Unplugged Alpha

Unplugged Alpha

I help MEN who are fed up with P**N and MA********ON to reclaim their MASCULINE FRAME.



Why do you think many men in marriage have;

- Low libido?

- Erectile dysfunction?

Or are unknowingly raising children that don't belong to them?

Or are in chaotic marriages?


1. They ej*****te carelessly. They married because they want to have unlimited free s*x. This is how their women manipulate and conquer them.

2. They force their wives to use hormonal contraceptives. Their women end up chaotic in that marriage.

3. They don't use condoms. They think condoms are for unmarried men.

If a man, whether dating, single or married does not know how to control his ej*******on, he will perish.

Fasting and semen retention are very important for any man who is pursuing his masculine purpose.

Such men think if they make a woman pregnant then she will be loyal, and obedient and stick to him forever.
If this man is dumped, he cries and desperately begs the the lady to return because he is a slave of that woman.




When you decide to farm in a land that other farmers tried and failed,

Don't think you will succeed where they failed.

Even if the farm looks fertile, you will fail terribly.

This post is not about farmers.

Change or perish!



This is very important.

In any s*xual relationship,

You are either the source or the target.

Be the SOURCE.

Have the power to call it off.

If she calls it off before you do it, then you were the target.

Learn and be better in your next.

Don't repeat the same mistakes.



Your woman was attracted to your POWER.

Her DESIRABILITY for you emanates from your POWER on her.

Once you lose this power through ALCOHOLISM, PROMISCUITY & a sedentary lifestyle,

That marriage is down the drain.

Maintain the POWER.

Fix your FRAME.



Every woman is replaceable no matter how good her vag*na feels.

Every woman is just a practice for the next one no matter how "special" the moment seems.

Every woman is just one of many that you will have regardless of the illusions your emotions create.

Don't be deceived.

What if she one day wants to kill you to leave her?

You will be forced to replace her.



LOGOTHERAPY is your best treatment for pain, desolation, hopelessness, anxiety & depression.

Logotherapy happens when you search for meaning & purpose in life.

A man's motivation is found in his pursuit of meaning and purpose.

A man who lacks purpose and meaning in life ends up becoming depressed.

SKILL is an approach I recommend for Logotherapy.

SKILL stands for:

- Skills
- Knowledge
- Investments
- Lineage
- Legacy

Refuse to be stagnant.

Stagnation leads to rust. No man was designed to rust. A man was designed to be on the move. He was designed to wear out.

A man is like metal. If it does not get used through friction, wear and tear, it will get rust and become useless.

If you pack your bicycle and refuse to use it, it will become a burden to you because it will rust.

If a man rusts, he becomes a burden to himself, his family, his community and the Government.

Don't sit in the house watching TV and eating aimlessly like a squirrel.

Get out and pursue your purpose.

Get out and pursue your SKILL.

"We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.”

— Theodore Roosevelt



Orbiters are men who hang around a woman waiting for a "perfect" time.

While he is waiting for "perfect time",

another man is finishing the sweetness in her bone marrow.

The orbiter will be lucky to enjoy any leftovers.

- Otherwise, nothing is left.



Women will always breaks rules for a man she loves,

but creates rules for a simps she feels nothing about.

Hardly anyone is talking about this.

Inform your son immediately.

No school will teach you this.
