A Court of Books and Family

A Court of Books and Family

Hi! We're a small bookish shop. We mostly sell booksleeves but plan on filling the shop up with more bookish goodies soon.

Booksleeves are protective covers for your book, you can use them when you put your book in a bag or for traveling.


Hello Bookish Fam!
Do you have a favorite show you watched in 2021?
I was and still am completely obsessed with Arcane. Absolutely blown away by the magic that this show is!.bujdoso made me watch it and now I can’t stop thinking about it, listening to the soundtrack (which is also FANTASTIC) and if you haven’t watched it yet you should! When you fall in love and go through withdrawals after finishing please blame Gabi!
Our next Restock will be on February 18th at 6:30 PM cst! We have 2 new artworks available as well as 3 returning. We will also have one new product we’ve just started adding to the shop that I’m super excited about!
I hope you all are having an amazing week and that you have an even better weekend! You are magic! Sending you all the hugs and good energy ❤️
This beautiful art of Jinx was made by .bujdoso and was so much fun! I hope you guys love it as much as we do!


Happy Release day
Court is out today y’all! I’m so excited to see how this story continues and what my babies Hudson and Grace have been up to!!
sent us this special box and Ben claimed it immediately! This is our unboxing because it was so big and AMAZING it needed a full video!
If you haven’t started or read the Crave series I highly recommend it!
Thank you for making my little hero’s day, he and I are going to be fighting over everything in this box!


Hello everybody! Its time for out next rep search. This will be for the months of January, February and March. It is open to international as well as US residents (as long as first class USPS ship to your country)
We are looking for influencers and representatives who are excited to be part of our team and who would love to help with upcoming designs and ideas.
Rep positions:
✨Instagram (3 positions available)
✨Booktok (3 positions available)
-We will send a welcome pack and items for future sales. this will be a mixture of any of our products.
-10% off coupon code to share with followers.
Influencer positions:
✨2 positions available
- rewards will be given as points system to be able to use in the store.
- Additional points every time your code is used.
- 10% off coupon code to share with your followers.

🌟what we are looking for:
- clear, creative photos,
- Lots of interaction with followers. Follower count is not everything, small accounts will be considered. -People who are enthusiastic about our products and art.
-Accounts must be public, and following us. 18 years or older or have parental approval
what We expect from you-
1. Post a link with your promo code in your bio.
2. Make sure to stay up to date on all sales and post in your stories with deals and discounts.
3. Reps: we would love to see 4 posts and 1 reel a month as a minimum.
4. Influencers: we would love to see 2 posts and 1 reel a month as a minimum.
5. Booktokkers: we would love to see 2 TikTok posts a month as a minimum.

1.Make a collage of up to 5 of your best photos including this picture.
2. Write a caption introducing yourself, to include what position your applying for. Please include the State / country you live in and a couple of your favorite books ( We know this is hard). 3. Please make sure to tag the photos so we can see all your amazing entries.
4. rep search will end on January 12th at mindnight and and announced on the 15th.


🧬HAPPY NEW YEARS! I can’t believe it’s 2022!!
🧪What goals do you have for this New Year!?!
🧬2021 was an absolute roller coaster but instead of focusing on the negative I want to bring all the good from last year into the new year. Keep moving and evolving. Setting better boundaries for myself and others. Making more realistic goals and spend more time with friends and family. Most of all I want to continue on this journey of mental health and what it truly means to love yourself, I have a hard time with that one.
💕“I wish you could see yourself the way I see you"
- Adam
Ali Hazelwood, The Love Hypothesis (The Love Hypothesis, #1)💕
🧬 gave us this AMAZING, beautiful and funny romance book! If you haven’t read it you are DEFINITELY MISSING OUT! Because it’s absolutely adorable and perfect!
🧪Thank you so so so much to Erin (She/Her)] for helping with this art! We came up with this cute Snapchat post for y’all! Erin you are a godsend and I thank you! Also huge shout out to Iron & Ink Designs] for helping too! You always make me feel all the creativity in the world! I love you!
🧬 .bujdoso you have been by my side for four years. And not once have you ever let me down. Not in your art or our friendship, thank you for creating such a perfect piece for us again! You are a true goddess!
🧪 I also want to give a shout out to .books Erin (She/Her)] Iron & Ink Designs] for being by my side! Y’all are amazing!
🧬This art will be in out Jan 10th sale! It will have the border on the print but not on the sleeve! We can’t wait to show you the finish product next week!
🧪Don’t forget we have a sale today at 6:30pm cst for prints, pins, blankets and more so we can make room for these new 2022 pieces!
🧬Rep search will start tomorrow! We will make a post for it in the afternoon!
✨May your year be filled with love, laughter and all the epic adventures! You are magic!


