Loving Through the Broken Path Podcast

Loving Through the Broken Path Podcast

Marriage can have challenges at the best of times. Throw in an adult child that is incarcerated, then it adds a whole new level of brokenness.


Breathe in, breathe out... Ah, the wonderful art of deep breathing. Let me enlighten you on this supposedly magical practice that apparently solves all of life's problems. 🙄

So you're stressed out? Overwhelmed? Don't worry, my dear friend, because deep breathing is here to save the day! Just take a moment, close your eyes, and inhale like you're a freaking dragon about to unleash fire on your problems. Exhale like you're blowing away all the annoying people in your life. P**f!

Oh, and let's not forget the classic advice to "take a deep breath" when you're angry. Yeah, because breathing like a yoga master is really going to make me forget that someone just cut me off in traffic or stole my last slice of pizza. Deep breaths won't fix the world, people!

And don't even get me started on those who claim deep breathing can improve your focus. Seriously? I don't need to turn into a human air compressor just to concentrate. If I can't focus without turning into a deep-breathing machine, then maybe it's time to reconsider my career choices. Just saying.

But hey, I guess deep breathing has its benefits. It does help with relaxation, I'll give it that. Taking those long, luxurious breaths can make you feel like you're on a tropical island, sipping a piña colada, with absolutely no cares in the world. If only real life were that simple.

So, my dear friends, feel free to indulge in your deep breathing rituals. Inhale, exhale, and pretend like you have all the answers to life's problems just because you can take a deep breath. Meanwhile, I'll be here, rolling my eyes and living life the way it's meant to be lived—without relying on a simple act of respiration to save the day. 😎✌️


As a nature lover, there's nothing quite like a Saturday morning with the birds singing and the sunrise. It's a reminder that every day brings new opportunities and new beginnings.

Whether you spend your mornings meditating, taking in the beauty of nature, or just enjoying some quiet time, it's important to start your day off on the right foot. So take some time to enjoy the beauty around you, and take a moment to appreciate the new day that lies before you. You never know where it may take you!


If you're looking to improve your relationship building skills, then you'll want to master the 3 C's: Communication, Connection, and Care.

First, focus on clear communication. Make sure you're not only listening but also expressing yourself in a way that is easy for others to understand. This is key to building a strong foundation of trust and understanding.

Second, work on building a real connection with the people you want to build relationships with. This involves being authentic and showing genuine interest in their lives and goals.

Finally, show care not only about your own interests but also about the interests of others. A little bit of empathy can go a long way in building strong and lasting relationships.

By mastering the 3 C's you'll be well on your way to building strong, mutually beneficial relationships that will help you succeed both personally and professionally!


In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the negativity and lose sight of the good things. But being optimistic can help you navigate life's challenges with more resilience and positivity.

Here are a few simple things you can do to be more optimistic:

1. Practice gratitude: Take time each day to focus on the things you're grateful for, whether it's the people in your life, your health, or even just a beautiful sunset.

2. Surround yourself with positivity: Seek out people and environments that uplift you and make you feel good. Avoid negativity whenever possible.

3. Focus on solutions, not problems: When faced with a difficult situation, try to focus on finding a solution instead of dwelling on the problem. This can help you feel more empowered and optimistic.

Remember, optimism is not about ignoring the challenges in life, but about facing them with a positive mindset and a belief in your own ability to overcome them.


Isolation can feel suffocating, but it can also be an opportunity for growth.

Just like the caterpillar grows wings during isolation, take this time to develop new skills and habits that will help you soar when you're back in the world.


Have you ever had someone come to your rescue when you were in a dark place? It's amazing how much impact a single act of kindness can have on someone's life.

If you're in a position to help someone, don't hesitate to do so—even if it seems small. You never know the impact your actions may have on someone's life.

Remember: you will never forget a person who came to you in the dark with a torch.


It's interesting how often we can't see our own strength. We get so bogged down in our daily struggles that we forget to take a step back and acknowledge our own power.

But remember, strength doesn't always manifest itself as a loud or assertive personality. It can be found in the quiet moments when we push ourselves to keep going, even when things get tough.

So take a moment to recognize your own strength today. It's there, even if it's not immediately obvious!


Remembering Our Fallen Heroes

As Memorial Day approaches, we take a moment to remember and honor the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives for our country.

This is a time to pay tribute to the fallen military loved ones who didn't make it home. We are forever grateful for their service, dedication, and ultimate sacrifice in protecting our freedom.

Let us take a moment to remember their courage, bravery, and selflessness. May they forever be in our hearts and minds.

Thank you to all who have served, and are currently serving, our country.



Here's a fact that may surprise you: if we don't deal with anger, it can fester and turn into poison that can harm us. Anger is a natural emotion, but it can become dangerous if it's not addressed.

Sometimes we push anger down, we ignore it, or we pretend it doesn't exist. But that anger doesn't just disappear - it stays with us and can cause physical and emotional harm.

The first step in dealing with anger is to acknowledge it. Accept that you're feeling angry and give yourself permission to feel that way. Then, try to identify the source of your anger so you can address it directly.

Remember, anger is a normal and natural emotion, but it's important to deal with it in a healthy and constructive way. Don't let it fester and turn into poison that can harm you!

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Find the full 3 min on Youtube @yourtransformationjourney Is anger poisoning you?#anger #coaching #youareloved #beaconof...
It is ok to Fall Apart
