Natures Infusions

Natures Infusions

I create herbal teas that will not only be a delight to drink, but will offer many benefits to your health & well-being.

If you are looking for an extra boost of energy or a top up on essential vitamins check out my page.


Do you need some peace and calm in your life? I know with kids and general life it can sometimes feel like that's impossible.

However, my calming Tea blend is fabulous for giving you back a little piece of calm!

What are the benefits of this blend...
🌿Give you a calming feeling
☺️Helps you to u wind and relax
💤Helps improve sleep
😱Helps with anxiety
🍒Full of antioxidants

And most importantly, it tastes amazing!

Head over to my etsy shop to order yours.


Another beautiful morning to wake up to ☀️

Sitting by the lake with a coffee and my 4 legged friend at 6.30am, is such a great way to start my day!

I've found this really helps me get my head into a good space for the let's face it, with two 4yr olds waiting for me its always a chaotic day here lol!

Have a fab day everyone.

Timeline photos 24/03/2022

Excited to share the latest addition to my shop: Mini Apothecary Kit!

Head over to my etsy shop to find out more about this kit.


Another fabulous review for my Calendula balm ❤🌼.

A massive thank you to every one of my customers who leave me reviews. It is a big help to my small business.


You have all seen the amazing herbal teas that I love to . But why should you drink them? Below are just a few of the benefits to adding herbal tea into your daily routine.


I've been a bit quiet on here lately but I have been busy behind the scenes!!

Today was a productive one with new batches of the popular calendula balm made, as well as a brand new Chamomile and Lavender balm.

Photos from Natures Infusions's post 13/02/2022

💥Brand new product landing on Etsy tonight!!!💥

🌼Handy travel size Calendula balm 🌼

Do you suffer from dry or damaged skin? Are you looking for a lip balm that's made with 100% natural and gentle ingredients?

Calendula (or marigold) is a wonder plant, and this balm benefits from its therapeutic properties. From adults to kids and even your animals, this balm can help sooth sore, dry and itchy skin.

Here are some of the benefits and uses of Calendula balm:

🌿 Soothing and nourishing lip balm
🌿 Helps dry itchy skin
🌿 Sooth eczema
🌿 Anti-inflammatory
🌿 Antifungal
🌿 Antibacterial
🌿 Sooth nappy rash
🌿 Aids healing of sunburn
🌿 Helps cold sores
🌿 Aids in wound healing

Calendula has been used for many years for skin health and is a gentle, natural alternative to harsh creams with added chemicals etc.

It's live on my Esty site so grab yours now!

Photos from Natures Infusions's post 06/02/2022

❤Me-Time gift box❤

£23 + free shipping!!!

Perfect for valentines day or to gift to a loved one.

These beautiful gift sets are the perfect way to encourage self care and time out. Let's face it, we all need some relaxation in our lives and this gift box can give you a little slice of time out.

Included in these boxes are:
2 x Herbal teas of your choice
2 x Bath salts of your choice
1 x Loose tea strainer
1 x Soy wax candle ( design may differ from picture)
1 x Crystal & herb essential oil roller
1 x Chocolate bar

I only have 10 available for delivery before valentines day!!

Drop me a message to order yours.


"She sat at the back
and they said she was shy,
She led from the front
and they hated her pride.
They asked her advice
and then questioned
her guidance.
They branded her loud,
then were shocked by her

When she shared no ambition
they said it was sad,
So she told them her dreams
and they said she was mad.
They told her they'd listen,
then covered their ears,
and gave her a hug while
they laughed at her fears.
And she listened to all of it
thinking she should be
the girl they told her to be,
best as she could.

But one day she asked
what was best for herself,
Instead of trying to please
everyone else.
So she walked to the forest
and stood with the trees,
She heard the wind whisper
and dance with the leaves.
She spoke to the willow,
the elm and the pine,
and she told them what she'd been
told, time after time.
She told them she felt she was
never enough,
she was either too little,
or far, far too much,
Too loud or too quiet,
too fierce or too weak,
Too wise or too foolish,
too bold, or too meek.

Then she found a small
clearing surrounded by firs
and she stopped,
and she heard what the trees
said to her,
and she sat there for hours
not wanting to leave,
For the forest said nothing,
it just let her breathe."

🌳 Becky Hemsley, Talking to the Wild


Another Lovely review from a valued customer :)


"A cup of tea solves everything"...🫖

How many of you have every said ‘I will put the kettle on’ when facing a challenging situation?

Although a hot cuppa may not be the answer to all your problems, herbs do have a powerful way of boosting our health and that includes our mental health.

Did you know that there are certain herbs that help increase our mood and bring on a state of calming relaxation and happiness?

Well luckily for you I have created my very own blend to help you boost your mood when you are feeling a bit low and in need of a pick me up.

I am giving 2 lucky people the chance to test this new blend for free, before anyone else can get their hands on it.

If you would like to be entered then make sure you are part of my private group and keep your eyes peeled later tonight...


Today is sometimes known as 'Blue Monday'...a day said to be one of the most depressing in our calendar.

