Mamas.Freedom.Life Videos

Videos by Mamas.Freedom.Life. ~Naomi~ Mama to 2 beautiful babes. Working on myself & towards financial,time and location freedom

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Motherhood… In the blink of an eye, they are all grown. Where they can feed themselves or tie their shoes. Where they no longer want to hold your hand down the road or be carried up to bed TIME is so precious. TIME is so limited. There is never enough TIME So ask yourself, if you were given the chance to savour all the moments with them. To be able to soak it all in because you had the time… would you?! I only have to work 1-2 hrs a day on this buisness which not only gives me TIME but financial freedom to really enjoy all the moments with our littlest, before they are all grown! Follow me for more, to learn about how I am finding TIME ———> @naomi_mamasfreedomlifee 🧡 #motherhood #mamahood #mama #time #preciousmoments #soakitaup #onlinebusiness #timefreedom #financialfreedom #befree #liveonyourterms

Nothing worth having is easy ✨ Network marketing makes more 6 figure female income earners than any other industry in the world. Mamas! Did you read that?! By no means, this is not a get quick rich scheme. It requires self development, consistency,self belief. But be sure to know, when you look back in 12 months time. It will be the best decsion you’ve ever made for your family To be able to put aside the endlessness of the rat race and embrace every moment with your babies, your partner. To build a future only made for dreams. It can be yours. You are worth more. #eacapetheratrace #buildyourempire#startnow #ayearfromnow #networkmarketing #mamas #doitforyou #doitforyourfanily #buildyouronlinebusiness

Choose your time wisely ✨ I have always worked shift work, it has all I’ve ever known. I came into my career from doing the usual expected route of college, uni, and earn a degree of BSC honours. The NHS is all I’ve ever known. For the past 12 months since returning from my 2nd maternity leave I have put in so many extra hours in at work. I hardly left the place! Recently having to have some time off as I recovered from an op, this statement has been eye opening! The people you work shift in shift out were just that. The time & hours I invested over and over were easily replaced by someone else. However as soon as I open my front door I’m greeted with shouts for mummy. I’m needed here day in day out. I will always be their first choice. So when I came across this opportunity to become my own boss, to work the hours that worked for me so I could prioritise every moment with my family,you best believe I made it my focus to become my new reality. #prioritisewhatsinportant #myfamily #investingmytimewisely #onlinebusiness #beingmyownboss #workingforme #forourfuture

Choose your time wisely ✨ I have always worked shift work, it has all I’ve ever known. I came into my career from doing the usual expected route of college, uni, and earn a degree of BSC honours. The NHS is all I’ve ever known. For the past 12 months since returning from my 2nd maternity leave I have put in so many extra hours in at work. I hardly left the place! Recently having to have some time off as I recovered from an op, this statement has been eye opening! The people you work shift in shift out were just that. The time & hours I invested over and over were easily replaced by someone else. However as soon as I open my front door I’m greeted with shouts for mummy. I’m needed here day in day out. I will always be their first choice. So when I came across this opportunity to become my own boss, to work the hours that worked for me so I could prioritise every moment with my family,you best believe I made it my focus to become my new reality. #prioritisewhatsinportant #myfamily #investingmytimewisely #onlinebusiness #beingmyownboss #workingforme #forourfuture I