Define Your Glow

Define Your Glow

I am a Medical medium, Medium, Reiki master and teacher, working with energy and light as a Healer. I DO NOT MESSAGE FOR READINGS OR DONATIONS.

I am an Intuitve Health Medium, Medium, Reiki Master Teacher and Spiritual Coach. To view services, pricing and schedule your session, visit my website,
Love and vibes


People who see your strength as a weakness, are seeing their own fears thru your behaviors


This meme feels a bit harsh, but it is so true. If we are around the wrong people who don't love and support us and lift us up, God will step in and remove them for us. These are the people that vibe into our circle when we are lacking in self love, self esteem, and not able to see our potential. These people are usually our friends, but allow us to find comfort in living small. They are not your people and when you start to vibe high, they will self select out because you no longer fit their perception of you.

The behavior of not being able to ask for help and how it affects our energy. 26/07/2024
This is a video that explains one of the most common behaviors that I see with my clients. It is the behavior of not being able to ask for help. These people aren’t enablers, but they are the people that do everything independently and do not know how to ask for help, or feel awkward if people try to help them. They have done everything themselves since childhood so receiving help is uncomfortable. This will manifest the illness in the solar plexus. This video explains this behavior, where it comes from, and the illness that can manifest. I encourage you to watch it because it is resonating with men and helping them heal from their stomach illness while breaking this behavior.

The behavior of not being able to ask for help and how it affects our energy.


Your energy is not a battery people can use to drain until they feel better and replace you when you are empty.
(Let that sink in) 🤍💫

Your energy is a power source that vibrates out for people to feel when they are ready to vibrate at the same frequency with their own energetic source.

*I do not own the rights to this photo


Synchronicities with the woman on the phone when calling the bank had us both laughing way too hard. Too hard to explain but we both saw numbers in the transaction I was doing, we knew there was a spiritual meaning behind them........ we went silent without realizing it. I repeated the numbers to her and then went silent as I tried to process their purpose.... she says "Ma'am, I feel that vibe and I'm thinking the same thing." We started cracking up and she say's... "you went silent... and I was thinking the same thing." I love when I cross paths with high vibing people. 💪 🌟 💥 💕 🙏


“Lightworking fritter”
“I think I lost my chakras”


The fear that holds us back, the determination to stick to old patterns because we think we have to hang on to survive….. all of those emotions manifest into illness while we hang on. Letting go is healing. Letting go is part of the process. Letting go is where you find your peace. So much comes to you when you let go.


When your editor sends you a message that she is reading your manuscript 😭😭🥹🥹
it’s happening. Release date will be the first week of October. We are shooting for Oct First.
Comment below to be added to email for announcements and/or to receive and signed copy
Baaaahhhh!!! I can’t wait for you to read it.
It’s so powerful and will move you in so many ways.


💪🏻 💫 this!!

Why is healing so hard? 21/07/2024

Healing isn’t easy. It’s something we fear, and often become confused in the process. This video explains why.

Why is healing so hard? This video briefly explains why healing can be so hard, or why some avoid it altogether.   ...


A miracle is something that is beyond any reasoning. If we focus on the need for logic and understanding, we block ourselves from the miracles that are waiting for us.

*I own the rights to this photo.


The laws of nature are the same laws of your body, your Being which is why its so important to ground and have respect for the elements of nature around you. For myself, my element I am most drawn to is water. I can be in my office and take 5 min to step away and visualize myself in water. I can feel the cool flow over my body, the pressure on my chest as I hold my breath and how that relaxes me for some reason. When I was a kid, I would allow myself to sink to the bottom of the pool and just sit there and feel the pressure of the water holding me, the rays of sunlight coming through the ripples of water as they flickered across my face, and the muffled sounds of people above as they swam over me. I was able to sit down there for over 2 minutes and feel nothing but peace. No wonder the kids didn't play with me LOL 😆 😂 Sure, I liked my cannon balls, back flips, and dives off the diving board, but the real peace came when I sat at the bottom of the pool.
I share this because I still take myself to this place in my mind when I need a minute to break up the chaos of a stressful day. As kids, we are magical at finding a safe space in our minds. Our imaginations are infinite when we are kids which gives us the power to create that safe space. When you are in a state of stress, tap into a memory that connects you to the element of the earth. Sit there in your mind, slow your breathing, exhale long slow breaths, stretch, and melt into this vision so you can decompress, shed stress and reset your energy. The reason stress takes over our physical body is because we don't energetically reset to release it.



