Mrs. Money Hacker

Mrs. Money Hacker

An Irish/Canadian blog dedicated to helping people view money differently while chronicling the path

Our Family's Annual Spend for 2022 - Mrs. Money Hacker 19/03/2023

Good Sunday Morning dear readers and Happy Mother's Day to all the Irish moms.

It's been a while! I'd taken a step back from all things work for a while but slowly regaining energy to post again. Big life update post coming soon but to kick things back off I've done a post on our 2022 annual expenses for you to peruse.

Our Family's Annual Spend for 2022 - Mrs. Money Hacker This post outlines our family’s annual spend for 2022. This is for a family of 3 in Cork, Ireland. For longer time followers, I know it’s been a while 🙂 – I will be posting some big life updates soon so stay tuned. In the meantime, see below the details of our spending from last ... Read mo...


My news feed has been flooded with articles on ways to save money this winter on energy costs.

I was curious how much extra money I was likely going to need to budget for based on my own energy usage so I created a calculator which I'm making available for free!

We personally expect to spend 820€ more than we did last year for the same period for a total output of almost 1,900€ between now and April, even after government credits are applied. 😳

Free Energy Cost Calculator Ireland - Mrs. Money Hacker My news feed has been flooded with articles on ways to save money this winter on energy costs. I was curious how much extra money I was likely going to need to budget for based on my own energy usage so I created a calculator which I’m making available for free! I normally would put ... Read more

Mini-retirement 2 - Canada edition - Mrs. Money Hacker 03/10/2022

Our family is nearing the end of our three-month mini-retirement. Read on to see how we managed it, what it cost and how it went.

Mini-retirement 2 - Canada edition - Mrs. Money Hacker Mrs. Money Hacker is nearing the end of her family's three-month mini-retirement. Read on to see how they managed it, what it cost and how it went.

The Me Monster 13/07/2022

Not exactly finance related but I do think if we take a step back and really look at what makes us happy - it doesn't take long to see that material things do not bring lasting happiness. Once that penny drops and you only spend your money on things that bring lasting happiness (or as this article highlights, giving your time and time to others), it will be much easier to live life within your means, be truly happy and build financial security for yourself.

The Me Monster The best, most direct pathway to lasting happiness and fulfillment is to look not only at your own interests but also to the interests of others.

Money is emotional — but personal finance advice rarely accounts for that 10/07/2022

Interesting post on how emotion and personal relationship with money play an important role in financial literacy which financial planning often does not account for

Money is emotional — but personal finance advice rarely accounts for that Budgeting tips won’t get you very far if you don’t address the elephant in the room.

Documentary True Stories of Investing 09/07/2022

Good series on investing here if you're just getting started.

Documentary True Stories of Investing In this documentary, professors, journalists and investors challenge some of the most common misconceptions about investing by looking at authentic investment stories.

Travel cheaply with HomeExchange - Mrs. Money Hacker 05/06/2022

Travel cheaply with HomeExchange - see how we plan to save over 2,000€ on a 2-week holiday.

Travel cheaply with HomeExchange - Mrs. Money Hacker With the cost of living rising, it can feel like holidays may be out of reach, but with a little outside the box thinking, travel both within Ireland and abroad can soon become more affordable with sites like HomeExchange – think of the movie “The Holiday”. The idea is that you put your home u...


We've reached Coast FIRE!

If we do not invest another cent from today, our investments should reach our retirement goal by age 61 and 65.

This post goes into what this means for our plans.


We're mortgage free!....technically

This posts looks back on our journey so far and the key factors we think got us here.