HSMA - Home School Music Association

HSMA - Home School Music Association

HSMA exists to make an excellent music education in ensemble performance available to homeschooled students.

Who We Are....


We believe that music is a gift from God and that the truest expressions of this gift bring glory back to Him. We desire to be able to provide opportunities for homeschooled students to develop their gifts and abilities in the area of music in a setting that embodies Christian principles and beliefs, treating one another with the grace and truth that Jesus Christ has shown to us. Our hope and desire is that as they grow in their musical abilities, that students will not only grow personally, but use their gifts to bless others. With this in mind, we commit to the mission statement that follows.

Mission Statement:

HSMA exists to make an excellent music education in ensemble performance available to homeschooled students and to give desiring students the best possible foundation for the furtherance of their music education beyond the high school level.