Just Imagine

Just Imagine

Just Imagine . . . allowing yourself time to visit your imagination and create the world you want to live in.

The beauty about imagination is that it is the place where creativity and change can be made. I started in association management over twenty-five years ago and today I am entering a new phase of dialogue mentoring, compassion work and providing energetic healing through Reiki. I imagined a company that could provide loving services to people wishing to see their world (jobs, families, relationshi


If you knew you were going to die tonight, how would you live today?

So many people spend time, energy and money on ways not to die, that many times not a lot of living is going on. Or, we don't tend to our relationships thinking there will be time later.

What if someone receives news they are going to die, instead of saying "keep fighting" or "you can beat this" we say "how can I support your living or life"?

If they choose medical treatments, we support them because that's how they want to live. If they choose no intervention, we support them because that's how they want to live. But we can only be aware of both choices if we are not avoiding the reality that death will come.

Each morning that we wake up and are alive, maybe start the day asking "how shall I live today"?


Imagine this: What if we could live as if each experience wasn't punishment or reward, but a training for taking us to where our soul really wants to be? As I approach my 60th year, I will be reflecting and sharing some examples of what I've learned.

Over 15-years ago a friend and I imagined a nonprofit that existed to boost and support other nonprofits. We would provide gap funding, support for training, networking for executive directors (through a group I started that we called The Lunch Bunch), and provide volunteers for events. I loved mentoring and working with smaller nonprofits trying to set up their infrastructure so they could have impact around their mission. Mercey Springs Foundation was my heart and passion for many years (and yes, Mercey is spelled correctly. Named after Mercey Springs Road in Los Banos, CA).

I suffered a compassion burnout so intense I had to leave Mercey Springs and move on to other things. This was a dark time in my life as I felt lost and didn't really know what I wanted in my future. So, I trained in Contemplative Dialogue, became immersed in studying self-compassion and became a part of the compassion movement in Sacramento. This kept me busy.

Covid hit and it gave me time to look at all the busyness I had created in my life. I knew I wanted a change.

This year I started working for a nonprofit that exists to support and build up other nonprofits. The Impact Foundry addresses issues of nonprofit sustainability, provides training, network opportunities, training and a CIU (Cultural Intelligence Unit) and a newly formed Association Services division that will provide administrative and leadership support to organizations that need it while they work their mission. They have a strong and supportive Board and deep community support. www.theimpactfoundry.org

I sat in a room yesterday with some of the most compassionate, open and giving people discussing the mission and future of The Impact Foundry. The dialogue was open and generative with many perspectives represented.

To me, this isn't "full circle" but "spiral" in nature. I needed to learn lessons through Mercey Springs so that I could be a player at the table yesterday. I can only imagine what might be next!