🍓Hi book Fam! We have missed y’all so much and are so excited to start showing some new art for 2022!
“The trick is to find that one person who can give it back as good as they can take it.”
, The Hating Game
🍰We were so excited to show off this beautiful piece we had commissioned by the lovely .bujdoso
🍓The Hating game is one of my absolute favorite adult romance books, if you haven’t read this book I highly recommend it! So much snark and wit, an awe inspiring love story of enemies to lovers. The banter alone keeps you entertained for hours!
🍰Have you read The Hating Game or watched the new movie!? What did you think?
🍓All orders are caught up and we will be shipping out the Caraval and ATOD on time around January 10th.
🍰If you have questions please email us at [email protected] DMs tend to get lost. Angela from is our new customer service and social media manager.
🍓Our next sale will be on January 1st at 6:30pm and will be 15-25 percent off of everything while we have a “make room for new art sale” we will only be selling sleeves we have on hand, prints, blankets, mugs, wax melts, pins and so much more. Some of them will never come back to the shop as well.
🍰This art will go on sale on Monday January 10th at 6:30PM CST with one other art piece that we will share on New Year’s Day!
🍓Rep search! We will have our rep search starting on January1st and pick out 8-10 new reps and influencers on January 7th
🍰I’ve miss y’all so much, 2021 was definitely a year of learning and lots of mistakes. I personally want to apologize and thank all of you who have stuck by us and made me stronger and better. I can’t wait for 2022 and all the new adventures!
🍓YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE STRONG. BE YOURSELF because YOU ARE MAGIC! No mater what you’re going through know you are not alone and you are loved. I hope you know how special you are, truly.
Have an amazing day full of magic and love!


Happy Sunday everyone!
Tomorrow is sale day! Here is the second piece by .bujdoso that will be available for the Caraval sale! Don’t forget, sale kicks off at 6:30 pm CST, and we will have sleeves and prints available! We still are doing our “with/without print” option, so be sure to choose the correct one you want at checkout!
📸photo from 🥰
Have a wonderful rest of the day and weekend, and we will see you at the sale tomorrow! - 🧡 Ginger


Happy Wednesday!!! I wanted to share with y’all the first artwork that will be included in our upcoming sale!! Last month Once Upon A Broken Heart by released and I have been slowly getting my hands on every copy and every merch possible because IM OBSESSED 😍 Alex read her arc and instantly knew we would have to make art of Evangeline and Jacks, and .bujdoso DELIVERED 🔥
Some quick things about this upcoming sale!
🔥Sales have moved to MONDAYS at 6:30 pm CST! This was due to schedule changes with Alex and Ben, but also because we want to be able to respond to comments, dms and emails after sales, and weekends weren’t meeting that goal!
🔥This will be a sleeve and print sale!
🔥 We have one, MAAYBE two more artwork were adding to the sale so keep an eye out on our stories and posts!
We love you all! - 🧡Ginger
📸 by


