Mocha Belly Doulas

Mocha Belly Doulas

We provide support by giving educational tools & resources, advocating, and holding emotional space for you.

There is typically 3-5 meetings with your doula; pre & post. We also attend your entire labor & delivery once you request for us to come.


Postpartum assistance is so underrated and not supported enough.. we are here to change that, supporting our mothers through pregnancy, birth AND postpartum!

Studies show mothers that have postpartum support are less likely to have postpartum depression. This is why we do what we do !


Black Maternal death continues to increase in America. What ways are you actively trying to support Black birthing communities? I'll tell you what we're doing!!

1. Providing resources for families
2. Offering postpartum support at no cost
3. Educating families on breastfeeding/chestfeeding
4. Offering diet and healthy lifestyle tips

Timeline photos 19/02/2021

Our beloved doula friend/partner, Meka Renee 🥰

This week's doula crush is Meka Kpoh of Louisville, KY. Meka is the owner of Womb Flowers Birth Doula and Photography. She became a birth doula when she realized the need for support in her community and has been committed to accommodating birthing individuals since then. Meka is also a wife and mother of four. Her goals for the future are to become a midwife and create a non profit that benefits black birthing individuals.

Photos from Elaine Baca, Documentary Photographer's post 12/02/2021
Timeline photos 22/01/2021

Our doula crush, Kabira 💚

Our doula crush this week is Kabira Yakini, community doula serving the Louisville, KY area. Kabira is a mama of 4, business owner, organizer & activist .

“Getting pregnant with my 3rd child made me realize how inaccessible midwives and doulas are to BIPOC communities. I wanted different, so I knew there had to be others that desired to change the culture of birth for black/brown families. This pushed me into becoming a Birth Doula and working with Mama To Mama, a non-profit organization serving underserved birthing families. My goals were to get other BIPOC folx to become birth doulas and make it the new norm for black/brown families to use them. I helped Mama to Mama to accomplish both of my goals and continue its growth.
But, more was still needed to impact change...

So, I began focusing on social and reproductive justice work with BLM Lou/Sister Song. As I continue on this path of birth activism, I consider myself a ‘Radical Doula’. Educating our communities and reducing the black maternal mortality rate is of high importance and RIGHT NOW goals. Lifting their voices and empowering them to understand their rights is a must. Our work is never finished and we demand that our human born rights be respected and honored.”


We have NOT SLOWED DOWN during this pandemic. We know that families need support now more than ever. And the need just keeps growing. Help Mama to Mama show up by making a gift to today


Mama to Mama needs you this ! We'll turn your gift into direct support for families in our community through pregnancy, labor and birth support, family playgroups and parenting community.
Just follow this link to give,$69855_hash$382c8115e3ad1114437e032c90a53c7c73666a86/Default.aspx


Myth 1: Breastfeeding should be painful.

Truth: In the beginning the breast may be tender but feeding should not be a painful or dreadful task. Pain is a sign there is something wrong such as a poor latch, tongue tie, or mother may have an infection.

Myth 2: You should not breastfeed your baby when you are sick.

Truth: From COVID 19 to the common cold, breastfeeding should continue to provide antibodies necessary to protect baby against sickness. Baby’s immune system is still developing. Receiving the antibodies via mother’s milk is better than the alternative to gain protection via illness. There are not many illnesses, such as HIV, that will indicate mother should hold her milk.

Myth 3: Breastfeeding is easy!

Truth: It is not! It is okay to struggle and ask for help. Reach out to your local WIC Peer Counselor or Lactation Consultant. Joining an in-person or virtual support group could be beneficial as well.

Myth 4: My b***s are too small to breastfeed.

Truth: The size of the breast has no barring on the ability to produce milk or feed!

Myth 5: Formula feeding make me an unfit mom.

Truth: There is nothing wrong with formula feeding. Whether your choice is due to a lack of ability or just simply your preference, stand strong and proud. Your lactation counselors are still great resources to provide evidence-based practices around safe formula feeding.


History has been made in Kentucky! We now have at least four Licensed Certified Professional Midwives! And we expect several more licenses to be processed and issued this coming week!
This marks the first time since 1975 that credentials have been issued in Kentucky to Direct Entry Midwives.
Kentucky families demanded a legal pathway for their midwives, and now it has become a reality!

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

Please join us as we participate in the Indigenous Perinatal & Lactation Support Circle on Tuesday, August 11 at 4pm CT. See the flyer for event details!

Timeline photos 30/07/2020

Because representation matters. ❤️ Black Breastfeeding Week ❤️ is coming up and I have been commissioned to make some amazing imagery to be used during that week to help showcase black breastfeeding. If you are interested in modeling for the event, see if you fit any of the categories below. If so, reach out to me through messenger or at [email protected]. Requirements are:

Be available and comfortable with an in person portrait session in my Louisville Kentucky studio. Dates of availability have to fall between August 5th and August 14th. (Minus August 9th) All CDC recommended precautions will be taken.

