Kaari Videos

Videos by Kaari. Sport-specific mobility, injury prevention and rehab & recovery for athletes and everyday movers.

With all the effort you put into your workouts at the gym (or the additional time spent enjoying the outdoors as the weather heats up 🌞)… your recovery shouldn’t be a random afterthought! The rest 🌟between🌟 workouts, after all, is where the actual gains are made 💪
It can be difficult to know exactly what “good recovery” consists of, though, and how to achieve it! Luckily, the physiology of recovery is a well-researched topic, and there’s lots that we can do to actively enhance the process and make it effective 😃Here are some pointers to get you started:

⚡️Stretching is great, but keep it gentle! Your nervous system really only likes going into ranges of motion it perceives as safe. So, a super strong stretch can trigger a defensive muscular contraction- not what you’re going for where recovery and relaxation are the goal.

⚡️Go for a stretch intensity that feels like 50 to 70% of your maximum tolerance. This allows the muscle to relax, and directs tension into your fascial tissues, encouraging remodeling, better tensile strength, and improved connective tissue hydration (key for good recovery and maintaining range of motion!)

⚡️Deep belly-breaths: one of the easiest ways to stimulate the vagus nerve, which in turn controls your parasympathetic nervous system response. A couple of minutes of full, relaxed breaths, and you’ll feel your heart rate, blood pressure, and other physiological markers of stress literally dissipate with each exhale.

Here at Kaari Prehab we provide all the above AND take the guesswork out of the equation! 😃
Ready to feel your best? Visit our website: www.kaariprehab.com to find out about our self-paced Targeted programs (great for anyone wanting some general help with mobility/ recovery), or our one-on-one Bespoke Coaching- perfect for more serious athletes looking to optimize performance, or those recovering from injury. Either way, our programs are designed to complement your movement rout

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With all the effort you put into your workouts at the gym (or the additional time spent enjoying the outdoors as the weather heats up 🌞)… your recovery shouldn’t be a random afterthought! The rest 🌟between🌟 workouts, after all, is where the actual gains are made 💪 . It can be difficult to know exactly what “good recovery” consists of, though, and how to achieve it! Luckily, the physiology of recovery is a well-researched topic, and there’s lots that we can do to actively enhance the process and make it effective 😃Here are some pointers to get you started: ⚡️Stretching is great, but keep it gentle! Your nervous system really only likes going into ranges of motion it perceives as safe. So, a super strong stretch can trigger a defensive muscular contraction- not what you’re going for where recovery and relaxation are the goal. ⚡️Go for a stretch intensity that feels like 50 to 70% of your maximum tolerance. This allows the muscle to relax, and directs tension into your fascial tissues, encouraging remodeling, better tensile strength, and improved connective tissue hydration (key for good recovery and maintaining range of motion!) ⚡️Deep belly-breaths: one of the easiest ways to stimulate the vagus nerve, which in turn controls your parasympathetic nervous system response. A couple of minutes of full, relaxed breaths, and you’ll feel your heart rate, blood pressure, and other physiological markers of stress literally dissipate with each exhale. Here at Kaari Prehab we provide all the above AND take the guesswork out of the equation! 😃 Ready to feel your best? Visit our website: www.kaariprehab.com to find out about our self-paced Targeted programs (great for anyone wanting some general help with mobility/ recovery), or our one-on-one Bespoke Coaching- perfect for more serious athletes looking to optimize performance, or those recovering from injury. Either way, our programs are designed to complement your movement rout