Hello ACOBAF family! Ginger here 🧡
QoTD: Who is ready for a sale?!
AoTD: MEEEEEE I need all the art 😍
It’s been so long! ACOBAF took a break for a while BUT we have been working behind the scenes on some amazing items, such as this A Touch of Darkness art! We absolutely LOVE ATOD and ! absolutely KILLED this 🌶🌶🌶scene 🥵
We have a sale coming up! We’re making the move away from Friday sales because we want to be able to answer your dms and emails after sales, but also take family time on the weekends 🥰 so stay tuned on the pages for the sale announcement and date!
Have a great weekend yall 🧡 - Ginger


Happy Saturday Fam!
Sale will kick off in about 20 min which is 6:30pm CST (September 18)
Everything will be at the top of the website for east and fast check out!
Hope y’all love everything ❤️
The mugs won’t be added because I was going to try and do drop-shipping so I don’t have to make the mugs at home by hand, but it didn’t work…so The mugs will be in our next mug sale, because I won’t have time to make them all by myself for this restock as we added extra sleeve so they won’t sell out as fast hopefully!
Have an amazing weekend and go on all the epic adventures! Hugs -alex


🍁 Happy Fall book fam!
“We’re simply meant to be.”
🎃 Jack and Sally ❤️
🍁 Do you have a favorite season?
Mine’s definitely fall! I love the colors and the weather, just the whole atmosphere of fall makes my heart happy.
🎃 .bujdoso and I wanted to try something fun to kick fall! This one gives me all the feels.
🍁 Can you believe it’s been almost 28 years since we first met Jack and Sally!? There is something beautiful about being able to have a favorite movie your whole life. Something you know you can watch and has a special power to soothe you or center you. To know it’s ok to be different and that your life is better when you have people to celebrate it with. I need a reminder once in a while and this movie never fails to feed me those feelings and confidences. And the music 🎶 yes please!
🎃 I’m happy to say that after not having a preorder for over 7 weeks we are finally having one on September 17th and this art will be in that sale as well as Howls Moving Castle!
🍁 All Wrath Bath preorder has shipped! Our Pride and Wolfsong preorders start shipping Monday. I wanted to wait to have a sale until we were caught up, and we finally are.
🎃 A special thanks for being so patient and kind. I’m so grateful to all of you. Thanks for sticking with us and being so amazing.
🍁Ben’s 100% and feeling great! We both are! He’s happy and missed the world. We both did. He’s excited to be back at school. I’m so grateful he’s healthy and happy again! He’s my world.
🎃I hope y’all are having an amazing day and weekend. Full with love,
Kindness and plenty of beautiful adventures because YOU ARE MAGIC. .
🍁And for those who need to hear this, YOU MATTER. You’re precious. Today might be horrible, yesterday might have been the worst but you are strong and deserve happiness. You are not alone! If you need to talk reach out! Sending you all the love and hugs right now! You got this! It’s ok to not always be ok, just don’t give up! Love you!


Hi everyone!
I wanted to pop in and give an update. I had hoped to do this sooner but this is the first chance I have had since we tested positive for Delta Variant Covid.
Unfortunately with the return back to school, Ben was exposed to COVID-19 Delta Variant and tested positive. As a mother I am beyond upset that my baby was sick and there wasn’t a lot I could do to help him. So I have been hyper focused on keeping him as comfortable as possible as well as trying to maintain my health as well. We’re still quarantining at home and continuing safe practices but I am happy and so thankful to say we are over the worst of it and on the mend.
CDC guidelines and safety and health restrictions will not allow us to leave our home or resume work until Aug 27th we will get a test to confirm we are covid free before resuming work and school as well as shipping out any orders. This is for the safety of our customer, community and well our hard working USPS workers. If all goes well and we test negative I can start shipping orders at the earliest on Monday Aug 30th
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your understanding and support means, this has been terrifying and pretty awful but having your kindness and help has been just amazing, so thank you so very much!
Now that Ben is fever free and I don’t have to monitor him 24/7 I will resume emails and Dms starting tomorrow afternoon. It will take a while to get caught up on those but I promise to get to you as soon as possible!
Hope you all have a wonderful remainder of your week and that you’re all staying health.
📸of Benjamin, my sweet gremlin and Petri dish. We are both sending y’all virtual hugs with lots of love! We will save the real ones for next week! 💙


