Betty Kuffel Author Page

Betty Kuffel Author Page

Montana Sunrise Books came to me one morning as I began my usual writing routine before dawn. As the

My writing interests in writing include: True Crime, Bio-thriller, an ER based medical murder mystery series, science based women's health and magazine articles/ monthly journal articles on women's health for Montana Woman. I have two blogs: On writing: and - On science-based women's health:

Dead Right – Guest Post by Dr. Betty Kuffel - 21/11/2023

Author Deb Burke, a longtime friend and critique partner invited me to be a guest author on a writing blog The Kill Zone where she writes regularly. Here is my blog entry, published today:

Dead Right – Guest Post by Dr. Betty Kuffel - by Debbie Burke In 2004, a small plane carrying Dr. Betty Kuffel, her husband, and their dog crashed into a remote, snowy Idaho mountain, leaving her leg crushed and dangling with bones exposed. Where most people would be consumed by helpless panic, Betty stayed calm. With her husband....


Today Monday October 2
Kalispell location 247 1st Ave E, Kalispell

Bring a banned or challenged book or a sign in support of the freedom to read.

Sponsored by Flathead County Library Alliance

Photos from Betty Kuffel Author Page's post 06/09/2023

Authors of the Flathead is a dynamic writer group with weekly educational meetings. Our annual Flathead Writers Conference is scheduled for September 30th and October 1. This year it is being held at the Red Lion in Kalispell. The pre-conference workshop on Sept. 29th is filled. For information on conference content, speakers and opportunities please go to our website:

Our annual picnic occurred last week at Whitefish City Beach. It was a fun gathering of writers and their families sharing stories and achievements, including Glenn Schiffman with his new publication, Life in the Fast Lane: Truckin' on the 1970s Rock'n'Roll Road. Here is his description: "The 1970s Rock'n'Roll Road is paved with myths and stories. Some of them are mine. In this fictional autobiography, events and names are often changed for privacy, but much of it is mostly true..." it is available at many locations.

Here are a few photos of the group and our scenic setting on Whitefish Lake.

Photos from Betty Kuffel Author Page's post 27/05/2023

Join the Montana Women Writers. Photos from a recent social event in Kathy's backyard. Great setting, new members, camaraderie and support for writers at all stages.


Performance Tips for Sharing Your Work Out Loud

We write and rewrite to polish our words for others to read silently on their own. But some poets and authors also share their work verbally -- at open reads for feedback, at book signings, in TED Talks, on book club Author Zooms or podcast interviews, and also at live or recorded “poetry slams” or “spoken word concerts” (i.e. pre-curated events for writers, like The Moth or PBS' series "Stories From the Stage").

It takes practice for most writers to get comfortable presenting their words to live audiences.

On 8/25 at 12 noon at Wheat Montana on Main in Kalispell
Barbara Schiffman-Co-founder of LA’s Toastmasters4Writers club AND Founding member of online-only Write On Toastmasters

She will share some performance tips you can use right away, no matter what genre you write.

Then break the ice with us by reading aloud to practice pacing, rhythm and vocal variety.

For this fun informative event, bring a poem (or a few if haiku!), a short story or a personal essay that takes 2-5 minutes to read aloud.

This can be your original work or by someone else -- any genre. Choose one you’ll enjoy reading out loud!

Hope to see you there!


A WOMAN’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE LIPSTICK LOGIC BLOG Statement of Purpose Lipstick Logic ™ LLC was founded in 2008 to provide education and health conferences for women. This blog was developed as a way to reach a larger female au…


Have you tried writing a haiku verse?
This Japanese poetry form captures a moment and creates a picture in the reader's mind. It is written in three lines. Five syllables in the first line, seven in the second line and five in the last line.

Today is the 18th anniversary of our near-fatal plane crash in the snowy mountains of Idaho. Thanks to surviving, I was able to meet our wonderful granddaughter and watch her grow to a remarkable 15 year old.

A haiku to Jenna:

A mountain plane crash
Failed to annihilate dreams.
We lived to meet her.

Videos (show all)

Deadly Pyre - Kelly McKay Medical Thriller - Book 1
Deadly Pyre - Medical Thriller trailer