ACD Guatemala

ACD Guatemala

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from ACD Guatemala, Nonprofit Organization, .

We work in the Western Highlands of Guatemala to support children, youth, women and families through education, medical and spiritual care, recreation and economic empowerment for the prevention of violence and irregular migration to the U.S.

Photos from First United Methodist Church Murfreesboro's post 25/07/2024

We feel so blessed for our time together and we are sure this will be a great journey together as partners.

See you soon, dear missionaries and friends.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 15/07/2024

We are deeply grateful for the arrival of the missionaries of Franklin First United Methodist Church to Guatemala; the majority of them, have seen us grow as an institution and have been a fundamental part of ACD Guatemala. This week of mission, they will be carrying out a medical journey, installation of ecological stoves, delivery of ecofilters and casting of concrete floors. The most important part for us is all the love, support and dedication that you have shown over the years to us and the Community. We feel honored to be part of this brotherhood in Christ, who brings the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.


Estamos profundamente agradecidos por la venida de los misioneros de Franklin First United Methodist Church a Guatemala; la mayoría, nos ha visto crecer como institución y han sido parte fundamental de ACD Guatemala. Esta semana de misión estarán llevando a cabo una jornada médica. Instalación de estufas ecológicas, entrega de ecofiltros y fundición de piso de concreto. Lo mas importante para nosotros, es todo el amor, apoyo y dedicación que han demostrado a lo largo de los años, hacía nosotros y la Comunidad. No podríamos estar mas comprometidos, nos sentimos honrados de ser parte de esta hermandad en Cristo, que trae el reino de los cielos a la tierra.


Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 08/07/2024

We have carried out a successful tour in Southern California with organizations that work with our migrant population, achieving important strategies and agreements to maintain a constant conversation about the needs of migrants. Why California? It is the state that hosts the majority of Guatemalan migrants and is the most popular entrance for unaccompanied CHILDREN, topic where our work began twelve years ago. The narrative here, allows us to understand the situation better so we can build solutions in Guatemala.


Hemos llevado a cabo un exitoso tour en el Sur de California con organizaciones que trabajan con nuestra población migrante, logrando importantes conexiones y estrategias para mantener una conversación constante sobre las necesidas de las personas migrantes. ¿Por qué California? Es el Estado que alberga una gran mayoría de migrantes guatemaltecos y es la zona de entrada iregular mas popular entre niños migrantes no acompañados, tema en donde nuestro trabajo inició hace doce años. La narrativa nos permite entender desde otro contexto el fenomeno, ayudandonos así a construir mejores soluciones en Guatemala.


Happy 4th of July! We hope you enjoy the fireworks, parades, festivals, fairs, rodeo, racing, baseball and all that amazing activities planned to commemorate this day!

With Love, ACD Guatemala Team.


Excited about this amazing opportunity. We will be connecting with law officces, ngos and more to have a deep conversation about migration and future. We are so grateful!

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 21/06/2024

Words are not enough to describe all the beautiful work that last week’s youth mission accomplished. God’s love speaks in various ways, and one of them is through service, we are pleased to know that we are not alone in this mission of bringing relief to dozens of families who need it and that you have been allies and a fundamental part of it. Last week we delivered ecological stoves, ecofilters and concrete floors were poured; also we had amazing VBS activities all week! the relief and dignity this brings to children, women and men in the community is unimaginable, we are deeply grateful and moved. Thank you young leaders for your commitment, thank you to all those who made this mission a reality 🙏🏻🙌🏻❤️


Las palabras no alcanzan para describir todo el hermoso trabajo que la misión de jóvenes de la semana pasada llevaron a cabo. El amor de Dios habla de diversas maneras, y una de ellas es a través del servicio, nos agrada saber que no estamos solos en esta misión de traer alivio a decenas de familias que lo necesitan y que ustedes han sido aliados y una parte fundamental de ello. La semana pasada se entregaron estufas ecológicas, ecofiltros y se fundieron pisos de concreto; el alivio y la dignidad que esto trae a niños, mujeres y hombres de la comunidad es inimaginable, estamos profundamente agradecidos y conmovidos. Gracias por su compromiso jóvenes lideres, gracias a todos aquellos que hicieron esta misión una realidad. 🙌🏻👏🏻❤️

