchenne UK, a charity who are committed to finding a cure for this cruel disease and to do it in a decade.

We plan to keep this page updated with news of Archie’s army who are marching against Duchenne – on bikes, from planes, in the sea and on land – and to show our gratitude for all those who join us in this fight – thank you all from the very bottom of our hearts, it gives us more strength than you can ever know.

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Day 4!