Ataraxia MKE

Ataraxia MKE

luxury self care.


we started our wellness company with a few notions in mind; we wanted to help make “luxury” self care both affordable and assemble, in addition to normalizing mental health and proving a safe space for like minded individuals. even before the company had any plans or structure to it, we knew it was absolutely necessary that we use ataraxia to give back to the community where we had grown up, particularly regarding concerns with mental health. we decided almost immediately that at least 10% of all profits from ataraxia MKE would go to benefit the Milwaukee community and help end the stigma surrounding mental health.

a study from Mental Health America in 2018 ranks Wisconsin 47th out of 50 for the highest number of youths with at least one major depressive order. this is an outrage, but not surprising due to constant underfunding of mental health care, rising racial tensions, obvious wage gaps, among other systemic issues.

although we are not officially opened for service at this moment recent events that took place over the weekend is not something we can stay silent on, while promoting self care and equality. Two counties down from Milwaukee an unarmed black man was shot 7 times in the back, a few feet away from his children, by law enforcement. this gross act of police brutality is absolutely appalling and is not an isolated incident by far. as of this moment, Jacob Blake, the man law enforcement attempted to murder, is miraculously still alive, but is still fighting for his life. Our thoughts and prays go out to both Jacob and the Blake family, and to all those marching for racial justice. Thank you for all that is being done and please stay safe out there 💖

🌟 Jacob Blake’s GoFundMe:
🌟 Black Lives Matter:
🌟 Milwaukee Freedom Fund: