Liberal Christians

Liberal Christians

A general site to promote Christian ideals and discussion without judgment or condemnation. Always free.

Welcome to all who seek relief from the pain of evil, and freedom to live a better way. Those who label "liberals" harshly will learn why they are in error. Those who praise "conservative values" will find the way to put their words into realities. And those who love to discuss, debate, and enrich our knowledge of God will hopefully have a found a place to do so.

How Truth is Received by Power ... 18/03/2023

How do you think power reacts to Truth? More importantly, how do you react? For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and find peace !!

How Truth is Received by Power ... It is perhaps our finest wish that once truth has been spoken to power, that power will be moved, perhaps transformed, and begin to pursue a...

Speaking Truth to Power ... 21/01/2023

I wonder; if I start thinking about "my truth" and compare it with "the Truth", do we line up, or have I just gotten complacent about my own shortcomings? For a different perspective, why check out ...
and find peace !!

Speaking Truth to Power ... Pilate once asked, “ what is truth ”? Jesus once said, “ I am the truth, the way, and the life ”. I wonder when we talk about speaking tru...

Missing the Point [part two] ... 07/10/2022

What would it take to make you into a preacher for God? Perhaps just a simple answer "yes". For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and find peace !!

Missing the Point [part two] ... Fear of public speaking, fear of looking like an idiot in front of an audience, what could be worse? So in those rare events when you are f...

Missing the Point [part one] ... 17/09/2022

The time for miracles is once again upon us. Are you part of the outpouring of God's love and will; or have you yet to take your first step? For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and fine peace!!

Missing the Point [part one] ... Why do you suppose the story of Peter and John healing the lame man at the gates of the Temple exists? Sure, it is a part of church history...

The Death of Capitalism ... 06/08/2022

How would you go about ending greed? What if you found that greed was part of who you are, would you even want to end it there? For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and find peace !!

The Death of Capitalism ... We are all very proud of our system of government. Our democracy remains the aspiration of most of the rest of the world, even with all the...

The Word Must Spread [part 2 of 2] ... 30/07/2022

Perhaps the one great mission field left to us, is the one of our very own hearts. For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and find peace !!

The Word Must Spread [part 2 of 2] ... Sometimes we modern Christians believe there is nothing left to do. There are few, if any, new mission fields to discover. It looks to us ...

The Word Must Spread [part 1 of 2] ... 23/07/2022

Is it possible to repeat the Day of Pentecost in our day, in our hearts? What would it take? For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and find peace !!

The Word Must Spread [part 1 of 2] ... How would we as a community of believers aspire to a repeat of the “Day of Pentecost”? If the Gospel is to be spread, across the world, and...

The End of Roe; and 5 Virgins start scrambling ... 09/07/2022

The end of Roe signals a sea-change in America. But the unintended side effect will be to teach believers to lean on legislation to accomplish transformative goals instead of on Jesus to truly change the heart. If we had the latter we would never need the former. For a different perspective, why not check out ...
and find peace !!

The End of Roe; and 5 Virgins start scrambling ... [Spoiler Alert] This will have nothing to do with s*x: But it will have everything to do with a beginning of the time you have left. Some...


When does Christianity arise in you? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!


Need something to remember how precious family is, maybe check this out ...

Acts of the Apostles - The Preamble ... 16/04/2022

We tend to think of "mission" as something that happens far away, and only done by a few. But what if mission begins with your family, or your best friend? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!

Acts of the Apostles - The Preamble ... Who cares about you? Who really cares? For most their parents may come to mind, or their spouse if they have one, perhaps even their child...


Does Jesus need to open "your" understanding? Even His own disciples needed it after nearly everything. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!

No More Time to Doubt ... 01/01/2022

Are you bound by the prisons of your past, or able to face a different future than you ever imagined possible? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!!

No More Time to Doubt ... The women were the first to speak the truth of the gospel. Then two men of the inner circle came bursting into the upper room bringing the ...

The Words, not the Source [part 2 of 2] ... 20/11/2021

If God did something you did not expect, in a way you did not expect it, could you accept it? Often our pride and our certainty erect walls to the gospel, that only our humility will ever see us past. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

The Words, not the Source [part 2 of 2] ... God did something nobody expected. Often, when we focus on the story of the resurrection, we focus singularly upon Jesus, and that is the m...

The Words, not the Source [part 1 of 2] ... 13/11/2021

Have you missed hearing from God, because you predetermined the source was not up to your standards? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

The Words, not the Source [part 1 of 2] ... High Priests of the ancient Jewish religion were always men, and men of the Levite tribe (with a few exceptions). In fact, the priesthood o...

Everybody keeps Sabbath, even God ... 23/10/2021

If the Sabbath was made for you, how are you utilizing that marvel of creation? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!