Doing other peoples healing work 18/07/2024

This video explains what happens when we do too much for other people, we step in and do their work, which takes away their lesson. This explains the process of what transpires energetically in detail. Thanks for being here!

Doing other peoples healing work This gives examples of when you do too much for another or do their work and how you energetically attach to their issues causing them to miss the lesson.


I see this so often in my sessions. As a person starts to spiritually awake, their physical body starts talking through pain and illness which doctors cannot find. Tests come back normal, yet my client is riddled with pain and illness. The body talks because it wants you to connect to the illness and symptoms so you can identify where they are energetically trapped and heal them. This is validation, that stress/trauma manifest into illness, in the physical body, which makes it difficult to track when it comes from energetic sources, and not physical sources. By physical sources, I am meaning what we put in our body that causes illness. Eating processed foods that have no vibration because they are processed and do not come from the earth. Poor habits, such as smoking, drinking high sugar, sodas, and beverages, not giving ourselves time to rest and sleep so we can energetically recharge, and a variety of other physical elements that can cause illness. When the illnesses and symptoms come from energetic sources, such as trapped trauma in the chakras, low energetic vibrations due to being in a fight or flight or survival patterns, our chakras being out of alignment due to not being energetically, balanced, and being out of touch with energetic patterns.
Pay attention to your symptoms because your body is trying to tell you something. Pay attention to what you put into your body so that you know the difference between illness that comes from trauma, and illness that comes from choice.


Listen to the unsettled because it what’s blocking your view.


Be creative with how you manifest. Change your passwords to what you are manifesting..... If you have your passwords on autoload, remove this feature so you have to type them.
Just a few random ideas to demonstrate manifesting through something you type everyday, especially if you are in corporate America.

Photos from Define Your Glow's post 16/07/2024

Rose quartz and Amethyst crystal energy infused water. I added a tea blend for opening the heart chakra, and clarity with the mind, a slice of lemon aaaannnddd..... perfect.

Kundalini Reiki - Define Your Glow 16/07/2024

It’s common to confuse Reiki with religion or another belief system. Reiki is energy. We all have access to this energy through meditations, breathwork, QiGong breathing, yoga, and a variety of other holistic modalities. By accessing this energy we can explore ourselves, our pain, our moods, and our behaviors. Knowing how to access our energy helps us define ourselves so we can manifest a better quality of life. Use our experiences as paving stones to our present.
Reiki Energy is direct access to all of this. There are 7 primary chakras that run through the center of our body, as well as chakras all throughout our energy field. Regardless of religions or spiritual beliefs, we all have access to Reiki to send and receive, and we all have energy chakras.
The reiki course I have put together is a very detailed course that helps you expand in personal growth, as well as learn about Reiki, your energy, the details of all 7 primary chakras and how to use this energy to spiritually expand. This course comes with 3 educational videos, 3 attunement videos, and all the course materials to teach you everything you need to know about Reiki.
Its an online course so you work at your own pace. To learn more, click the link below, or ask any questions in the comments.

Kundalini Reiki - Define Your Glow Learn the healing skillset of Kundalini Reiki while expanding in your spirituality. In this course you will learn everything you need to know about chakras, energy, energetic healing, and how to apply this energy to daily life as you expand in your spiritual growth.

Photos from Define Your Glow's post 15/07/2024

Sun rose tea. To refreshing. Keep a floral iced tea in the fridge and drink throughout the day. It’s antioxidant rich, and helps with inflammation and digestion. So healthy


Morning Yoga.... its hit and miss 😂 Yesterday I was "All is well with my soul. I send out gratitude and make space for expansion and growth..."
Today was "But..... I take collagen, damnit!" I slept way too hard and my body aged 100 years in a single night slumber. Every time my joints crack, Imona say I released an energy block with trapped stress and leave it at that. LOL 😂
who feels me in this ha ha ha
Have a great weekend 💗 🌟 🙏 🤍


Self love. You have to love who you were because who you were was your teacher. This video explains why self love is so important


Edit. Woot!!! All things updated and working. You can schedule thru my website. October is almost booked.

PSA!!! If you are trying to schedule for October, please message me to get scheduled. The app I have attached to my website for scheduling is under construction. Send me a message and I can get you on the books.
Sept is BOOKED. October is almost booked.