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 10/06/2024

We are deeply surprised by the love of God, which we can perceive with the arrival of the missions to ACD Guatemala; we welcome, recognize and deeply thank the effort to bring this amazing Youth Mission from Franklin First United Methodist Church to Guatemala this young missionaries arrived in Guatemala yesterday from Tennessee to spread the word and mercy of God through beautiful acts of service, such as the installation of ecological stoves, delivery of ecofilters, pouring of concrete floors and sharing beautiful moments with the children from the scholarship program. We can’t wait to see everything this week will bring for all of us together as a great team creating miracles in our community.


Estamos profundamente sorprendidos del amor de Dios, que Podemos percibir con la llegada de las misiones a ACD Guatemala; damos la bienvenida, reconocemos y agradecemos profundamente a los misioneros jovenes que llegaron a Guatemala el día de ayer desde Tennesse para difundir la palabra y la misericordia de Dios a tráves de hermosos actos de servicio, como la instalación de estufas ecologicas, entrega de ecofiltros, fundicion de pisos de concreto y compartir hermosos momentos junto a los niños del programa de becas. Estamos ansiosos de ver todo lo que esta semana traerá para todos nosotros juntos como un grandioso equipo creando juntos milagros en nuestra comunidad.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 06/06/2024

This is bittersweet news for us: our beloved Pastor Jason Brock returns to the United States after more than 8 years of accompanying us on this path. Although it has not been easy, with God’s blessing, it has been full of satisfaction, joy and hard work. Pastor Jason’s tireless work has been a pillar for ACD Guatemala, his efforts, his commitment with the children from the community, his love for the clinic and the health of thousands of Guatemalans, has made the medical program a success. His determination regarding the international missions and his important work connecting with various partners has allowed us to grow incredibly and we could not be more grateful. We know that this is not the end of our adventures, because we are sure that we will continue to see miracles together. We wish you success, health and life, dear Pastor Jason, return soon to your second Home in Xela. ❤️ This is not goodbye, it’s a big SEE YOU LATER. 🙌🏻


Esta es una noticia agridulce para nosotros: nuestro querido Pastor Jason Brock regresa a Estados Unidos despues de mas de 8 años de acompañarnos en este camino, que aunque no ha sido facil, con la bendicion de Dios, ha estado lleno de satisfacciones, alegrias y trabajo duro. El trabajo incansable de Pastor Jason, ha sido una columna para ACD Guatemala, sus gestiones, su amor por la clinica comunitaria y la salud de miles de guatemaltecos, ha hecho del programa medico un éxito; su determinación respecto a las misiones y su importante labor de conexión con varios socios nos ha permitido crecer increiblemente y no podriamos estar mas agradecidos. Sabemos que este no es el final de nuestras aventuras, pues seguros estamos que seguiremos viendo milagros juntos. Te deseamos exitos, salud y vida querido Pastor Jason, vuelve pronto a tu segundo Hogar en Xela. ❤️🙌🏻

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 23/05/2024

We are beyond thankful for these incredible two weeks with you in Guatemala. We have experienced the Kingdom of God on earth. We had the opportunity to share with wonderful people, full of energy and love for others, as Jesus said in the gospel.

Together we have addressed the physical and social needs of neighbors indeed, experiencing the love of God through sharing, collaborating, spreading the word of God and his teachings; the greater impact has been the development of mutual transforming in the Spirit. We are so grateful, and there will always be a place for you guys in your second home, ACD Guatemala. We are looking forward to see you soon.

P.S. There are so many photographs that it was very difficult to choose which ones to post.

With love,


Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 07/05/2024

We are very excited to welcome our partners of Wesley Foundation; it is a pleasure for us to welcome once again incredible missionaries that we already knew, and some others who are coming to our country and our community for the first time. We know that this is the beginning of two wonderful weeks with incredible hardworking people who come with a kind and beautiful heart to collaborate together as brothers in Christ.


