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Identify a Stroke & Steady Your Heartbeat!

A stroke is one of the most time-sensitive medical conditions, with the CDC reporting that someone in the U.S. experiences a stroke every 40 seconds, F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech and Time) action is imperative when identifying a stroke to quickly get the immediate medical attention you or a loved one may need. Still, we hope to avoid that critical point by implementing these healthy lifestyle changes to prevent a stroke and steady your heartbeat:
F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech and Time) action is imperative when identifying a stroke to quickly get the immediate medical attention you or a loved one may need. Still, we hope to avoid that critical point by implementing these healthy lifestyle changes to prevent a stroke and steady your heartbeat: Moderate physical activity each day.
1. Eat a heart-healthy diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, while limiting sodium, saturated fat, and sugar.
2. Get enough sleep, aiming for seven to nine hours each night.
3. Ease stress by implementing healthy relaxation techniques.
4. Get 20-30 minutes of moderate physical activity each day.
5. Avoid triggers either by avoiding alcohol or drinking only in moderation.
If you have high B/P or Heart Problems or in-need of a physical, schedule an appointment with your Doctor.