Pastor Sean

Pastor Sean

Changed to change lives and Destinies by the mercies of God


Spiritual Violence – A Requirement For Victory

Seeds Of Destiny Thursday 25th July 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:Spiritual aggression is the foundation for physical possession.

It has been discovered that spiritual violence is a determinant of both spiritual and physical victory. Spiritual aggression is the foundation for physical possession. You need a fight to take your flight. The spirit of a fighter is needed to soar high in life.

Daddy narrates:
One night, God gave me a revelation encounter. In that revelation, He took me to a land along the Airport Road, Abuja, Nigeria, and showed me a landmark.

When I got up in the morning, my wife and I went to that place physically and tried to look for a property there for the church. We drove around the place for hours, but some people told us there was no property for purchase in that place. They told us that we could not get the number of hectares of land we were looking for in that place. At a point, we even wanted to settle for just ten hectares, and they took us to somewhere else, but that did not work out.

So, we went far out of town, and got seven hundred hectares of land somewhere else. We also got another sizeable parcel of land in another place.

Then, one day, the Lord told me in the dream of the night that I should remember where He showed me earlier. He said that was where to go.

After the encounter, I called one of the property agents in our church, and anointed him to go and locate the land. I told him that his job as a property agent was to go and look for the land on the airport road where God showed me.

Within a week, he returned and said, “I have found it. I have found five hundred hectares at the place you described, and the people are ready to sell as many hectares as we want to buy.”

When he took us to the place, and I saw the land, I recognised the landmark God showed me in the dream. We acquired the land. The Glory Dome, Dunamis Int’l Gospel Centre, Airport Road, Nigeria, is sitting on that land today.

Now, what am I driving at? If we had waited for it to happen, it may not have happened. If things don’t happen for you, happen to things. You need spiritual aggression to take your physical possession in life.

Remember this: Spiritual aggression is the foundation for physical possession.


1. Make up your mind to take your possession in life and destiny with spiritual violence and aggression.

2. Refuse the fearful and timid approach to life.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask for the spirit of a fighter. I receive the baptism of spiritual violence and aggression so I can possess my possessions, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: You do not need any struggle for something to fall off, but not so for something to rise – a force is required.
Culled from the book, “30 SECRETS TO THE TOP” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 31-33.

AMAZING FACT: There wouldn’t be any life on Earth without the Sun; it would be too cold for animals to live. Even plants need sunlight to create their food. The Sun also causes the seasons, currents in the oceans, weather and climates.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): Receive a fresh dose of spiritual aggression for your life today, in Jesus’ Name.


The battle is not your own, it belongs to God and God is about to fight that battle on your behalf!


The Tragedy Of Inaccurate Understanding

Seeds Of Destiny Wednesday 24th July, 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. Genesis 3:3.

Inaccurate understanding of God’s Word is a root of character failure.

Understanding is a major secret of outstanding performance in life’s undertakings. People play their roles to the best of their understanding and ability.

The opposite is the case with lack of understanding. Inaccurate understanding, especially of Divine instructions, is a doorway to character failure and tragedies in the journey of life and destiny. A major root of character challenge is the lack of understanding of Divine instruction.

This also means the lack of understanding of the Word of God. Inaccurate understanding of God’s Word is a root of character failure.

In the beginning, God gave a clear instruction to Adam about the management of the Garden of Eden and the fruits in it. But Eve did not understand the full detail of the instruction God gave Adam. Eve was not there when God spoke to Adam about the fruits in the Garden of Eden.

God only told Adam not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17)
Perhaps, Adam did not explain to Eve the full detail of what God said about the fruits of the garden.

When the serpent confronted Eve, she told the serpent that God told them not to touch the fruit (Genesis 3:3).
�So, the whole instruction about the fruit was totally misunderstood and it became the root of a major character challenge – the sin of disobedience.

God did not say they should not touch the fruit. Come to think of it, if they were not to touch the fruit, there was no way they would dress the garden, which was the work God gave them to do in the garden.

And as a result of this misunderstanding of the instruction of God, both Adam and Eve sinned against God.

Please take note of this: the Word of God will keep you in character, and the lack of the Word of God will cause character failure. When the Word of God is abundant in a man’s life, his character must be adjusted positively. But when the Word of God is absent in the heart of a man, his character will be lost.

Remember this: Inaccurate understanding of God’s Word is a root of character failure.


1. Ask God for a proper understanding of His Word.

2. Like the Berean Christians, make up your mind to sit with the Word comparing Scriptures with Scriptures to get accurate understanding and interpretation of God’s Word.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You give me the grace to understand Your Word accurately. Help me to understand Your instructions and obey accordingly, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Knowledge brings a new edge. Where there is knowledge, there must be something to show. Culled from the book, “30 SECRETS TO THE TOP” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 28-30.

