Ashli's Fantasy Books

Ashli's Fantasy Books

I am a self-published author of two books. These are books that I have written and writing.


Hey yall!! If you have read even 1 of my books, I'd be grateful for reviews on them.. spread the word good or bad. Let me know what yall think!! Thank you.


Hmm.. to finish the zombie book, or to finish the romance book???


I am proud of myself. I talked to a couple people about my books tonight at a local Artcon, I got some advice from another self published author, and I spoked to a comic book artist duo,m about redoing thr covers to the books!! I did it all by my nervous little self. LOL. Good things to come. New possibilities.

New Beginnings: A Wolf Tribe Novel (Wolf Tribe Series) 23/01/2024

Book 2 to the series, is nothing short of getting into your feelings, as Kita does the unthinkable to save her people, as well as herself from the blood vow made before her birth.

New Beginnings: A Wolf Tribe Novel (Wolf Tribe Series)

New Beginnings: A Wolf Tribe Novel (Wolf Tribe Series) Two moons after the demon has been vanquished, we all go back to our normal routines with slight changes. Numerous travelers have come to visit our village, some have even decided to stay permanently. Father and Kita have been busy helping the village adjust to the new residents, as well as help ...

A Shift In The Valley: A Wolf Tribe Novel (Wolf Tribe Series) 23/01/2024

Take a dive into the world of The Wolf Tribe as they discover not only themselves but the stories and songs that have been passed down for generations about myths and legends, aren't just stories at all. They also discover new things about the world outside their village. X-***ed with the spicy love stories entwined between the main characters as they save their people.

A Shift In The Valley: A Wolf Tribe Novel (Wolf Tribe Series)

A Shift In The Valley: A Wolf Tribe Novel (Wolf Tribe Series) Her family and her people are in danger. Shortly after confessing her feelings for Nathaniel, a demon shows up demanding that her people give her up to him. After proving his worth to her family, Nathaniel gains the blessings of her mother and father to mate with her for the rest of their lives....