OUR MISSION: helping our clients get out of pain, feel better, and do the things they love 🙌 🔹 Elena came to us with severe shoulder pain, caused in part by her hypermobility. Elena is an artist and painter, and her pain was preventing her from doing what she loves. 🔹 We designed a custom program for Elena. She required a nuanced and conservative approach due to the natural instability in her joints. Elena was an A+ student, and thanks to her consistency she started seeing improvement after just a few weeks! 😀 🔹 Her program included specific strengthening exercises for her rotator cuff and scapular stabilizers, along with nervous system down regulation. Anxiety, jitteriness, and even panic disorders are common in hypermobile folks, so addressing those factors in tandem with any musculoskeletal issues is crucial. 🔹Here’s what Elena had to say: “My coach Jenni is by far the person with the most knowledge on hypermobility I’ve met, including all the doctors, orthopedics, and physiotherapists I’d seen. The strengthening of my muscles, the improvement in my coordination, and addressing the nervous system component of hypermobility has helped to correct my diminished control, and reduced the feeling of precariousness I’ve been struggling with my whole life.” 🔹Are you naturally flexible, but also deal with what feels like constant muscular stiffness? Hypermobility (technically Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) can show up as a broad spectrum of symptoms throughout the body, beginning in the physical body, working through the nervous system, and often can present with mental health effects as well. 🔹If you feel like you may be on the hypermobility spectrum (or know someone who is), don't hesitate to reach out to us, we’re here to help! Send us a DM or visit the Bespoke Coaching link below to get the conversation started 🙂 https://www.kaariprehab.com/p/bespoke-program Let’s move better, together! 🙌

🔹The upper trapezius muscle is an important mover and stabilizer of the shoulder blade and neck. It’s also a common cause of tension headaches, neck stiffness, and shoulder pain! 😖The postural habits and limited movement of modern life can make for suboptimal function in this muscle, which in turn has other ripple effects: painful upper back, poor shoulder function, stiff neck, and those annoying headaches which can be felt anywhere from the back and side of the head, to the temples, jaw and even behind the eyes 😵‍💫 🔹Next time you feel tension start to creep in, here’s your quick reset: ⚡️Find the two main trigger points: the first is in the “corner” of the shoulder and neck, and the second is nestled in the space between the intersection of the collarbone and the ridge of the shoulder blade. ⚡️Starting at the base of the neck, apply gentle pressure. Take an inhale, and maintain the pressure as you take the head away from your hand. Work like this along the length of the muscle towards the outside of the shoulder, and notice any particular tender areas- those trigger points are very common trouble spots! 💥 ⚡️Pause, roll the shoulders and neck, and notice the effects. Repeat on the second side. 🔹Most of us have a dominant side which can to get overworked- whether you’re a desk jockey or an athlete, noticing these asymmetries can help you avoid pain, minimize the risk of injury, and generally feel better in your day-to-day life 😀 🔹Remember that while this kind of reset can be incredibly helpful for a quick tension release and improved mobility, the effects are temporary! For long term function and pain-free movement, you should also build strength. ✨Active movement✨ is what reduces those chronic feelings of tightness and makes the mobility gains stick 💪 Questions? Drop a comment below or send us a DM. We’re here to help you move and feel better, every day ✨🙌

✨FREE MOBILITY & RECOVERY SEMINAR✨ 🚴 Cyclists, if you’re not giving yourself time to recover, you’re missing a HUGE opportunity to enhance your performance on the bike! Your recovery time is just as important as the effort you put into your rides and your training. Recovery doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, doing LESS when it comes to recovery is super beneficial both physically and mentally. Recovery time: ✅ Reduces the risk of injury. Cycling puts a lot of stress on the body, especially the legs, lower back and shoulders. Give them time to rest and heal! ✅ Improves performance: recovery time allows the body to rebuild and strengthen. This new capacity shows up as increased power and endurance on future rides! ✅ Restores mental focus: cycling requires a lot of mental focus and concentration. Recovery time helps restore mental clarity and focus, so when it comes to race time you show up with renewed energy and enthusiasm ✨ ⭐Save this simple recovery session to come back to post-ride. Curious to find out more ways to support better performance on the bike AND feel less creaky in your daily life? Register for our FREE online seminar on May 13th to discover pre- and post-ride techniques you can apply right away to boost your performance in the saddle! 🔗 You’ll find the link below. Questions? Drop us a comment or a DM 👍 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/improve-performance-boost-power-mobility-recovery-for-cyclists-tickets-601655988257?aff=FB