AMAZING FACT: The density of the brain keeps increasing because of new neuronal connections that occur because the brain’s structure constantly keeps changing.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): Father, grant me clarity of understanding in Your Word like never before, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.


What Have You Been Introduced To?

Seeds Of Destiny Tuesday 23rd July, 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: What you become in life is a product of what you have been introduced to. You are a product of your influences.

Our anchor Scripture reveals one of the signs of the end time – the abundance of iniquity. This means, anytime you see the unimaginable escalation of wickedness and lawlessness, the end is near.
In our world today, there is an abundance of iniquity everywhere you turn.

Daddy narrates:
Sometime ago, I watched on CNN, a pathetic story of a boy. The boy was from one of the Asian countries. He was just two years old at the time of the news.
The pathetic thing was that this two-year-old boy was already a chain smoker.
A chain smoker at age two?
The boy smoked a minimum of two packets of cigarette every single day.

When they interviewed his father, he said, “We introduced him to cigarette when he was two months old. And the moment the cigarette finishes, he begins to cry for more.”
�Can you imagine a child that was introduced to iniquity at such a tender age? The parents have jeopardized his life and destiny.

Beloved, the question for you today is, what have you been introduced to? What lifestyle of iniquity have you allowed people to introduce you to? As a parent, what did you introduce your children to? Just like this two-year-old boy in our story, there are mothers who introduce their daughters to prostitution and there are fathers who r**e their own daughters. Such immoral influences will eventually ruin the lives of those children.

There are teenagers who introduce their friends to immorality, stealing, armed robbery, and all kinds of vices. We have in our world today, young men who have been introduced to internet fraud and all kind of cyber crimes.

As a person, what wrong lifestyle are you introducing people to? Remember, many lives and destinies have been ruined because of exposure to wrong influences and habits.

However, the opposite is the case when people are exposed to positive influences or introduced to good habit. Hannah introduced her son, Samuel, to the Presence of God early in life, no wonder Samuel grew up to became a prophet.

You see, what you become in life is a product of what you have been introduced to. You are a product of your influences.
Therefore, guard your life against negative influences.

Remember this: What you become in life is a product of what you have been introduced to. You are a product of your influences.


1. Make up your mind to deal with any negative lifestyle and habit that you have been introduced to in the past.

2. Avoid negative influences; connect with right associations and positive influences.

3. Press more into God and His Word to guide you through life.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You destroy from my life, every wrong habit and lifestyle I may have inherited from previous wrong companies and bad influences. Reveal Yourself to me and connect me with the right association and influence, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: Sin makes a person feel defeated. Culled from the book, “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.
DAILY READING: Isaiah 25-27.

AMAZING FACT: The sun has an outer atmosphere or “chromosphere” with a strong magnetic force. In this area, large explosions of energy and particles create solar flares and coronal mass ejections that can be seen from the Earth.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): I declare every wrong influence around your life broken today, in Jesus’ Name.


Prayer session 23RD July, 2024!

Let's Key into Prayer

Proverbs 13:20-21
[20]He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
[21]Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed.

1 Corinthians 15:33-34
[33]Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
[34]Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

Psalms 5:11
[11]But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

1. Father in this day thank you for the privilege of being able to see another day it's all by your Divine Grace and to you be all the Glory in Jesus' name

2. Father in Heaven how we love you, we lift your Name in all the earth, May your Kingdom be established in our Spiritual journey of life in this day in the name of Jesus Christ!

3. Father be Glorified as we connect to you in this day by the strength of prayer, we desire to do your Will and pray in accordance with your Will in Jesus' name

4. Father in you alone do I put my trust, Oh my God every situation am going through right now my hope is in you! Am lifted by your strength Dad Lord in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I choose to remain focused on you no matter the situation, and my heart's desire is to know you more and more in Jesus' name

6. Father by your Divine Grace I choose not be corrupted by wrong association so help me God in the name of Jesus Christ!

7. Gracious God I make demands on your Divine intervention in my life and my loved ones in the name of Jesus Christ!

8. Father cripple the finger of unrepentant wicked man or woman in the name of Jesus Christ, Oh God arise and let my enemies scattered in the name of Jesus Christ!

9. Father thank you for the answered prayers in Jesus' name


#. I decree and declare you will do the Will of God, and His Kingdom shall be established in your life in the name of Jesus Christ

#. As we trust in the Lord God Almighty lifting is our portion in Jesus' name

#. I speak the Lord's goodness will follow us in this day in the name of Jesus Christ!


