Generations Unleashed

Generations Unleashed

Generations Unleashed Generations Unleashed is a ministry to families, churches, and the community, in the area of sexual abuse and violence.

We offer conferences and workshops to help individuals find inner freedom, using a holistic approach to healing. Connecting individuals to counsellors, life coaches and other professionals, our goal is to equip them for success on every level. By addressing difficult topics such as abuse, violence. and addictions, as well as day to day life issues, we create a safe place for all to share their secret struggles and thereby break the power these things have in our lives.

“Little girl, welcome!” (House of God; House of Horrors) 02/03/2024

A young woman who has overcome incredible atrocities sent me the following poem this week. I see it as a tribute to her resilience, her determination, and her healing journey. It is heartbreaking. It is touching.

“Little girl, welcome!” (House of God; House of Horrors) Up and down, back and forth. Little fingers on those block walls. Feel the bumps on the block. Don’t feel the pain.

“I hope [God] cares about finding me as much as I care about finding him…” 16/01/2024

This individual’s ‘church trauma’ following the CAM and Jeriah scandal of 2019. The long lasting harm carried by those on the sidelines is quickly forgotten by those interested in looking the other way. It is jarring, sometimes, to hear story after story of spiritual struggle resulting from hiding abuse.

“I hope [God] cares about finding me as much as I care about finding him…” The following is one of many, many stories people have shared with me after the tragic and devastating news surfaced of Jeriah Mast’s sexual crimes against boys in Haiti. This, followed by the beyo…

Sherry Showalter’s story of sexual, emotional and spiritual trauma and healing 11/01/2024

Sherry Showalter’s story of sexual, emotional and spiritual trauma and healing Introduction:The following story was sent to me via Messenger, from the author, whom I had never heard of before. She asked if I might share her story, so I asked if she wanted me to share it on my…


Thank you to the many friends and even strangers who have contributed toward my back surgery. By last evening, including checks that were sent to one of the organizers and to myself, on top of the GoFundMe we are at $20,000 of the goal. The kindness and generosity of friends, and even strangers, has brought me to tears. A $5000 church arrived yesterday, on a day when pain levels were at the worst they have reached in awhile, bringing the total to around $20K in 10 days time. That is 1/5 of the goal! I feel hope that I may have a life without constant debilitating pain again one day, sooner than later, and will return to normal living. God knows it is what my heart longs for. It has become hard to imagine such a life, after over 4 years of suffering increasing debilitation and not being able to complete my PhD and do my work.

University let me know recently that I need to be functional to complete my degree by next fall, or I will be required to withdraw. This makes surgery the more urgent. The thought of losing years worth of work this close to PhD completion has been frightening. I keep asking God for two things:

1. Grace to accept what will be and trust Him.
2. Help.

And the prayer is not always in that order because the thought of accepting more loss is overwhelming and I’d ratherHe ‘fix’ it. But I’ve lived long enough to know that He doesn’t always heal. He doesn’t always fix. He doesn’t always give back dreams that are interrupted.

I am humbled and blessed by your support. You and your kindness are the answer to my prayers. Thank you to my friends who put the GoFundMe together. I feel indebted to you all, and commit to stewarding well the gift of health that results from surgery, and to serving people well when I return to ministry, by God’s grace and help.


As many of you know, in 2019 I was rear-ended, resulting in severe whiplash and spine injury, leading to not being able to work with survivors of trauma as I cannot stand or sit long.

Several friends worked together to put together a fundraiser for my back surgery after the quote came in and the cost was beyond what we can manage, at over $100K in total. Since they don’t have access to my friends, they asked if I would share with my friends, if they organize it. To swallow my pride and independence is not easy. Initially I said I’d rather suffer and risk paralysis than ask for support. But that’s is selfish. My calling to support survivors of trauma is clear. To do so, I need to be functional and not consumed by pain. So I promised these dear friends, whom I met through my work with victims, that I would humble myself and ask. And then trust God to provide for surgery.

Thank you for your care and friendship.

(Link in comments)

Deputy Dan Bobo, crucial to Jeriah Mast case, arrested in Knox County Ohio 21/09/2023

Deputy Dan Bobo, crucial to Jeriah Mast case, arrested in Knox County Ohio Deputy Dan Bobo was a highly praised speaker at a little conference on sexual abuse I attended some years ago. As I recall, he was the most engaging and knowledgeable, speaker, and easy to listen t…



The little girl in this story -- now a grown woman -- has shown incredible courage in speaking out, in hopes that others harmed will find the courage to find healing... in hopes that other adults will take these crimes seriously and protect the little ones among us.

The suffering of a child is always a heartbreaking matter. When that suffering could have been avoided, and can be avoided going forward, we have a duty to act.

Other than editing for flow and clarity, credit for this writing goes to the victim and a friend, who did all the hard work.


Christian Light Publications (CLP) Removes Howard Bean Writings

Bishop Howard Bean, Grace Mennonite Church, charged with sexual assault after 40+ years of predatory behaviour 22/01/2023

Bishop Howard Bean, Grace Mennonite Church, charged with sexual assault after 40+ years of predatory behaviour I started the following blog around a year ago, and I am sharing with the permission of the first known victim. It has been very difficult to write, for many reasons. Mostly, I have written almost …

Haitian victim of Jeriah Mast and Christian Aid Ministries releases book 16/12/2022

The book by Doeurldy Cadet, former CAM employee in Haiti, and victim of Jeriah Mast and Christian Aid Ministries is available for purchase! (Links to purchase included in blog).

Haitian victim of Jeriah Mast and Christian Aid Ministries releases book Today I received word from Doeurldy Cadet, that his book “In the name of “Mission Work” is available on Amazon. (Click appropriate link to purchase in United States via Amazon USA…

Victim of Christian Aid Ministries & Jeriah Mast to Publish His Story 21/10/2022

Victim of Christian Aid Ministries & Jeriah Mast to Publish His Story This week I spoke with one of the victims of Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) and Jeriah Mast. He has completed his book and is almost ready to move toward publishing. He is one who refused the hush …

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Wisconsin Conference