🚴‍♀️Cyclists: if you’re not training mobility, control and strength in your lower leg specifically, you’re leaving some serious power on the table! The muscles of the calf and shin create movement in the ankle and foot, and their function is therefore absolutely crucial to a powerful pedal stroke 🔥💪 Ready for a major boost on your next ride? Here’s how: ✅ boost circulation and enhance mobility with some quick myofascial release. Here we’re targeting the tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior, major movers and stabilizers of the ankle! ✅ seal in the range of motion with active mobilization ✅pre-workout: use your muscles dynamically to warm up ✅post-workout: come back to passive stretches and myofascial release to promote muscular recovery, connective tissue health, and long-term injury prevention 👍 Curious to find out more ways to support better performance on the bike AND feel less creaky in your daily life? Register for our FREE online seminar on May 13th to discover pre- and post-ride techniques you can apply right away to boost in your performance in the saddle! You’ll find the link below. Questions? Drop us a comment or a DM 👍 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/improve-performance-boost-power-mobility-recovery-for-cyclists-tickets-601655988257?aff=FB

✨FREE SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENT! ✨ Low back pain is a common complaint amongst cyclists 🚴‍♀️😩 Long rides can leave your low back feeling tight and stiff, largely because of the postural demands of cycling: when you’re spending lots of time in a flexed or rounded position in the saddle, it becomes extra important to mobilize and release tension between training sessions! Your spine is designed to move and function in a variety of directions and positions, and maintaining spinal health and mobility will also keep you efficient and pain-free for cycling 🙌 Some gentle post-ride mobility work helps to: 🔹Boost circulation ➡️ improve athletic recovery 🔹Refresh the muscles around spine to minimize stiffness 🔹Hydrate connective tissues and prevent disc issues 🔹Cross-train a wide variety of movement patterns for long-term health and injury-prevention 🔹Promote better coordination and proprioception between spine and pelvis ➡️reduces low back pain! The best part? It doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. In fact, a few minutes of gentle movement is all it takes to create a comprehensive reset for your body, as well as a relaxing nervous system-downshift to promote better recovery. Most importantly, being better recovered also sets you up to crush your next ride 💥👍 Curious to find out more ways to support better performance on the bike AND feel less creaky in your daily life? Register (link below) for our FREE online seminar on May 13th to learn pre- and post-ride techniques you can apply right away to boost your performance in the saddle! Questions? Drop us a comment or a DM 👍 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/improve-performance-boost-power-mobility-recovery-for-cyclists-tickets-601655988257?aff=FB 📹: @kcyclingcoaching

✨FREE MOBILITY & RECOVERY SEMINAR ✨ 🚴Cyclists are used to being in the same position, moving the same joints through the same ranges of motion. Incorporating a “Controlled Articular Rotations” (CARs for short) mobility routine can be extremely beneficial to create more muscular balance in the body, prevent overuse injuries, mobilize pre-ride, and recover post-ride! Sharon Iacono is our go-to expert for all things cycling at Kaari 😃 She is trained in Functional Range Conditioning, fascial health, body work, and is a highly certified yoga teacher among many other qualifications. Here, Sharon is showing a quick and easy routine that will help you feel and move better on and off the bike: 1️⃣ Wrists: counteract the effect of gripping handlebars; good wrist mobility makes for efficient steering 2️⃣ Shoulders: pre-ride shoulder mobilization keeps the upper body relaxed, and combats the effects of the static upper body position on longer rides 3️⃣ Thoracic spine: especially useful if you are spending long days in that globally flexed position. A must before and after your ride! 4️⃣ Hips: great for a warm up or a cool-down; feels so good as a release when you get off the bike 😀 5️⃣ Ankles: ankle mobility is essential for a smooth pedal stroke AND to protect those knees! 🚴 Here’s what llori_the_sharpest (professional cyclist for Canyon//SRAM, Sharon’s client and Kaari Ambassador) has to say about Sharon’s CARS routines: “I truly enjoy the morning routine with CARS - it is actually one of my favorite exercises - it always does the job! What I like most about these mobility exercises is learning more about my body and its capabilities off the bike.” Llori uses the routine after long rides as well: “With being shy of 6 hours on the bike today, I couldn’t wait to get home to do my CARs routine!” ⭐ Curious to find out more ways to support better performance on the bike AND feel less creaky in your daily life? Regist