What You Demand, Not What You Deserve

Seeds Of Destiny Monday 22nd July, 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It takes spiritual aggression to experience physical possession.�Spiritual aggressiveness is a necessity for victory and triumph in life. It takes spiritual aggressiveness to experience physical possession.

You must refuse to be timid in the spirit. Never sit down and watch whatever the devil throws at you.

Life does not give you what you deserve, but what you demand. You may say, “I deserve to be married. I deserve to have a big destiny. I deserve to have a flourishing business. I deserve to be a graduate.

I deserve to have children” No! It does not work like that. Life gives you what you demand, and not what you deserve.

You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you demand.

Look at Joseph. He had a vision for thirteen years but his vision could not come to pass. He interpreted the dreams of others, but his dream was left un-interpreted for thirteen solid years. But despite that, he never gave up. He kept interpreting other people’s dreams until his own vision and dream saw the light of day.

What about David? He had the oil to be king on his head, yet, the throne was not vacant. He had been anointed to be king but the throne was still occupied. The oil was on his head for about thirteen to seventeen years, but he held on until the throne was vacated.

Beloved, if you make up your mind to persist in doing what you have been doing, the devil will give up what is yours.

You take your possession by the force of demand, aggression and violence in the Spirit.
You need the baptism of the spirit of violence to succeed in life.

Remember this: It takes spiritual aggression to experience physical possession.


1. Make up your mind to be spiritually aggressive to possess your inheritance physically.

2. Refuse to maintain spiritual gentility and timidity.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You baptize me with a fighter’s spirit. Help me never to lose my portion and possession in life through spiritual gentility and timidity, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: We do not deserve more than what we have. God, in His wisdom, knows that what we have now is good for now. And as we appreciate Him, He will move us to the next level. Culled from the book, “21 Foolish Things People Do” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 22-24

AMAZING FACT: The brain uses more energy than the rest of the organs where only 20% of the energy is reserved for the rest of the body.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): Receive the fresh baptism of spiritual violence and aggression, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.


Prayer for 22nd July, 2024! Let's Key 🔑 into Prayer

Psalms 34:5
[5]They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.

1. Father thank you for the privilege of being able to see another day it's all by your mercies in Jesus' name

2. Father in this day May your Grace abound over my and those connected, related, and associated to me in the name of Jesus Christ!

3. Father be my guide and shield and may the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ speak for me in this day in the name of Jesus Christ

4. Oh Lord my God I look up to you for the preservation of my life and loved ones! Am blessed going out and blessed coming in Lord in Jesus' name

5. Father am willing to do your Will in this day and so my Father take me by your hand in the name of Jesus Christ!

6. Father may the government lead our nation with the fear of the Lord, I come against the mind wickedness in government leaders in Jesus' name

7. Father I come to you to settle my anxieties before your throne in Jesus' name


#. May settle you in this day in Jesus' name

#. The Lord be our shield from the fight to the wicked in Jesus' name

#. I rebuke the element of fear out your life endeavors in the name of Jesus Christ

#. It is well with you and you are lifted as you face the day in Jesus name'





SCRIPTURE: Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. Psalm 15:1-2.

It has been established that upright character is a lifter of life. Holiness is a lifter of destiny.

The most celebrated attribute of God is His Holiness. That is,"the greatest attribute of God is His character of Holiness. Human beings may boast about money and other material resources but the thing that Jehovah celebrates most is His character of Holiness.

Let’s see supportive evidence of the Holiness of God from Isaiah 6:1-3: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

Please kindly note that the angels did not cry, “Power! Power! Power! is the Lord of hosts” or “Wisdom! Wisdom! Wisdom! Might!Might! Might is the Lord of hosts” but “Holy! Holy! Holy! is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory. Of all the things that God has that the angels could cry about, the Holiness of His Character was the most relevant.

This means, what God celebrates, we must also celebrate. The principle of association means the thing that is celebrated the most by God in heaven must be celebrated the most by men on earth.

How does uprightness lift a person?

1. Uprightness catapults men into the sphere with God.

Uprightness catapults people into the operational spheres of God. And God is not on the ground; God is the high and lifted One. So, if uprightness catapults you to a realm where God is, it means that uprightness catapults you to heavenly places (Psalm 24:3-4, Isaiah 33:15-16). It is not possible to be grounded with uprightness. To be upright is to be right up.


1. LORD I make up my mind to be upright in all my ways in order to end right up in Jesus’ Name.

2. Lord I make up my mind to stand in uprightness always. So do Help me Oh God in Jesus’ Name.

3. Lord I will draw nearer to You Almighty God at the place of prayer to attract Your character of uprightness in Jesus’ Name.