Estamos muy contentos de recibir a nuestros socios de Wesley Foundation; es un placer para nosotros recibir una vez mas a increíbles misioneros que ya conocíamos, y algunos otros que por primera vez vienen a nuestro país y a nuestra comunidad. Sabemos que este es el inicio de dos semanas maravillosas junto a personas increíbles y trabajadoras que vienen con un corazón amable y hermoso para colaborar juntos como hermanos en Cristo.


Welcome Partners and dear missionaries! 🙌🏻❤️

This great looking group headed to Guatemala on Sunday to work with our partner ACD Guatemala. We look forward to all their adventures and will keep you posted!
It's not too late to offer your support! Go to our website to make a donation!

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 06/05/2024

The women who are part of our first cohort of culinary students are in their second month of training and we couldn’t be happier with the incredible results and progress they have made. Women’s entrepreneurship is one of the best ways to eradicate gender inequality in complex environments; the purpose of this training program is for them to learn recipes for products that are easy to sell, such as bread, cakes, sausages, cheeses and desserts, thus achieving an immediate income to improve their economic situation. We deeply appreciate all those who have made the dream of our “Kitchen Hub” possible, now reflected in the “Entrepreneurship program and productive projects”
We thank the Chefs Sonia and Margarita for their dedication and love for this project.


Las mujeres que forman parte de nuestra primera cohorte de estudiantes de cocina, van por su segundo mes de formación y no podríamos estar más felices con los increíbles resultados y avances que han tenido; el emprendimiento de mujeres es una de las mejores formas de erradicar la desigualdad de género en ambientes complejos; la finalidad de este programa de formación es que ellas puedan aprender recetas de productos que sean fáciles de vender, como pan, pasteles, salchichas, chorizos, quesos y postres, logrando así un ingreso inmediato para mejorar su situación económica. Agradecemos profundamente a todos aquellos que han hecho posible el sueño de nuestra “Kitchen Hub” reflejado ahora en el programa de emprendimiento y proyectos productivos.

Agradecemos a las Chefs Sonia y Margarita por su dedicación y amor hacia este proyecto.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 03/05/2024

Yesterday, we were pleased to carry out the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding -MOU- between ACD Guatemala and the International Organization for Migration, for the international protection of migrants in transit through Guatemalan territory. This shows the importance of collaboration between global governance and grassroots organizations, with a community focus. We are ready to provide humanitarian assistance and human rights protection to migrants in transit. It is a pleasure and an honor to be able to continue with the work that we have carried out for years together with IOM, now with the help of CAPMiR and IRM.


El día de ayer, tuvimos a bien llevar a cabo la firma del Memorando de Entendimiento (Memorandum of Undestanding -MOU-) entre ACD Guatemala y la Organización Internacional de las Migraciones, para la protección internacional de migrantes en tránsito por territorio guatemalteco. Esto, evidencia la importancia de la colaboración entre gobernanza global y organizaciones de base, con enfoque comunitario. Estamos listos para brindar asistencia humanitaria y protección en materia de Derechos Humanos, a migrantes en tránsito. Es un gusto y un honor poder continuar con el trabajo que durante años hemos llevado a cabo junto a OIM, ahora de la mano de CAPMiR e IRM.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 24/04/2024

As Focus Central America partners, we are deeply grateful to have participated in the 2024 FCA Partner Appreciation Summit, for allowing us the opportunity to share our perspective and views on our community-based association.

We give special emphasis and recognition to the Segal Family, to Mr. Barry Segal for his philanthropy and commitment, to Martin Segal for continuing the altruistic work that his father started, we greatly value the fact that they believe in us. We welcome new Regional Program Officer Veronica Yat to the FCA and ACD family and are looking forward to everything we can do together.

We are very happy to have had the opportunity to share with other NGOs in the region and do networking, so necessary to connect and generate strong ties for the benefit of our communities.