Tight hip flexors are common issues for cyclists 😖🚴‍♀️ 🔺Cyclists are prone to tight hip flexors because the globally-flexed position on the bike puts these muscles into an almost exclusively shortened position while riding. Aside from losing access to the full potential of these powerful muscles, functionally limited hip flexors can also result in low back pain, and cause your glutes to become inhibited and less effective on the bike 😖 🔺Here’s an easy reset for these large, powerful muscles! This is especially well-suited for a post-ride release, or to actively mobilize the muscles during a rest or cross-training day. Either way, you’ll be fending off painful muscular imbalances that could cause injury, keeping low back pain at bay, AND getting some feel-good stretches, mobility, and muscular recovery into the mix in the process 👍 🔺Curious to find out more ways to support better performance on the bike AND feel less creaky in your daily life? Register (link below) for our FREE online seminar on May 13th to discover how enhancing your mobility and recovery can translate to a major boost in your performance in the saddle! Questions? Drop us a comment or a DM 👍 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/improve-performance-boost-power-mobility-recovery-for-cyclists-tickets-601655988257?aff=FB

✨We’re excited to share the inspiring success story of Llori Sharpe, a professional cyclist with Canyon//SRAM CANYON//SRAM Racing, Kaari client and Ambassador! 🙌🚴‍♀️ ✨Being a professional athlete comes with many challenges: intense training schedules, tons of travel, the pressure of staying competitive, and of course the physical and mental stress of racing 🤪 In addition to all this, Llori also happens to be a full-time kinesiology student AND works at her family business! However, with the help of her Kaari programming, Llori is able to reset and recover, both physically and mentally, so that she can perform in her many roles. ✨We design Llori’s program to support not just her physical performance on the bike, but also her athletic and nervous system recovery, so she can hit her training sessions and races feeling ready to go 💥 On top of that, her program also helps her manage the stress of work and studying. ✨Here’s what Llori has to say about her Kaari program: “Kaari has been truly instrumental in my life. It has allowed me to set aside time for myself to reset and recover from both my professional and academic careers, which I didn't really do previously. I love being able to move my body through the many different patterns and sequences that come with the program. As a cyclist, movement can be rather limited, but with Kaari, I can tap into other movements that are simple, and challenging at times, but ultimately bring a sense of relief. My morning Kaari routine leaves me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated to tackle my day, and after my evening routine I'm able to unwind and destress after a long day.” We’re so happy to support you, Llori! 🙌Give Llori Sharpe a follow to see her training and racing adventures with CANYON//SRAM Racing. 📷: Marty Merritt & Ultan Coyle

🚴‍♀️ Cyclists: if you’re not training hamstring strength, you're leaving some serious 💥power💥 on the table! Where performance on the bike is concerned, the hamstrings pitch in in a couple of important ways: 🔹The bottom part of the hamstrings help to pull the foot UP from the bottom of the pedal stroke (knee flexion) 🔹The top portion of the hamstrings help to push the pedal DOWN at the top of the pedal stroke (hip extension) 🔹The hamstrings also act as antagonists to the quadriceps, helping to maintain good muscular balance around the pelvis and thigh The limited range of motion used in cycling can cause the hamstrings to become stiff and limited in their function 😖 The exercise shown here is a perfect way to wake up these muscles in a lengthened position, and can serve as a pre-ride warmup to access more power, or a post-ride cooldown to keep chronic tension at bay 👍 Want to find out more? Register for our FREE online seminar (link below) on May 13th to discover how enhancing your mobility and recovery can translate to a major boost in your performance in the saddle! Questions? Drop us a comment or a DM 👍 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/improve-performance-boost-power-mobility-recovery-for-cyclists-tickets-601655988257?aff=FB K Cycling Coaching

