Giving Yourself Grace

Giving Yourself Grace

A relatable podcast series about daily habits, life struggles, + seeking a relationship with Jesus. ✨



Thirty-five: “It’s What in You Not What’s On You: The Favor + Light Upon Your Life”

new episodes every Tuesday at 1pm all episodes available on spotify — link in bio 🪻🌷🌼✨

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 13/08/2024

Episode Thirty-Four “It’s Time to Get Back Up: your mistakes don’t change the purpose God has given you”

we all fall short and we will all make mistakes while working out our salvation with Christ — the most important thing is that we repent, ask for forgiveness, + get back up. You’re still in the fight and God is getting ready to turn everything the enemy meant for evil into a learning experience that will ultimately make you better, stronger, and wiser. 👏🏽

new episode available on spotify — link in bio. new episodes every Tuesday at 1pm ✨

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 03/07/2024

we’re getting into it this episode, talking all about Word Curses and the Power of Life & Death in the tongue —

everything in this world is so spiritual and the more ways you cover yourself in the spiritual, the less ways the enemy can come in to seek, kill, destroy, and delay.

stop allowing people to speak word curses over your life and stop speaking death and negativity into your own life and expecting God to bless you in that area, God can only move through you once you put your ego to the side and speak life over yourself and your situation. ✨


Giving Yourself Grace Women Online Ministry is now active ✨✨✨

I’ve attached the group chat link to this post as well as in the Instagram + Facebook bio — please share with family and friends to expand our ministry.

without God none of this would be possible and I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses this ministry to bring us closer + encourage us in our walk with Jesus. 🤍
Philippians 2:13

share this post on your socials and invite invite invite!!!


Surprise! ✨✨

I’m so excited to announce that the Lord is expanding Giving Yourself Grace + I will be creating an online women’s ministry

anyone woman of any age is more than welcome to join — we will start out small and have a group chat on Instagram. My goal is to expand out of the group chat and into meeting at least once a month to fellowship, make friends, & have Bible Study. But ultimately to have an online support system based on faith regardless of where you are in the world!

To join the women’s ministry send me a private message with your name, age, + what you’d like to see in an online ministry — you must be following this page because it will be our primary form of communication.

I will start the group chat towards the end of next week and will regularly send scriptures, send prayers + encouragement to help us all get through the week!

This is something that anyone can join at anytime + I pray it continues to grow so please share with family and friends!!

I can’t say enough how blessed & thankful I am for this opportunity to let the Holy Spirit guide me into this next journey. Thank you Jesus. I look forward to starting our women’s ministry soon —— 🤍


I began to record the intro + I got about five minutes into our new episode of giving yourself grace when I could feel in my spirit the Holy Ghost telling me to remain still

At first I brushed it off because I’ve been looking forward to recording this week’s episode and The Lord has been giving revelation left and right, but as I tried to continue recording I could feel the pressing more and more on my spirit. “It’s not time yet.”

Finally I said okay Father, your timing not mine. I feel like that alone is a word for someone else as well as myself. So even though I was and still am excited to record this episode and discuss with you all, it has to be in His timing and not mine.

I pray you all have a blessed week and I hope to see you guys + girlies next week for a brand new episode! 🤍

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 09/04/2024

Episode Twenty- Two “You’re Almost There”
listen to this week’s episode available on spotify

new episodes every Tuesday at 1pm 🕐

this week we’re having authentic conversation about feeling like you’re ready to give up, remember He is made strong in our weakness + increased warfare is a sign that you’re closer than you’ve ever been to your promise. Keep going. ✨

verse of the week:
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:10-11

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 02/04/2024

It’s Tuesday!! ✨

new episode available on spotify — #21 Lean on His Understanding

verse of the week- “No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5



Hallelujah! He is Risen.

Happy Easter from my family to yours! ✨🪨✝️🙏🏽


Thank you Jesus 🤍✨


Happy Good Friday ✨

remember it is finished, but Sunday is coming 🤍

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24


Happy Palm Sunday ✝️

I pray you all have a blessed week and if you are looking for a church to attend this upcoming Easter Sunday — In Faith Ministries will be having a Resurrection Sunday Service (March 31st) at 11:00am. Bring your family and if you don’t want to come alone, message me and I will sit with you!

see you soon,



We are back guys and girlies!! Save the date 03.26.2024 🎙️

See you soon 😉

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 12/03/2024

Good evening guys and girlies!