However, here at Natures Infusions we like to look at every Monday as a new beginning, a fresh start, a chance to do something amazing to change our future.

So instead, I challenge you to start today from a place of gratitude, positivity and love, and see where the day takes you :)


It's so nice to know that my teas are doing their job and being enjoyed at the same time 🌱❤.

Don't forget, if you have enjoyed one of my blends then please do leave me a review 😊.

Photos from Natures Infusions's post 11/01/2022

I've been busy behind the scenes recently sorting out my new labels and branding!

Don't forget to head over to my private group to keep updated on all the products and tea tips!


Good evening everyone.

Have you purchased any of my tea's? If you have I would love to hear your reviews and feedback.

Not only is it really helpful for me and my business but it's also lovely for other people to hear different views on the blends.

At the top of my page you should see a tab that says reviews. If you could leave me a review it would be very appreciated and help me grow my business even more 😊🍃🫖🥀


Happy Hump Day!

If you are looking for another local business where you can view and purchase my teas then pop into the beautiful Vintage Peacock in Somersham.

They have lots of fabulous items from a variety of local makers and it's always nice to support local small business's.


Good evening everyone!

I hope you've all had a fabulous first day back at work, and those of you with little ones had an easy transition back to school.

From now on I will be adding most of my content and products to my new group linked below.

This group will be a space for like minded people to grow together using a holistic approach to our lifestyles.

This will be where I share my tea blends and other products, as well as hold competitions, sales and share useful information.

It will also be a space where you can share posts, reviews and anything else you feel may be useful for people. Its a space for everyone to contribute to.

I would love it if you would join me over in my group and invite anyone you think would benefit too.


I've not been feeling 100% the past few days, but let's face it, the season of winter illnesses is here!

I decided to brew myself some winter health tea to give my body a helping hand.

This beautiful blend is great at supporting our body's immune system and giving us that extra boost we need during the winter months.

If you would like to try it out drop me a message I offer sample bags for just £3.


Because its Saturday night and I have twins...🤷🏻‍♀️🤣

Tea of course 😉☕


🥂🌟Happy New Year 🌟🥂

A massive thank you to each and every one of you that has supported my small business so far.

I have many exciting things in the pipeline and cannot wait to share them with you in the new year.

May 2022 bring you health & happiness.


🌱Rose Hips 🌱

Rose hips are a great source of Vitamin C and can be utilised in many ways such as syrups, teas and even ketchup!

Photos from Manifest's post 30/12/2021

If you are local to Cambridgeshire and would like to see my products in person, then pop over to the wonderful Manifest shop in St Ives.

Aside from my teas, they offer the most beautiful products from local makers so its a great way to shop small and support local businesses.



I must admit, I'm not really a fan of the odd inbetween time during Christmas and New year!


🍃Wonder W**d Wednesday🍃

The humble stinging nettle! The nemesis of most children lol.

They are actually a wonder plant with many health benefits. They are also very versatile to include into your diet.

We make a tea and also what my kids call super hero soup! It's very tasty and packed full of nutritious goodness.

Check out this recipe and have a go at making some yourself!


Happy Winter Solstice to all who celebrate it.


❄❄Winter Boost Tea❄❄

Winter can often be a challenging time for health and wellbeing for all of us. This blend is designed to help give you that extra boost during the dark cold months of winter.

It includes herbs that are great for improving our own immunity and helping with general winter illnesses.

This tea turns into a beautiful dark red colour due to the hibiscus in it.

Here are just a few of the health benefits of this tea:

🍃Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti fungal
🌾High in Antioxidants
🌱Nutrient high
🌻Great for heart health
❤Reduced anxiety
❄Boosts immune system
🌹Anti inflammatory
🍂Redices fevers
🤒Aids coughs and bronchitis

These are just a few of the benefits of taking this tea on a regular basis.

If you would like to order any then drop me a message.



No doubt you are all familiar with the beautiful Daisy!

Maybe they bring back fond memories of being a kid in the summer and making daisy chains?

Well did you know that daisies also have a super power to help us heal?

They are really good for helping with sprains, bumps and bruises, as this flower holds anti-inflammatory properties similar to the well know Arnica plant.

Me and the kiddies often pick these beautiful flowers and make bump balm in the summer months. As a mum its incredibly handy to have in my bag for when they fall and hurt themselves.

Its also a great, safe activity for kids as they are easy to identify and safe to handle.

Enjoy this lovely recipe and share with your friends and family :)


Bath salts shots £3.00 each.

Available in either:
Botanical blends
Frankincense and Rose
Lemon blossom and Lavender.

Message to grab yours.

Videos (show all)

I've not been feeling 100% the past few days, but let's face it, the season of winter illnesses is here! I decided to br...
Apologies for the late announcement but here is the lucky winner for the herbal tea giveaway! Thank you to all who enter...
We are all set up ready for the Christmas Market at Johnsons Farm Oldhurst. If you are out and about doing your Christma...
A quick welcome and Intriduction to my business and page :)
🌱🌼Sleepy Herbal Tea 🌼🌱This beautiful blend has been created with bedtime in mind. It will help your body relax and unwin...