🚴 Hey, bike friends! Headed out for a ride? Try this quick and accessible myofascial technique before hopping in the saddle. It targets the hands and forearms - an often overlooked (and overworked!) area that benefits from a warm-up before a long ride gripping the handle bars. All you’ll need is a myofascial ball (or tennis ball) and a yoga block (or stack of books, or table that you can sit at) 🖐️ Roll all over the palm of your hand and then each finger, noticing any sensations of tightness or restriction as you go 👐 Roll the heels of both hands, you might find some tender spots! 💪 Place the ball on top of the block, and roll the top and underside of each forearm. These are your wrist flexors and extensors, and they work hard while you're on the bike! ⏲️ 30-60s per muscle is enough to get the benefits so it’s a perfect “quick & dirty” way to get ready without spending a ton of time! MFR is a great pre-workout technique as it: ✅ boosts circulation ✅ helps to warm up the tissues ✅ enhances body awareness ✅ can be done without risk of performance or power deficits Curious to learn more myofascial techniques to support your performance on the bike? Register for our FREE online seminar on May 13th to learn pre- and post-ride techniques you can apply right away to boost your performance in the saddle! Use the 🔗 link below to register. Questions? Drop us a comment or a DM 👍 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/improve-performance-boost-power-mobility-recovery-for-cyclists-tickets-601655988257?aff=FB Happy Riding! 🚴

🦴Axial Loading for Osteoporosis 💪😃 Axial loading is simply a “top to bottom” or vertical loading pattern. It’s also a wonderful way to load the bones of the spine, pelvis, hips and legs, all of which are some of the most commonly impacted areas for those with osteoporosis. This loading stimulates the cells in the bones to lay down more tissue, thus creating denser bones 💪🦴 As an added bonus, some of these movements even target the wrists, another common fracture site in those with osteoporosis! We incorporate axial loading into our Strength Training & Yoga Program for Osteoporosis in a variety of effective and accessible exercises, such as: 🦴Overhead pressing exercises 🦴Farmers carries 🦴Squats and deadlifts 🦴Weight vest exercises 🦴Downward facing dog All of these bone-building strategies are included in our Strength Training & Yoga for Osteoporosis Program. Posture, balance and even stress reduction are woven in throughout the week for a well-rounded program that holistically addresses bone health! 🙂 Are you ready to take charge of your bone health? Our next Strength Training & Yoga for Osteoporosis starts on May 10th, and is designed and led by experts with a proven track record of success in this field. In addition to a comprehensive and holistic approach to osteoporosis, you’ll also receive the support of a community, as well as daily guidance from your instructors 🙂 🔗 Tap the link below to find out more about the program and read testimonials from happy clients with improved DEXA scans! 💪🦴 https://www.kaariprehab.com/p/strength-training-yoga-for-osteoporosis

We recently hit our 6k “birthday” over on Instagram, and we couldn’t be more grateful and happy to have all of you in our community- thank you for being here and following us!! 🥳💃Lots of you have let us know that you find our tension relief tips useful, so to celebrate, please join us for a mini-series of movement snacks to help you feel better every day 😃 . Incorporating little movement interludes into your day has ✨so many✨ benefits, and doesn’t need to be complicated 🙂 Here’s some general guidelines: . ✨A little goes a long way! This video is sped up, but IRL this mini-sequence took about 90 seconds. ✨Don’t overthink it, or fret about “doing it right.” Just find some ways to move that feel productive and beneficial- if it feels good, you’re doing it right! ✨ We spend a lot of time sitting, so think about how you can move outside of that pattern to break it up a little. This sequence shows some simple stretches to unwind tension from the spine and reset the “computer slouch”- you just need some wall space and a short break between meetings to refresh your body and mind. . We share free tips for mobility, mindfulness in our newsletter every week! Join our community there to receive doses of weekly wellbeing, as well as exclusive offers. For example, we regularly give away customized programming for ✨FREE✨ to our subscribers! Tap the link below to sign up 🙌😃 https://kaari.ck.page/newsletter

Are you, or someone you know, dealing with frozen shoulder? ⚡️💪💥 If so, join us for a free online seminar as Kaari Coach Sharon Iacono leads us through an overview of the condition, a short movement practicing demonstrating myofascial release techniques you can do at home, along with breathwork and recovery techniques to manage pain and improve function. As always, there will be lots of time for Q&A so we can answer any questions you might have! 😃 . Here, Sharon is showing an example of an exercise that both mobilizes and strengthens the shoulder: 🟡 Keep the ribs drawn in as you reach the arms up, back and out to the sides 🟡 Reach arms forward and draw little circles as you slowly reach the arms up toward the ceiling 🟡 Reach arms straight back behind you, and do some little circles there 🟡 Take your arms straight out to the sides, and yes, do some circles there 🙂 💪 Option: repeat this series with small hand weights! Want to learn more about how to manage pain and regain movement for frozen shoulder? 🔗Use the link below to sign up for our FREE online seminar - if you cannot make the live session we will email you a recording later that day. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/frozen-shoulder-managing-pain-regaining-movement-tickets-532387935647?aff=FB 💪 We hope to see you there!