“Be still and be quiet” these are the words the Lord has been pressing on my heart lately — second picture was my alarm this morning and I (still half asleep) screenshot it in obedience to God and as I went to record tomorrow’s episode He brought me back to that picture. With that being said I will be taking a small break from posting podcast episodes as this is what the Lord has placed on my heart to do.

you guys know I’m always 100% authentic with you all and as I discussed previously I’m in a season when I only want what God wants for me and focused on obedience above all else — there was so much I wanted to discuss with you guys on this next episode but the Lord is telling me it’s not time yet.

I’m so thankful we serve such a loving and faithful God! As I’m walking into a new season with Him silence is key at the moment.Above all else, all of this is for HIS glory 🙌🏽

I love you guys and thank you for all of the support. Please please please still feel free to reach out with any questions or anything you may want to talk about, I’m always available! This isn’t goodbye, just a see you soon! ♥️
p.s- here are some Bible verses to meditate on while we take a break:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”. Matthew 6:33

“Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your very eyes!” 1 Samuel 12:16

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes” Psalm 37:7


Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 03/03/2024

This is too good not to share + worth the read if you’re feeling discouraged!

Today I was supposed to go to a close friend’s baby-shower but when I walked out to my car, my tire was almost completely flat! Immediately I knew the enemy was trying to work on my emotions so I remained calm and took it to the dealership

When I arrive I tell them everything that’s happened and they take my car to take a look and see if the the tire can be patched or if it has to be replaced — while waiting I begin to pray to the Lord and give the situation to Him. He says “do you trust me” and I say yes of course.

When they come back out I’m hoping that the tire can be patched because it’s $20 patch vs $300 new tire. He tells me the whole tire has to be replaced and they won’t have a new tire until Monday. At first I catch myself upset and asking God why he couldn’t just repair the old tire. This is where it gets soo good and I knew I had to share!

As I leave the car lot I’m feeling annoyed, exhausted, and was ready to just give up on the day until this song (pictured) came on. God was reminding me to praise Him anyway and watch just what He can do. Then I get to the gym and I just happen to catch the time 3:33, takes me to Jeremiah 3:33 “‘Call to me and I will answer you. I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.” So I said ok Lord I’m going to bring this to you in prayer one more time because I don’t know how I’m going to pay for this new tire but I know you’ll make a way.

Next thing I know I receive a phone call and unexpected funds — MORE than I needed to pay for the new tire! Hallelujah 👏🏽

I say all of that to say this, When the Lord tells you to trust Him and lean not on your own understanding He means just that. Not only did He provide the funds for the tire + more, He did all of this in less than 2 hours! I realize this also taught me that God may not always show up the way you expected Him to, but nonetheless He is a way maker!

I pray this blesses someone as much as it has blessed me today.

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 05/02/2024

Happy Monday guys and girlies!

I wanted to make a quick post to let you guys know there will not be an episode of GYG this week, I’ve gone back and forth with this and ultimately decided to give it to the Lord during my prayer time. I wanted to make sure this break was being encouraged by The Holy Spirit and not the enemy, ultimately God is leading me to take this week off and we all know obedience is key. 🗝️

I’m going to take this week to seek His face more than ever and just have that relationship with Him. I’m excited for what The Lord has in store for next week. I still want to give a verse of the week and we are taking it back to one that has been on my heart so much lately —

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Remember obedience is the most important and all of this is for HIS glory! I will see you guys soon, bye! 🤍


Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 30/01/2024

I’ve been experiencing a lot of spiritual warfare the past few weeks and yesterday I left work early because I haven’t been feeling well at all. I almost didn’t leave because I felt bad but the Holy Spirit was guiding me. My original plan was to go home and rest but the Lord put it on my heart to go walk the reservoir — keep in mind my body is aching, tired, and all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and rest. Nevertheless I was obedient.

I arrived at the reservoir trusting the Lord to fill me with His strength to persevere and make it all the way around. About 15 mins into my walk I saw an eagle, yes an eagle! I had to do a double-take and immediately the Holy Spirit led to me Isaiah 40:31. What a good and mighty God we serve! I finally made my way around the whole reservoir + guess what my total time was. 11:1 which led me to Hebrews 11:1. At this point I’m smiling ear to ear because God is so intentional and always has a plan.