Identify as Black, Afro descent, or African.
Be willing to sign a model release allowing us to use your images and the images of your child(ren) in advertising and promotions.
Be willing to have yourself and your child(ren) tastefully photographed while nursing/pumping.
Not alter, edit, or add filters to any images you receive from your portrait session or use them in any type of advertising, modeling, or promotional materials. You are free to use them to display or share with friends and family. They cannot be used for profit in any way.
Be currently nursing or pumping for a child(ren) and fit into one of these categories:
Newborn, infant 6 months-1 year, toddler 1 year - 3years, extended age nursing (3yrs-6 years), exclusively pumping, using a lactation assistant such as an SNS or LactAid, nursing from one side because of breast removal/augmentation, inducing lactation for an adoptive, surrogate born, or partner born child, or any unique circumstances that highlight breast/chest feeding for your child.
Feel free to ask any questions to see if you qualify. Thanks in advance for highlighting the beauty of breast/chest feeding people of color!



Doula, Midwife, Obstetrician, Childbirth Educator, Lactation Consultant, Birth Photographer

Wellness/Health Practitioners
Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness, Massage Therapist, Reiki Healer, Herbalist, Womb Practitioner, Public Health Advocate, Prenatal/ Fertility Yoga Instructor, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Social Worker, Psychologist, Mental Health Counselor

Mom and Baby Retailers

Due to a high demand and numerous inbox inquiries received regarding seeking Black Birthworkers in the community we've decided to LAUNCH a readily accessible contact directory for potential future clients and birth workers seeking mentors/affiliates.

This purchase entails the request to be listed on the BBWR Directory. In joining the BBWR Directory, there is a ONE time fee of $7.00, which includes a 10% discount code on any BBWR merchandise. The Code is provided via email within 24hrs of purchase and expires on August 15,2020, at 11:59pm.

The directory will go live on August 15, 2020. We will continually accept inquiries and add to the list within two business days after request. When listed, a notification is sent via email.

*If you ordered an item(s) from the BBWR shop before, you will be added to the FREE directory but will still need to complete a request to get your information listed. Please refer to the shop menu selections BBWR Listing Request (BBWR ITEM(s) PURCHASERS) on the Black Birthworkers Rock website.

Click Direct Link Below!


Welcome to The Black Birthworkers Rock (BBWR) Movement!

Due to a high demand and numerous inbox inquiries received regarding seeking Black Birthworkers in the community we've decided to LAUNCH a readily accessible contact directory for potential future clients and birth workers seeking mentors/affiliates.

This purchase entails the request to be listed on the BBWR Directory. In joining the BBWR Directory, there is a ONE time fee of $7.00, which includes a 10% discount code on any BBWR merchandise. The Code is provided via email within 24hrs of purchase and expires on August 15,2020, at 11:59pm.

The directory will go live on August 15, 2020. We will continually accept inquiries and add to the list within two business days after request. When listed, a notification is sent via email.

*If you ordered an item(s) from the BBWR shop before, you will be added to the FREE directory but will still need to complete a request to get your information listed. Please refer to the shop menu selections BBWR Listing Request (BBWR ITEM(s) PURCHASERS) on the Black Birthworkers Rock website.

Click Direct Link Below!


The reason we fight for our rights 💚

Photos from It Takes a Village Birth  DFW's post 21/07/2020

***Tag and share to WIN!***

Build your little one’s brain and their library during our newest virtual playgroup series - LENA at Arts in Play! 10 weeks of fun activities with weekly books, toys and gift cards for all participants.

FREE and open to the community. Join the fb events for details and registration information,

Tuesday series,

Friday series,

3 lucky winners will receive gift baskets with books, toys and a gift card.


Healthy Journey educational baby shower is here for you and your growing family always! ❤️


Joyous day 💚

Happy International Day of the Midwife, in the Year of the Midwife.

Photos from The Harbor Seals of Pacific Grove's post 30/04/2020

Doula’s come in all forms 🥰

Timeline photos 09/04/2020

Placenta tincture 😍

Don't forget about your tinctures, mamas! Your can be beneficial in times of stress. Take 5-10 drops, 3-4 times per day (as needed). You can just take it straight under your tongue, or dilute in some juice if you're not a fan of the taste. Also, it's not necessary to strain, just give the bottle a gentle swirl every now and then and pull from the top (so as to avoid any bits).


Our doula Kabira Yakini is doing all the things, lol!!! & in the comments 💫


Your only job 💚

Prodromal Labor Symptoms & What You Can Do | Mama Natural 27/01/2020

Listen to your body and always contact your birth team if you have questions.

Prodromal Labor Symptoms & What You Can Do | Mama Natural Feeling contractions? Find out if they're Braxton hicks, prodromal labor, or the real thing. And if it is prodromal labor, here's what you can do!

Dear Hospital Leadership: LET THE DOULAS IN 13/01/2020

One of the challenges in being a doula if a c-section is needed

Dear Hospital Leadership: LET THE DOULAS IN Excuse me, is this microphone on? Ahem….now that I have your attention, I am speaking to the Hospital Leadership in America. I come to you today on behalf of the families who have chosen to h…

Study: Water births just as safe as non-water births 04/01/2020

Research shows...

We look forward to the day when hospitals give the option to let mama’s birth in water 💚

Study: Water births just as safe as non-water births Researchers from the University of Michigan say the risk of infection and ICU admissions for newborns, and of postpartum hemmorhage for women, are the same

Videos (show all)

100 LIKES OMG 😲 💚
Meet your doulas!!