Morning power video. This will 💯 lift you up 💪🏻💫
Every single word of this video. Thank you Sheena for shining your light
You can follow her on TikTok and she has a podcast ❤️

The Positive perspective of your Triggers #trigger #manifest 09/07/2024

Triggers can be difficult depending on the event and emotions they are rooted to. This video explains the positive side to our triggers and how we can apply them to emotional and physical healing. This video is also available on my TikTok. It is helping many understand their triggers. Feel free to comment if you have questions.
Thanks for being here.

The Positive perspective of your Triggers #trigger #manifest This explains your triggers and how to see the positive side of them. They are the wisdom blocked by suppressed emotions attached to the trauma created by th...


People rarely want to share their visions or random dreams and thoughts they have with others in fear they are not normal thoughts, and people might think less of them. The reality is, those random dreams, thoughts or visions being experienced are messages from their higher self giving direction and guidance in life. They are keeping that person in check and raising awareness to their overall Divine Plan. We all have a plan greater than ourselves. We can search within and find it, or we can ignore the messages and signs while living in the illusion of control. If your mind is wondering to other places, and you are dreaming of bigger and better things, then you are meant to rise up. Life is a huge space, how you live is how you fill that space.


It has been a long time since I have taken other opinions of me into consideration. I was digging into this a little today because I am open to opinion and sometimes I need someone else’s perspective on myself to keep me in focus. That’s where my tribe comes in. However, for some reason I was feeling like maybe I shouldn’t be so inner focused. I should tap into others to help me learn about what I’m not seeing. Sometimes people (the right people) will see what we don’t and help open that side of us.
Where the opinions of others do not apply is when they tell you that you are being unrealistic, or share thoughts and opinions that cause you to turn on yourself and your dreaming. The right people will be able to tell you what what you need to hear from a space of love and authenticity so that you can see what you need to see without it feeling like a threat, or that you are flawed. When people come at you in a way that lowers your vibe or causes you to doubt yourself, these aren’t your people. They are coming from a space of fear and are seeing what you fear, bringing to the surface by connecting to that, and giving you low vibrational “advice” that causes you to step back.
When people can’t support you or love you as you are, it’s because they can’t and support and love themselves either. Don’t allow people to think for you, think for yourself and find balance in when to care, and when to dismiss outside influences. When you are truly living in your power with an open mind, this balance is effortless and you will not need to worry about what others think.


People pleasing in the physical body….
*Comfort eating to fill voids in the heart chakra and give yourself a temporary feeling of love. Emotionally attaching to food.

*Stomach issues (Celiac, bowel movement issues, stomach cramping, gas and bloating) because you become disconnected from trusting your intuition and make decisions that make others happy but may not make you happy

*chronic neck pain because you suppress emotions and feelings in your throat chakra. This can manifest into thyroid issues, TMJ, sinus draining, allergies and sinus headaches

*weight gain or up and down in weight because you are lacking in the heart energy. You are more focused on making sure others receive love that you forget to allow love to come to you. Or, you feel guilt if you are loved. It may feel awkward or undeserving when love comes to you

* Water retention due or holding in your own emotions, and absorbing the energy of others through making efforts to please.


When you do the healing work for others, they don’t heal, they miss lessons. You take on work and energy that is not yours which delays your growth and healing as well. By doing the work for someone else, you become a Co-signer of their own contract. Everyone needs help, and being there is a beautiful thing, but let them do the work. Don’t become a co-signer of something that isn’t your’s to own.

Videos (show all)

Self love. You have to love who you were because who you were was your teacher. This video explains why self love is so ...
Morning power video. This will 💯 lift you up 💪🏻💫Every single word of this video. Thank you Sheena for shining your light...
#defineyourglow #joy #manifest #choice #spiritual #gratitude #awake
Spending the morning in silence on my front porch. #sunday #defineyourglow #peaceful #love #selfcare #grateful #spiritua...
Don’t accept friend requests or respond to messages for readings
Please absorb all of this. Too many don’t love themselves enough. #journey #foryou #defineyourglow #courage #selflove #b...
Meditation is a deep conversation with your soul. Don’t feel like you have to make it complicate, or over think the proc...
Meditation is a deep conversation with your soul. Don’t feel like you have to make it complicate, or over think the proc...
Self-care can be a simple as wearing your pajamas on a Friday at the office, and drinking your favorite iced coffee. #co...
My manuscript is officially complete! Now sending it off or editing, cover, and publishing. Stay tuned! #defineyourglow ...