It doesn’t end there! As I’m driving home I see 777 which we know represents completeness + the perfection of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then I also see this bumper sticker which reads “This too shall pass.”

Ya’ll!!!! Normally I don’t take pictures of these things and just keep them between the Lord and I but The Lord put it on my heart show you guys what I mean when I say God is in everything around us and all you have to do is pay attention and get into your word and you’ll realize He’s with us everywhere we go.

I hope this encourages someone to remain steadfast and keep pushing through whatever it is you’re going through right now. Glory be to the Most High God !! 🤍🙌🏽🦅


Hey guys + girlies

I am so blessed, humbled, excited to announce tomorrow’s episode will be available on Tik Tok as well!!!

The Lord has been putting it on my heart to expand Giving Yourself Grace so we are starting with 10 min clips on TikTok and my goal is to expand to YouTube where full episodes will be available. I will post the Link to my TikTok account down below:

I couldn’t be more grateful and I love all of you so much!! Be sure to let me know if you’d be interested in watching the podcast episodes on YouTube! 🎥

Thank you from the bottom of my heart + Please share! 🤍

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 02/01/2024

Episode 12- “The Year to Reap what You Sow”

These are some verses I want to include because they tie in with this week’s message so well 🙌🏽

Available on Spotify now!


Happy New year! 🪄

I am beyond grateful to make it into a new year with the heart, mindset, and knowledge I have now. Remember everything you went through in 2023 has prepared you for 2024.

“You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand” John 13:7

First episode of 2024 out tomorrow 01.02.2024 at 1pm 🎙️

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 22/12/2023

Hi guys!

I’ve decided I’d like to focus this extra time off on spending lots of time with my Ellie girl during the Holiday Weekend — with that being said Giving Yourself Grace will resume 01.02.2024

It’s so surreal to type I can’t believe how fast this year has gone! I pray you all enjoy your family during this time and don’t forget the Reason for the season! Merry Christmas + Happy New Year from Ellie and I. ❄️❄️❄️

We will see you in 2024, May the grace of God be with you all.

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 12/12/2023

It has been two months since the first episode of Giving Yourself Grace 🎉

As I reflect on the past two months I can’t help but to feel so much gratitude for how far the Lord has brought me + the amount of support I’ve received.

when I first started this podcast I was isolated and was nervous to speak the word of God and share my truth. I’m most grateful for the friendships that have blossomed not only because of Jesus but because of this podcast as well.

I want this to serve as a reminder to trust in the Lord and lean on His understanding because He has our best interest at heart & has so much in store for us that is better than we could ever imagine. 🤍

Episode 10 - 5 Simple Ways to Improve the Quality of Life

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 05/12/2023

New Episode Today

12.05.2023 - Forgive Yourself + Love Your Enemies

available on Spotify. I’m going to be so honest with you guys, this week is personally my favorite episode I’ve recorded so far — authentic conversation + the Lord was preachinn’ 👏🏽

Please share this episode with someone the Lord puts on your heart. We’re talking about so much this week + this message is for so many!

Thank you so much + may grace be with you all. 🤍


This topic is very near to my heart because I struggled for years.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life is to set healthy boundaries and when someone shows you who they are, believe them. It’s not your job to “fix” someone that is the job of The Lord.

When you look at these pictures side by side the first things you may notice are the physical changes. My hair, make-up, etc but what you cannot see is the spiritual, mental, and emotional difference.

In both pictures I feel beautiful. The difference is in the first photo I was insecure, pouring myself into a relationship I knew wasn’t meant for me, I was struggling with my mental health and even suicidal thoughts. When I struggled with these insecurities I turned to w**d + alcohol but most of all the girl on the left had no relationship with Jesus. This picture was taken a couple days after I heard the voice of The Lord for the very first time but still decided to ignore him to pursue a toxic relationship.

These pictures are taken exactly five(5) months apart. The girl on the right knows who she is through Jesus and knows what she brings to the table. She knows her value and no longer settles — she no longer accepts unreciprocated effort in any relationships, romantic or platonic. She’s not afraid to be alone because she knows she’s never truly alone. She knows God is in her corner and she cannot fail.

