Brittany's Pampered Chef Page

Brittany's Pampered Chef Page

Welcome to my Pampered Chef Kitchen, where magic happens! I hope you have a passion for cooking as much as I do! Enjoy!

If not, let's change that by making cooking easier and much more fun! Stay informed on all the great sales, specials, and cooking tips!

My Story

Welcome to my kitchen! I am so excited to have you! If you don’t already know me, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have been married to the love of my life for 5 years now with a bunch of fur babies. I’m such an animal lover. It’s a problem. I love dogs, shopping, drinking coffee...lots of coffee, volunteering at the church my husband and I are members of, and oh yeah! I can’t leave out a super important fact! I LOVE COOKING!!!! I’ve been baking in the kitchen with my grandmother since I was a little girl. One of my first memories of cooking with her would be the chocolate gravy we made. Oh how I love that odd, southern dish! If you haven’t tried it, I’d be happy to give you the recipe! My passion for cooking has led me here. I have searched and searched for the best cookware and I can assure you, I’ve found it! Pampered Chef has so many AMAZING products that I’m not sure how I got by all these years without it. If you don’t already enjoy cooking, I will try and change that for you! It can be so easy and so much fun! If you’d like to host a party to learn more and earn free products, contact me! I’d love to chat with you!