Serenity's Crystal Soul Massage

Serenity's Crystal Soul Massage

I am a Reiki Master, teacher and do massage. I am a Certified Chair Massage Practitioner bonus is Cr


Message for today: law of attraction works both ways in negativity and positive. You create what you ultimately attract. You are a very powerful being with much to create.
Love to you all.


Message for today: you have all you need at this moment. Trust and live fully for the moment. Your history is filled with beautiful and heart felt moments but littered with many negative emotions and reactions to losses of moments. Embrace all moments and live your way .
Love to you all.


Message for today: free will is a "gift" we have. Choices we make every day is due to this "gift". Situations and incidents maybe overwhelming while testing our resolves and resources. This is a gentle reminder your reactions to these are your expression of emotions and fear. Process, dwell with the effect, discuss with whomever you trust, regroup, shake the s**t off and strut with a golden aura of triumph or confidence in yourself.


Creating happening this weekend. I am grateful for this time.


Message for today: manifest all you want and believe it has happened.
Dream and achieve .
Love to you all.


Message for today: embrace all aspects of self. You are multifaceted with great purpose. Heal, embrace, learn, grow and fall down but move forward after resting. You are glorious and celebrated.
Love to you all.


Message for today: don't allow another's toxicity disguised as concern or love drain your shine or confidence. You are beautiful .
Love to you all.


Message for today: I will not apologize for being my authentic self.
Love to you all.


Message for today: Praise, compliments and accolades are a wonderful way others share their view of you. You are loved, celebrated and recognized by others for being your true self. Believe in you as others see it.
Love to you all.


Message for today: Only you know your true worth.
I value everyone who reads these messages and am grateful to share them.
Love to you all.


Classes coming soon :
Intention bottles, manifesting class, intuitive tarot and learning about crystal massage


Message for today: learning never stops, no age limitations or judgment. You go for it, new interests, job exploration or returning to school. You don't need permission from anybody but you. Be proud of yourself and conquer the world with knowledge and expansion of experience.
Love to you all.


Message for today: you are hope and light with a huge mixture of doubt. You are moving forward through lots of stuff, healing, sharing and offloading others garbage. You are evolving with a respectful deattachment for others bs as potential triggers.
Love to you all.


Message for today: You have a choice always. You can choose to remain in a box and stagnant. Or move outside your comfort and explore possibilities. Yes there will be growth issues during all processes while gaining valuable lessons and experience to share with your like minded tribe. You will find your community if you are willing to grow.
Love to you all. Holding space.

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Message for today- Happy Mother's Day. Yes you can love the people who help create you, feed, housed and raised you from afar. If those people are a very huge toxicity in your life, you can limited your personal time with them or even cut them from your life. You need to to what is best for your health. The Universe does provide for us in all things at all times if we are willing to listen, look and learn.
Love to you all and holding space for those in need. Hugs

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Message for today: Do what you are able to complete and rest. Life is too short to stress about everything. Work at your pace and enjoy. You are capable of great things. You are valued. You are human.
Love to you all. Exhaustion at any level should not be tolerate.


What would a witch do on an overcast rainy day besides fill bottles with rain? Dehydrate oranges for sunshine later and for spells.


Message for today


Message for today : embrace your inner witch. Pickup that rock or keep the empty bottle or buy a herb you know you won't use for cooking. We are all born with knowledge of much, we forget to listen for whatever reason, but we feel or get attracted to something that is not the norm for us. Your inner witch is talking to you.
Love to you all. You are a powerful person and are worthy of everything you achieve.


Message for today: you are allowed to distance yourself from the "normal for showing up for others". You are not being "selfish or a let down", you are taking care of you!!!
Love to you all.


Message for today: you are allowed to complain about the negativity in you life in voice, writing or venting. Sometimes letting it out clears you. Constructive complaints are a good thing to practice in your life
Love to you all. Holding space for those who need.


Message for today: use your fears to manifest your positive future.
I am frightened of having unlimited wealth and abundance.
Love to you all and using my fear for positive things.


Message for today: LOVE
Simple and for everyone.
Hugs to you all.
Love you


Message for today: Please stop being a reflection of the negativity of others, ie their trials, and tribulations or their losses. Be a mirror of the positive aspect of their negative moments. Be empathetic but remain true to you. You are here to grow, learn and support with out losses of you.
Love to you all. Hugs

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Message for today
