City Hospital Faridabad

City Hospital Faridabad

City Hospital

Stretching for Back Pain Relief 10/05/2018

Stretching for Back Pain Relief Stretching the soft tissues in the back, neck, and hips can help relieve back pain. This article contains helpful descriptions of common stretches.

How does cancer spread through the body? - Ivan Seah Yu Jun 10/05/2018

How does cancer spread through the body? - Ivan Seah Yu Jun Cancer usually begins with one tumor in a specific area of the body. But if the tumor is not removed, cancer has the ability to spread to nearby organs as well as places far away from the origin, like the brain. How does cancer move to these new areas and why are some organs more likely to get infec 14/11/2017

The best thing to spend on your children is your time
Give your little love to a child and see what you get
A great deal back
Children have more need of models,
than of critics...
So love them.

Photos from The Medical Education's post 27/02/2017
Photos from City Hospital Faridabad's post 19/11/2016

I N. K. Gaur do here by announced that 27th of January would be celebrated as the annual function in all my 15 firms. Running by Gaur's Group of Institutions.