Everybody keeps Sabbath, even God ... Jesus has just died. The symbolic religion of the past is now over. The penalty of the Law has been fulfilled in fresh divine blood on tha...

From Noon till Three ... 09/10/2021

What if God does something you did not expect, in a way you did not think possible. Could you humble yourself to accept it? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

From Noon till Three ... Abraham repeated. Many of us may remember the story of Abraham and his son Isaac, when God tested Abraham to see if he would be willing to ...

Timing is Everything ... 25/09/2021

If I told you today, that a gracious Donor has agreed to send you to paradise, who would you want at your side? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Timing is Everything ... What does paradise look like to you? I imagine it might look like some perfectly white-sanded beach with a gentle breeze blowing by; nest...

When it Comes Down to It ... 11/09/2021

Why tempt pain or even death to come your way? If you could fix it now, shouldn't you? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

When it Comes Down to It ... What will you choose? Who will you serve? When it comes down to it, when all you have left are precious fleeting moments fast fading fro...

The Mystery of Trump, Barabbas, & Covid ... 04/09/2021

How do you know when your personal freedom is truly personal? And how do you use it when you do? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

The Mystery of Trump, Barabbas, & Covid ... Personal freedom entitles you to be wrong. Personal freedom entitles you to make bad decisions and do stupid things. That is your right. ...

Misery Loves Company, So Does Sin ... 28/08/2021

What kind of company do you seek? Is it someone who makes you feel better about what you have done; or someone who inspires you to do better? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!

Misery Loves Company, So Does Sin ... There is an old adage that misery loves company, or perhaps better stated, we seldom enjoy being alone when we are miserable. We don’t alwa...

Selective Listening ... 14/08/2021

When you have already made up your mind on what is says, does it matter what is actually in the Bible? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Selective Listening ... Over the course of my career, I have discovered a phenomenon thru email I would have never imagined. I have written a great many notes, wit...

Power Unchecked ... 31/07/2021

It seems the one trait we are all ill equipped to handle is power over others. When that power is unchecked it becomes a recipe for disaster. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!

Power Unchecked ... Perhaps the most self-destructive gift the devil will ever offer humanity is unchecked power. Even our imaginations of what having great po...

Prepared to Lose Everything ... 17/07/2021

How could you possibly prepare to lose it all? Ironically, Jesus had only one piece of advice during a crisis that big. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace!!

Prepared to Lose Everything ... For a while in our recent history, there were a number of folks who reasoned the end of the world was coming and they needed to prepare for ...

Sifted as Wheat ... 26/06/2021

Ever wondered why all the grief in your life? The answer may be different than you thought, even if you love Jesus. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Sifted as Wheat ... Do you sometimes wonder why people of faith seem to have lives struck by every bit as much tragedy as people who have no faith at all? Why ...

It Will Begin with Promises Held in Symbolism ... 22/05/2021

There is a real difference between the symbols Jesus offered us, and the ones we have chosen for ourselves. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

It Will Begin with Promises Held in Symbolism ... A wedding ring is supposed to hold a clear purpose. It is supposed to be a symbol to all who see it, that the person wearing it is married....

Back Story and Preliminaries ... 15/05/2021

The main events in the story of your life do not just happen by accident. In the back story, there are a thousand little things that add up to where you find yourself. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Back Story and Preliminaries ... Sometimes when we know the story of a great event, we tend to focus on the major items that transpire in that story. And while the main ev...

Ground Zero ... 24/04/2021

What if ground zero for your whole life begins and ends in your heart? For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Ground Zero ... Back on 9/11 in New York City; ground zero, was at the base of the now destroyed twin towers. The most destruction inflicted on that day ha...

Skipping Through Time [part two] ... 17/04/2021

Ever wonder what was coming, or when it might arrive, perhaps how it is going to happen? Jesus tells us a lot about those things. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Skipping Through Time [part two] ... For Jesus, time does not exist like it does for us. We see time as a line, moving along it from our starting point to our ending point, ea...

Skipping Through Time [part one] ... 27/03/2021

Imagine what happens when you ask Jesus a question about the future, and His mind becomes untethered by the human constraint of time and how we see it. For a different perspective, why not check out ... and find peace !!

Skipping Through Time [part one] ... What if your mind became untethered by time? What if you could see not only what is happening now in front of you, but what happens tomorr...

Our Story

Welcome to all those who seek His love above all things. This site publishes a weekly journal with experiences that ideally bring you closer to Jesus Christ. It’s twin site is a group by the same name where more active discussions are held and opinions voiced. You will find links to inspiring music here (youtube sourced), as well as original music, videos, and 2-3 page entries that form books over time. Everything is free and simply designed or intended to magnify how Jesus can make your life so much better in the here and now.

For more information on previous book titles please see the following links ...

If there is ever a way I can help, please reach out to me. What I can do for you, I will do. And if you think of ways to make this site, or its twin group site better, please let me know.