Gustin for Barre

Gustin for Barre

Running for City Council to represent Ward 2 in Barre. Let's work together for Barre City's future.


Thrilled to say that I now have the honor of representing Ward 2 on Barre City Council. 💙💙💙 we have so much good work to do together!


It’s time! Get out and vote 7am to 7pm today, Barre City!


The Aldrich Public Library was our hub for flood response work in the days after the July 2023 flooding, and today it is where is announcing important new legislation that would provide embedded mental health support in communities after disaster.


I met Dorie many years ago as she led thoughtful conversations around the intersections of genealogy and race. I am grateful that she is supporting me.


Happy Monday, my mom is helping out from Maine. 😂

Photos from Gustin for Barre's post 04/05/2024

It’s been a terrific Green Up Day so far! I signed up to volunteer with Barre Up, back to the flood recovery front lines for the day. We pulled all this debris out of a crawlspace, and I helped unload several more truckloads back at the Auditorium. A good day for neighbors helping neighbors.


Tonight! TONIGHT!!! (I am all out of clever captions, please come hang out with us?)


Saturday afternoon: come and meet candidates for Barre City Council . Free, delicious pizza AND civic engagement, what’s not to like?!


Tonight! Join us at the to hear from candidates.


It’s hard to even look at these pictures without remembering how difficult last summer was. That’s me in the back, in the brown shirt. Today on Front Porch Forum I wrote about Barre City’s path toward flood recovery. It’s one that must center residents, as we all work together for a shared future.


I’m grateful for Tommy’s mentorship and friendship and trust over many years - and also for this endorsement!

Photos from Gustin for Barre's post 29/04/2024

What a great weekend! Tons of wonderful conversations with good people, and so much support from friends and neighbors. We’ve got such a special future ahead of us, Barre City.


Come down to at 10:00 to say hello!


Today, TODAY! Come on down to City Hall Park to support candidates working for change in Barre City!

The nickname Barre City would like you to stop using 24/04/2024

Almost a year ago, Vermont Public's podcast Brave Little State announced they were doing an episode on "Scary Barre." I called and left a pretty long voicemail about how much I love Barre, and how unfair that nickname is. I was surprised when they followed up and interviewed me for the episode. Out of that came a thoughtful exploration of Barre's past and the potential of its future. Give it a listen.

The nickname Barre City would like you to stop using When Tim Rapczynski moved to Barre City, he was caught off guard by a nickname he heard some people use to describe the place: “Scary Barre.” So he asked Brave Little State about its origin. To find the answer, we confront classism, social stigma — and the role of the media.


I’m grateful to currently serving Ward 2 City Councilor Teddy Waszazak for this endorsement.


Join us one week from today at Espresso Bueno () to meet candidates running for change in Barre City.


Join us tonight to show your support!

Photos from Gustin for Barre's post 18/04/2024

Grateful for all my friends and neighbors for sharing their support for me throughout Ward 2!


Sunday night at Mulligan’s! We were already regulars (it’s great to walk to your neighborhood pub) but during COVID we got takeout just about every Sunday night and often hosted friends for a backyard fire with their own takeout. Now we’re back to semi-regulars instead of every week, but it’s still our standby.


THRILLED that Jeremy Spiro-Winn (Jeremy for Barre) has stepped up to run for City Council to represent Ward 3. He is exactly the combination of smart, kind, and hardworking that we need on Council.


I’m grateful for the support of Barre City State Representative Jonathan Williams (Jonathan For Barre). He has worked so hard for Barre City to get the flood recovery support it needs this session.


On Front Porch Forum yesterday, I wrote about Barre City’s deep-seated values of community. We see people come together as neighbors time and again, from small acts of kindness on up to the incredible efforts for flood recovery this summer. I was proud to play a part in organizing those volunteers this summer, and as a City Councilor I will keep the focus on community at the heart of everything I do.

Website 09/04/2024

Good government, a City Council you can be proud of, and our shared future for Barre City. I'm proud to stand up to serve the place I love. You can learn more about me at

Please note: because I do not use Facebook personally, comments will not be enabled. Please reach out to me directly through my website and I would be very happy to talk with you.

Website I am running to represent Ward 2 on City Council because I want to make sure our city government is responsive, responsible, and making smart investments.