4. Lord, I ask for the grace of right standing with You at the place of prayer. Help me to stand upright in life always so I can end right up, in Jesus’ Name.

5. LORD as upright living brings boldness. Sin brings the opposite, I choose to key into upright living stay bold in Jesus’ Name.

As you embrace uprightness, may you receive the grace to end right up in Jesus’ Name.


Light – The Answer To Darkness

Seeds Of Destiny Thursday 18th July, 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. – Matthew 4:1.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You are only at the mercy of the devil if you are bankrupt of light or insight from God’s Word.

Daddy narrates:
Many years ago, Paul Yongi Cho of Blessed Memory was trying to cast out a demon. He said he did everything he could do, but the demon refused to be cast out.

Then he suddenly got a flash of light or insight about his identity in Christ Jesus. He saw what Christ did for him on the Cross of Calvary.

The light emboldened him, so he went ahead and told the demon, “You have to go out now. Two thousand years ago, my elder brother, Jesus Christ, defeated you on my behalf on the Cross of Calvary. I hereby stand in his shoes to command you to get out now!”

He said it was unbelievable what happened next: the demon said, “Hold on! I will go, but please don’t tell anyone about this, because many people are not aware of it.”

Beloved, can you see this? Light is the only answer to darkness. The revelation of the word of God is light that disarms the devil. This is why ignorance is a strong weapon of the devil.

Jesus used the power of light and revelation to disarm the devil. When the devil tempted him to turn stone into bread, Jesus told the devil,�…It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:1.

Please note that it is the revelation of the Word of God that Jesus had that made him defeat the devil.
The truth is, you are only at the mercy of the devil if you are bankrupt of light or insight from God’s Word.

Beloved, this is my counsel for you today: arm yourself with light; arm yourself with the weapon of insight from God’s Word so you can fight against the wiles of the devil. Search the Scriptures and let God reveal His Word to you.

Remember this: You are only at the mercy of the devil if you are bankrupt of light or insight from God’s Word.


1. Search the Scripture and let God reveal His Word to you.

2. Use the light of God’s Word to tackle every form of darkness threatening your life.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to search the Scripture and locate relevant light and insight. I receive the grace to engage the light for the dissolution of every darkness around my life, Lord in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: The Bible tells us that a wise man’s life is full of focus but a fool walks in darkness – that means he has no direction. Culled from the book, “21 Foolish Things People Do” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 10-12.

AMAZING FACT: The sun’s mass accounts for about 99.86 percent of the solar system’s total mass.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): Fresh light to disarm every trace of darkness around your life be released now, in Jesus’ Name.


No Weapon Formed…

Seeds Of Destiny Monday 15th July, 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. – Isaiah 54:17.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every tongue or weapon fashioned against your life shall not prosper because you are an unstoppable wind.

Daddy narrates: Many years ago, as a church, we were preparing to hold a meeting in one of the facilities in town.

The young man we sent to inquire about that facility said that a particular man vowed that it was only over his dead body that we would hold our meeting in that facility.

The young man was shaking while telling me what the man at the facility said.

But then, I told the young man, “The man didn’t say anything bad. You misunderstood him. He only said he wanted to die first before the programme could take place. He wants to die before the programme. So, don’t panic.”

And do you know what happened? The man died and the meeting held. The same weekend we were to hold the programme, he died and the meeting happened at the same facility.

Anytime you see someone jumping on the rail track while a train is advancing, it is either the person is insane or he wants to die. The man had possibly dreamt that he died, and only wanted to actualize the dream.

Our anchor Scripture reveals that, No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. Isaiah 54:17

Every tongue or weapon fashioned against your life shall not prosper because you are an unstoppable wind (John 3:8). Even the forces of your father’s house are too limited to stop you. No ungodly government legislation can stop you. No agenda of hell can stop you. The conspiracies of witches and wizards are too useless to stop you.

Remember this: Every tongue or weapon fashioned against your life shall not prosper because you are an unstoppable wind.


1. Believe and treasure God’s Word to overcome all the plots of the devil.

2. Remain under the Shadow and Cover of the Almighty to be impenetrable by the forces of darkness.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to remain under your Shadow and Cover. I cancel every plot and ploy of the devil against my life and destiny, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: The reason why everyone is not subject to similar attack is that what we carry in the spirit differs. Do not leave your life to chance. Sit down and construct a shield. Do not leave your life to fate. Do not put your life in the hands of another. Culled from the book, “15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Isaiah 1-3.