Last but not least, we would like to recognize the work that Abraam Tol carried out for several years as Regional Program Officer, his energy and commitment guided many organizations to follow a promising path. We feel nostalgic but we will continue sharing from new spaces, aimed at the leadership and national projection of youth.


We are excited to collaborate with “El Directorio” as a mentor institution. The mentoring program consists of accompanying organizations and startups in process, essential to build impact and sustainability We thank its Director and Co-Founder Katie Brickwood; we also thank Focus Central America for creating impact networks in Central America.


Estamos emocionados por colaborar con El Directorio como institución mentora. El programa de Mentoring consiste en acompañar organizaciones en fase de startup, en procesos esenciales para construir impacto y sostenibilidad. Agradecemos a su Directora y co fundadora Katie Brickwood y a Focus Central América por crear redes de impacto en Centroamérica.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 04/04/2024

Today and in follow-up to previous approaches, we held a work and proposal meeting with IOM colleagues from CAPMiR Quetzaltenango, with the purpose of generating a roadmap to be able to work hand in hand with respect to the humanitarian aid that is currently being provided to migrants in transit through the country. We will be updating regarding the actions that will be taken to keep you informed about this.


EL día de hoy y en seguimiento a previos acercamientos, se llevó a cabo una reunión junto a los colegas de OIM en el CAPMiR de Quetzaltenango, con la finalidad de generar una hoja de ruta para poder trabajar de la mano respecto a la ayuda humanitaria que se esta brindando actualmente a personas migrantes en transito por el país. Estaremos actualizando respecto a las acciones que se estaran tomando para mantenerles informados al respecto.


The Focus Central America, Partner Appreciation Summit 2024, will be held April 15-17, and we are honored to share that our Executive Director MsC. Lucía Muñoz Argueta, has been invited to co-chair the panel called “Volunteer Management”; We are completely grateful for the FCA initiative in promoting these regional meetings that are of mutual benefit for all those who are working to solve various community problems. “Building community with community-led movements”

La cumbre de apreciación de socios de Focus Central America se estara llevando la cabo del 15 al 17 de abril, y es un honor para nosotros comunicar que nuestra directora ejecutiva MsC. Lucía Muñoz Argueta, ha sido invitada a co-dirigir el panel denominado “Gestión de Voluntarios”; estamos completamente agradecidos con la iniciativa de FCA al propiciar estos encuentros regionales que son de beneficio mutuo para todos aquellos que se encuentran trabajando en la resolución de diversos problemas comunitarios. “Construyendo comunidad con movimientos liderados por la comunidad”


“Holy Week in Guatemala, declared for UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, is one of the country’s most notable events, entailing processions, vigils, funeral marches, seasonal gastronomy and the creation of carpets, orchards and altars. On this occasion, the fronts of houses and buildings are also decorated, adding to the festive atmosphere. Holy Week is a religious and cultural celebration that commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. A representation of the cultural diversity of the country, for centuries it has represented an identification with pain and a cult of death that was familiar to Guatemala’s original inhabitants, a characteristic that remains to this day and that, despite an apparent contradiction, symbolizes hope and union. “

“ La Semana Santa en Guatemala, declarada por UNESCO como patrimonio intangible de la Humanidad, es uno de los acontecimientos más notables del país, con procesiones, vigilias, marchas fúnebres, gastronomía de temporada y creación de tapices de flores y altares. Para esta ocasión, también se adornan las fachadas de las casas y los edificios, lo que contribuye al ambiente festivo. La Semana Santa es una celebración religiosa y cultural que conmemora la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Representación de la diversidad cultural del país, durante siglos ha significado la identificación con el dolor y el culto a la muerte que conocían los habitantes originarios de Guatemala, característica que se mantiene hasta nuestros días y que, a pesar de una aparente contradicción, simboliza la esperanza y la unión. “

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 14/03/2024

We would like to thank and recognize the hard work of Doctor Robin Wilhite and his team. His love and dedication to the community in recent years is reflected in the well-being and oral health of hundreds of people.