So yes, there may be physical changes but I want to highlight the spiritual and mental changes that are only possible with Jesus. In just five months the Lord has completely transformed how I look, how I carry myself, my perspective, and what I turn to when I face trials in this world.

This episode of Giving Yourself Grace is for the girl who feels undervalued. Who feels like she’s always pouring into others and never receiving the same love in return. The love you’re searching for in men/women can only be found in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I know this because I am living proof.

12.05.2023 I will be sharing my testimony and I hope it inspires someone out there to stop accepting the bare minimum + find out who you are and what God has planned for you. 🤍

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 21/11/2023


disclaimer - do not listen to this episode on full volume because you guys I was getting exciiited!!

Episode 07 out now — it seems like literally yesterday I was recording my very first episode.

I couldn’t help but feel extreme gratitude as I recorded this week’s episode. Giving yourself Grace is doing so well + I couldn’t be more thankful to share this with all of you — I’ve been reflecting on just how far God has brought me since the first episode and blessed is an understatement.

All glory to our Lord and Savior, always. 🤍✨

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 15/11/2023


This week I’ve been struggling to feel God’s presence. I know that he never leaves us but sometimes there’s “numbness.”

I have been praying to the Lord to just let me feel His presence + remind me he’s here even when I can’t feel him.

The reservoir is my happy place; this is one the first places I felt the presence of Jesus. I came here all the time in the summer to reconnect with Him + just really ground myself.

I was talking to God casually and just reflecting on everything I’ve been through this year — I know it all has a purpose but I found myself asking Jesus yet again why I had to endure so much pain

As I was walking I felt compelled to sit at the 2 mile bench (which I have never done in all the times I’ve been here).

At first I was going to keep walking because I don’t like to take breaks — but I felt the urge again to sit on this bench. I sat on the bench + immediately felt overwhelming comfort and l began crying. As soon as I walk away from the bench I saw this! (2nd picture)

it doesn’t end there, he then guided me to 2 Corinthians 7:7-11 + I realized he answered my question + my prayers all in a matter of minutes. 🙌🏽

Just another reminder that God is always with us and He hears us! 🤍

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 14/11/2023

Tuesday = new episode!! 🎙️👏🏽

This episode is a little longer than our typical episodes but the word is too good. I couldn’t cut it short — trust me I tried + the Lord like nope there’s still more to be said! 🤣

We even brought out the OG notebook!! Like no seriously you guys my very first journal has so much raw emotion and truth I just knew God was going to make this a good one

I hope this episode serves as reminder to love everyone + give people grace. ✨

Photos from Giving Yourself Grace's post 13/11/2023

Happy Monday —

reminder to be kind to everyone, show people grace, + be an accurate representation of Jesus.

It’s not enough for people to hear the word, they need to see it through love. This is what it means to be a true follower of Christ. 🤎

Videos (show all)

Episode Thirty-Three: “There Are No Shortcuts: it’s Time to Walk it Like you Talk it” Let’s talk about the importance of...
Episode 32- “Trust in the Process: when the waiting begins to feel like punishment” this episode speaks for itself — the...
EPISODE THIRTY “When the Past Comes Calling: How God Will use it to Test You” let me tell y’all this message is so good ...
we’re doing things a little different this week ✨✨I’m posting the episode highlights before the new episode is released ...
Episode Twenty-Eight: Deception vs Integrity 🗣️this is such a good word the Lord was showing & out in this episode— new ...
New episode released today ya’ll ✨✨we’re keeping short and simple this week but this message is so intentional Let me kn...
The Holy Spirit had me fired up with this one — this is such an on-time word not just for me but for someone else out th...
Episode Twenty-Five - available now on spotify “Here is Your Sign — God Wants Your Attention” let’s get real about why G...
Episode Twenty - Let Them Talk Hi guys we are back + starting off strong. This week we’re talking about walking by faith...
We’re back and this week is just a little different than the rest — it’s shorter but intentional and tied into last week...
Happy Tuesday — new episode of giving yourself grace available on spotify! 🎙️I know I say it often but I want to make su...
Cause the devil is a liar! Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep pushing forward. 👏🏽 1 Chronicles 16:11 #spiritualwarfare #yo...