AMAZING FACT: Adult lungs have a surface area of around 70 square metres!

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): I decree today, every agenda of the devil against your life and destiny be moved out of the way, in Jesus’ Name.





SCRIPTURE: And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed. Acts 16:25-26.

It has been established that doors open to the right keys.

Scripture clearly reveals that prayer opens doors, that is, doors are openable by prayer. Paul and Silas prayed in the midnight and sang praises, and then the door of the prison opened. This means, prayer is a key that opens doors.

What kind of prayer will open doors?

1. The prayer of communion and intimacy with God.
This is a kind of prayer that seeks to develop deep intimacy with God; it is praying, not because of what God would or would not do, but because you want to be closer to Him in relationship. So, prayer entails a lifestyle of communion, fellowship, intimacy with God. Never allow your life to be stranded by prayerlessness; spirituality equals responsibility (Luke 9:29-35).

2. The prayer of thanksgiving and appreciation
The second aspect of door-opening prayer is the prayer of thanksgiving and appreciation. This involves offering praise unto God at the place of prayer. Praise opens the court of God’s Presence (Psalms 100:4) and if the door of His court can open, then there is no door that can close against a man who knows how to praise God.

3. The Prayer of Intercession
This is the kind of prayer where a person forgets himself and makes another person the subject of his prayer. Intercessory prayer unlocks closed doors for the intercessor. That was why God turned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends. Captivity means imprisonment. This means, Job came out of the prison when he left himself and focused on others in prayers (Job 42:10).

Never allow your life to be stranded by prayerlessness; maintain spiritual fire and vibrancy by prayer.


1. Oh LORD I will never allow my life to be stranded by prayerlessness; as my spirituality equals my responsibility. So do Help me Lord in Jesus’ Name.

2. LORD I will make up my mind to relate with You Almighty God not because of what You would or would not do yet I will relate with You Almighty God because of Who You are in Jesus’ Name.

3. LORD I will embrace a lifestyle of unconditional personal praise and worship in Jesus’ Name.

4. Oh LORD, I ask for the grace to pray and praise You because of Who You are. I receive the help to intercede for people around me, in Jesus’ Name.

Be very sensitive. Do not take spiritual signals for granted… if you find yourself in the midst of people and all of a sudden, you feel like moving aside to pray, move. Daddy

I decree that every limitation, embargo, disfavour on your life today is arrested off your life in Jesus’ Name.


Releasing Your Worst To Realise Your Best

Seeds Of Destiny Sunday 14th July, 2024 By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. John 14:30.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The best of you comes out when the worst in you gets out of you.

It is an established fact that impurity cages a man’s potential. Purity of life on the other hand, is a trigger for the release of potentials.

We can see this fact demonstrated in the life of our LORD Jesus Christ.

John 14:30 says,�Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.

And because the prince of the world could not find any filthiness in Jesus Christ, Jesus manifested different dimensions of graces and gifts. Because of His purity of life, God have Him graces without measure.

I want you to know this: The best of you comes out when the worst in you gets out of you.
�You must come to the point of asking yourself, “Lord, what is that thing in my life that must get out for the best in me to come out? What is the filthiness in me that needs to give way for purity and holiness?”

When you discover it, ask the LORD to purge you so that the potential and grace of God on your life can manifest.

You don’t know what you can do or become until some things that are not meant to be in you get out of you. The worst in you is hindering the best of you. Who you are is fighting who you are meant to become.

For instance, in the case of Jacob, Jacob was who he used to be but Israel was who he was meant to be. The death of Jacob was the birth of Israel. The end of Jacob was the beginning of Israel.�And who was Jacob?
Jacob means a cunning man, a supplanter, a swindler, and a cheat. It was when Jacob ended that Israel started.
If the Israel in you must come out, the Jacob in you must end.

The Jacob in you must die for the Israel in you to be born.

Remember this: The best of you comes out when the worst in you gets out of you.


1. Carefully evaluate your life and deal with any hindrance to the release of your potentials.

2. Dissociate yourself from people and things that would corrupt your potentials.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive the grace to separate myself from every form of filthiness. Help me to maximally deploy all my potentials Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

QUOTE: There can be no supernatural prosperity without financial integrity. Culled from the book, “21 Uncommon Things People Do” by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Song of Songs 6-8.

AMAZING FACT: A human heart can beat outside the body as well.

PROPHETIC WORD (DECLARATION): I pray that the LORD will reveal and deal with the “Jacob” in you so that the “Israel” in you can come out.

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Prayer session 23RD July, 2024! Let's Key into  Prayer Proverbs 13:20-21[20]He that walketh with wise men shall be wise:...