Nos gustaría agradecer y reconocer el trabajo duro del Doctor Robin Wilhite y su equipo. Su amor y dedicación a nuestra comunidad en los últimos años, se ha reflejado en el bienestar y la salud dental de cientos de personas.


We are deeply grateful to all the donors who have made it possible the fact that bright and talented students have the opportunity to travel to Argentina to the Moot Court Competition. We wish you all the best. Go and represent Quetzaltenango and Guatemala in the international field. Go go go!!👏🏻

Estamos profundamente agradecidos con todos los donadores que han hecho posible el hecho que brillantes y talentosos estudiantes participen del Moot Court Internacional; les deseamos todo lo mejor. vayan y representen a Quetzaltenango y a Guatemala en el campo internacional. Vamos vamos vamos!!👏🏻


Queremos conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer, compartiendo historias de mujeres fuertes, valientes y exitosas, que han roto esquemas y se encuentran luchando por sus sueños cada una desde sus espacios.

Conoce más a Fernanda, sus luchas y sus motivaciones.

Inspirémonos y sostengámonos unas a otras en aras de abrir el camino para las futuras generaciones en igualdad y equidad.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY | ACD GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY por ACD Guatemala | Mar 7, 2024 | 8 Marzo, Derechos Humanos, Desarrollo, Guatemala, Mujeres, Quetzaltenango | 0 Comentarios EN ACD GUATEMALA CELEBRAMOS EL 8 DE MARZO CON HISTORIAS QUE INSPIRAN FERNANDA PASTOR Bachiller en Diseño y Arquitectura, estudiante del primer año...


Queremos conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer, compartiendo historias de mujeres fuertes, valientes y exitosas, que han roto esquemas y se encuentran luchando por sus sueños cada una desde sus espacios.

Conoce más a Lila, sus luchas y sus motivaciones.

Inspirémonos y sostengámonos unas a otras en aras de abrir el camino para las futuras generaciones en igualdad y equidad.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN´S DAY | ACD GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL WOMEN´S DAY por ACD Guatemala | Mar 7, 2024 | 8 Marzo, Derechos Humanos, Desarrollo, Guatemala, Mujeres, Quetzaltenango | 0 Comentarios EN ACD GUATEMALA CELEBRAMOS EL 8 DE MARZO CON HISTORIAS QUE INSPIRAN Internacionalista y Politóloga, apasionada por el desarrollo sostenible y las b...


Queremos conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujer, compartiendo historias de mujeres fuertes, valientes y exitosas, que han roto esquemas y se encuentran luchando por sus sueños cada una desde sus espacios.

Conoce más a Bárbara, sus luchas y sus motivaciones.

Inspirémonos y sostengámonos unas a otras en aras de abrir el camino para las futuras generaciones en igualdad y equidad.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY | ACD GUATEMALA INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY por ACD Guatemala | Mar 7, 2024 | Derechos Humanos, Desarrollo, Guatemala | 0 Comentarios EN ACD GUATEMALA CELEBRAMOS EL 8 DE MARZO CON HISTORIAS QUE INSPIRAN Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencias Políticas, Magister en Administración Pública y Maestrante...

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 07/03/2024

The aedile rod is a type of small short cane, usually ornamented with a metal handle, in silver or bronze. that the mayors hold in their hands, and display, during solemn public events, in which it corresponds, to highlight the presence and power of the office. In this case, in the hands of the Community Mayor, who has shown that despite harsh criticism, because she is a woman, that will not stop the hard work. We encourage the participation of women in public and political spaces. Women’s worldview deserves to be seen and projected to society. A more equitable world is possible.