Happy Monday Fam!
Ben started school this week after having the worlds worst flu the week before and his dad leaving for work early. My husbands season for work starting a month early was not something we had planned for and definitely was hard on both of us.
To say this has been a busy and stressful few weeks is the understatement of the year.
So when .bujdoso finished this art for us I actually started crying! Gabi has always created the most beautiful and amazing art, but this just came at the perfect time.
Howls always been a source of comfort for me and my small human. We watch it at least once every couple months. I watched this when I was pregnant with him, this was the first movie we watched together (he was 10 days old) we watched this on the phone during our first hurricane… so these characters are so special for me and it feels so special getting to share it with this shop after the crazy year we have had. I hope you love it as much as I do!
We will have this in anniversary sale at the end of the month!


“𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒔?' 𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒎𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒅.
'𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒎𝒆, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈.’“
Happy Thursday Fam!
Have you read Caraval trilogy? It’s one of my absolute favorite series! Decadent, Delicious and Magical. These books are absolute perfection and I was so sad when I finished Finale because the world Stephanie created for us was and is truly addicting. So when she announced that the world wasn’t over and we would get more, and with my sweet heart of a man Jacks. I died and then came back fangirl screaming.
You can preorder 𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝖆 𝕭𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 now! The book comes out September 28, 2021 and y’all. This book is STUNNING!
This beautiful art by my sweet and amazing friend .bujdoso is from Legendary book two in the first series! This are is meant to complement the first piece we did over two years ago! I hope you love it as much as I do!
I hope you are all having an amazing week full of kindness and all the epic adventures! Remember you are magic!


Happy Book Birthday
Today’s post is only for Shelby. A strong bad ass goddess who brought us the Serpent & Dove trilogy. Who gave us stoic, beautiful, bold, earth shattering hilarious and witty characters. Shelby gave us an enchanted magical world with everything you need.
Today Gods & Monsters the third and final book (hopefully we get more of the world though) came out and it’s breathtaking. I had the chance to read this book early and it was like the finale fire work show. It made you hold your chest, smile ridiculously huge, laugh loud and cry happy tears. It was the perfect finish to this series. Perfect.
Gods & Monsters has so much love, joy, aching pain and beauty that when you finish you have to sit there feeling both content, and at a loss for words while saying goodbye to all of our new and favorite friends.
Thank you so much Shelby, for giving us the opportunity to have these books in our lives. Thank you for giving me a story to escape into and never want to leave. Happy release day, I hope you had an amazing day watching Gods & Monsters be welcomed into your readers hearts and souls. I hope you were showered in love and appreciation for your hard work.
If you haven’t read this magical trilogy please try, you won’t regret it.
I hope you are all having a beautiful week and that you are having amazing adventures! You are magic ✨

Photos from A Court of Books and Family's post 23/07/2021

Afternoon Bookish fam!
I know today is restock day but .bujdoso and I finished the revision this AM and I wanted to share it with you since you were so patient and understanding.
We tried hard to listen and not let you down, and I hope you will like it. Thank you Gabi for the multiple hours long chats and drawing a beautiful finished piece!
I would like to apologize again for the miss representation of Poppy. I also would like to thank the people who reached out and gave us healthy feedback on how we can remedy my mistake. Your messages, videos and contribution is so appreciated.
In addition to those who helped bring this Poppy to you I’d like to say thank you to everyone who was patient and gave me a chance to fix this missed opportunity for plus size representation. And thank you for being open and and forgiving.
I posted the new updated art first and the old one second since we removed the original post. When this piece goes on sale we will only be selling slide one of our kick ass and beautiful Plus size Poppy.
I never want anyone to feel like they don’t deserve accurate or proper representation.
Thank you again and if you need anything or have questions please email me for help!
I hope you all have a fantastic day full of love, kindness and beautiful adventures!