We recently hit our 6k “birthday”, and we couldn’t be more grateful and happy to have all of you in our community- thank you for being here and following us!! 🥳💃Lots of you have let us know that you find our tension relief tips useful, so to celebrate, please join us for a mini-series of movement snacks to help you feel better every day 😃 . Incorporating little movement interludes into your day has ✨so many✨ benefits, and doesn’t need to be complicated 🙂 Here’s some general guidelines: . ✨A little goes a long way! This video is sped up, but IRL this mini-sequence took about 90 seconds. ✨Don’t overthink it, or fret about “doing it right.” Just find some ways to move that feel productive and beneficial- if it feels good, you’re doing it right! ✨ We spend a lot of time sitting, so think about how you can move outside of that pattern to break it up a little. This sequence shows a modified sun salutation that takes your spine through its entire range of motion, in all planes- a simple and effective way to refresh your whole upper body! We share free tips for mobility, mindfulness in our newsletter every week! Join our community there to receive doses of weekly wellbeing, as well as exclusive offers. For example, we regularly give away customized programming for ✨FREE✨to our subscribers! Tap the link below to sign up 🙌😃 https://kaari.ck.page/newsletter

Legs still feeling this week’s workout? 😬Muscle fatigue and even DOMS are totally normal after a high-volume workout or a tough training week…. So you definitely want to make sure you recover well so that your tissues are primed for whenever you next hit the gym! Try these myofascial release techniques for your glutes, quads, and adductors- a comprehensive and effective reset for your entire hip and leg. Here’s a couple of good reasons to make time for this kind of recovery work: ⚡️It’s great for hydrating your fascia. The gliding motion between these connective tissue layers is what actually gives us our range of motion. Research shows a “shearing” action (working perpendicular to the fiber orientation) creates the greatest increase in hydration, while working in the direction of the fibers is helpful for cleaning up the fascial planes and maintaining the aqueous slip ‘n’ slide environment that facilitates good ROM. ⚡️It enhances circulation in your muscular tissues, which in turn promotes speedier recovery, mitigates DOMS, and generally helps the body’s “clean up crews” heal the post-workout micro-damage more effectively. ⚡️ Restores range of motion, which you’ll need in order to move efficiently and generate power in your next workout! ⚡️Post-workout recovery and mobility work is ideally done at a low-to-moderate intensity. Keeping things gentle is just as effective as going to full intensity; in fact, research shows that doing myofascial release at 50%, 70% and 90% of maximum tolerance generates similar benefits, so the “no pain, no gain” mentality doesn’t apply here! Additionally, keeping it mellow encourages your nervous system to downshift into the parasympathetic “rest & digest// heal & recover” mode that supports quality rest. In other words, it’s what sets you up to crush your next workout. 💪 The gains from your efforts in the gym happen BETWEEN your workouts, and there are tried-and-test

✨Power up your feet and ankles! 💪 If you’re a cyclist, runner or any type of field athlete, the function of your lower leg is crucial to good performance. ✨These exercises are designed to create more ⚡️stiffness⚡️ in your ankle and foot muscles. We tend to think of stiffness as a bad thing, but actually, stiffness is a VERY desirable property of our soft tissues (especially in our connective tissue) when it comes to athletic performance. In the context of running 🏃‍♀️, this stiffness allows our tissues to function like springs, and therefore support a powerful push-off of the back foot to propel the body forward. Cyclists perform a similar action when pushing down onto the pedal, and stiffness in this context supports increased power output and subsequently, better performance! (McPartlan, 2021) 🚴🔥 . ✨Let us know what you think if you try these out! Trust us when we say you’ll feel the burn QUITE soon with both of these movements 😂🔥 . ✨ Questions about how this might apply to your athletic training, or even your ankle health and stability? Send us a DM. Have a great day, friends 🙂

