Peoria Wilds

Peoria Wilds

To ensure protection and restoration of biologically diverse habitats and ecosystems through volunteer stewardship of our remaining natural resources.


Looking to give back to nature? Join Prairie Land Conservancy Sunday 7/21, 9:00-noon at Elwood Preserve for a stewardship workday.

Want to be directly involved with stewardship on PLC land and make a difference to wildlife habitat? If so, join us at Elwood Work Days on July 17th and 21st from 9am to Noon for the chance to get your hands dirty in the name of conservation!

For more information, contact any of the folks below:

Ed Coleman [email protected]

Mike McGraw [email protected]

John Meyers [email protected]

Prairie Plants with Friends of Rocky Glen | Peoria Public Library 08/06/2024

Prairie Plants with Friends of Rocky Glen | Peoria Public Library Learn about plants that are native to Illinois from David Pittman, a volunteer with Friends of Rocky Glen. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the prairie at North Branch and learn about the plants we have there.


Mark your calendar: the Northeast Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society will be hosting this year's INPS Annual Gathering on July 12th through the 14th! The program will feature a diverse line up of speakers and field trips. More details and registration coming soon at!

Photos from Tawny Oaks Field Station at Singing Woods Nature Preserve's post 31/05/2024

More help needed at the Tawny Oaks prairie!


Prairie Restoration workday at Tawny Oaks Field Station at Singing Woods Nature Preserve.

Wednesday 5/22/24, 9:00 AM to help control invasive sweet clover in the prairie. More info in the link.

Peoria Park Volunteers Volunteer Portal


Missed the chance to volunteer at Elwood Wildlife Preserve yesterday? Well never fear because there is another work day on May 19th this weekend!


Upcoming restoration volunteer opportunities. Join PLC at Elwood Wildlife preserve.

Want to be involved with stewardship on PLC land? Well join us at Elwood Work Days on May 15th and 19th for the chance to get your hands dirty!


Thank you Micheal Rucker! Click to donate!

Mike Rucker, our volunteer naturalist steward, has issued a
challenge grant. He’ll match up to a total of $5,000 in
contributions made to the Springdale Historic Preservation
Foundation before June 30.

Donate online at and indicate it’s for
the Matching Fund. Or send a check to P.O. Box 5511, Peoria,
IL 61601-5511. Write Matching Fund in the memo line.


Action alert… wetlands in Illinois are under new threats due to the 2019 court decision that weakened the federal environmental regulations defining wetlands. See information below if you would like to voice your support for the state of Illinois to reinstate those protections to our local wetlands.


Skunk Cabbage is in bloom now. To learn more about this unique native plant follow the link…


Board Director Doug McCarty is ready to spread the good word to attendees of the Farmland Owners Conference today.


Nice to see Sandhill Cranes on a wetland this time of year in Central Illinois.


Great opportunity to get some native plants! This Saturday, Aug 26, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Tawny Oaks.

Here is a list of plants that will be available from Pleasant Prairie Nursery at the Native Plant Sale this Saturday.
For more information about these plants and tips on how they can best fit into your landscaping, visit


Join the fun at Prairie Land Conservancy’s BioBlitz just south of Banner in Fulton County!

Please join us for the Prairie Hills Wetland Preserve Bio-Blitz August 4-5. The event is free and open to the public.

Nature Rambles: Irresistibly radiant fragrance of flowers from milkweeds sure sign of early summer season - The Community Word 08/07/2023

Mike Miller’s contribution to this month’s Community Word. It’s all about a trip through the prairie to experience milkweed!

Nature Rambles: Irresistibly radiant fragrance of flowers from milkweeds sure sign of early summer season - The Community Word The best place to experience July in Illinois is a pathway that winds through a prairie. The forest pathways have had their quick burst of spring, and now are slumbering through a shady respite. They will have their season of…Read more →

Nature Rambles: Quest for the golden moccasin - The Community Word 14/06/2023

My contribution to the latest issue of The Community Word. I did an interview on the topic with WCBU radio today, which should air this Friday, so give it a listen.

Nature Rambles: Quest for the golden moccasin - The Community Word The fragile and mysterious Lady's Slipper orchid is truly a treasure from heaven in every intrepid encounter Read more →