Hello bookish Fam! ⠀

I hope you all are having a great week! We are getting our small human ready to start school in a week, and he is really excited!⠀

If you are subbed to our newsletter, you may have seen that we are having a restock this Friday for our Serpent & Dove fans! Keep an eye on our stories for a preview of the art that will be featured in tomorrow’s sale. ⠀

We are SO excited for the release of Gods & Monsters on Tuesday! We are huge fans of the trilogy and, of course, the amazing . If you haven’t preordered Gods & Monsters yet, make sure you do soon! You will absolutely not want to miss out on this incredible conclusion!

I know y’all are looking forward to an update on the Hawke and Poppy art and am happy to say that .bujdoso and I are currently working hard on art that will show Poppy as the beautiful plus sized badass that she is. We do not plan on having any restocks with new art for that intended sale until we have finished revisions. ⠀

We have been getting help from our community and have taken all of your feedback into consideration. I can’t wait for you all to see the art, and hope that you all love it as much as we do. ⠀

Thank you so much for being patient and giving us the opportunity to make this right. ⠀

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of kindness, love and epic adventures.⠀

Thank you to our rep for e beautiful picture!


✨Hey ACOBAF Fam!

✨HAPPY ART REVEAL DAY! We are so excited to reveal this gorgeous Hades and Persephone art by .bujdoso! The artwork is based on A Touch of Darkness by . This art - along with some brand new ones and old favorites- will be available as a sleeve and a print this Friday (July 16th) at 6:30 pm CST!

✨Please make sure to shoot us an email ASAP if your address has changed and remember, our ship time is currently 8-10 weeks from the order date!


Hey Book Fam!
Alex is super behind (what’s new) but we are super excited to announce our next buddy read with
We are so excited and ready to dive into this delicious and amazing stand alone Novel The Nature of Witches!
This buddy read will have a secret chat and sale as well as some fun special goodies and art! We will also have a live chat/game with the beautiful and talented you won’t want to miss!
This buddy read will be hosted by Alex and and have lives to talk about the book while you read it!
To kick this off right! Share and tag a friend about this buddy read and enter to win a shop gift card! Tag up to three friends below as many times as you want for one enter and share for three entries! Make sure to tag us!
Hope you all are having an amazing week and your weekend was epic and full of adventures and fun!
Hugs from your acobaf team!!


♠️ Happy Thursday! ♠️

♠️ We’re so excited to reveal this new Jesper art by ! This art will be available tomorrow at 6:30 pm CST as a print and a sleeve!

♠️ IMPORTANT INFO! If you need to change your address, please send us an email ASAP! Alex is packing up a storm to get orders out, so if you have moved recently, please let us know!

♠️ Thank you so much for your patience recently! Alex was at a convention over the weekend so we’re working hard to get caught up with everything. That being said, if you’ve DM’d or sent an email, we will get to it as soon as we can!

♠️ We love you all and are so grateful to everyone!

-Kelsey and the ACOBAF Team


✨Hey ACOBAF Fam!

✨HAPPY ART REVEAL DAY! We are so excited to reveal this amazing Wolfsong art by .bujdoso! The artwork is based on The Green Creek Series by . This art will be available as a sleeve, with the option to add on a print! This is the only sale that these prints will be available in our shop.

✨Friday, June 25th at 6:30 pm CST, is our Pride sale! We will have prints and sleeves of some of our favorite LGBTQIA+ characters to help celebrate !

✨ Just know that this is a safe place for everyone, no matter where you are on your life’s journey. Alex and the ACOBAF Team want ACOBAF to feel like home for everyone so our DMs are always open!