La vara edil es una especie de pequeño bastón corto, normalmente ornamentado con una empuñadura metálica, en plata o bronce, que los alcaldes sujetan en sus manos, y exhiben, durante los actos públicos solemnes, en los cuales corresponde, resaltar la presencia y el poder del cargo. En este caso, en las manos de la Alcaldesa Comunitaria, quien ha demostrado que a pesar de duras criticas, por el hecho de ser mujer, no detendran su trabajo duro. Alentamos la participación de mujeres en espacios publicos y politicos. La visión del mundo de las mujeres merece ser vista y proyectada a la sociedad. Un mundo mas equitativo es posible.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 06/03/2024

En el marco de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, se llevó a cabo el conversatorio: “Desafíos y oportunidades que las mujeres afrontan ante la sociedad” en donde se dio lugar, en un espacio seguro, para que mujeres de diversos entornos, tuvieran a bien plantear los retos y caminos que las mujeres enfrentan en Pleno Siglo XXI, evidenciando que aunque se ha recorrido un amplio camino, aún no es suficiente y es solamente sosteniéndose unas a otras, en sororidad, que existirá la posibilidad de ampliar los horizontes para todas. Existe una necesidad inmediata de participación de la mujer en espacios públicos, que generen nuevas y mejores oportunidades para las generaciones venideras.


La labor de las ONG es muy variada, desde funciones humanitarias, defensa de Derechos Humanos, educación y búsqueda de acceso a la salud y recursos básicos, protección de flora y fauna, es innegable el papel tan importante que desarrollan en el mundo actual por la búsqueda de garantizar el bienestar público y social.

Queremos reconocer y felicitar a todas las instituciones y organismos no gubernamentales, por su ardua labor, no siempre visible pero sumamente necesaria. A seguir con el trabajo duro, porque en nuestro caso, no paramos un solo día.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 23/11/2023

Cerrando 2023 con la visita del Oficial Regional para Centroamérica de Focus Central America, Abraam Tool; estamos honrados de poder compartir nuestros logros del año 2023 a través de nuestro Informe Anual. Agradecemos profundamente a FCA por ser nuestros socios para el desarrollo sostenible en Guatemala., vemos hacía el 2024 con optimismo y seguridad.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 13/11/2023

Today we remember our dear friends from they came to provide quality medical care through the medical journey that lasted a week. It was very cold in Xela but that did not stop them from fulfilling their mission. It is also a pleasure to tell you that our sports space has several improvements. They were able to check the plans we have for the kitchen hub and they know the positive impact that this space will bring to the women of our community. We are completely grateful and we praise God for all the opportunities and we couldn’t wait to have our beloved partners back home in Guatemala.

Photos from ACD Guatemala's post 02/11/2023

📍Our volunteers from have been serving and providing in our community for 3 days now. We follow the teaching and example of Jesus, and that strengthens our bond and the success of our partnership. We deeply thank your time and love towards Guatemala and ACD.

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10)

Photos from Franklin First United Methodist Church's post 30/10/2023

So thankful for you Franklin First United Methodist Church

Videos (show all)

❤️🙏🏻Happy thanksgiving friends, family and partners!This year has been full of blessings and inner truth and we are trul...
Ecofiltro from Guatemala to the world💦🌎 We visited our Partners at the EcoFiltro Factory in our way to Antigua. We had a...
Dear friends, we thank all those who prayed for the health of Stephanie's dad. He is now resting in peace and in the pre...
How does it feel to support?   Steve Fulton 🇬🇹💜🇺🇲💦
We are getting the #ecofiltros Steve Fulton, too much love and support ready for next week! 🇺🇲💜🇬🇹💦
📍🇺🇸Pastor Jason is thrilled to be working in the facility!! Throughout the years, together (ACD & partners) we have work...
📍Meanwhile in Guatemala a family has been benefited with an ecological stove, meaning their house is 100% smoke free. Ou...
📍Storytelling "Get potable water is expensive, right now we can't afford it. This is the worst economy we never had" - A...
Papa Grande explaning the new project🏡🇺🇸🇬🇹💜👷‍♀️🇺🇸 He helped us create the vision, plan and clean the area! Thank you PG ...
❤️Marina Rawls this video is for you❤️🙏🏻Carlos is every grateful for the gift you sent him, she says thank you so much, ...
We are grateful for all your work and supportTanners Guatemala mission #happiness #sport #goals #Guatemala #unitedstates

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 16:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 16:00