Hains Performance & Fitness

Hains Performance & Fitness

My goal is to share my passion and knowledge with you with the hopes of guiding you on your journey towards reaching your goals, whatever they may be!

Photos from Hains Performance & Fitness's post 09/08/2019

Our Return to Activity athletes refuse to let injuries keep them down! They've been putting in some serious WORK these past few months and have been making great strides to getting back out on the field!! Ochsner Performance Training- Southshore

Photos from Hains Performance & Fitness's post 28/07/2019

One week of being married... ✔

Had a blast on the honeymoon! It was a great week filled with excellent food, beaches, relaxation, and of course tequila... But most of all the amazing company of my wife was what really made the trip memorable!
@ Hard Rock Hotel Vallarta


has been putting in some hard work this off-season! Trying to get that 40" vertical!!

Photos from Hains Performance & Fitness's post 25/06/2019

UNO Men's Basketball GOT AFTER squats this week!! @ UNO Lakefront Arena

Photos from Hains Performance & Fitness's post 15/05/2019

The have been getting after it in the weight room these past couple of months! It was a tough loss, but it was great to finally get out and see them in action last. Time to get back to work and get ready for this weekend! @ Alex Box Stadium

Timeline photos 26/04/2019

What better way to finish of the week than to get in a little Flex Friday! Super proud of the hard work that these guys have been putting in this off-season!

The Natural Effect 01/04/2019

Ever wonder what "all natural" really means on your packaging?! Manufacturers can mislead by adding certain words on their packaging which can make it confusing. Here is a short video on what "all natural" really means. (Warning- it's a little bit edgy!) Let me know what you think! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AftZshnP8fs

The Natural Effect Learn more online at http://bit.ly/1aWC0H1. "The False Advertising Industry" reveals the shocking truth about what is allowed in "Natural" food. Only the USD...


Ever get sugar cravings? The healthier you eat on a regular basis, the less and less you will crave sugar. But that's not helpful if you're in the moment and all you want is a hot fudge sundae, right?! Here are three quick tips! 1. Drink some water. 2. Take a "breathing break," sit down for two minutes and focus on nothing but your breathing and listening to your body. 3. Brush your teeth! Try each of these three strategies next time you get a craving and you should be able to keep them at bay!

Timeline photos 28/03/2019

No downtime for the UNO Men's Basketball team... They are off to a STRONG start this off-season!! 💪💪


When you're not present in a situation, it's kind of like being an out-of-focus camera lens. You see things, but not clearly. Take a moment, regroup, adjust your focus and pay attention to whom you're with and where you are. Look up, look around, adjust the lighting and smile for the camera. For the rest of the day today, bring awareness to your "presence" and make sure you're 100% there with all of your mind!


Make sure you are eating high quality and complete protein with each meal and snack during the day.


While we encourage chewing, that list does NOT include gum. Here's why…. it can contribute to TMJ, upset your gut, and even release mercury from your fillings if you have any. Also, most brands are loaded with nothing but artificial ingredients with zero nutrition. If you're concerned about having fresh breath, try chewing a peppermint leaf.


Today, remind yourself how far you have come. Celebrate your wins!

Water-Induced Thermogenesis 18/03/2019

Drinking 2 cups of water at room temperature can boost your metabolism by 30%. Drinking 2 liters of water a day could help you burn approximately 95 calories. Not too bad considering all of the additional benefits of drinking water! Click here to learn more: https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/88/12/6015/2661518?redirectedFrom=fulltext

Water-Induced Thermogenesis Abstract. Drinking lots of water is commonly espoused in weight loss regimens and is regarded as healthy; however, few systematic studies address this notion.


Get your Zzzz's tonight! Belly Fat comes from lack of sleep. Sleep or Belly Fat? You decide ;-)


Studies have shown that visualization will help your mind create a neural pattern for whatever it is you're visualizing. This means that you're training your brain for physical performance even though you're not taking any physical action! If you're not in a positive state of mind, don't do it. Try going outside for a few minutes, come back and try again. Next, use all of your senses. The more detailed and more "real" you make it, the more effective it will be. Lastly, get your emotions involved. Really feel what it is like to go through that experience. Visualization can't replace hard work and practice, but combined with it, it will absolutely increase your chances of achieving your goals. Practice this regularly to help set yourself up for success.

Timeline photos 10/03/2019

Had a blast working with at New Orleans Combine today! Was a lot of fun watching these athletes compete.


Within 8-10 minutes of exercise your endorphins (the good feeling hormone) will release. When you don't feel like exercising, make a commitment of a minimum of 10 minutes. That is just enough time to push through.


Try not to take the number on the scale too seriously. Instead, focus on how your clothes are fitting and by tracking your measurements. Your weight can fluctuate 5 or more pounds in a day, so the number on the scale simply isn't the be all and end all to your health and fitness success.


Have a "Staple Grocery List" (list which includes your musts for the week) you use each week. This way you don't forget anything, and it ensures better compliance to your goals.


Check in on your stress; if you are a 7 in a scale from 1-10 (10 being the highest) it is too high. You want to keep it under a 5. Take a break and tune into a song that makes you smile, call a friend, take a 5 minute walk, and/or take 10 deep breathes. Do daily checks on your stress level. If they are high, use your strategies ASAP!


Fill your omelet with onions, peppers, spinach, and mushrooms instead of cheeses and fatty meats.


Not all fish oil supplements are created equal! The recommended dose for fish oil is 3000 DHA/EPA mg. Most often when it says 1000 mgs on the front, it does not mean 1000 mg of DHA/EPA. Read the back of the label to see what's inside. Are you currently supplementing with fish oil?!


Check online for when your grocery store puts their fish and meat on sale. This can be a great time to stock up. Keep it fresh by freezing if you're not going to use it right away.


When you travel, book a hotel with fitness in mind. Make sure they have a fitness room, walking grounds, and/or a pool.


It's important to remind yourself the "why" as well as the "what" any time you're setting a new goal, breaking a habit, or making a change in your life. Your WHY is one of THE most important things that'll keep you going when the excuses or hesitations rear their head. Think about one goal that is really important to you right now. Write down your "WHY" for reaching that goal. If you can't come up with at least one really great answer, create another goal!


Remember to eat healthy fats on a daily basis. (ex. avocados, nuts, seeds, fish, coconut oil)


"How Multitasking Hurts Your Brain (and Your Effectiveness at Work)" was the title of a great Forbes article back in 2013. So often we try to multitask and do too many things at once…. where in reality, we're decreasing our productivity and making our stress levels even worse. One thing that can really help is to take all email and Facebook notifications (sounds) off your phone. If you've got them buzzing and dinging all day, no matter what you're in the middle of doing, they will distract you and demand your attention. Are you up for that!?


Plan to "cheat," or allow yourself no more than 10% cheat foods. Remember that binging on high-sugar and white flour will prolong future cravings! Do not deprive yourself of your favorite foods or you will never be able to stick to your diet plans. The key to weight loss is moderation, not deprivation.


When eating out, tell your server NOT to bring any bread. It's a lot easier to resist temptation when there is nothing sitting in front of you!

Videos (show all)

@larryrobinson_ has been putting in some hard work this off-season! Trying to get that 40" vertical!! #UNOPrivateers #UN...
Life is meant to be enjoyed, especially when it comes to your health & fitness!...Eating healthy definitely doesn't need...
Here's a little sneak peak into this month's recipe pack!...With each monthly recipe pack you will receive:-12 delicious...