⚡️Tension or pain⚡️ in your “mouse side”🐀 arm and shoulder? We got you! . 🔹Repetitive movements and postural asymmetries of any kind have the potential to create discomfort, and the way we use our dominant arm and hand for computer work is no exception! Working at the computer, the “mouse” shoulder tends to get hiked up, which can also translate to tension in the neck. Similarly, the mouse hand wrist ends up held in an extended position, which can cause the muscles on top of the forearm to get tight as they overwork to maintain that position. . 🔹Try this quick three-part reset! You can of course do this on both sides, but it feels especially awesome on your dominant side 😃 . 1️⃣ Get some movement into the shoulder blade! This movement helps create ease in the upper back, as well as the chest. 2️⃣ Neck stretch for the levator scapula muscle, one of THE most commonly tight muscles in desk workers. Sneak this one in when you feel a tension headache looming. 3️⃣Don’t forget your forearm and wrist! The wrist extensors- the muscles on the top of the forearm control the position of your wrist and also need some TLC after mouse-ing all day. . 🔹Do you struggle with neck or shoulder tension? Let us know with a DM or comment so we can post more techniques to help you feel and move better! 🙂

Attn: cyclists! 🚴‍♀️ 🔶More effective training on the bike ➕not feeling like the Tin Man off the bike ➡️ a win-win for your overall performance and wellbeing 😉💪 🔶Cycling and being stuck at your desk are similar, in that both can leave your upper body super scrunched up and hunched over! 😬Time in the saddle puts the body in a “globally flexed” position, which, while effective on your bike, can lead to dysfunction over time if we don’t occasionally counter it with movement in other directions. 🔶Try a combo of active and passive mobility to: ✔️Reduce feelings of tension in your back muscles ✔️Breathe more efficiently ➡️ better endurance on the bike ✔️Un-scrunch your shoulders and chest ✔️Avoid neck pain and low back issues 🔶Aside from improving your performance on the bike, an intentional and sport-specific mobility and recovery routine can make a BIG difference in terms of how your body feels in your daily life. As an added bonus, all these techniques help to downregulate the nervous system, leading to better sleep and improved athletic recovery 🧠 How about a ✨FREE✨ mobility and recovery program, customized just for you, to feel the benefits in your own body? Your body deserves the TLC, not to mention the extra pep in your step when you next hop on your bike. Send us a DM to tell us what aspects of your mobility and recovery you need help with, and we’ll get you set up 👍

✨Have you heard the news?✨ Kaari is teaming up with Whole Mama Yoga to bring you a new program! 😃 🤱 Postnatal Wellness: Fourth Trimester Recovery 🤱 This program will guide and support you, step-by-step, for holistic healing on your postpartum journey, and is designed and delivered by Doctor of Physical Therapy, Ellese Nickles 🌟 🌟Holding and feeding a baby (not to mention endless diaper changes!) can lead to tight pectoral muscles and a slouched posture. All of this can result in neck pain, tense shoulders, and a variety of aches and pains up and down the spine. Our program incorporates gentle active movement to reset tight muscles, and mellow stretches like the one shown here, to offset these new demands on your body! Aside from leaving you feeling physically more relaxed, a few minutes for self-care helps to reset a tired mind and frazzled nervous system, so it’s entirely worth it to carve the time to take care of yourself 🧡 The format of this program is designed specifically for busy moms: 🟡 Exercises are delivered directly to your inbox 🟡 Minimal time commitment - your program comes in manageable doses of just 5-15 minutes a day 🟡 Complete your exercises whenever and wherever they fit into your schedule 🟡 Built-in support and accountability: the interactive setup lets you ask questions or request guidance from you instructor at any time Exercises are just one part of the program - also included are bi-weekly check-ins, community support from other moms and expert guest lecturers! 🌟 Interested, or know someone who would benefit from this program and a supportive community? Our pilot program starts January 29, 2023. Please reach out to [email protected] to get on the waitlist, and feel free to check the link below for more details! https://www.kaariprehab.com/p/postnatal-wellness-fourth-trimester-recovery