✨Love, Kelsey


Who is ready for summer and some fun in the sun? ☀️ I am NOT because Mississippi and Alabama turn into America’s armpit during summer and I DIE. Let’s and
QoTD: What is your favorite summertime activity?
AoTD: I love taking Ben to the beach and letting him run around to expend all his energy 😂
I’m so excited to bring out this wonderful art by 😍 This piece was the product of a hilarious late night phone call with my babes, and we added some fun little secrets!
Reminder that we are going back to prints AND sleeves in our sales, instead of splitting them up! You can also purchase the following artwork 🥰
- ⭐️new: WRATH BATH
- Stalking Jack the Ripper
- Prince Dracula SJTR (Hidden Kisses)
- ⭐️new: Avatar Art
- ⭐️new: Legendborn
- Stealing embers
- Beginning KOTW
- Middle KOTW
- Ending KOTW
- Random Fae couple
Updated prices:
$35 Sleeve with matching print
$30 sleeve without print
$10 single print


“One day you'll call me Death. For now, Wrath will do.”
, Kingdom of the Wicked
I can’t wait for Kingdom of the Cursed! And it’s going to be New Adult?!! YESSSS
QoTD: Who do you want to take a bath with? 😉
AoTD: I’m thinking Hades could take the steaminess to another level 🔥
This art has been so difficult to keep a secret! .bujdoso did so amazing, and can we just look at Wrath?! 😍 This art will be available for this Friday’s sale at 6:30 pm cst in sleeve and print!
Reminder that we are going back to prints AND sleeves in our sales, instead of splitting them up! You can also purchase the following artwork 🥰
- ⭐️new: WRATH BATH
- ⭐️new: STEALING EMBERS GANG (reveal tomorrow)
- Stalking Jack the Ripper
- Prince Dracula SJTR (Hidden Kisses)
- Avatar Art
- ⭐️new: Legendborn
- Stealing embers
- Beginning KOTW
- Middle KOTW
- Ending KOTW
- Random Fae couple
Updated prices:
$35 Sleeve with matching print
$30 sleeve without print
$10 single print


Hey there again bookish Fam!
Here is the full art for our newest Legendborn by piece!
We hope you all love it as much as we do!!
All sale information for this art is on the previous post but I forgot to add the full art in all its glory! So second post here we go 🙈
This piece is by the beautiful and epic for a series everyone should try!
Because we already did a question of the day! Let’s do predictive text....
How about something from the synopsis!
A flying demon feeding on (first words to finish the sentence)
I’ll go first!
A flying demon feeding on the buddy read instead of the moon.
Well I mean we do have yummy buddy reads lol. Or maybe I’ve been just doing so many my phones telling me we need one for this series too 🤔
Hope you all have an amazing day with love and laughter because you are absolute magic!


“Love is a powerful thing, more powerful than blood, although both run through us like a river.”
Tracy Deonn, Legendborn (Legendborn, #1)
Have you read Legendborn by IT’S AMAZING! If you haven’t I definitely recommend giving giving it a try!
QoTD: How do you feel about love triangles?
AoTD: I love them but I always end up rooting for one person!
I am so excited to show you this art!! brought these characters from Legendborn to life! This art will be available for this Friday’s sale at 6:30 pm cst in sleeve and print!
Reminder that we are going back to print AND sleeves in our sales, instead of splitting them up! You can also purchase the following artwork 🥰
- ⭐️new: WRATH BATH (reveal tomorrow)
- ⭐️new: STEALING EMBERS GANG (reveal Thursday)
- Stalking Jack the Ripper
- Prince Dracula SJTR (Hidden Kisses)
- Avatar Art
- ⭐️new: Legendborn
- Stealing embers
- Beginning KOTW
- Middle KOTW
- Ending KOTW
- Random Fae couple
Updated prices:
$35 Sleeve with matching print
$30 sleeve without print
$10 single print

Videos (show all)

Happy Release day @tracywolffbooks @entangledteen ..Court is out today y’all! I’m so excited to see how this story conti...

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00